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We present a versatile technique to convert textures with tristimulus colors into the spectral domain, allowing such content to be used in modern rendering systems. Our method is based on the observation that suitable reflectance spectra can be represented using a low‐dimensional parametric model that is intrinsically smooth and energy‐conserving, which leads to significant simplifications compared to prior work. The resulting spectral textures are compact and efficient: storage requirements are identical to standard RGB textures, and as few as six floating point instructions are required to evaluate them at any wavelength. Our model is the first spectral upsampling method to achieve zero error on the full sRGB gamut. The technique also supports large‐gamut color spaces, and can be vectorized effectively for use in rendering systems that handle many wavelengths at once.  相似文献   

In photorealistic image synthesis the radiative transfer equation is often not solved by simulating every wavelength of light, but instead by computing tristimulus transport, for instance using sRGB primaries as a basis. This choice is convenient, because input texture data is usually stored in RGB colour spaces. However, there are problems with this approach which are often overlooked or ignored. By comparing to spectral reference renderings, we show how rendering in tristimulus colour spaces introduces colour shifts in indirect light, violation of energy conservation, and unexpected behaviour in participating media. Furthermore, we introduce a fast method to compute spectra from almost any given XYZ input colour. It creates spectra that match the input colour precisely. Additionally, like in natural reflectance spectra, their energy is smoothly distributed over wide wavelength bands. This method is both useful to upsample RGB input data when spectral transport is used and as an intermediate step for corrected tristimulus‐based transport. Finally, we show how energy conservation can be enforced in RGB by mapping colours to valid reflectances.  相似文献   

How to derive a spectrum from an RGB triplet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The computer graphics and vision communities have dedicated long standing efforts in building computerized tools for reconstructing, tracking, and analyzing human faces based on visual input. Over the past years rapid progress has been made, which led to novel and powerful algorithms that obtain impressive results even in the very challenging case of reconstruction from a single RGB or RGB‐D camera. The range of applications is vast and steadily growing as these technologies are further improving in speed, accuracy, and ease of use. Motivated by this rapid progress, this state‐of‐the‐art report summarizes recent trends in monocular facial performance capture and discusses its applications, which range from performance‐based animation to real‐time facial reenactment. We focus our discussion on methods where the central task is to recover and track a three dimensional model of the human face using optimization‐based reconstruction algorithms. We provide an in‐depth overview of the underlying concepts of real‐world image formation, and we discuss common assumptions and simplifications that make these algorithms practical. In addition, we extensively cover the priors that are used to better constrain the under‐constrained monocular reconstruction problem, and discuss the optimization techniques that are employed to recover dense, photo‐geometric 3D face models from monocular 2D data. Finally, we discuss a variety of use cases for the reviewed algorithms in the context of motion capture, facial animation, as well as image and video editing.  相似文献   

A practical approach to spectral volume rendering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To make a spectral representation of color practicable for volume rendering, a new low-dimensional subspace method is used to act as the carrier of spectral information. With that model, spectral light material interaction can be integrated into existing volume rendering methods at almost no penalty. In addition, slow rendering methods can profit from the new technique of postillumination-generating spectral images in real-time for arbitrary light spectra under a fixed viewpoint. Thus, the capability of spectral rendering to create distinct impressions of a scene under different lighting conditions is established as a method of real-time interaction. Although we use an achromatic opacity in our rendering, we show how spectral rendering permits different data set features to be emphasized or hidden as long as they have not been entirely obscured. The use of postillumination is an order of magnitude faster than changing the transfer function and repeating the projection step. To put the user in control of the spectral visualization, we devise a new widget, a "light-dial", for interactively changing the illumination and include a usability study of this new light space exploration tool. Applied to spectral transfer functions, different lights bring out or hide specific qualities of the data. In conjunction with postillumination, this provides a new means for preparing data for visualization and forms a new degree of freedom for guided exploration of volumetric data sets  相似文献   

