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吴卫  姚文静 《包装工程》2017,38(12):200-203
目的研究商品在包装功能发生改变时如何尽量减少二次包装给资源和环境造成的浪费和污染。方法结合目前市场上的商品包装形式,探析在物联网时代背景下的商品包装,明确研究的目的与意义。结论物流功能方面尝试减少物流过程中的二次包装,减少包装材料的浪费和二次污染;市场需求方面包装设计为了满足物流需要应在包装纹饰上简约、明了,这有利于节约成本。物联网时代包装的发展出现了信息化和互动性的新趋向,信息化体现在能够准确查询物品的位置信息、物品安全、物品送达以及库存信息;互动性体现在包装设计中应充分考虑包装的信息功能,从消费者的角度出发,通过利用物联网技术融入互动性的元素,寻求商品与消费者之间的情感交流。  相似文献   

Increasingly, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are contributing enormous amounts of data. Since the recent deployments of wireless sensor networks in Smart City infrastructures, significant volumes of data have been produced every day in several domains ranging from the environment to the healthcare system to transportation. Using wireless sensor nodes, a Smart City environment may now be shown for the benefit of residents. The Smart City delivers intelligent infrastructure and a stimulating environment to citizens of the Smart Society, including the elderly and others. Weak, Quality of Service (QoS) and poor data performance are common problems in WSNs, caused by the data fusion method, where a small amount of bad data can significantly impact the total fusion outcome. In our proposed research, a WSN multi-sensor data fusion technique employing fuzzy logic for event detection. Using the new proposed Algorithm, sensor nodes will collect less repeated data, and redundant data will be used to increase the data's overall reliability. The network's fusion delay problem is investigated, and a minimum fusion delay approach is provided based on the nodes’ fusion waiting time. The proposed algorithm performs well in fusion, according to the results of the experiment. As a result of these discoveries, It is concluded that the algorithm describe here is effective and dependable instrument with a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

基于物联网技术的运输包装设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱和平  唐莎 《包装学报》2014,6(3):50-53
物联网技术具有高度智能化、自动化、信息化等技术特点,被广泛应用于运输包装行业,其优越性主要体现在流通过程中的智能化管理和可根据包装内容物自身特性进行区别化对待两个方面.针对现有运输包装存在的诸多问题,物联网技术背景下的运输包装设计,需遵循安全环保、简单通用、经济效益、人文关怀等原则,并采取系统分析各项影响因素、建立相对完整的运输包装设计模型、采用合理的设计构思和测试包装件等方法,使包装在满足传统功能的基础上,有效实施全过程的信息管理和人文关怀.  相似文献   

物联网时代的智慧型物品探析   总被引:3,自引:13,他引:3  
李世国 《包装工程》2010,31(4):50-53
阐述了以物与物之间交流为标志的物联网将是一种无处不在的泛在网络,其目的是使地球上的"物"变得更加智慧。针对物联网中的物是具有感知和交流功能的智慧物之特点,分析了用智慧型物品的术语来表述物联网中的人造物可以体现与传统智能产品的差异和物联网特征,提出了智慧型物品的智慧主要来自于网络系统各类智慧解决方案以及智慧型物品的设计策略和理念。  相似文献   

Chaining watermark is an effective way to verify the integrity of streaming data in wireless network environment, especially in resource-constrained sensor networks, such as the perception layer of Internet of Things applications. However, in all existing single chaining watermark schemes, how to ensure the synchronization between the data sender and the receiver is still an unsolved problem. Once the synchronization points are attacked by the adversary, existing data integrity authentication schemes are difficult to work properly, and the false negative rate might be up to 50 percent. And the additional fixed group delimiters not only increase the data size, but are also easily detected by adversaries. In this paper, we propose an effective dual-chaining watermark scheme, called DCW, for data integrity protection in smart campus IoT applications. The proposed DCW scheme has the following three characteristics: (1) In order to authenticate the integrity of the data, fragile watermarks are generated and embedded into the data in a chaining way using dynamic grouping; (2) Instead of additional fixed group delimiters, chained watermark delimiters are proposed to synchronize the both transmission sides in case of the synchronization points are tampered; (3) To achieve lossless integrity authentication, a reversible watermarking technique is applied. The experimental results and security analysis can prove that the proposed DCW scheme is able to effectively authenticate the integrity of the data with free distortion at low cost in our smart meteorological Internet of Things system.  相似文献   

