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酶促反应色谱分离耦合过程参数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对酶促反应以谱分离耦合过程进行了反应动力学参数及操作参数分析,并以蔗糖酶促水解为模型反应进行了正交实验研究,结果表明,该耦合过程对产物非竞争性抑制的消除效果要优于竞争性抑制。产率对底物浓度最为敏感,其次为洗脱速率和进料体积,而转化率的敏感性次序由大到小依次为洗脱速率,底物浓度和进料体积。  相似文献   

介绍了微机程序在判断酶促反应抑制类型和计算有关参数方面的应用。  相似文献   

混合-反应结晶过程(Ⅰ)实验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈建峰  陈甘棠 《化工学报》1994,45(2):176-182
实验研究了半连续结晶器中混合特性与化学特性对反应结晶过程的影响,实验发现,混合特性对产物粒度分布的影响是非单调的,存在转捩点(criticl point),在该点平均粒径或方差为极小。分析表明,转捩点的出现是微观混合与宏观混合共同作用达到平衡的结果。  相似文献   

介绍了在拟低共熔体系中酶促拆分反应新技术的优越性和应用 ,并分析了在拟低共熔体系中酶促拆分过程的影响因素以及拆分热力学、动力学、反应器的设计与放大及目前研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

对酶膜反应-萃取过程研究现状就酶促反应、膜材料选择及结构确定、有机溶剂的选择、酶膜反应-萃取器的传质过程四个方面进行了阐述,并初步探讨了酶膜反应-萃取器今后的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

酶膜反应-萃取器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对酶膜反应-萃取过程研究现状就酶促反应、膜材料选择及结构确定、有机溶剂的选择、酶膜反应-萃取器的传质过程四个方面进行了阐述,并初步探讨了酶膜反应-萃取器今后的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

综述了在微乳液体系中的酶促反应。讨论了表面活性剂、溶剂和助表面活性剂的选择对微乳液中酶促反应的影响及酶在反胶束中的增溶位置。庚烷、辛烷、壬烷是较好的溶剂 ,酶分子可增溶于反胶束中的水池 ,或吸附于油—水界面层极性头微乳液膜附近。描述了微乳液中水含量和缓冲溶液 pH对酶活力的影响 ,酶活力与水含量一般呈钟形曲线 ,与 pH可呈钟形或S形曲线。  相似文献   

对低共熔固 -固底物体系中的酶促反应的基本原理、应用、主要影响因素、热力学和动力学及控制机理作一简介 ,并分析该类酶促反应技术的工业放大可能性及主要要解决的问题。  相似文献   

热动力学法研究间歇反应器中酶促反应动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
梁毅  吴元欣 《化工学报》1997,48(1):102-107
用热动力学法研究了间歇反应器中单底物酶促反应动力学,并详细讨论了产物竞争性抑制作用对反应速率的影响.用微量热法研究了过氧化氢酶催化分解过氧化氢和精氨酸酶催化水解L-精氨酸的反应,实验验证了本文热动力学法研究间歇反应器中单底物酶促反应动力学的正确性.  相似文献   

非水介质酶促反应中水的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非水介质酶促反应体系中水的作用以及相关因素进行了初步总结 ,着重讨论了水在体系中的分配及影响因素、水的分配平衡速度、水活度的测定及控制方法和水作为反应物的动力学影响。  相似文献   

碳酸锂的气液固三相反应结晶过程包含碳酸锂碳化反应和碳酸氢锂溶液的热析分解两个过程。首先对于碳化过程,考察了碳酸锂碳化转化率和反应速率的影响因素;建立并求解构建碳化微观机理模型,进而确定了碳酸锂碳化过程为气体传质控制。对于热析分解过程,研究了碳酸锂晶体产品的粒度分布、晶体形貌和聚结程度等与反应物浓度、温度、搅拌、晶种以及外场等因素的关系,尤其是在超声结晶条件下能够获得形貌完整且不聚结的碳酸锂棒状晶体。最后,揭示了碳酸锂的结垢机理,并基于实验验证提出了光滑表面、介稳区控制和晶种添加等方案可有效抑制结垢。  相似文献   

Enzymatic synthesis of cefaclor was carried out with kinetic control. The product yield was improved by the continuous removal of product from the reaction mixture via complexation of cefaclor with 1‐naphthol. The effects of pH and temperature on the enzymatic and complexing reactions were investigated. The efficiency of the enzymatic conversion of cefaclor in the complexing reaction was 80% under optimum reaction conditions. In situ product removal (ISPR) decreased product concentration in the bioreactor, consequently the yield of cefaclor increased from 57% (without ISPR) to 80% (with ISPR). The specially designed reactor allowed enzymatic reaction and product removal to be accomplished simultaneously, in which the productivity of cefaclor was improved to 65 g dm?3 by semi‐continuous operation lasting for 55 h. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate feedback control of a reactive crystallization process. The present study built up a control structure needed to control the driving force of reactive crystallization using the feed rate of added acid. The concentration of the crystallizing compound and pH was used to compute feedback in the closed‐loop control of semi‐batch precipitation. The concentration of L ‐glutamic acid was determined from measured MID‐IR ATR‐FTIR spectra based on a multivariate model. Dynamic change of set value was based on the mass of added sulfuric acid and pH. The studied properties of the product crystals were polymorphism and crystal size. The polymorphic composition was analyzed with a Raman spectrometer and was expressed by mass fraction of the α‐polymorph. The obtained results showed that the developed feedback process control system allows effective control of forming of polymorphs. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