Rendering vector maps is a key challenge for high‐quality geographic visualization systems. In this paper, we present a novel approach to visualize vector maps over detailed terrain models in a pixel‐precise way. Our method proposes a deferred line rendering technique to display vector maps directly in a screen‐space shading stage over the 3D terrain visualization. Due to the absence of traditional geometric polygonal rendering, our algorithm is able to outperform conventional vector map rendering algorithms for geographic information systems, and supports advanced line anti‐aliasing as well as slope distortion correction. Furthermore, our deferred line rendering enables interactively customizable advanced vector styling methods as well as a tool for interactive pixel‐based editing operations.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, the resolution characteristics of multi‐primary‐color (MPC) display systems are analyzed. That four‐primary‐color (4PC) displays can increase the effective resolution for achromatic images in the luminance domain by a factor of two as compared to conventional RGB‐based displays with MPC‐specialized subpixel rendering, which is proposed in this paper, is demonstrated. Five‐ and six‐primary‐color (5PC and 6PC) display systems can reproduce denser luminance data than conventional RGB‐based display systems and solve a problem of MPC displays, viz. an increase of production costs and a decrease in the aperture ratio caused by increasing the number of subpixels in one pixel. This is an essential advantage of MPC display systems, which is related to the combination of the proposed color‐filter architecture and image processing. Thus, a completely new advantage of MPC display systems, in addition to their well‐known capabilities of color reproduction and power saving, is proposed.  相似文献   

Physically based spectral rendering has become increasingly important in recent years. However, asset textures in such systems are usually still drawn or acquired as RGB tristimulus values. While a number of RGB to spectrum upsampling techniques are available, none of them support upsampling of all colours in the full spectral locus, as it is intrinsically bigger than the gamut of physically valid reflectance spectra. But with display technology moving to increasingly wider gamuts, the ability to achieve highly saturated colours becomes an increasingly important feature. Real materials usually exhibit smooth reflectance spectra, while computationally generated spectra become more blocky as they represent increasingly bright and saturated colours. In print media, plastic or textile design, fluorescent dyes are added to extend the boundaries of the gamut of reflectance spectra. We follow the same approach for rendering: we provide a method which, given an input RGB tristimulus value, automatically provides a mixture of a regular, smooth reflectance spectrum plus a fluorescent part. For highly saturated input colours, the combination yields an improved reconstruction compared to what would be possible relying on a reflectance spectrum alone. At the core of our technique is a simple parametric spectral model for reflectance, excitation, and emission that allows for compact storage and is compatible with texture mapping. The model can then be used as a fluorescent diffuse component in an existing more complex BRDF model. We also provide importance sampling routines for practical application in a path tracer.  相似文献   

Physically based rendering systems often support spectral rendering to simulate light transport in the real world. Material representations in such simulations need to be defined as spectral distributions. Since commonly available material data are in tristimulus colours, we ideally would like to obtain spectral distributions from tristimulus colours as an input to spectral rendering systems. Reproduction of spectral distributions given tristimulus colours, however, has been considered an ill‐posed problem since single tristimulus colour corresponds to a set of different spectra due to metamerism. We show how to resolve this problem using a data‐driven approach based on measured spectra and propose a practical algorithm that can faithfully reproduce a corresponding spectrum only from the given tristimulus colour. The key observation in colour science is that a natural measured spectrum is usually well approximated by a weighted sum of a few basis functions. We show how to reformulate conversion of tristimulus colours to spectra via principal component analysis. To improve accuracy of conversion, we propose a greedy clustering algorithm which minimizes reconstruction error. Using pre‐computation, the runtime computation is just a single matrix multiplication with an input tristimulus colour. Numerical experiments show that our method well reproduces the reference measured spectra using only the tristimulus colours as input.  相似文献   

Facial appearance capture is now firmly established within academic research and used extensively across various application domains, perhaps most prominently in the entertainment industry through the design of virtual characters in video games and films. While significant progress has occurred over the last two decades, no single survey currently exists that discusses the similarities, differences, and practical considerations of the available appearance capture techniques as applied to human faces. A central difficulty of facial appearance capture is the way light interacts with skin—which has a complex multi‐layered structure—and the interactions that occur below the skin surface can, by definition, only be observed indirectly. In this report, we distinguish between two broad strategies for dealing with this complexity. “Image‐based methods” try to exhaustively capture the exact face appearance under different lighting and viewing conditions, and then render the face through weighted image combinations. “Parametric methods” instead fit the captured reflectance data to some parametric appearance model used during rendering, allowing for a more lightweight and flexible representation but at the cost of potentially increased rendering complexity or inexact reproduction. The goal of this report is to provide an overview that can guide practitioners and researchers in assessing the tradeoffs between current approaches and identifying directions for future advances in facial appearance capture.  相似文献   

