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Earlier recognition of breast cancer is crucial to decrease the severity and optimize the survival rate. One of the commonly utilized imaging modalities for breast cancer is histopathological images. Since manual inspection of histopathological images is a challenging task, automated tools using deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (AI) approaches need to be designed. The latest advances of DL models help in accomplishing maximum image classification performance in several application areas. In this view, this study develops a Deep Transfer Learning with Rider Optimization Algorithm for Histopathological Classification of Breast Cancer (DTLRO-HCBC) technique. The proposed DTLRO-HCBC technique aims to categorize the existence of breast cancer using histopathological images. To accomplish this, the DTLRO-HCBC technique undergoes pre-processing and data augmentation to increase quantitative analysis. Then, optimal SqueezeNet model is employed for feature extractor and the hyperparameter tuning process is carried out using the Adadelta optimizer. Finally, rider optimization with deep feed forward neural network (RO-DFFNN) technique was utilized employed for breast cancer classification. The RO algorithm is applied for optimally adjusting the weight and bias values of the DFFNN technique. For demonstrating the greater performance of the DTLRO-HCBC approach, a sequence of simulations were carried out and the outcomes reported its promising performance over the current state of art approaches.  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a retinal disease that causes irreversible blindness. DR occurs due to the high blood sugar level of the patient, and it is clumsy to be detected at an early stage as no early symptoms appear at the initial level. To prevent blindness, early detection and regular treatment are needed. Automated detection based on machine intelligence may assist the ophthalmologist in examining the patients’ condition more accurately and efficiently. The purpose of this study is to produce an automated screening system for recognition and grading of diabetic retinopathy using machine learning through deep transfer and representational learning. The artificial intelligence technique used is transfer learning on the deep neural network, Inception-v4. Two configuration variants of transfer learning are applied on Inception-v4: Fine-tune mode and fixed feature extractor mode. Both configuration modes have achieved decent accuracy values, but the fine-tuning method outperforms the fixed feature extractor configuration mode. Fine-tune configuration mode has gained 96.6% accuracy in early detection of DR and 97.7% accuracy in grading the disease and has outperformed the state of the art methods in the relevant literature.  相似文献   

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is an active research area due to its applications in pervasive computing, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, health care, and social sciences. Moreover, dynamic environments and anthropometric differences between individuals make it harder to recognize actions. This study focused on human activity in video sequences acquired with an RGB camera because of its vast range of real-world applications. It uses two-stream ConvNet to extract spatial and temporal information and proposes a fine-tuned deep neural network. Moreover, the transfer learning paradigm is adopted to extract varied and fixed frames while reusing object identification information. Six state-of-the-art pre-trained models are exploited to find the best model for spatial feature extraction. For temporal sequence, this study uses dense optical flow following the two-stream ConvNet and Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) to capture long-term dependencies. Two state-of-the-art datasets, UCF101 and HMDB51, are used for evaluation purposes. In addition, seven state-of-the-art optimizers are used to fine-tune the proposed network parameters. Furthermore, this study utilizes an ensemble mechanism to aggregate spatial-temporal features using a four-stream Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), where two streams use RGB data. In contrast, the other uses optical flow images. Finally, the proposed ensemble approach using max hard voting outperforms state-of-the-art methods with 96.30% and 90.07% accuracies on the UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets.  相似文献   

Biomedical image processing is a hot research topic which helps to majorly assist the disease diagnostic process. At the same time, breast cancer becomes the deadliest disease among women and can be detected by the use of different imaging techniques. Digital mammograms can be used for the earlier identification and diagnostic of breast cancer to minimize the death rate. But the proper identification of breast cancer has mainly relied on the mammography findings and results to increased false positives. For resolving the issues of false positives of breast cancer diagnosis, this paper presents an automated deep learning based breast cancer diagnosis (ADL-BCD) model using digital mammograms. The goal of the ADL-BCD technique is to properly detect the existence of breast lesions using digital mammograms. The proposed model involves Gaussian filter based pre-processing and Tsallis entropy based image segmentation. In addition, Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Residual Network (ResNet 34) is applied for feature extraction purposes. Specifically, a hyper parameter tuning process using chimp optimization algorithm (COA) is applied to tune the parameters involved in ResNet 34 model. The wavelet neural network (WNN) is used for the classification of digital mammograms for the detection of breast cancer. The ADL-BCD method is evaluated using a benchmark dataset and the results are analyzed under several performance measures. The simulation outcome indicated that the ADL-BCD model outperforms the state of art methods in terms of different measures.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cause of women’s deaths worldwide. The mammography technique is the most important modality for the detection of BC. To detect abnormalities in mammographic images, the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADs) is used as a baseline. The correct allocation of BI-RADs categories for mammographic images is always an interesting task, even for specialists. In this work, to detect and classify the mammogram images in BI-RADs, a novel hybrid model is presented using a convolutional neural network (CNN) with the integration of a support vector machine (SVM). The dataset used in this research was collected from different hospitals in the Qassim health cluster of Saudi Arabia. The collection of all categories of BI-RADs is one of the major contributions of this paper. Another significant contribution is the development of a hybrid approach through the integration of CNN and SVM. The proposed hybrid approach uses three CNN models to obtain ensemble CNN model results. This ensemble model saves the values to integrate them with SVM. The proposed system achieved a classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and F1-score of 93.6%, 94.8%, 96.9%, 96.6%, and 95.7%, respectively. The proposed model achieved better performance compared to previously available methods.  相似文献   

