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We propose and investigate three connection admission control policies for the establishment of label switched paths (LSPs) in IP/MPLS over optical networks. We show that the policy of establishing LSPs first in the optical layer achieves a better blocking performance. We examine the effect of the number of add/drop ports of optical cross-connects (OXCs) on the LSP blocking performance. We show that there exists a lower bound for the number of add/drop ports of OXCs for the network to achieve almost the best LSP blocking performance.  相似文献   

用MPLS技术实现IP over WDM   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种全新的高速宽带组网技术-基于MPLS的IPoverWDM网络技术,并对其进行了深入研究。这个方案在光联网技术中综合了目前先进的MPLS流量工程控制技术,特别适合于由可重构的OADM和OXC组成的以数据业务为核心的互联网络系统,而且它为最终在IP路由器上直接提供WDM复用功能铺平了道路。  相似文献   

利用网络链路资源被占用的部分信息实现保护资源共享,可以极大地改善网络对业务的丢弃性能.这对采用多协议标记交换(MPLS,Multiprotocol Label Switching)技术的IP over WDM网络来说,并不需要太大的代价.基于此,本文提出了在IP over WDM网中考虑通路保护的动态路由算法.对工作通路的选取,算法对选路成本和路由长度作了折衷考虑;而对于保护通路,则对其共享能力和路由长度作了权衡.仿真结果表明,本文算法不管是对业务的丢弃性能,还是对网络的链路负载平衡度,均取得了较满意的结果.  相似文献   

文中对基于 IP over WDM的新型数据网络体系结构——光互联网络技术进行了探讨。在分析三种构造未来信息网络解决方案的基础上 ,着重对基于 IP over WDM的光互联网络的关键技术和未来发展方向进行了研究。  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2013,19(4):309-318
Overlay IP/MPLS over WDM network is a promising network architecture starting to gain wide deployments recently. A desirable feature of such a network is to achieve efficient routing with limited information exchanges between the IP/MPLS and the WDM layers. This paper studies dynamic label switched path (LSP) routing in the overlay IP/MPLS over WDM networks. To enhance network performance while maintaining its simplicity, we propose to learn from the historical data of lightpath setup costs maintained by the IP-layer integrated service provider (ISP) when making routing decisions. Using a novel historical data learning scheme for logical link cost estimation, we develop a new dynamic LSP routing method named Existing Link First (ELF) algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the existing ones under different traffic loads, with either limited or unlimited numbers of optical ports. Effects of the number of candidate routes, add/drop ratio and the amount of historical data are also evaluated.  相似文献   

本文首先从建设模式,网络结构和业务承载等角度分析了IP/MPLS骨干网的模型,然后就IP/MPLS骨干网设计中采用的关键技术进行了探讨并给出了解决思路,最后简要介绍了中兴通讯的IP/MPLS骨干网解决方案的特点和方向.  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2014,20(4):341-352
This paper proposes an efficient overlay multicast provisioning (OMP) mechanism for dynamic multicast traffic grooming in overlay IP/MPLS over WDM networks. To facilitate request provisioning, OMP jointly utilizes a data learning (DL) scheme on the IP/MPLS layer for logical link cost estimation, and a lightpath fragmentation (LPF) based method on the WDM layer for improving resource sharing in grooming process. Extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of OMP mechanism under different traffic loads, with either limited or unlimited port resources. Simulation results demonstrate that OMP significantly outperforms the existing methods. To evaluate the respective influences of the DL scheme and the LPF method on OMP performance, provisioning mechanisms only utilizing either the IP/MPLS layer DL scheme or the WDM layer LPF method are also devised. Comparison results show that both DL and LPF methods help improve OMP blocking performance, and contribution from the DL scheme is more significant when the fixed routing and first-fit wavelength assignment (RWA) strategy is adopted on the WDM layer. Effects of a few other factors, including definition of connection cost to be reported by the WDM layer to the IP/MPLS layer and WDM-layer routing method, on OMP performance are also evaluated.  相似文献   

Architecture and Engineering Issues in Building an IP over WDM Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The technologies of IP over WDM have presently received increasing attention owing to the rapid growth in Internet traffic and the need for next-generation Internet technologies. The challenge now is how to integrate the services of IP over WDM optical networks to take full advantages of WDM technologies and IP technologies, and yield a high-throughput optical platform directly underpinning next generation data networks. This article discusses some of the architecture and technology issues for the design of IP over WDM optical networks.  相似文献   

Internet的发展和数据业务的爆炸性增长对当前网络提出了更高的要求。网络将演变为IP/MPLS-over-WDM。对于这种以光网络为基础的网络构架,网络生存性问题变得尤为重要。由于以数据业务为中心的光网络至少包含IP层和光层,笔者提出了几个在多层网络生存性面临的问题,并给出了几种方案。最后,讨论了IP/MPLS--Over-WDM特有的生存性思考。  相似文献   

Providing differentiated services in IP/MPLS over WDM networks has attracted a lot of recent attention. This article extends the Path Inflation Control (PIC) policy recently proposed by us to provide differentiated services in IP/MPLS over WDM networks with traffic grooming. Three different algorithms are considered for provisioning differentiated services. The simulation results show that, with two of the three algorithms, the network cannot only provide differentiated services when the traffic load is high but also gives significantly lower blocking for the lower priority class traffic and for the overall traffic at low traffic loads.
Sanjay K. BoseEmail:

