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中国加入WTO以后,烟草工业企业面对市场的压力越来越大,推进服务营销尤为重要。然而,在Internet时代客户比以前有了更多的选择,而且只需轻轻点击鼠标就可以贴近你或离你而去。因此,对于企业来说仅仅满足客户的需求已远远不够,更重要的是如何能让服务给客户留下深刻的印象。CSS作为一种前景广阔的企业解决方案,也越来越多地显示出其在以客户服务为中心的时代无可替代的重要地位。  相似文献   

在以客户为中心的客户经济时代,如何获取新客户,保留老客户,为现有客户提供最佳的服务并从中最大限度获取利润,已经成为摆在每个企业面前的一个关键课题。随着企业对客户服务的重视程度越来越高,一种充分利用现有通信手段和计算机技术的全新现代化服务方式——客户服务中心应运而生。在现代企业的经营模式中,客户服务中心已成为衡量企业经营规模、企业信誉和企业形象的必不可少的关键部门。但其不菲的价格往往令许多企业望而却步,越来越多的企业期盼着一种既能拥有先进的技术,丰富的功能和高可靠性,规模可以灵活伸缩,同时又价格适中的企业级客户服务中心解决方案。本期“方案E览”将向读者介绍Avaya和浪潮英信的呼叫中心解决方案。  相似文献   

一、客户驱动时代的到来 1.客户驱动时代来临的表征 随着通讯等信息技术的发展,技术传播和更新速度的提高以及融资手段、方式的多样化,企业间的竞争逐渐深化到智力资本层面.其最主要的特征即客户驱动,因此我们逐步迈入到一个客户驱动的时代.客户驱动要求企业必须按照客户的喜好向客户提供他们认为有价值的服务,而不能提供自认为有用的服务.只有在熟悉客户需求的前提下才能实现客户驱动.  相似文献   

电子商务时代,信息技术革命极大地改变了商业模式.一个企业是否有竞争力已不再完全取决于它的生产运作效率,而在很大程度上取决于它是否建立和保持良好的客户关系.这表明,现在我们已经进入了客户导向的时代.深入了解客户需求,及时将客户意见反馈到产品、服务设计中,为客户提供更加个性化、深入化的服务,将成为企业成功的关键.  相似文献   

随着当今时代的发展,因特网以惊人的速度对社会文化,经济发展产生日益深远的影响,企业要想自身更好的发展,企业网站就必须规划的更好.网站作为企业信息化的一个重要部分,用于展现一个企业的形象,为客户或者消费者提供更加完善的服务.本文就是针对广大客户的需求来开发的一款时尚信息服务平台,还针对客户和消费者所提出的要求来设计一些特有的风格.  相似文献   

"目前搞信息化,从国家的战略和文化上看,都在强调融合.如何把客户的企业管理、生产、技术研发等过程融合在一起,是现在集成商需要研究的重要问题." 华迪计算机集团有限公司总裁张长江表示,华迪IT服务的品牌已经得到越来越多客户的认可,而基于仿真系统的IT服务对于华迪扩大服务业务规模,提高赢利能力意义重大.  相似文献   

正服务是统一通信行业厂商得以长久发展的重要因素。服务给客户带来的不仅仅是沟通和协作水平的提升,更多地是帮助企业提高了运营效率,实现利润的最大化。这一价值已逐渐被越来越多的企业接受,服务已经成为选择供应商的重要标准之一。Polycom深耕服务多年,在客户中积累了良好的口碑。而在中国,Polycom服务团队针对中国客户需求精心打造本地化解决方案,并着力于提升快速反应能力,凭借专业的团队和丰富的  相似文献   

越来越多的企业不再做终端,而是选择提供服务接口给自己的目标客户,这种模式类似于微服务,IT和业务的融合越来越走向统一化。在应用经济时代下,软件驱动业务的现象在各行各业都屡见不鲜,汽车、金融、健康、交通、零售、新媒体等领域尤为显著。据统计,中国智能手机的普及率已超过70%,69%的智能手机用户使用智能手机购买过产品或服务。这些都是应用经济时代的缩影。  相似文献   

