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This article presents a new method for localization of multiple concurrent speech sources that relies on simultaneous blind signal separation and direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, as well as a method to solve the intersection point selection problem that arises when locating multiple speech sources using multiple sensor arrays. The proposed method is based on a low complexity non-parametric blind signal separation method, making is suitable for real-time applications on embedded platforms. On top of reduced complexity in comparison to a previously presented method, the DOA estimation accuracy is also improved. Evaluation of the performance is done with both real recording and simulations, and a real-time prototype of the proposed method has been implemented on a DSP platform to evaluate the computational and the memory complexities in a real application. 相似文献
路鸣 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》1993,10(3):203-208
The problem considered in this paper is to interpolate a virtual uniform array froma real two-dimensional array with arbitrary geometry via an interpolation matrix. The key to thisproblem is how to arrange these virtual sensors. It is shown that the virtual uniform linear arrayshould have the same main-lobe beam-pattern as the real array over an angular sector of interest.Simulation results are presented to illustrate the application of virtual array in direction finding. 相似文献
This paper deals with direction of arrival (DOA) estimation and blind signal separation (BSS) based on independent component
analysis (ICA) with robust capabilities. An efficient demixing procedure of complex-valued ICA is presented here, which combines
the signal-subspace demixing procedure exploiting individual signal-subspace projection and Newton’s iteration algorithm based
on maximization of the approximate negentropy of non-Gaussian signal for array signal processing. It resolves the problems
of order ambiguity and identifiability of traditional ICA for time-domain BSS. The proposed method could be directly applied
to radar, sonar, radio surveillance, and communications systems for separating signals and estimating relative DOAs of signals.
Several computer simulation examples for perturbations to the array manifold, unknown noise environments, and Rayleigh fading
channel are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
In this paper, we present two new methods for estimating two-dimensional (2-D) direction-of-arrival (DOA) of narrowband coherent (or highly correlated) signals using an L-shaped array of acoustic vector sensors. We decorrelate the coherency of the signals and reconstruct the signal subspace using cross-correlation matrix, and then the ESPRIT and propagator methods are applied to estimate the azimuth and elevation angles. The ESPRIT technique is based on the shift invariance property of array geometry and the propagator method is based on partitioning of the cross-correlation matrix. The propagator method is computationally efficient and requires only linear operations. Moreover, it does not require any eigendecomposition or singular-value decomposition as for the ESPRIT method. These two techniques are direct methods which do not require any 2-D iterative search for estimating the azimuth and the elevation angles. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods. 相似文献
The problem of bearing estimation of coherent signal impingiog on an array ofarbitrary geometry is studied.Both approaches are developed,the first one synthesizes theobserved array data into the outputs of a linear uniform array and then processes them viaconventional techniques such as spatial smoothing etc.The second approach is based on theinvariant subspace rotation operation which is equivalent to the translational displacement ofthe artay,linearly independent signal vectors are obtained thereby to span perfectly the signalsubspace.As compared with the conventional processing techniques,the approach based oninvariant subspace rotation does not lead to an effective decrease in aperture size and thereforea decrease in resolution capability.The computer simulations are conducted to demonstrate theeffectiveness of the presented approaches. 相似文献
离格(off-grid)波达方向(DOA)估计解决的是实际DOA和假设网格点的失配问题。对于空间紧邻信号的DOA,稀疏的网格点会导致精度和分辨率的下降,密集的网格点虽然可以提高估计精度却显著增加计算负担。针对此问题,该文提出基于稀疏贝叶斯学习(SBL)的空间紧邻信号DOA估计算法,主要包括3个步骤。首先,通过最大化阵列输出的边缘似然函数,推导了信号在拉普拉斯先验下的新不动点迭代方法,进行超参数的预估计,相比其他经典SBL算法提高了收敛速度;其次,利用新网格插值方法优化网格点集,并二次估计噪声方差和信号功率以分辨空间紧邻信号的DOA;最后,推导了似然函数关于角度的最大化公式以改进离格DOA搜索。仿真表明该算法比其他经典SBL类算法对空间紧邻信号的DOA具有更高的精度和分辨率,同时有计算效率的提升。 相似文献
This study presents an Accelerated Proximal Gradient singular value thresholding based Linearly Constrained Singular Canceler (APG-LCSC) algorithm to improve the performance of two-dimensional (2D) adaptive beamforming in sparse array. Firstly, a signal model is established based on Matrix Completion (MC), which can be proved to meet Null Space Property (NSP). Subsequently, left and right singular value vector of the received signal matrix is achieved via MC, and then a linearly constrained singular canceler is obtained by employing the singular value vector. The proposed algorithm decreases the required number of antennas, lowers the computational complexity and has a robust performance. Computer simulations demonstrate that the proposed APG-LCSC algorithm can acquire high accuracy of 2D beamforming in sparse array. 相似文献
The temporally regularized multiresolution ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques) algorithm is proposed to exploit the second-order information present in the superposition of incidence of direct and reflected
monochromatic acoustic waves for uni-vector-sensor direction finding in the presence of a reflecting boundary. The data are
organized such that the phase shifts for frequency estimation of each signal corresponding to two distinct sampling rates
are separately embedded in the modulus and argument of the ESPRIT eigenvalue, whereas the direction cosines for azimuth-elevation
direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation dwell in the associated ESPRIT eigenvector, and thus the matching procedure for aligning
the output of multidimensional and multi-invariant data manipulation is avoided. The temporal multiresolution herein realized
is iteration free and needs merely one lower-dimensional eigendecomposition. The simplified version of the presented method
offers a similar performance while requiring only two time-delayed data sets and thus has a comparable computational complexity
with the traditional single resolution ESPRIT. This ESPRIT-type method is also blind to the reflection coefficient which generally
depends on the boundary nature, medium property, and signal parameters still to be estimated, viz. DOAs and signal frequencies.
