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污泥干燥特性及动力学模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在80℃~160℃温度条件下,对5 mm厚度的污泥薄层进行干燥实验研究,得出污泥的干燥特性曲线。引入5种常用的污泥干燥动力学模型对污泥干燥数据进行拟合,研究表明Hasibuan and Daud模型拟合程度最高。利用Fick扩散模型,求解得出污泥样品的干燥扩散系数在2.51E-09 m2/s~8.85E-09 m2/s之间,而干燥扩散系数随着温度的升高而增大。应用Arrhenius方程求解,得到污泥的活化能Ea为19.739008 kJ/mol,指前因子D0为2.13247E-06 m2/s。  相似文献   

机械蒸汽再压缩是一种高效的蒸发技术,与传统多效蒸发技术相比具有显著的优势。在化工、海水淡化、食品工业、废水处理等领域得到了普遍的应用,获得了显著的节能环保成效。发展机械蒸汽再压缩技术有效提高我国的节能环保工业水平和产业结构。本文主要对其在各个领域的应用及发展进行介绍和评述,并介绍了国内外主要技术企业的概况。  相似文献   

机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)作为目前最先进的蒸发结晶技术得到广泛关注和应用,本文结合过热蒸汽干燥技术的优势,提出一种耦合过热蒸汽干燥的MVR蒸发结晶干燥系统。基于EES软件建立数值模型,通过系统仿真的方法分析闪蒸压力pflash、进料浓度c0、循环倍率CR、换热温差ΔTmhex等对压缩机能耗Wcomp和系统能效系数COP、下降管结晶盐含水率的上限值ω和换热器UA值的影响情况。结果表明:耦合过热蒸汽干燥的MVR系统相比常规系统具有更高的COP、更低的Wcomp,并且能够获得干燥的结晶盐;循环倍率CR增大,压缩机压比π降低,有利于提高COP和降低Wcomp,但同时换热器UAmhex值会增大,设备成本增加;系统COP随pflash的变化关系与循环倍率CR有关,CR较低时,随Pflash的增大,系统COP增大,CR超过某一定值,随着pflash的增大,系统COP呈先升后降趋势,其最大值在pflash为40~50kPa;进入干燥器的下降管结晶盐含水率的上限值ω与进料浓度c0有关,随进料浓度c0的升高而增大;?Tmhex对MVR系统性能有显著的影响,?Tmhex每增大1K,COP平均降低5.6%、Wcomp平均升高5.8%、UAmhex平均减少14.4%,ω平均升高1.7%。  相似文献   

在常规三效蒸发器的基础上,通过增大换热器物料层流速、增加二次蒸汽的除沫器、增加第三效分离器的导流装置等改进措施,开发出改进型三效蒸发工艺,并成功用于煤化工MVR蒸发母液的处理。设计处理量为192m3/d,实际处理量为220 m~3/d,产水电导率小于300μS/cm,COD小于40 mg/L,产水达到中水回用的标准;产盐含水率小于3%,吨水消耗蒸汽0.27 m~3,吨水耗电为20.37 kW·h。  相似文献   

机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)蒸发系统是一种高效节能的蒸发体系。本文采用降膜蒸发器为蒸发主体、罗茨压缩机为蒸汽压缩机, 并以水为实验原料研究了一套MVR蒸发装置。实验中以总蒸发水量和单位能耗蒸发水量(SMER)作为MVR蒸发系统的性能指标, 分别研究了进料温度、蒸发压强、压缩机频率对其影响。结果表明:最佳进料温度是蒸发压强下的饱和液体温度;最适蒸发压强与具体系统的蒸发能力和压缩机效率密切有关, 在压缩机效率保持较高水平的前提下, 适当降低蒸发压强有利于系统的节能;压缩机的频率直接影响系统的蒸发量和压缩机的功耗, 在压缩机允许的范围内增大压缩机频率, 单位能耗蒸发量是增加的。  相似文献   

何睦盈  蔡宇凌  胥娟 《广东化工》2013,40(17):115-116
介绍了机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)技术,通过与传统多效蒸发技术对比突出MVR技术节能的巨大优势。进一步介绍了MVR技术在制碱工艺、废水处理工艺、发酵行业、铝业、食品行业等领域的应用,突出MVR技术为各个行业创造的节能效益,预示其未来巨大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