石菲 《中国信息化》2014,(14):60-60
随着新互联网时代的到来,用户对灵活性和敏捷性的要求越来越大。在移动方面,以移动与云服务为特色的个人化运算受到关注。整合移动应用和云平台为客户提供个性化服务、个性化运算成为关键。另一方面,可以随业务需求自行组合的流程与服务越来越受到企业关注。因此怎样把各种业务流程简单地整合起来,实现新的业务流程越来越受到重视。  相似文献   

一、实时企业正在成为时下企业竞争的主流 商务速度对于一家企业而言,已经变得越来越重要。随便拜访一下你的客户就会发现,没有一个客户会抱怨你的反应时间太快,恰恰相反,所有的客户在投诉的时候都恨不得几秒钟内就得到响应。同样,一个企业的CEO可能不是要等到第2天,而是在几分钟内就要得到整个公司的财务状况。所以说商务速度对企业的经营而言,已经是关键的资源。随着企业用  相似文献   

电力企业的客户服务关系到客户的切身利益和企业的经营效益,提升客服系统对电力客户诉求预判的分析与理解能力是改善电力行业客服质量的重要途径之一。为高效、针对性地解决电力客户集中需求,做到“先于客户所想”,本文以深度神经网络技术为基础,针对电力领域改进传统的中文文本分词技术以及特征提取方法,给出电力客户诉求预判的方法和流程,并通过实验验证。本文提出的方法可快速精准地对电力客户服务工单文本进行分类,挖掘出隐藏的客户用电诉求,将服务由被动变主动,第一时间解决电力客户潜在诉求。  相似文献   

Maintaining long-term customer loyalty has been an important issue in the service industry. Although customer satisfaction can be enhanced with better service quality, delivering appropriate services to customers poses challenges to service providers, particularly in real-time and resource-limited dynamic service contexts. However, customer expectation management has been regarded as an effective way for helping service providers achieve high customer satisfaction in the real world that is nevertheless less real-time and dynamic. This study designs a FCM-based customer expectation-driven service dispatch system to empower providers with the capability to deal effectively with the problem of delivering right services to right customers in right contexts. Our evaluation results show that service providers can make appropriate decisions on service dispatch for customers by effectively managing customer expectations and arranging their contextual limited resources and time via the proposed service dispatch system. Meanwhile, customers can receive suitable service and obtain high satisfaction when appropriate services are provided. Accordingly, a high-performance ecosystem can be established by both service providers and customers who co-create value in the dynamic service contexts.  相似文献   

分布式电力客户服务系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖荣  胡克瑾 《计算机工程》2005,31(8):186-188
传统的电力客户服务系统已经不能满足用户不断增长的需求,结合电力系统的特点,该文提出了基于分布式业务的电力客服系统的设计思路,分析了分布式客服系统的框架和工作原理,并对其中的关键技术进行了的探讨。  相似文献   

Managing customer service in dial-up modem operations is critical for both non-profit and for-profit dial-up modem (DMP) operators. When system operators face excess demand, they can either add capacity or adapt their management techniques to deal with their limited resources—this paper considers the latter. We examine how system operators can more efficiently utilize their resources by imposing connect time limits on their users, as well as the negative impact from such limits. We analyze the use of time limits on two key customer service measures: percent of lost customers (customers who leave the DMP system without receiving service) and percent of customers disconnected before their work is complete. The results show that imposing these limits will have distinct, non-linear impact on these measures. Interactions between several system and environmental parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   