可渗透反应墙原位修复污染地下水研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可渗透反应墙是一种替代抽提技术的创新型地下水原位修复技术。在实际工程中大量不同种类的填料被应用在墙体上,通过吸附、沉淀、氧化还原和生物降解等作用,可处理包括重金属、苯系物、卤代烃、芳香烃、农药以及无机阴离子等污染物。综述了可渗透反应墙的结构、去除污染物机理、优缺点以及活性填料的应用,详细介绍了可渗透反应墙技术的最新研究进展,指出该技术虽已得到广泛认可,但其长期性能尚待实践证明。  相似文献   

For reactive crystallization of pharmaceuticals that show a rapid reaction rate, low solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredient and hence a large supersaturation, it was found in a recent study that a process design which integrates an impinging jet mixer and batch stirred tank produces high quality crystals. The current investigation examines if the short processing time of reactive crystallization permits the impinging jet mixer—stirred tank design to be modified to operate in a continuous mode. The new design combines an impinging jet mixer for feed introduction and reaction with a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and tubular reactor for crystal growth. A study of reactive crystallization of sodium cefuroxime (an antibiotic), using first a 1L CSTR then scaling to a 50L CSTR, found that the new design produces crystals of higher crystallinity, narrower particle size, and improved product stability, than batch crystallizers. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 967–974, 2017  相似文献   

面向智能制造的工业结晶研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
龚俊波  孙杰  王静康 《化工学报》2018,69(11):4505-4517
工业结晶是一门“半艺术的科学”,具有多目标、非线性和强耦合的特点,在国际上被公认是最难设计的化工单元操作之一。面向智能制造发展的重大战略需求和历史机遇,基于国内外对工业结晶和智能制造的研究现状,拟构建基于智能制造的工业结晶多尺度研究框架。结合相关案例,总结了国内外人工智能、云计算、物联网等核心智能制造技术在工业结晶中的应用,重点分析讨论在溶解度预测、晶型预测、晶习预测、共晶预测与智能制造的发展现状和潜在结合点;总结了结晶过程中的感知、分析、决策的智能控制技术。  相似文献   

姜晓滨  孙国鑫  贺高红 《化工学报》2020,71(9):3905-3918
全球性的水资源短缺及环境污染问题,使得工业废水处理、海水淡化、高价值溶质综合利用的需求日益迫切。膜蒸馏结晶过程可以充分利用低品质热源,实现高纯度水溶剂分离、盐分结晶制备,对于实现分离过程零排放和协同增效有重要意义。同时,膜蒸馏结晶也可以与多级闪蒸,多效精馏、纳滤、正向渗透、反渗透等过程进行耦合,进一步提高整体分离效率。此外,该过程对于调控晶体外部形貌,制备晶体尺寸分布集中、流动性好的晶体产品也有积极作用。基于此,针对膜蒸馏结晶原理、过程调控机制以及创新过程应用几个方面开展论述,总结了膜蒸馏结晶技术在高效分离、结晶过程精准控制等领域的关键问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

The global shortage of water resources and environmental pollution has made the demands for industrial wastewater treatment, seawater desalination, and comprehensive utilization of high-value solutes increasingly urgent. Membrane distillation crystallization process cannot only make full use of low-quality heat sources, achieve high-purity water-solvent separation, but also achieve salt crystallization preparation, which is of great significance for achieving zero liquid discharge and synergistic efficiency in the separation process. At the same time, membrane distillation crystallization process can also be coupled with multi-stage flash evaporation, multi-effect distillation, nanofiltration, forward infiltration, reverse osmosis and other processes to further improve the overall separation efficiency. In addition, it also has a positive impact on regulating the external morphology of the crystal, preparing crystal products with relatively concentrated crystal size distribution and good flowability. Based on this, this article has discussed several aspects of membrane distillation crystallization principles, process control mechanisms and innovative process applications, and looking forward to the key issues and development trends of membrane distillation crystallization technology in the fields of efficient separation and precise control of the crystallization process.  相似文献   

采用等初末温度比较法和等温法分别在微波及水浴加热下反应结晶合成了碱式碳酸镁颗粒。用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)以及粒度分析表征不同阶段样品的晶体结构、表面形貌和粒度分布,用化学分析(滴定法)跟踪反应结晶过程中镁离子浓度的变化。实验结果表明:所得晶体由纳米片自组装而成,微波场对碳酸镁结晶具有促进作用,即微波对碳酸镁结晶中初级纳米颗粒的组装具有促进作用,可提高碱式碳酸镁的生长速率,增大颗粒粒度,但没有改变产物晶习;不同温度下碱式碳酸镁转变路径不同,较高温度时无定形颗粒直接组装成碱式碳酸镁,较低温度时将出现正碳酸镁中间态,经由不同相转变历程的碱式碳酸镁纳米片微观形貌和组装方式并不相同。  相似文献   

概述了聚氨酯(PU)结晶性的研究方法,讨论了软硬段种类和结构、硬段含量、软段相对分子质量、带电离子及其它基团和热处理等对PU结晶性的影响,并介绍了结晶性PU在形体记忆材料中的应用状况。  相似文献   

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