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曾凡坤  孟正华  郭巍 《复合材料学报》2022,39(10):4918-4926
片层石墨/铝复合材料具有低密度、高热导率的优点,但力学性能较差,目前无法作为一种可商业化应用的电子封装材料。为了改善片层石墨/铝复合材料的热物理性能,采用真空热压法制备了碳化硅颗粒增强石墨/铝复合材料,研究了碳化硅的含量对复合材料热导率、热膨胀系数和抗弯强度的影响。结果表明,经过高频振荡工艺,碳化硅-石墨/铝复合材料中石墨的排列取向良好。添加碳化硅颗粒能明显降低复合材料的热膨胀系数,提高抗弯强度,略微降低热导率。随着碳化硅颗粒体积分数增加,碳化硅-石墨/铝复合材料内部会逐渐出现孔洞缺陷,相对密度下降。当碳化硅和石墨的体积分数分别为15vol%、50vol%时,碳化硅-石墨/铝复合材料具有最优热物理性能,此时x-y方向热导率为536 W/(m·K)、热膨胀系数为6.4×10-6m/K,抗弯强度为102 MPa,是一种十分具有商业前景的电子封装材料。  相似文献   

石墨/铝复合材料一般需要在高温下制备,石墨颗粒或纤维与铝基体均会发生不同程度的润湿作用和界面反应,形成不同结构的界面。两相之间的润湿性和界面反应对复合材料最终的性能起重要的作用,深入研究润湿机理及有效控制界面反应是获得高性能石墨/铝复合材料的关键。本文对石墨/铝复合材料的发展概况、制备工艺,制备过程中出现的界面问题、气孔缺陷等进行了分析与讨论,探讨了解决对策,展望了这种新型复合材料的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文研究了不同基体合金(工业纯铝和LY12)对石墨/铝复合材料性能的影响,并初步探讨了其影响机理。结果表明:基体合金严重影响金属基复合材料的界面状态、基体相组织及分布,从而影响到最终复合材料的性能。与纯铝相比,LY12基体使石墨/铝复材料性能大幅度下降。  相似文献   

研究了石墨粒径及表面镀Si处理对石墨/Al复合材料热物理性能的影响。结果表明:在盐浴过程中石墨表面形成了SiC层,这不仅增强了石墨-Si/Al复合材料的界面结合力,而且抑制了Al4C3相的产生。随着石墨鳞片体积分数从50%增加到70%,复合材料X-Y方向的热导率从492 W/(m·K)增加到654 W/(m·K),而且体积分数为50%的镀Si石墨/Al复合材料抗弯强度达到了81 MPa,相比未镀覆的提高了53%,是理想的定向导热电子封装材料。随着石墨粒径从500μm减小到150μm,石墨-Si/Al复合材料X-Y面方向的热导率由654 W/(m·K)降低到445 W/(m·K),但Z方向的热导率和复合材料抗弯强度变化不明显。  相似文献   

为了制备出具有优良热物理性能的石墨/铜复合材料,采用流延法将天然鳞片石墨定向排列在铜箔表面,并使用真空热压法制备具有层状结构的高定向石墨/铜复合材料。使用XRD和SEM等表征方法分析样品的微观形貌和成分,结果表明,在高温的作用下,流延所使用的溶剂充分挥发,热压后石墨仍高定向排列在相邻的两层铜箔之间,并相互搭接;部分熔化的铜在压力作用下渗透到石墨层的孔隙处,铜层之间相互贯穿。这种结构使石墨/铜复合材料具有优良的热物理性能。当石墨体积分数为20vol%~70vol%时,石墨/铜复合材料在高导热平面内热导率高达402~743 W/(m·K),抗弯强度达到126~48 MPa。深入讨论了石墨/铜复合材料的热传导机制,并建立了导热预测模型。   相似文献   

使用盐浴法对片层石墨(GFs)进行表面镀Si处理,采用真空热压法制备片层石墨/Al复合材料(Si-GFs/Al)。向Si-GFs/Al复合材料中添加10vol%的铜网,研究了铜网对Si-GFs/Al复合材料热导率和力学性能的影响。使用SEM、聚焦离子束(FIB)和TEM对Si-GFs/Al复合材料的微观结构和微观界面进行表征,并分析了复合材料的断裂机制。结果表明,添加铜网使Si-GFs/Al复合材料内部出现了高聚集定向GFs带,形成高导热通道。当GFs体积分数为30vol%~40vol%时,Si-GFs/Al复合材料的热导率提升了约20%,弯曲强度提升了40%以上。当GFs体积分数为40vol%时,Si-GFs/Al复合材料热导率和弯曲强度同时达到一个优值,分别为512 W/(mK)和127 MPa。   相似文献   

采用真空热压技术制备了石墨鳞片-碳纤维协同增强铜基复合材料,研究了碳纤维含量对复合材料的组织结构、抗弯强度与热导率的影响.结果表明,石墨鳞片-碳纤维/铜基复合材料界面结合良好;当碳纤维体积分数为0.5vol%~1.5vol%时,碳纤维能够均匀分散在基体中,并有效提升复合材料的抗弯强度.当碳纤维体积分数为1.5vol%时...  相似文献   