探讨了光互联网的支撑技术和演进策略,分析了IP over DWDM等关键支撑技术的难点与发展趋势。首先,比较分析了若干种典型的网络层次模型及其性能,指出IP over DWDM是实现未来宽带互联网的关键支撑技术;其次,分析了IP over DWDM的技术难点,指出全光信号处理和多协议标签交换技术是实现IP over DWDM的重要手段,并预言了在相关技术成熟后,光分组网技术将进一步推动光互联网的发展。  相似文献   

In MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) over optical networks, both the optical level and the MPLS level fault recovery can be considered. Generally, a more flexible path arrangement can be realized by the MPLS level recovery, while fast recovery can be achieved by the optical level recovery. When the optical level recovery is adopted, only normal traffic is carried through the working lightpaths and only recovered traffic is carried through the backup lightpaths. In contrast, the working LSPs (Label-Switched Paths) and the backup LSPs corresponding to other working LSPs can be accommodated into an identical lightpath when the MPLS level recovery is adopted. By such sophisticated accommodation of LSPs into the lightpaths, lightpath bandwidth can be utilized efficiently under the condition that the bandwidth utilization is restricted to attain the given objective of transfer quality for the MPLS packets in the normal state and unrestricted in a short time a failure occurs somewhere in the network. This paper proposes a simple mathematical programming model to obtain the optimum arrangement of the working and backup LSPs assuming the MPLS level recovery and a practical LSPs provisioning mode. By comparing the minimized network cost obtained from the optimum arrangement of the working and backup LSPs with the network cost resulting from the optical level recovery, this paper quantitatively evaluates the effectiveness of such bandwidth utilization improvement obtained from the MPLS level recovery and reveals that the MPLS level recovery can actually reduce the network cost due to its flexible arrangement of LSPs on the lightpaths.  相似文献   

Packet switching over wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) channels is considered with the aim to investigate algorithms for wavelength assignment and to define feasible switch architectures, in the presence of connectionless or connection-oriented transfer modes. In particular, as regards the connection-oriented scenario, mapping of virtual connections onto wavelengths operated by network nodes is considered and procedures are proposed to achieve statistical multiplexing efficiency by dynamic wavelength re-assignment. Switch architectures to support dynamic wavelength encoding and the related performance evaluation are presented and discussed in the paper, evidencing the benefits of packet switching over WDM.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAnanalysisofperformanceusingMPLS TEispresentedinthepaper.WhenMultiProtocolLabelSwitching(MPLS)isfirstintroducedinNetworkSociety[2~ 3] ,theoriginalideaaboutMPLSisthatitmapsL3routing (thetraditionallongestaddressmatch)toL2switching(thefixedshortla…  相似文献   

本文研究了在IP/MPLS over WDM网络中支持不同QoS要求的VPN业务的逻辑拓扑设计问题。对于给定的网络物理拓扑和业务需求矩阵,本文提出,基于不同时延要求的VPN业务逻辑拓扑设计可以运用两种方法加以解决。一为基于迭代的线性规划方法,适合于规模较小的网络。另一个为启发式算法,可运用于网络规模较大的环境。对比仿真结果表明,启发式算法不但较好地解决了不同QoS要求的VPN业务的选路和波长分配问题,还较好地降低了链路的最大负载。  相似文献   

WDM智能光网络与IP业务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细分析了 WDM光网络的结构以及联网技术的演进过程,对如何压扁网络层次,实现IP直接over WDM,发挥 WDM光传送网的巨大带宽优势进行了研究,提出 MPLS是当前解决 IP层与光层的融合以及跨层管理问题的关键技术。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a much-needed understanding of the operation, design, implementation, and evaluation of the peer model in integrated optical networks. The overlay and peer models of operation form the two fundamental architectural alternatives for interworking the control planes of optical TDM/WDM networks with those of packet or cell-based networks. Of these, the overlay model is well understood, having a precedence in IP-over-ATM networks deployed in the mid 1990s. It follows a proven approach to managing multi-area, multi-domain networks. The peer model, on the other hand, has not been implemented yet, and has also not been analyzed adequately in the literature. To enable service providers to implement either model, based on the respective merits of each, it is fundamentally important to develop a working solution for the peer model. The focus of this paper is to provide such a solution, perform a complexity analysis of the solution, and discuss its impact on the design of the protocols and the packet and transport layer devices that must interwork to realize this model.  相似文献   

对IPoverOptical网络的流量工程进行了深入的研究。问题,给出了两种流量工程体系结构,重叠流量工程和联合流量工程,然后对这两种流量工程体系进行了比较,并给出了联合流量工程的实现框图以及需要解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

IP over WDM网络结构和生存性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对IPoverWDM网络结构和生存性涉及的关键问题进行了阐述 ,并对未来骨干网络发展的趋势进行了预测  相似文献   

IPoverWDM如今已成为业界广为探讨的话题 ,并且已成为下一代因特网 (NGI)的事实规范。首先对IP/WDM技术进行了回顾与展望 ,然后着重分析了IPover可重构WDM网络的特性与优势 ,为NGI的发展和部署指明了正确的方向。  相似文献   

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