石灰调质污泥恒温干燥特性及动力学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对添加石灰的市政污泥进行恒温干燥实验,研究在不同的石灰添加量和不同的温度条件下污泥干燥特性、有效水分扩散系数和干燥活化能。结果表明:高温干燥时,石灰添加量的增加对平均干燥速率以及有效扩散系数的提高影响显著,低温干燥时影响不显著;石灰的添加可以降低干燥活化能;基于Modified Page模型建立的通用干燥模型能准确地描述石灰调质污泥的干燥特性;模型方程预测值和实验值吻合,均方根误差为0.32%。  相似文献   

魏瑞军  汪曌 《广东化工》2014,41(19):148-149
污泥表观干燥动力学研究是污泥处理的一个非常重要的方法。通过对5 mm厚度的污泥分别在五种不同温度(80、100、120、140和160℃)下进行实验对比,并进行动力学方程拟合。结果表明,干燥速率常数K是污泥干燥动力学研究中一个重要的参数,温度越高,则干燥速率越大。计算得到样品污泥活化能为19.2325 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

通过温熵图和焓熵图结合工艺流程图对MVR系统进行了深度剖析,在Aspen Plus软件的辅助计算下,以水为蒸发工质,忽略系统的一切热量损失,对系统中的各个操作单元进行了理论上的分析,并结合工艺要求给出了最佳的操作条件:原料进入蒸发室前需要预热到蒸发压强下的饱和温度或者处于微过热状态;在设备条件允许的条件下,尽量控制在较高的真空度下蒸发;罗茨压缩机对二次蒸汽压缩时,压缩比控制在2左右最佳,既能保证有效的传热温差,又能拥有很高的能效比;冷凝液可以作为补充水源来消除压缩蒸汽的过热度,使过热蒸汽饱和化或处于微过热状态;蒸汽冷凝液应在饱和液体状态下引出,然后去预热原料和充当补充水;真空系统的处理应由真空泵抽吸不凝性气体和少量的二次蒸汽,为了维持MVR系统的能量平衡,应适时的补充少量新鲜蒸汽。  相似文献   

研究了节能型机械蒸汽再压缩技术(MVR)在维生素A生产的溶剂回收系统中的应用,分析了溶剂回收工艺中MVR技术的应用对节能减排、降低生产成本方面产生的效果。  相似文献   

金浩  彭发修  江波  黄婕 《化学工程》2012,40(7):26-29
辽河油田的含油污泥含有大量的水分,为了更有效地进行油泥热解和减少热解过程中的能耗,需运用干燥技术处理油泥。实验考察了不同干燥功率对油泥干燥速率、湿分比的影响。实验结果表明:油泥干燥可以分成3个阶段,即恒速干燥阶段、第1降速干燥阶段和第2降速干燥阶段;加热功率越大,达到平衡含水质量分数所用的时间越短,恒速干燥速率越大。然后运用干燥方程求得干燥时间。最后运用热分析动力学对实验数据进行处理,得到干燥动力学的数学模型。模拟结果表明修正Page模型符合油泥干燥过程。  相似文献   

为了充分利用盘式干燥器产生的废热蒸汽,运用机械蒸汽再压缩技术,设计了一种常压下,应用于盘式干燥器的节能工艺。废热蒸汽经洗涤、压缩、除过热后通入干燥器上层盘加热物料;生蒸汽通入下层盘加热物料。采用2种加热方式,分别对干燥的恒速阶段、降速阶段加热,降低了压缩比,使工艺更容易实现。采用加热过程产生的部分冷凝水洗涤废热蒸汽,循环使用,废水排到上一过滤工艺回收利用。对该工艺进行了理论分析,并通过与相同条件下常规工艺比较,进行经济性估算,得出该工艺设备投入较大,但运行成本低,约0.75年可回收成本;其能效比为9,与在蒸发工艺中的应用相比,相对较低,但该工艺在干燥中仍有很大应用前景;物料含水率越大,节约蒸汽量越多,节约运行成本越显著。  相似文献   