铝作为负极材料其理论容量较高,但铝在充放电过程中会出现严重的体积膨胀,导致循环性能差。为克服铝体积膨胀严重的缺点,采用简单的球磨法成功制备出铝/石墨复合材料。利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜对复合材料的结构和形貌进行分析。电化学性能测试表明,铝/石墨复合材料首次放电比容量高达1004mAh/g,循环15次后容量保持在300mAh/g。铝/石墨复合材料拥有较高的放电比容量和较好的循环性能,在锂离子电池负极材料中具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

对天然鳞片石墨(GF)进行化学镀Cu的表面处理,对化学镀Cu石墨(Cu-GF)和Al粉采用真空热压的工艺制备出镀Cu石墨/Al(Cu-GF/Al)复合材料。研究了Cu-GF/Al复合材料的微观结构和微观界面,同时也研究了Cu-GF对Cu-GF/Al复合材料热导率和抗弯性能的影响。结果表明,GF上的Cu层能抑制界面脆弱相Al4C3的产生,使Cu-GF/Al复合材料的抗弯性能有了显著提升。当Cu-GF体积分数从50%增加到70%时,Cu-GF/Al复合材料的抗弯强度也从104 MPa降低到74 MPa。当GF体积分数为70%时,Cu-GF/Al复合材料的热导率达到最高值为522 W/(m·K)。  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金法制备片层石墨增强Al基复合材料(50vol%Gf/6061Al),Gf与Al基体结合紧密,界面处无裂纹、孔洞等缺陷.复合材料在-50~120℃温度范围内分别循环10次、50次、100次和200次,研究不同的循环次数对材料组织和性能的影响.结果 表明,循环不同次数时材料的密度没有明显的变化,但随着循环次数的...  相似文献   

The incorporation of graphite particles into AA6016 aluminum alloy matrix to fabricate metal/ceramic composites is still a great challenge and various parameters should be considered. In this study, dense AA6016 aluminum alloy/(0-20 wt%) graphite composites have successfully been fabricated by powder metallurgy process. At first, the mixed aluminum and graphite powders were cold compacted at 200 MPa and then sintered at 500 ℃ for 1 h followed by hot extrusion at 450 ℃. The influence of ceramic phases(free graphite and in-situ formed carbides) on microstructure, physical and mechanical properties of the produced composites were finally investigated. The results show that the fabricated composites have a relative density of over 98%. SEM observations indicate that the graphite has a good dispersion in the alloy matrix even at high graphite content. Hardness of all the produced composites was higher than that of aluminum alloy matrix. No cracks were observed at strain less than 23% for all hot extruded materials.Compressive strength, reduction in height, ultimate tensile stress, fracture stress, yield stress, and fracture strain of all Al/graphite composites were determined by high precision second order equations. Both compressive and ultimate tensile strengths have been correlated to microstructure constituents with focusing on the in-situ formed ceramic phases, silicon carbide(SiC) and aluminum carbide(Al_4 C_3). The ductile fracture mode of the produced composites became less dominant with increasing free graphite content and in-situ formed carbides. Wear resistance of Al/graphite composites was increased with increasing graphite content. Aluminum/20 wt% graphite composite exhibited superior wear resistance over that of AA6016 aluminum alloy.  相似文献   

以中间相沥青和添加中间相炭微球的沥青为原料,调整发泡压力和发泡温度制备沥青泡沫,经1273K炭化和2973K石墨化,制备了高密度石墨泡沫。为了进一步提高石墨泡沫的密度,采用573 K的沥青反复浸渍炭化未添加中间相炭微球的沥青在1273K下所制的泡沫炭,再经2973K石墨化获得增密度后的石墨泡沫。而后制备了相应石墨泡沫/石蜡复合材料。研究了石墨泡沫热物理性能的影响因素和石墨泡沫/石蜡复合材料的热行为。研究表明:沥青组分、发泡温度和发泡压力决定了石墨泡沫的结构和热物理性能,而石墨泡沫的热导率决定了复合材料的热行为。与石蜡相比,石墨泡沫/石蜡复合材料的热扩散系数提高了768至1588倍。石墨泡沫/石蜡复合材料的潜热与石蜡的质量分数成正比。该复合材料是快速响应电子散热材料的良好选择。  相似文献   

Aluminum–magnesium–silicon (Al–Mg–Si) alloys show medium strength, excellent formability, good corrosion resistance and are widely used in extruded products and automotive body panels. The major advantage of these alloys is their age hardening response during the paint baking process as well as the fact that they exhibit no yield point phenomenon and Lüdering. In this study, the mechanical properties of a commercially available AA6061 alloy aged to various levels were studied. Peak-aged conditions were reached in this particular alloy after a 2 h heat treatment at 200 °C. The variation of the yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, ductility and strain hardening rate with aging time is measured and discussed in relation to the microstructural changes induced by the heat treatment.  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity and heat capacity of four MPG-6 graphite samples (density from 1664 up to 1825 kg/m3) are measured within the temperature range from 293 K up to 1650 K by the following methods: the laser flash, the differential scanning calorimetry, and the adiabatic calorimeter of linear heating. The uncertainties of the data on the thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, and density were (2–4)%, (3–5)%, and 0.5%, respectively. On the basis of the measurement results, the temperature dependence of the MPG-6 thermal conductivity is calculated and a generalizing dependence is obtained which allows one to estimate the thermal conductivity of graphite of various porosity for a wide temperature range using only the data on the macroscopic density of the samples. Reference data tables have been developed for the thermal conductivity of MPG-6 graphite of various densities.  相似文献   

