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尽管已经有一些遗传算法被应用于获取用户兴趣,但如何帮助用户找到最符合用户兴趣的信息,仍然存在诸多问题。好的适应度函数对于改善获取用户兴趣的遗传算法是非常重要的。该文设计了一个新的用于获取用户兴趣的遗传算法的适应度函数,使用该函数的遗传算法有效地提高了获取用户兴趣的准确性,减轻了用户的负担。通过实验,验证了该算法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

协同过滤系统是目前最成功的一种推荐系统,但是传统的协同过滤算法没有考虑用户兴趣会随时间发生变化以及类似特征用户对用户相似度精度具有影响等因素,导致推荐质量较差。该文结合用户兴趣变化和用户特征两个因素,提出了新的用户之间相似度计算方法用来提高协同过滤推荐质量。  相似文献   

Academics and practitioners have increasingly been paying attention to process innovation as a means of improving the competitive positioning of manufacturing firms. It is only recently that this attention has turned to the small manufacturing firms. Results from an empirical study indicate that the level of entrepreneurial intensity differs with the organizational status of CEOs. Further, CEOs’ organizational status strongly influences the link between entrepreneurial intensity and the degree of process innovativeness of the small firm. In particular, this link is strongest in the case of owner-founders and is weakest in the case of CEOs who were brought in from outside by a head office.  相似文献   

Time-Aware Web Users' Clustering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web users' clustering is a crucial task for mining information related to users' needs and preferences. Up to now, popular clustering approaches build clusters based on usage patterns derived from users' page preferences. This paper emphasizes the need to discover similarities in users' accessing behavior with respect to the time locality of their navigational acts. In this context, we present two time-aware clustering approaches for tuning and binding the page and time visiting criteria. The two tracks of the proposed algorithms define clusters with users that show similar visiting behavior at the same time period, by varying the priority given to page or time visiting. The proposed algorithms are evaluated using both synthetic and real data sets and the experimentation has shown that the new clustering schemes result in enriched clusters compared to those created by the conventional non-time-aware user clustering approaches. These clusters contain users exhibiting similar access behavior in terms not only of their page preferences but also of their access time.  相似文献   

The potential contribution of reflection to leadership at the project level is explored by building upon theories of reflection, and by presenting a case describing reflective leadership in practice. Reflective leadership refers to the process by which leaders reflect on their own leader behaviour in order to understand how it affects the behaviour of others. A means of facilitating leaders in their development of reflective skills is described. The evidence supports the proposition that reflective leadership can be enhanced to the benefit of innovative climate in projects.  相似文献   

用户行为异常检测模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从系统安全的角度出发,将异常检测技术用于用户行为分析领域,建立了一个异常检测原型模型UBAD(User Behavior Abnormality Detection)。利用关联规则算法FP-growth,对系统中的反映用户行为特征的数据进行深入挖掘,得到每个用户的行为模式, 将当前模式与正常历史模式进行对比可以判断用户行为是否异常。  相似文献   

We investigate two parametric approaches and one non-parametric approach toestimating Internet users' value-of-time, an important characteristic ofdemand for Internet services. The advantages of these approaches are madeclear and their limitations discussed. The models are tested with datagenerated from our similation model of the Internet economy. Given thecharacteristics of the data, we investigate parametric count-data modelsfirst. While reasonably good results are obtained on all medium- andlarge-sized jobs, the method fails on small-sized ones. Second, we develop anonparametric quasi-Bayesian update algorithm for retrieving the underlyingdistribution function of Internet users' value-of-time purely fromobservations on their choices. Compared with the parametric count-data models,good results are obtained in every case.  相似文献   

近年来,Web使用挖掘成为数据挖掘领域中一个新的研究热点,Web使用挖掘是从记录了大量网络用户行为信息的Web日志中发现用户访问行为特征和潜在规律.本文结合某高校主页的真实运行数据,通过Web使用挖掘对于网站的运行日志文件进行全面的挖掘分析,分析用户对信息内容的兴趣度,并通过用户对网页的访问数据推算出各个页面受众的兴趣度高低,借此改良网站的内容和布局.  相似文献   