Sludge drying is an important intermediate process for sewage sludge treatment, usage, and disposal. A series of drying experiments were conducted in a continuous paddle dryer in order to have a better understanding of the sludge drying mechanism. The couple model of penetration model and Markov chain was used to simulate the drying kinetics in a continuous paddle dryer. The drying process has been compared in experimental and theoretical results, which show good agreement. The sewage sludge drying process in a continuous paddle dryer can be divided into three stages: the pasty phase, the sticky phase, and the complete-granular phase. The influences of the drying parameters on the sludge drying kinetics in a continuous paddle dryer were investigated. The sludge flow rate, dryer wall temperature, and dryer slope have remarkable influence on sludge drying in the examined range, but the stirrer speed and steam temperature have little influence on the drying kinetics.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高MVR蒸汽离心风机的运行性能,对蒸发负荷为15 t/h的MVR蒸汽离心风机进行气动热力学设计,建立了三维物理模型;采用CFD数值模拟手段,对MVR蒸汽离心风机内部流场进行数值模拟研究,研究了风机内部结构参数:集流器末端与叶轮入口径向间隙大小、集流器末端深入叶轮的深度、蜗壳宽度与叶轮出口宽度比对风机性能的影响,并对风机结构进行了优化。研究结果表明:集流器与叶轮入口径向间隙大小与风机效率成单调下降关系,间隙越小,效率与全压越大;当集流器末端深入叶轮的深度在10—30 mm之间时,MVR蒸汽离心风机的效率均可保持在75.7%左右;当蜗壳宽度与叶轮出口宽度比为4.47时,风机效率提高1.4%,全压提高1.8%;MVR蒸汽离心风机进出口压力的模拟值与实验值进行了比较,二者吻合较好。  相似文献   

The drying kinetics of poplar lumber was experimentally investigated as a function of drying temperature (115, 135, 160, 185 and 205°C) during a periodic hot-press-drying process. Poplar lumber was dried under contact (compression ratio of 10%) and high-press states (compression ratio of 44%). Compared with the contact-state, the high-press-state showed higher drying rate and higher efficiency of removing free water than bound water in wood. Eight mathematical models from the literature were established to analyze the drying behavior. The Weibull model, with an average determination coefficient R2 of 0.9958, fitted well for all applied drying conditions. The scale parameter decreased with increasing drying temperature and was lower for high-press-state drying compared with that for contact-state drying. Moisture diffusivity and activation energy were calculated according to the Weibull model. Diffusivity increased with increasing drying temperature, with the average value of 1.734?×?10?6 and 3.313?×?10?6?m2/s and activation energy of 34.79 and 32.85?kJ/mol for contact-state drying and high-press-state drying, respectively. Hot-press drying created an M-shaped curve of density distribution, with high density at the two surface regions gradually decreasing toward the core region. The contact state-dried wood showed increased density near the wood surface. Both average density and peak density improved in the case of high-press-state-dried wood. Furthermore, the hydrophilic index of wood for high-press-state drying was lower than that of the contact-state drying, and the opposite was true regarding crystallinity index. The hygroscopicity of high-press-dried poplar decreased with lower equilibrium moisture content and higher moisture excluding efficiency, compared with contact-state-dried poplar. The rapid, high-quality drying of poplar lumber through periodic hot-press was more potentially achieved by the high-press-state compared with contact-state drying.  相似文献   

Concrete structures are often subjected to drying in the natural environment. To simulate moisture transport in concrete during drying, a continuum model is commonly used, which generally requires the measured water vapor desorption isotherm as input data to address the equilibrium between liquid phase and water vapor at a given temperature. The main problem in measuring desorption isotherms is that the sample needs very long time to reach mass equilibrium at a certain relative humidity. To improve the method of measurement of sorption isotherms, we proposed to use Weibull equation to determine the mass loss at the infinite time. However, Weibull equation does not work well with the anomalous drying kinetics that were recently reported in the literature. In this paper, based on the theory of dual-porosity, a new equation is proposed by separating the moisture transport in the large and small pores to estimate the drying kinetics for cementitious materials. Fitting the drying kinetics measured by the dynamic vapor sorption analyzer shows that the newly developed equation has a very high capability for a large range of relative humidities, especially for the anomalous drying kinetics. This paper also demonstrates that using the proposed equation can reduce the duration of measuring desorption isotherms.  相似文献   