Under intense environmental pressure, the global energy sector is promoting the integration of renewable energy into interconnected energy systems. The demand-side management (DSM) of energy systems has drawn considerable industrial and academic attention in attempts to form new flexibilities to respond to variations in renewable energy inputs to the system. However, many DSM concepts are still in the experimental demonstration phase. One of the obstacles to DSM usage is that the current information infrastructure was mainly designed for centralized systems, and does not meet DSM requirements. To overcome this barrier, this paper proposes a novel information infrastructure named the Internet of Energy Things (IoET) in order to make DSM practicable by basing it on the latest wireless communication technology: the low-power wide-area network (LPWAN). The primary advantage of LPWAN over general packet radio service (GPRS) and area Internet of Things (IoT) is its wide-area coverage, which comes with minimum power consumption and maintenance costs. Against this background, this paper briefly reviews the representative LPWAN technologies of narrow-band Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and Long Range (LoRa) technology, and compares them with GPRS and area IoT technology. Next, a wireless-to-cloud architecture is proposed for the IoET, based on the main technical features of LPWAN. Finally, this paper looks forward to the potential of IoET in various DSM application scenarios.  相似文献   

泛在电力物联网的建设主要是将信息化和人工智能等新技术、新理念应用于企业发展进程中,以提高电力企业的技术水平,同时这也是服务于国家战略需要,符合推动互联网、大数据、人工智能和制造业深度融合的战略要求,其对推动我国的科技进步、产业升级和提高人民生活水平具有重要意义。对泛在电力物联网的提出背景、建设目标和意义等进行介绍;讨论各界对泛在电力物联网的态度和相应措施;对泛在电力物联网建设的技术支持进行分析;举例说明泛在电力物联网在当下的典型应用;最后指出泛在电力物联网发展过程中可能遇到的问题。  相似文献   

针对物联网技术在制冷空调行业中三个方面的应用进行分析,介绍了物联网技术在食品冷藏储运及实时监控中、制冷空调系统远程控制中、中央空调系统计费系统等方面的应用情况。  相似文献   

目的 为满足疫苗运输在最后一公里的信息可视化和透明化的需求,研究一款信息型智能包装的远程温度监控系统。方法 通过结合物联网技术,设计一款基于GD32F330C8T6芯片为核心的子机节点与主机LoRa网关,以及基于Qt Creator 5.12软件和SQLite数据库编写的上位机软件,最终实现具体实例——远程温度监控系统,将子机节点硬件嵌入疫苗冷藏箱中,以及把多点测温探头置于箱内不同位置上,实现对疫苗冷藏箱温度的区间监控。结论 通过该温度远程监控系统,用户可以实时监测运输车内不同冷藏箱内的温度情况,超温时系统可自动闭合主机继电器模块开启外部制冷器,实现了疫苗冷藏箱智能包装。  相似文献   

建设泛在电力物联网是实现能源转型目标的必要手段。从电力系统发展历程和面临的问题出发,论述了泛在电力物联网的意义,提出了实施策略和可能遇到的问题。为实现能源转型,风电光电等可再生能源装机容量不断增加。这些能源的随机性给电力系统的功率平衡造成巨大压力,有时不得不弃掉一部分风电光电。为了维持电力系统的稳定运行、提高风电光电的利用率,必须对可控负荷和分散式发电进行控制。因此,需要用互联网连接可控负荷和分散式发电,形成泛在电力物联网。常规发电厂、大型风电场、光电站等已经和电力系统连接了,调度可以直接控制。因此,泛在电力物联网主要任务是连接负荷和分散式发电,尤其是可控负荷。电动汽车是可控负荷中最容易实现可控的,其次是热水器、电热锅炉和空调等。利用泛在电力物联网,协同控制风电光电、可控负荷、分散式发电等,可以提高风电光电利用率,实现能源转型目标。  相似文献   

Educational institutions are soft targets for the terrorist with massive and defenseless people. In the recent past, numbers of such attacks have been executed around the world. Conducting research, in order to provide a secure environment to the educational institutions is a challenging task. This effort is motivated by recent assaults, made at Army Public School Peshawar, following another attack at Charsada University, Khyber Pukhtun Khwa, Pakistan and also the Santa Fe High School Texas, USA massacre. This study uses the basic technologies of edge computing, cloud computing and IoT to design a smart emergency alarm system framework. IoT is engaged in developing this world smarter, can contribute significantly to design the Smart Security Framework (SSF) for educational institutions. In the emergency situation, all the command and control centres must be informed within seconds to halt or minimize the loss. In this article, the SSF is proposed. This framework works on three layers. The first layer is the sensors and smart devices layer. All these sensors and smart devices are connected to the Emergency Control Room (ECR), which is the second layer of the proposed framework. The second layer uses edge computing technologies to process massive data and information locally. The third layer uses cloud computing techniques to transmit and process data and information to different command and control centres. The proposed system was tested on Cisco Packet Tracer 7. The result shows that this approach can play an efficient role in security alert, not only in the educational institutions but also in other organizations too.  相似文献   