This paper explores ideation capabilities in large organizations. Based on the dynamic capabilities framework, it is seen that ideation capabilities are managerial and organizational processes for the stimulation, identification, selection and implementation of ideas. In order to explore how these capabilities are manifested and used in firms, case studies of four Swedish companies have been performed. The results of the study show that there are different approaches to ideation. In terms of the nature of innovative ideas, the observations lead to the suggestion that ideation presents some seemingly paradoxical issues to management. Firms with an explicit focus on building ideation practices experience that there are some negative consequences of the resultant formalization. Furthermore, the extent to which many employees should be involved in ideation is a difficult aspect, even though new technologies make this more viable. Also the degree to which the search for ideas should be directed is a non‐trivial question, as the ideation processes can be facilitated by both freedom and limitations. It is nevertheless seen that firms can benefit from more deliberate approaches to ideation, in particular if these are broad and balanced and focus on both building capabilities that formalize the informal, in terms of establishing explicit processes, roles and systems, and building capabilities needed to manage informal structures in new ways.  相似文献   

现代设计艺术的发展,愈来愈要求设计师具有强烈的创新意识,创造性思维。但在这个到处充斥着创意术语而又缺乏创意的环境下,如何创造创意?也许我们应该改变的是我们的思维,只有具有创造性思维才能做出独创性的作品来。  相似文献   

Ideation is increasingly receiving attention as a management issue, and we can at present witness the emergence and diffusion of a range of different proactive approaches towards ideation. This development is hardly surprising in the light of the changed nature of innovation activities, including a higher reliance also on external sources for innovation and more focus on non‐technological types of innovation, such as business model innovations. Firms need to handle both a larger number of sources for innovation and more different types of innovations. This article investigates how spanning different knowledge domains influences individuals' ideation performance. A study has been performed using data on all ideas created within an organization during three years. From this data, two broad set of knowledge domains are identified and the influence on ideation of the individuals spanning these domains – the knowledge domain spanners in ideation – are investigated. The empirical results show that knowledge domain spanners in ideation have higher ideation performance than individuals engaged in only one knowledge domain.  相似文献   

When users interact with a voice-operated service, they bring along their habits as well as their expectations from experience with human-human dialogues, with the domain, and with other systems and services. In addition, users' expectations are further shaped while using a system. The present study explores the extent to which user-system interaction, and in particular difficulties in the interaction, are affected by users' expectations and (mis)conceptions of the service, and how these expectations evolve during use. In an exploratory study, twenty subjects queried two different train travel information services. A semi-structured interview was held on subjects' dialogues with the systems, by replaying the recordings together with the subjects. In interacting with voice-operated services, users appear to draw from various sources of experience. Users' misconceptions and misunderstandings of the system lead to various problems in interaction, such as undesired travel suggestions and irritation. The implications for the design of voice-operated services are discussed.  相似文献   

基于用户模糊聚类的个性化推荐算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对目前协同过滤算法中存在的项目相似性计算不准确问题,提出运用模糊聚类技术对用户进行聚类,将单个用户对项目的评分转化为用户相似群体对项目的评分,构造密集的用户模糊簇-项目的评分矩阵,并结合项目自身的类别属性特征对相似性计算的影响最终完成项目相似性的计算,以提高项目相似性计算的准确度,实验结果表明,可提高协同过滤推荐算法的推荐精度.  相似文献   

该文从四个方面分析了对用户数据安全的威胁:存贮介质损坏、病毒破坏、误操作和人为破坏,并针对目前计算机数据存在的安全威胁提出安全防护措施和拯救措施,以期广大用户能更好的保护数据。  相似文献   

Brainstorming can assist organizations in generating creative ideas using teamwork and collaboration. However, the role of information technology in brainstorming is merely that of an assistant that passively supports the progression of brainstorming sessions rather than proactively engaging in the sessions. This paper integrates the unique association thinking of humans with an intelligent agent technique to devise an automated decision agent called the Semantic Ideation Learning Agent (SILA) that can represent a session participant who is actively participating in brainstorming. SILAs are grounded on the three association capabilities of human thinking (similarity, contiguity, and contrast). Furthermore, a Collective Brainstorming Decision System (CBDS) is built to construct an environment where SILAs can learn and share their knowledge with each other. Additionally, CBDS is integrated into an intelligent care project (iCare) for the purpose of innovated e-service recommendation. Preliminarily, evaluation results indicate that the proposed system advances e-brainstorming by crossing the three key boundaries of human ideation capability (understanding, cognition boundary, and endurance).  相似文献   

用户搜索网页行为的分析是目前信息搜索的研究的热点,本文针对云计算中的并行计算搜索存在的检索速度慢,效率低等缺点提出了一种基于Hadoop海量用户搜索网页行为的方法,该方法主要是在网页PageRank算法的基础上,将用户影响因子,时间向量和网页相关性因素加入到算法中,使得改进后的PageRank算法得到了提高,进一步提高用户搜索网页行为的效率,实验中通过使用优酷实验室中的查询日志分析证明了本文的算法具有良好的效果,并对云计算中的用户行为分析具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

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