Simulation results are included to validate the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
Elias Zaher Ali Karim Y. 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2009,63(10):841-852
Distributed uplink scheduling and rate control in CDMA networks are considered in the case of adaptive antenna arrays present at the base station. The system model with omnidirectional antennas is generalized to the case where adaptive antenna arrays are deployed. Rate control in a probabilistic manner is investigated. Long-term control by the base station through token bucket constraints is incorporated in the system. Monte Carlo simulation results show considerable improvement when adaptive antenna arrays are used. Optimization of the rate transition probabilities is treated in the special case of on–off scheduling. 相似文献
信号数目估计错误的最大似然波达方向估计的性能分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分析了汝信号数目估计与真正的信号数目有出入时的波达方面(DOA)最大似然(ML)估计的性能。中给出此时角度估计的渐近分布,也就给出这一估计的渐近方差的角析表达式,计算机模拟试验表明,理论预计结果是相当准确的。 相似文献
针对传统波达方向估计算法在低信噪比条件下性能表现不佳的问题,本文提出了一种基于改进多信号分类的波达方向估计算法。本文首先对多信号分类算法的不足进行分析,并采用时间平滑技术构建相关矩阵,然后采用相关矩阵建立空间谱函数达到波达方向估计,最后采用仿真实验对算法的性能进行测试。结果表明,本文算法可以快速准确的估计出多个信号的波达方向,降低了波达方向估计误差,而且性能远远优于其它改进多信号分类算法。 相似文献
Rudolf H. Mak 《Integration, the VLSI Journal》1984,2(2):149-162
We describe two techniques for the minimization of the area of a Programmable Logic Array (PLA). Based on the logic functions to be implemented an assignment of the inputs and outputs to the columns of a PLA is determined that is especially suited for row segmentation. An upper bound and a lower bound for the number of rows in the segmented PLA are derived. Furthermore, it is shown how the result can be improved upon by the duplication of some of the inputs. 相似文献
最佳稀布直线阵列的分区动态规划法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在动态规划阵列的基础上,为降低峰值旁瓣电平,本文提出了分区动态规划阵列,并与其它几种优化布阵方法进行比较,结果表明:分区动态规划阵列具有相当的优越性。 相似文献
Application of natural computing algorithms to maximum likelihood estimation of direction of arrival 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This work presents a study of the performance of populational meta-heuristics belonging to the field of natural computing when applied to the problem of direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, as well as an overview of the literature about the use of such techniques in this problem. These heuristics offer a promising alternative to the conventional approaches in DOA estimation, as they search for the global optima of the maximum likelihood (ML) function in a framework characterized by an elegant balance between global exploration and local improvement, which are interesting features in the context of multimodal optimization, to which the ML-DOA estimation problem belongs. Thus, we shall analyze whether these algorithms are capable of implementing the ML estimator, i.e., finding the global optima of the ML function. In this work, we selected three representative natural computing algorithms to perform DOA estimation: differential evolution, clonal selection algorithm, and the particle swarm. Simulation results involving different scenarios confirm that these methods can reach the performance of the ML estimator, regardless of the number of sources and/or their nature. Moreover, the number of points evaluated by such methods is quite inferior to that associated with a grid search, which gives support to their application. 相似文献