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走出商品房绿化建设误区   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
梁振强 《中国园林》2000,16(6):18-18
珠江三角洲城镇的商品房绿化建设出现了一些误区,及时引导开发商走出这些误区,无疑是一件利国利民的大事。  相似文献   

近年来,人民法院审理的商品房买卖纠纷案件居高不下,已成为社会关注的热点。据统计,沪上某中级法院自2003年1月至12月共受理商品房买卖合同纠纷上诉案件579件,占二审收案总数的37.3%,与上年的542件相比有所上升,涉案诉讼金额达2800余万元。  相似文献   

杜宇 《中州建设》2006,(7):20-20
针对近期全国各地一些开发商以售后包租的形式拆零销售未竣工的商品房屋.并在媒体上大量刊登相关的广告这一现象.建设部近日发出风险提示:以售后包租的形式购房有风险,投资须慎重。  相似文献   

记者近来调查的情况是,商品房的成本主要分为三块:建筑材料费、土地出让金和税费。即便是开发商交齐了所有的成本费用,也还有40%左右的利润空间!这意味着,按照本市目前3076元的商品房平均价格来算,每售出一平方米的商品房,开发商至少可以赚到一千元!  相似文献   

2003年,年轻的工程师于凌罡首次提出合作建房,然而这个看起来很“美”的想法付诸行动之时却行之不易。如今,于凌罡的接棒人赵智强再度进京,宣布已看中南四环、南五环两个地块并继续寻找合作者时,人们对合作建房能否成功依然争论不休。合作建房到底是利大于弊还是弊大于利?带来的是利益?又或者是弊害?业内外对此褒贬不一。  相似文献   

殷琳 《上海住宅》2005,(12):104-106
由于我国商品房的发展历史较短,商品房买卖市场还不完善,而在商品房买卖中,购房相对房地产的开发商处于弱势地位.所以,其权利经常受到侵害。购房权利的自我保护,也称为购房权利的私立保护,是指购房在商品房的买卖中通过自己的行为对自己的权利加以保护。这种保护由于购房在买卖关系中本身的弱势,主要表现为权利受到侵害前的预防性保护。具体来说有以下一些途径。  相似文献   

对商品房成本实施控制的现实意义。实施对商品房成本的控制主要是从商品房开发商的角度出发来讨论的这一问题,但对商品房成本的有效控制所带来的效果,无论对商品房的买方(用户)或卖方(开发商)都会直接或间接带来利益。  相似文献   

当前房地产市场中,特别是购买新建商品房过程中,开发商利用虚假广告、违规预售、签订存有缺陷的商品房买卖合同,或在集体土地上建设房屋违法销售,损害消费者合法权益的行为时有发生。为此,建设部新闻发言人提示广大消费者,在购买新建商品房过程中,要注意加强风险意识和维权意识。  相似文献   

从我国房地产行业的发展现状看,即便当前的房价飞速上涨,但依然未能削弱国民的购房热情。房屋购买方虽是国家法律的重点保护对象,但开发商的利益也同样值得关注。在商品房预售过程中,开发商的法律风险问题,主要是由于其与消费者的信息不协调以及相关法律法规不完善所引起,为此,需在今后对上述问题加以重视。文章对开发商在商品房预售中的法律风险及防范进行了研究。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,房地产业发展日新月异,突飞猛进,各类开发企业如雨后春笋,商住楼、综合楼比比皆是。目前,仅自贡市就有百余家房地产开发企业,每年开发商品房面积就多达数十万平方米,成为了推动城市建设发展的重要力量。但是,由于管理、体制等诸多因素,目前,商品开发房屋消防设施  相似文献   

长寿时代的空巢家庭企盼亲情住宅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出空巢家庭界定的标准.通过对北京和上海大量调查研究,分析了我国空巢家庭的特点,指出我国亲情住宅建设的基本要求.  相似文献   

变化一:上半年价格迅速上涨2004年全年,北京房地产市场均价最高月份为9月份,其中普通住宅销售(预售)均价高达6234元人民/每平方米,从图1可知,2004年度3-7月份普通住宅的均价基本呈现上升趋势,直至在接近年底后才有小幅回落,但仍比2003年同增长约400余元。其中,2004年均价大大高于2003年的一个原因是由于2003年春的SARS流行,其直接导致5月份普通住宅均价跌至谷底,随后虽然有大幅回升,但房价2个月间的大幅增长也引起的人们的关注。其二,由于2004年初4号令以及一系列金融土地策的出台,土地未来可能的缺乏影响了人们关于未来供应量减少的心理…  相似文献   