For enterprises to succeed in their business, customer relationships have been commonly recognized as a critical factor. Effective customer relationships help enterprises deliver services to customers based on their needs or preferences. In this context, many ideas have already been presented among which Consumer Support Systems (CSS) is the most recently introduced, and one that alleviates the shortcomings of other approaches by a 4-layer framework of collaborative mechanisms to support effective information/service provision between customers and enterprises. Since there are many integration issues to be addressed in CSS (e.g., sharing of information/requests among customers or comparison of services from enterprises), a comprehensive structure for easy sharing/comparison of this information/requests/services in the literature is therefore necessary. To meet this need, we present a specification method in this paper that takes advantage of the pristine structure for knowledge-sharing by ontology to specify these materials in respective ontologies. With such ontological semantics, CSS is particularly able to support dynamic service provision for customers where desired requests can be satisfied by suitable services in a dynamic manner through referencing any matches between request and service ontologies. The method is illustrated by a semantic CSS for travel arrangements and more discussions about the application of its constructed ontologies for enhancing customer relationships are also provided.  相似文献   

Service experience design is a key issue in the service industry. Satisfactory service experiences provide customers with good memories and increase customer satisfaction, thus increasing customer loyalty and service provider profitability. However, providing customers with quality service experiences requires considering numerous factors, and thus is a complex and difficult issue both in academia and in real service contexts. Customer satisfaction results from the difference between customer perceptions and customer expectations. Hence, customer expectation management is important in delivering quality service experiences. Additionally, a competitive relationship exists among different service providers as well as between service providers and customers. The service experience delivery process can be regarded as a value co-creation process for service providers and customers who can implement either a competitive or cooperative strategy based on their goals and needs. This study accordingly presents an expectation based coopetition approach by using a real exhibition data of AutoTronics 2009 for simulations. The evaluation results show that this expectation-based coopetition approach can help service providers design and deliver quality service experiences and co-create value with customers, yielding a high performance ecosystem.  相似文献   

客户既是企业最大的财富,也是风险的最大来源,拖欠电费、违约用电等行为时有发生。在交易过程中对客户信誉信息收集调查和风险评估,制定针对性的防范和服务策略,对企业具有非常重要的作用。为了降低电费回收风险,提高企业经营效益和管理手段,需要对客户进行评价分级,电力企业可以利用现有资源和数据,建立客户电费信誉信息档案,为客户提供差异化的服务,并规避风险。以营销业务应用系统中客户的海量历史用电数据为依据,再借鉴客户经理、催费员等电力人员工作经验,梳理风险用户的业务规则,并构建多维度的电费风险分析指标体系。通过机器学习的大数据分析方式对用电行为与电费风险之前的潜在关系进行研究,实现对风险用户的精准定位。  相似文献   

过去电网企业是垄断经营,随着电力体制改革和国有企业改革的纵深推进,客户有了更多选择。优质服务关乎电网企业新时代改革发展大局,只有优质服务才能使电网企业在改革发展中进入良性循环。然而,从第三方客户满意度调查报告中反映的情况可以看出,部分单位还存在垄断思维,“以客户为中心”的服务意识在实际工作中还未得到很好的落实,具体表现在停电次数多、电压不稳定、业扩流程长、抄表催费欠规范等客户用电体验较敏感的供电服务上。本文从客户体验管理角度,关注客户的用电体验和感受,把满足人民美好生活的电力需要作为电网企业工作的出发点和落脚点,围绕提升客户服务质量的关键点、电网企业存在的客户服务短板、提升客户满意度的有效措施等方面进行了有益地探讨。  相似文献   

With the improvement of living standards and the rapid development of the Internet, customers gradually pursue personalized smart products and services. Traditional smart product service system is mainly aimed at the service of customers and products in one or several interactive links. Furthermore, in the mass personalization model, in order to give full play to the customer experience and participation satisfaction, it is necessary to study the smart product service system based on the interaction between customers and products. However, there is a gap in the research on integrating the whole life cycle of customer-product interaction. In order to meet this industrial need, the innovation of this paper is to construct an innovative service model for Customer-product Interaction Life Cycle (CILC) and analyse the service impact factors and countermeasures using fuzzy DEMATEL method. The study can provide enterprises with the top-level framework and decision-making of smart product service system based on CILC, and realize the effective integration, expansion and value-added of service resources. At the same time, the application of this research methods can shorten the distance between customers and products, improve customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

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