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an extremely infectious disease and possibly causes acute respiratory distress or in severe cases may lead to death. There has already been some research in dealing with coronavirus using machine learning algorithms, but few have presented a truly comprehensive view. In this research, we show how convolutional neural network (CNN) can be useful to detect COVID-19 using chest X-ray images. We leverage the CNN-based pre-trained models as feature extractors to substantiate transfer learning and add our own classifier in detecting COVID-19. In this regard, we evaluate performance of five different pre-trained models with fine-tuning the weights from some of the top layers. We also develop an ensemble model where the predictions from all chosen pre-trained models are combined to generate a single output. The models are evaluated through 5-fold cross validation using two publicly available data repositories containing healthy and infected (both COVID-19 and other pneumonia) chest X-ray images. We also leverage two different visualization techniques to observe how efficiently the models extract important features related to the detection of COVID- 19 patients. The models show high degree of accuracy, precision, and sensitivity. We believe that the models will aid medical professionals with improved and faster patient screening and pave a way to further COVID-19 research.  相似文献   

Citrus fruit crops are among the world’s most important agricultural products, but pests and diseases impact their cultivation, resulting in yield and quality losses. Computer vision and machine learning have been widely used to detect and classify plant diseases over the last decade, allowing for early disease detection and improving agricultural production. This paper presented an automatic system for the early detection and classification of citrus plant diseases based on a deep learning (DL) model, which improved accuracy while decreasing computational complexity. The most recent transfer learning-based models were applied to the Citrus Plant Dataset to improve classification accuracy. Using transfer learning, this study successfully proposed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based pre-trained model (EfficientNetB3, ResNet50, MobiNetV2, and InceptionV3) for the identification and categorization of citrus plant diseases. To evaluate the architecture’s performance, this study discovered that transferring an EfficientNetb3 model resulted in the highest training, validating, and testing accuracies, which were 99.43%, 99.48%, and 99.58%, respectively. In identifying and categorizing citrus plant diseases, the proposed CNN model outperforms other cutting-edge CNN model architectures developed previously in the literature.  相似文献   

Clinical image processing plays a significant role in healthcare systems and is currently a widely used methodology. In carcinogenic diseases, time is crucial; thus, an image’s accurate analysis can help treat disease at an early stage. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) are common types of malignancies that affect both women and men. The number of cases of DCIS and LCIS has increased every year since 2002, while it still takes a considerable amount of time to recommend a controlling technique. Image processing is a powerful technique to analyze preprocessed images to retrieve useful information by using some remarkable processing operations. In this paper, we used a dataset from the Mammographic Image Analysis Society and MATLAB 2019b software from MathWorks to simulate and extract our results. In this proposed study, mammograms are primarily used to diagnose, more precisely, the breast’s tumor component. The detection of DCIS and LCIS on breast mammograms is done by preprocessing the images using contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization. The resulting images’ tumor portions are then isolated by a segmentation process, such as threshold detection. Furthermore, morphological operations, such as erosion and dilation, are applied to the images, then a gray-level co-occurrence matrix texture features, Harlick texture features, and shape features are extracted from the regions of interest. For classification purposes, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used to categorize normal and abnormal patterns. Finally, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system is deployed for the amputation of fuzziness due to overlapping features of patterns within the images, and the exact categorization of prior patterns is gained through the SVM. Early detection of DCIS and LCIS can save lives and help physicians and surgeons todiagnose and treat these diseases. Substantial results are obtained through cubic support vector machine (CSVM), respectively, showing 98.95% and 98.01% accuracies for normal and abnormal mammograms. Through ANFIS, promising results of mean square error (MSE) 0.01866, 0.18397, and 0.19640 for DCIS and LCIS differentiation during the training, testing, and checking phases.  相似文献   