面向物联网时代的交互系统限制因素研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
阐述了限制因素由传统交互系统的唯一选择、静态限制向物联网时代的多种选择、动态限制演变的趋势。结合传统交互系统限制因素的产生模式、作用机理,分析了物联网时代限制因素的新特点。在此基础上,针对限制因素对用户的打扰程度、控制感和情感体验3个方面分析了物联网时代限制因素的价值,为在交互设计中全面认识和运用限制因素提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

泛在电力物联网是以电力系统为核心,结合智能终端传感器、通信网、人工智能和云平台技术构成的复杂多网流系统,其具有全息感知、泛在连接、开放共享、融合创新的特点。首先阐述了泛在电力物联网的基本概念、特征,并详细分析了其体系架构;其次,从智能芯片、5G与LPWA、物联网平台三方面探讨了泛在电力物联网的关键技术,从业务壁垒、信息安全、数据分析和商业模型4个角度分析了泛在电力物联网建设的关键难点;最后研究了泛在电力物联网的实际需求和应用前景。  相似文献   

A high precision 10-bit successive approximation register analog to digital converter (ADC) designed and implemented in 32nm CNTFET process technology at the supply of 0.6V, with 73.24 dB SNDR at a sampling rate of 640 MS/s with the average power consumption of 120.2 μW for the Internet of things node. The key components in CNTFET SAR ADCs are binary scaled charge redistribution digital to analog converter using MOS capacitors, CNTFET based dynamic latch comparator and simple SAR digital code error correction logic. These techniques are used to increase the sampling rate and precision while ensuring the linearity, power consumption and noise level are within the limit. The proposed architecture has high scalability to CNTFET technology and also has higher energy efficiency. We compared the results of CNTFET based SAR ADC with other known architectures and confirm that this proposed SAR ADC can provide higher precision, power efficiency to the Internet of things node.  相似文献   

魏旭  王安霞 《包装工程》2018,39(23):38-42
目的 从实用角度对电商平台下物联网智能快递箱的现状进行研究。方法 根据市场调研情况,综合分析我国当前包装中信息标签隐患较多、外观造型设计品牌识别度较低、RFID芯片利用不够充分和快递箱需要特定条件的循环再利用等方面问题。结论 结合实例论述了未来物联网智能快递箱的改进策略,能为RFID芯片赋能包装安全升级、大数据助力提升包装用户黏性和体验定制个性化包装服务设计,能为物联网智能快递箱设计提供设计思路和切实可行的理论参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着物联网技术在农业生产中的广泛应用,农业物联网技术的标准问题已引起了社会的普遍关注。为了保证此项技术在天津市农业生产中运用得当,开展农业物联网标准化工作势在必行。本文针对目前这种情况,构建了一整套科学完整的农业物联网标准体系,用于强化标准实施监督,夯实标准化技术基础,促进农业物联网有序发展,为天津在农业现代化产业发展方面提供重要的标准技术支撑。  相似文献   

宋姣 《包装工程》2018,39(14):122-127
目的探讨在物联网时代的人性化产品的设计策略。方法分析传统时期和物联网时期人们对产品在安全性、舒适性、艺术性和环保性方面的要求,总结物联网时代人们对人性化更高层次的需求。结论提出产品设计在物联网技术的基础上,将人性化理念贯穿于产品设计的各个阶段,包括分析阶段、设计阶段、实现阶段,挖掘使用者的潜在需求,构思人性化的智慧型产品创意,模拟产品的真实效果。  相似文献   

物联网时代的智慧型手机设计探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗延荣  祁小雨 《包装工程》2011,32(22):43-46
在当下全球物联网建设不断发展的背景下,以手机设计为研究对象,对未来手机设计进行探索,提出了在未来物联网背景下智慧型手机设计的目标将是以高感知、高智能化、高交互化为载体,根据用户需要提供即时、高效和准确的解决方案;设计方法上,将以用户目标为导向,以用户与手机可能的多种交互方式为研究设计重点,以泛在数据导向设计策略、群体智慧支持设计创新、整合创新提升用户满意度等方法来推进最终设计方案。  相似文献   

凸现物联网特征的新型户外用品设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了物联网环境下支持泛户外运动的新型户外用品,与传统户外用品的区别及其所具有的智能化、网络化、绿色化的显著特征和丰富的体验价值。在此基础上,提出了未来新型户外用品之设计理念,在科学技术的不断创新与发展的基础上,必定会发生转变,将呈现出由物质产品到非物质体验,由初步智能到全面智慧,由个体环保到整体共生的发展趋势。  相似文献   

针对信息家电与传统家电相比之下存在的特点和优势,结合物联网技术的发展和应用,提出了新技术环境下信息家电数字化、智能化的未来发展方向。根据信息家电功能、形态、情感因素的设计,阐述了其设计的复杂性与简洁性之间需要制约和平衡,以达到满足消费者物质和精神双层需要的目的,从而建立一种超智能家居环境,并提高人们的生活质量。  相似文献   

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