Drying sewage sludge is a highly energy-extensive process. For this reason, this work seeks to identify a reagent that can enhance the effectiveness of the drying process. In this study, drying experiments of sewage sludge were conducted at drying temperatures ranging from 100 to 160°C. NaHCO3 was selected as the drying reagent, which was added to the sludge before drying. The thin-layer drying characteristics of the sludge and sludge/NaHCO3 mixtures were later investigated and compared. Various mathematical models were used to simulate the sludge drying curves. It was found that adding 2 and 6% (wet basis) of NaHCO3 to the sludge was effective in improving the moisture diffusion during the drying process, whereas the drying rate of the sludge/NaHCO3 mixtures decreased when the addition of NaHCO3 was further increased to 10% (wet basis). When the addition ratio was 2%, the increase in the maximum drying rate was the largest. With coefficients of determination (R2) over 0.9999, the modified Midilli model proposed in this study was observed to be the most suitable model to describe thin-layer drying of sludge relative to the other models examined in terms of R2, reduced χ2, root mean square error, and residual sum of squares. The values of the diffusion coefficients at each temperature were obtained using Fick’s second law of diffusion, which varied from 3.700?×?10?9 to 1.085?×?10?8?m2/s over the temperature range (i.e., 100–160°C). The activation energy of moisture diffusion was determined to be 27.57?kJ/mol. Scanning electron microscope images of the dried sludge and sludge/NaHCO3 mixtures indicated that the porosity of the sludge after drying increased with an increase in the NaHCO3 addition ratio. Overall, the results suggested that NaHCO3 is a suitable reagent to improve the drying efficiency of the sludge.  相似文献   

张琳  蒋枫  陆凯杰  徐晨  崔腾飞  赵枫  纪加超 《化工进展》2015,34(6):1550-1556
为了探究机械式蒸汽再压缩(MVR)系统中蒸汽罗茨风机的运行性能, 采用计算流体动力学Fluent软件, 在设计工况条件下对空冷和逆流冷却三叶渐开线型罗茨风机设计的内部流场、出口流量、压力、温度的脉动性能进行了研究;同时, 对逆流冷却罗茨风机在不同升压、不同转速变工况下的脉动特性进行了分析。研究表明:逆流冷却罗茨风机可避免蒸汽回流, 降低了气动力噪声, 流场均匀性和脉动性能均优于空冷罗茨风机, 出口温度和压力能很好地满足MVR系统的工艺设计需求;在升压6.4~19.2kPa范围内, 其绝热效率比空冷罗茨风机高1.2%~1.7%, 综合性能更优。逆流冷却罗茨风机在不同升压、不同转速变工况下运行时, 有着良好的稳定性, 出口流量和温度可以各自调节满足生产需要, 通过调节变频电机转速可实现流量调节;通过调节预进气蒸汽温度可实现蒸汽出口温度调节;逆流冷却罗茨风机的出口温度模拟值与实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

杨德明  谭建凯  王颖  蒋宇  高晓新 《化工进展》2015,34(11):4120-4125
机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)热泵技术是把低品位的蒸汽通过压缩转变为高品位的蒸汽,循环用于热源的供热以减少能耗。而热集成技术则是合理的匹配冷热物流的换热,以提高物流的有效能利用率。鉴于精馏过程的高能耗和低热力学效率,本文以四元混合醇的分离为研究对象,把基于MVR热泵技术的热集成精馏工艺应用于该体系的分离,提出并研究了该体系带热集成与不带热集成各种MVR精馏工艺;以能耗和年总费用(TAC)为评价指标,采用Aspen Plus 软件对各分离工艺进行模拟与优化,确定各分离工艺的操作参数与设备参数。研究结果表明,与常规顺序分离工艺相比,MVR精馏工艺节约能耗50%以上,节约年总费用约61%。带热集成MVR精馏工艺与不带热集成MVR精馏工艺相比,在能耗和年总费用方面,优势相当,但前者热力学效率提高了约9.5%。  相似文献   

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