COVID-19 is a global pandemic disease, which results from a dangerous coronavirus attack, and spreads aggressively through close contacts with infected people and artifacts. So far, there is not any prescribed line of treatment for COVID-19 patients. Measures to control the disease are very limited, partly due to the lack of knowledge about technologies which could be effectively used for early detection and control the disease. Early detection of positive cases is critical in preventing further spread, achieving the herd immunity, and saving lives. Unfortunately, so far we do not have effective toolkits to diagnose very early detection of the disease. Recent research findings have suggested that radiology images, such as X-rays, contain significant information to detect the presence of COVID-19 virus in early stages. However, to detect the presence of the disease in in very early stages from the X-ray images by the naked eye is not possible. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, machine learning in particular, are known to be very helpful in accurately diagnosing many diseases from radiology images. This paper proposes an automatic technique to classify COVID-19 patients from their computerized tomography (CT) scan images. The technique is known as Advanced Inception based Recurrent Residual Convolution Neural Network (AIRRCNN), which uses machine learning techniques for classifying data. We focus on the Advanced Inception based Recurrent Residual Convolution Neural Network, because we do not find it being used in the literature. Also, we conduct principal component analysis, which is used for dimensional deduction. Experimental results of our method have demonstrated an accuracy of about 99%, which is regarded to be very efficient.  相似文献   

Software defect prediction plays a very important role in software quality assurance, which aims to inspect as many potentially defect-prone software modules as possible. However, the performance of the prediction model is susceptible to high dimensionality of the dataset that contains irrelevant and redundant features. In addition, software metrics for software defect prediction are almost entirely traditional features compared to the deep semantic feature representation from deep learning techniques. To address these two issues, we propose the following two solutions in this paper: (1) We leverage a novel non-linear manifold learning method - SOINN Landmark Isomap (SLIsomap) to extract the representative features by selecting automatically the reasonable number and position of landmarks, which can reveal the complex intrinsic structure hidden behind the defect data. (2) We propose a novel defect prediction model named DLDD based on hybrid deep learning techniques, which leverages denoising autoencoder to learn true input features that are not contaminated by noise, and utilizes deep neural network to learn the abstract deep semantic features. We combine the squared error loss function of denoising autoencoder with the cross entropy loss function of deep neural network to achieve the best prediction performance by adjusting a hyperparameter. We compare the SL-Isomap with seven state-of-the-art feature extraction methods and compare the DLDD model with six baseline models across 20 open source software projects. The experimental results verify that the superiority of SL-Isomap and DLDD on four evaluation indicators.  相似文献   

Melanoma is a skin disease with high mortality rate while early diagnoses of the disease can increase the survival chances of patients. It is challenging to automatically diagnose melanoma from dermoscopic skin samples. Computer-Aided Diagnostic (CAD) tool saves time and effort in diagnosing melanoma compared to existing medical approaches. In this background, there is a need exists to design an automated classification model for melanoma that can utilize deep and rich feature datasets of an image for disease classification. The current study develops an Intelligent Arithmetic Optimization with Ensemble Deep Transfer Learning Based Melanoma Classification (IAOEDTT-MC) model. The proposed IAOEDTT-MC model focuses on identification and classification of melanoma from dermoscopic images. To accomplish this, IAOEDTT-MC model applies image preprocessing at the initial stage in which Gabor Filtering (GF) technique is utilized. In addition, U-Net segmentation approach is employed to segment the lesion regions in dermoscopic images. Besides, an ensemble of DL models including ResNet50 and ElasticNet models is applied in this study. Moreover, AO algorithm with Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) method is utilized for identification and classification of melanoma. The proposed IAOEDTT-MC method was experimentally validated with the help of benchmark datasets and the proposed model attained maximum accuracy of 92.09% on ISIC 2017 dataset.  相似文献   

As the amount of online video content is increasing, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in various product names appearing in videos, particularly in cosmetic-product names in videos related to fashion, beauty, and style. Thus, the identification of such products by using image recognition technology may aid in the identification of current commercial trends. In this paper, we propose a two-stage deep-learning detection and classification method for cosmetic products. Specifically, variants of the YOLO network are used for detection, where the bounding box for each given input product is predicted and subsequently cropped for classification. We use four state-of-the-art classification networks, namely ResNet, InceptionResNetV2, DenseNet, and EfficientNet, and compare their performance. Furthermore, we employ dilated convolution in these networks to obtain better feature representations and improve performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that YOLOv3 and its tiny version achieve higher speed and accuracy. Moreover, the dilated networks marginally outperform the base models, or achieve similar performance in the worst case. We conclude that the proposed method can effectively detect and classify cosmetic products.  相似文献   