Photorealistic rendering of real world environments is important in a range of different areas; including Visual Special effects, Interior/Exterior Modelling, Architectural Modelling, Cultural Heritage, Computer Games and Automotive Design. Currently, rendering systems are able to produce photorealistic simulations of the appearance of many real‐world materials. In the real world, viewer perception of objects depends on the lighting and object/material/surface characteristics, the way a surface interacts with the light and on how the light is reflected, scattered, absorbed by the surface and the impact these characteristics have on material appearance. In order to re‐produce this, it is necessary to understand how materials interact with light. Thus the representation and acquisition of material models has become such an active research area. This survey of the state‐of‐the‐art of BRDF Representation and Acquisition presents an overview of BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) models used to represent surface/material reflection characteristics, and describes current acquisition methods for the capture and rendering of photorealistic materials.  相似文献   

Image‐ and data‐parallel rendering across multiple nodes on high‐performance computing systems is widely used in visualization to provide higher frame rates, support large data sets, and render data in situ. Specifically for in situ visualization, reducing bottlenecks incurred by the visualization and compositing is of key concern to reduce the overall simulation runtime. Moreover, prior algorithms have been designed to support either image‐ or data‐parallel rendering and impose restrictions on the data distribution, requiring different implementations for each configuration. In this paper, we introduce the Distributed FrameBuffer, an asynchronous image‐processing framework for multi‐node rendering. We demonstrate that our approach achieves performance superior to the state of the art for common use cases, while providing the flexibility to support a wide range of parallel rendering algorithms and data distributions. By building on this framework, we extend the open‐source ray tracing library OSPRay with a data‐distributed API, enabling its use in data‐distributed and in situ visualization applications.  相似文献   

Great advancements in commodity graphics hardware have favoured graphics processing unit (GPU)‐based volume rendering as the main adopted solution for interactive exploration of rectilinear scalar volumes on commodity platforms. Nevertheless, long data transfer times and GPU memory size limitations are often the main limiting factors, especially for massive, time‐varying or multi‐volume visualization, as well as for networked visualization on the emerging mobile devices. To address this issue, a variety of level‐of‐detail (LOD) data representations and compression techniques have been introduced. In order to improve capabilities and performance over the entire storage, distribution and rendering pipeline, the encoding/decoding process is typically highly asymmetric, and systems should ideally compress at data production time and decompress on demand at rendering time. Compression and LOD pre‐computation does not have to adhere to real‐time constraints and can be performed off‐line for high‐quality results. In contrast, adaptive real‐time rendering from compressed representations requires fast, transient and spatially independent decompression. In this report, we review the existing compressed GPU volume rendering approaches, covering sampling grid layouts, compact representation models, compression techniques, GPU rendering architectures and fast decoding techniques.  相似文献   

通过将快照编码孔径光谱成像和普通RGB彩色成像结合,双相机光谱成像系统能够高效地获取场景的光谱信息,具有广阔的应用前景.如何高质量地从压缩采样中重建高光谱图像是该系统需要解决的重要问题.根据高光谱图像与彩色图像在空间结构和光谱响应上的相关性,本文了提出一种基于颜色自适应字典的重建算法,用以提高双相机光谱成像系统的重建质量.首先,利用RGB观测分别训练三通道非负字典.然后,以彩色相机的光谱响应曲线为指导,为每一个谱带选择光谱相关性最大的字典.最后,完成高光谱图像的稀疏重建.高光谱数据库和遥感数据库的仿真结果均表明,本文提出的算法能够大幅度提升双相机光谱成像系统的重建质量.  相似文献   