Fly ash has gathered widespread attention as a potential reinforcement for aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) to enhance the properties and reduce the cost of production. Aluminum alloy AA6061 reinforced with various amounts (0, 4, 8 and 12 wt.%) of fly ash particles were prepared by compocasting method. Fly ash particles were incorporated into the semi solid aluminum melt. X-ray diffraction patterns of the prepared AMCs revealed the presence of fly ash particles without the formation of any other intermetallic compounds. The microstructures of the AMCs were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. The AMCs were characterized with the homogeneous dispersion of fly ash particles having clear interface and good bonding to the aluminum matrix. The incorporation of fly ash particles improved the microhardness and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the AMCs.  相似文献   

Friction spot welding (FSpW) is a relatively new solid state joining technology developed by GKSS. In the present study, FSpW was applied to join the 6061-T4 aluminum alloy sheet with 2 mm thickness. The microstructure of the weld can be classified into four regions, which are stir zone (SZ), thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ), heat affected zone (HAZ) and the base material (BM), respectively. Meanwhile, defects such as bonding ligament, hook and voids are found in the weld, which are associated to the material flow. The hardness profile of the weld exhibits a W-shaped appearance and the minimum hardness is measured at the boundary of TMAZ and SZ. Both the tensile/shear strength and cross-tension strength reach the maximum of 7117.0 N and 4555.4 N at the welding condition of the rotational speed of 1500 rpm and duration time of 4 s. Compared to cross-tension strength, the tensile/shear strength were stable with the variation of processing parameters. Three different fracture modes are observed under tensile/shear loading, which are plug type fracture, shear fracture and plug-shear fracture. There are also there different fracture modes under cross-tension loading, which are plug type fracture (on the upper sheet), nugget debonding and plug type fracture (on the lower sheet).  相似文献   

The study of the interface of ceramic/metal alloy friction welded components is essential for understanding of the quality of bonding between two dissimilar materials. In the present study, optical and electron microscopy as well as four-point bending strength and microhardness measurements were used to evaluate the quality of bonding of alumina and 6061 aluminum alloy joints produced by friction welding. The joints were also examined with EDX (energy dispersive X-ray) in order to determine the phases formed during welding. The bonded alumina-6061 aluminum samples were produced by varying the rotational speed but keeping constant the friction pressure and friction time. The experimental results showed that the effect of rotation speed and degree of deformation appears to be high on the 6061 Al alloy than on the alumina part. It is discovered that the weld interface formed included three different regions: unaffected zone (UZ), deformed zone (DZ), as well as transformed and recrystallized fully deformed zone (FPDZ). Therefore, when rotational speed increases, the thickness of full plastic deformed zone (FPDZ) at the interface increases as a result of more mass discarded from the welding interface. It was also observed that rotational speed of 2500 rpm can produce a very good joint and microhardness with good microstructure as compared to the other experimental rotational speeds.  相似文献   

The corrosion behaviour of 6061 Al alloy-SiCp composites (in as cast and extruded form) have been studied in sea water and acid media. The effects of temperature of both the media and concentration of the acid medium were also investigated. The corrosion behaviour was evaluated using electrochemical technique and corroded specimens were examined using scanning electron microscopy. The studies revealed that corrosion damage of composites exposed to sea water medium was mainly localized in contrast to uniform corrosion observed for base alloy. Further, composites were found to corrode faster than the base alloy even though the attack was mainly confined to the interface, resulting in crevices or pits. This could be attributed to the presence of thin layer of reaction product present at the interface acting as an effective cathode which when continuous would increase the cathode to anode ratio enabling higher localized corrosion. However, the extent of corrosion damage in extruded composites was less possibly due to absence of defects like gas pores in the composites and homogeneity in the distribution of particles. Increase in temperature invariably increased the attack for all the materials studied. This is explained due to the metal dissolution (anodic process) which is governed by the kinetics at that temperature.  相似文献   

HClO4-doped polyaniline/graphite composites were prepared by mechanical ball milling and cold pressing. The thermoelectric properties for the composites were investigated as a function of graphite concentration. The thermal conductivity (К) increases slightly with increasing graphite content but the electric conductivity(σ) as well as the Seebeck coefficient (S) increases remarkably, which leads to an obvious enhancement in the figure of merit for the composites. The ZT of the composite with graphite concentration of 50 wt % was calculated to be 1.37 × 10− 3 at 393 K, which was at least 10000 times greater than that of the HClO4-doped polyaniline without graphite (1.13 × 10− 7). This work suggests a new method to improve thermoelectric properties of conducting polymers.  相似文献   

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