Stroke and cerebral haemorrhage are the second leading causes of death in the world after ischaemic heart disease. In this work, a dataset containing medical, physiological and environmental tests for stroke was used to evaluate the efficacy of machine learning, deep learning and a hybrid technique between deep learning and machine learning on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) dataset for cerebral haemorrhage. In the first dataset (medical records), two features, namely, diabetes and obesity, were created on the basis of the values of the corresponding features. The t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding algorithm was applied to represent the high-dimensional dataset in a low-dimensional data space. Meanwhile,the Recursive Feature Elimination algorithm (RFE) was applied to rank the features according to priority and their correlation to the target feature and to remove the unimportant features. The features are fed into the various classification algorithms, namely, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Multilayer Perceptron. All algorithms achieved superior results. The Random Forest algorithm achieved the best performance amongst the algorithms; it reached an overall accuracy of 99%. This algorithm classified stroke cases with Precision, Recall and F1 score of 98%, 100% and 99%, respectively. In the second dataset, the MRI image dataset was evaluated by using the AlexNet model and AlexNet + SVM hybrid technique. The hybrid model AlexNet + SVM performed is better than the AlexNet model; it reached accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 99.9%, 100%, 99.80% and 99.86%, respectively.  相似文献   

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are designed to interrupt network services such as email servers and webpages in traditional computer networks. Furthermore, the enormous number of connected devices makes it difficult to operate such a network effectively. Software defined networks (SDN) are networks that are managed through a centralized control system, according to researchers. This controller is the brain of any SDN, composing the forwarding table of all data plane network switches. Despite the advantages of SDN controllers, DDoS attacks are easier to perpetrate than on traditional networks. Because the controller is a single point of failure, if it fails, the entire network will fail. This paper offers a Hybrid Deep Learning Intrusion Detection and Prevention (HDLIDP) framework, which blends signature-based and deep learning neural networks to detect and prevent intrusions. This framework improves detection accuracy while addressing all of the aforementioned problems. To validate the framework, experiments are done on both traditional and SDN datasets; the findings demonstrate a significant improvement in classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer related death owing to its destructive nature and postponed detection at advanced stages. Early recognition of lung cancer is essential to increase the survival rate of persons and it remains a crucial problem in the healthcare sector. Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) models can be designed to effectually identify and classify the existence of lung cancer using medical images. The recently developed deep learning (DL) models find a way for accurate lung nodule classification process. Therefore, this article presents a deer hunting optimization with deep convolutional neural network for lung cancer detection and classification (DHODCNN-LCC) model. The proposed DHODCNN-LCC technique initially undergoes pre-processing in two stages namely contrast enhancement and noise removal. Besides, the features extraction process on the pre-processed images takes place using the Nadam optimizer with RefineDet model. In addition, denoising stacked autoencoder (DSAE) model is employed for lung nodule classification. Finally, the deer hunting optimization algorithm (DHOA) is utilized for optimal hyper parameter tuning of the DSAE model and thereby results in improved classification performance. The experimental validation of the DHODCNN-LCC technique was implemented against benchmark dataset and the outcomes are assessed under various aspects. The experimental outcomes reported the superior outcomes of the DHODCNN-LCC technique over the recent approaches with respect to distinct measures.  相似文献   

张志晟  张雷洪 《包装工程》2020,41(19):259-266
目的 现有的易拉罐缺陷检测系统在高速生产线中存在错检率和漏检率高,检测精度相对较低等问题,为了提高易拉罐缺陷识别的准确性,使易拉罐生产线实现进一步自动化、智能化,基于深度学习技术和迁移学习技术,提出一种适用于易拉罐制造的在线检测的算法。方法 利用深度卷积网络提取易拉罐缺陷特征,通过优化卷积核,减短易拉罐缺陷检测的时间。针对国内外数据集缺乏食品包装制造的缺陷图像,构建易拉罐缺陷数据集,结合预训练网络,通过调整VGG16提升对易拉罐缺陷的识别准确率。结果 对易拉罐数据集在卷积神经网络、迁移学习和调整后的预训练网络进行了易拉罐缺陷检测的性能对比,验证了基于深度学习的易拉罐缺陷检测技术在学习率为0.0005,训练10个迭代后可达到较好的识别效果,最终二分类缺陷识别率为99.7%,算法耗时119 ms。结论 相较于现有的易拉罐检测算法,文中提出的基于深度学习的易拉罐检测算法的识别性能更优,智能化程度更高。同时,该研究有助于制罐企业利用深度学习等AI技术促进智能化生产,减少人力成本,符合国家制造业产业升级的策略,具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