Optimized Sub-Sampling of Point Sets for Surface Splatting   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Using surface splats as a rendering primitive has gained increasing attention recently due to its potential for high‐performance and high‐quality rendering of complex geometric models. However, as with any other rendering primitive, the processing costs are still proportional to the number of primitives that we use to represent a given object. This is why complexity reduction for point‐sampled geometry is as important as it is, e.g., for triangle meshes. In this paper we present a new sub‐sampling technique for dense point clouds which is specifically adjusted to the particular geometric properties of circular or elliptical surface splats. A global optimization scheme computes an approximately minimal set of splats that covers the entire surface while staying below a globally prescribed maximum error toleranceε. Since our algorithm converts pure point sample data into surface splats with normal vectors and spatial extent, it can also be considered as a surface reconstruction technique which generates a hole‐free piecewise linearC?1 continuous approximation of the input data. Here we can exploit the higher flexibility of surface splats compared to triangle meshes. Compared to previous work in this area we are able to obtain significantly lower splat numbers for a given error tolerance.  相似文献   

Color Fidelity in Computer Graphics: a Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to make a state of the art for color fidelity in computer graphics. Color fidelity includes three steps. The first one is the spectral rendering phase which attributes a spectrum to each pixel of a picture. During the second step, a spectral data is transformed into a set of tristimulus values in the XYZ color space. The purpose of the third step, called Color Reproduction Function, is to determine the RGB values displayable on the screen, in such a way that subjective fidelity is reached. We especially detail the two last steps of the color fidelity process; we also point out the work still remaining to be done in this field and we propose some research ways.  相似文献   

The advent of affordable consumer grade RGB‐D cameras has brought about a profound advancement of visual scene reconstruction methods. Both computer graphics and computer vision researchers spend significant effort to develop entirely new algorithms to capture comprehensive shape models of static and dynamic scenes with RGB‐D cameras. This led to significant advances of the state of the art along several dimensions. Some methods achieve very high reconstruction detail, despite limited sensor resolution. Others even achieve real‐time performance, yet possibly at lower quality. New concepts were developed to capture scenes at larger spatial and temporal extent. Other recent algorithms flank shape reconstruction with concurrent material and lighting estimation, even in general scenes and unconstrained conditions. In this state‐of‐the‐art report, we analyze these recent developments in RGB‐D scene reconstruction in detail and review essential related work. We explain, compare, and critically analyze the common underlying algorithmic concepts that enabled these recent advancements. Furthermore, we show how algorithms are designed to best exploit the benefits of RGB‐D data while suppressing their often non‐trivial data distortions. In addition, this report identifies and discusses important open research questions and suggests relevant directions for future work.  相似文献   

Displaying a large number of lines within a limited amount of screen space is a task that is common to many different classes of visualization techniques such as time‐series visualizations, parallel coordinates, link‐node diagrams, and phase‐space diagrams. This paper addresses the challenging problems of cluttering and overdraw inherent to such visualizations. We generate a 2×2 tensor field during line rasterization that encodes the distribution of line orientations through each image pixel. Anisotropic diffusion of a noise texture is then used to generate a dense, coherent visualization of line orientation. In order to represent features of different scales, we employ a multi‐resolution representation of the tensor field. The resulting technique can easily be applied to a wide variety of line‐based visualizations. We demonstrate this for parallel coordinates, a time‐series visualization, and a phase‐space diagram. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to integrate a focus+context approach by incorporating a second tensor field. Our approach achieves interactive rendering performance for large data sets containing millions of data items, due to its image‐based nature and ease of implementation on GPUs. Simulation results from computational fluid dynamics are used to evaluate the performance and usefulness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A popular approach for computing photorealistic images of virtual objects requires applying reflectance profiles measured from real surfaces, introducing several challenges: the memory needed to faithfully capture realistic material reflectance is large, the choice of materials is limited to the set of measurements, and image synthesis using the measured data is costly. Typically, this data is either compressed by projecting it onto a subset of its linear principal components or by applying non‐linear methods. The former requires many components to faithfully represent the input reflectance, whereas the latter necessitates costly extrapolation algorithms. We learn an underlying, low‐dimensional non‐linear reflectance manifold amenable to rapid exploration and rendering of real‐world materials. We can express interpolated materials as linear combinations of the measured data, despite them lying on an inherently non‐linear manifold. This allows us to efficiently interpolate and extrapolate measured BRDFs, and to render directly from the manifold representation. We exploit properties of Gaussian process latent variable models and use our representation for high‐performance and offline rendering with interpolated real‐world materials.  相似文献   

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