时值香港“第三届家居潮流博览”举行之际,本刊记应邀访问了香港家居业知名品牌企业皇室实业有限公司。  相似文献   

Tom Kauko 《Housing Studies》2009,24(5):587-610
This study deals with residential location modelling of Budapest, Hungary, using a neural network approach known as the self-organising map (SOM). After identifying various urban elements, the analysis focuses on the dynamics of two selected inner-city neighbourhoods: the middle parts of the districts VIII (Józsefváros) and IX (Ferencváros) respectively. These adjacent, but different, areas in the south-eastern part of the inner city have both received attention as subjects for substantial rehabilitation in recent decades. When the differentiation of micro-locations in the targeted areas was modelled using the SOM over a period of six yearly cross-sections, notable dynamics could be identified in terms of both actual changes in the fundamental quality, and expected house price escalations that are not related to fundamentals. In particular, the evidence reveals how housing market development is related to most localised processes of social and physical upgrading occurring in an urban setting.  相似文献   

对上海楼市的讨论就像它的楼价一样热火朝天。  相似文献   

经过四个多月的广泛调研,“百旺·北京城镇宜居指数”在众多消费者的热切期盼中诞生了。这项课题由北京海淀科技园建设股份有限公司、北京德成兴业房地产开发有限公司、北京迈尔时代商业顾问有公司与中国人民大学社会学系专家通力合作共同完成,整个研究取得了预期的成效。科学调研项目负责人告诉记者,作为首个城镇宜居指数的调查研究,为了达到很好的示范和启发作用,其前期准备和实施过程都力求细致、周全和科学。人民大学社会学系负责这个项目的教授也拿出许多数据向记者表明,整个宜居指数的问卷设计、抽样规划、调查实施过程都充分遵循了科…  相似文献   

In June 2004 the government-backed Housing Financing Fund eased its loan regulations in an attempt to consolidate its position in the domestic credit market. This led to a strong response from the domestic commercial banks that actively entered the mortgage market for the first time. These changes led to a substantial decline in long-term real mortgage rates, increased the access to credit, and allowed homeowners for the first time to withdraw equity from their homes without actual transactions. This paper sets up a simple model of housing demand and supply to analyse these effects. The results suggest that the structural changes led to a substantial rise in housing demand, with house prices rising by 25 per cent one year after the shock. This triggered a similar rise in housing investment approximately two years after the shock. The model predicts that the effects on house prices gradually die out as house prices return to the level that is consistent with normal profit margins in the construction sector. However, the housing stock remains approximately 5 per cent larger than in the baseline scenario.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impact of housing market conditions on the theoretically motivated and empirically observed negative relationship between loan-to-value (LTV) ratios and home maintenance expenditures. If the relationship is causal, then a down housing market will result in significantly decreased upkeep in the housing stock. The large rise and fall in home prices during the 2001–2009 period allows a unique opportunity to analyze the response of homeowners to changing housing market conditions. Data from the American Housing Survey are analyzed to confirm previous work that a negative relationship exists between LTV ratios and routine maintenance expenditures, however, this relationship does not move in the expected direction when examined along with temporal variations in market conditions. Panel analysis reveals a more complex story. Households most likely to be at risk for default decrease maintenance expenditures when default risk increases, but other households actually increased maintenance expenditures when the housing market conditions became less favorable.  相似文献   

The Maturation of the Neo-liberal Housing Market in Urban China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Neo-liberalism has dominated policy formulation and implementation for three decades and been influential in reshaping urban housing provision in different countries. However, the nature and impact of neo-liberal housing policy developments are also affected by previous arrangements, the exact nature, timing and pace of policy change and by how governments and markets have responded to emerging global and local challenges. This paper examines neo-liberal urban housing reform and market development in China and focuses on market performance and government responses following initial reform. The era of neo-liberal housing policy has been associated with turbulence, market changes and unequal housing and asset distribution. Housing reform and regulation policies have changed frequently in response; and this maturation of the neo-liberal system has important implications for policy and the structure and operation of the market.  相似文献   

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