Active learning has been widely utilized to reduce the labeling cost of supervised learning. By selecting specific instances to train the model, the performance of the model was improved within limited steps. However, rare work paid attention to the effectiveness of active learning on it. In this paper, we proposed a deep active learning model with bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) for text classification. BERT takes advantage of the self-attention mechanism to integrate contextual information, which is beneficial to accelerate the convergence of training. As for the process of active learning, we design an instance selection strategy based on posterior probabilities Margin, Intra-correlation and Inter-correlation (MII). Selected instances are characterized by small margin, low intra-cohesion and high inter-cohesion. We conduct extensive experiments and analytics with our methods. The effect of learner is compared while the effect of sampling strategy and text classification is assessed from three real datasets. The results show that our method outperforms the baselines in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) diagnosis through digital fundus images requires clinical experts to recognize the presence and importance of many intricate features. This task is very difficult for ophthalmologists and time-consuming. Therefore, many computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems were developed to automate this screening process of DR. In this paper, a CAD-DR system is proposed based on preprocessing and a pre-train transfer learning-based convolutional neural network (PCNN) to recognize the five stages of DR through retinal fundus images. To develop this CAD-DR system, a preprocessing step is performed in a perceptual-oriented color space to enhance the DR-related lesions and then a standard pre-train PCNN model is improved to get high classification results. The architecture of the PCNN model is based on three main phases. Firstly, the training process of the proposed PCNN is accomplished by using the expected gradient length (EGL) to decrease the image labeling efforts during the training of the CNN model. Secondly, the most informative patches and images were automatically selected using a few pieces of training labeled samples. Thirdly, the PCNN method generated useful masks for prognostication and identified regions of interest. Fourthly, the DR-related lesions involved in the classification task such as micro-aneurysms, hemorrhages, and exudates were detected and then used for recognition of DR. The PCNN model is pre-trained using a high-end graphical processor unit (GPU) on the publicly available Kaggle benchmark. The obtained results demonstrate that the CAD-DR system outperforms compared to other state-of-the-art in terms of sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), and accuracy (ACC). On the test set of 30,000 images, the CAD-DR system achieved an average SE of 93.20%, SP of 96.10%, and ACC of 98%. This result indicates that the proposed CAD-DR system is appropriate for the screening of the severity-level of DR.  相似文献   

The rapid growth in data generation and increased use of computer network devices has amplified the infrastructures of internet. The interconnectivity of networks has brought various complexities in maintaining network availability, consistency, and discretion. Machine learning based intrusion detection systems have become essential to monitor network traffic for malicious and illicit activities. An intrusion detection system controls the flow of network traffic with the help of computer systems. Various deep learning algorithms in intrusion detection systems have played a prominent role in identifying and analyzing intrusions in network traffic. For this purpose, when the network traffic encounters known or unknown intrusions in the network, a machine-learning framework is needed to identify and/or verify network intrusion. The Intrusion detection scheme empowered with a fused machine learning technique (IDS-FMLT) is proposed to detect intrusion in a heterogeneous network that consists of different source networks and to protect the network from malicious attacks. The proposed IDS-FMLT system model obtained 95.18% validation accuracy and a 4.82% miss rate in intrusion detection.  相似文献   

In recent years, the application of a smart city in the healthcare sector via loT systems has continued to grow exponentially and various advanced network intrusions have emerged since these loT devices are being connected. Previous studies focused on security threat detection and blocking technologies that rely on testbed data obtained from a single medical IoT device or simulation using a well-known dataset, such as the NSL-KDD dataset. However, such approaches do not reflect the features that exist in real medical scenarios, leading to failure in potential threat detection. To address this problem, we proposed a novel intrusion classification architecture known as a Multi-class Classification based Intrusion Detection Model (M-IDM), which typically relies on data collected by real devices and the use of convolutional neural networks (i.e., it exhibits better performance compared with conventional machine learning algorithms, such as naïve Bayes, support vector machine (SVM)). Unlike existing studies, the proposed architecture employs the actual healthcare IoT environment of National Cancer Center in South Korea and actual network data from real medical devices, such as a patient’s monitors (i.e., electrocardiogram and thermometers). The proposed architecture classifies the data into multiple classes: Critical, informal, major, and minor, for intrusion detection. Further, we experimentally evaluated and compared its performance with those of other conventional machine learning algorithms, including naïve Bayes, SVM, and logistic regression, using neural networks.  相似文献   

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