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A system for providing near-physiologic flow patterns in the coronary arteries during cardiac surgery is described. Results in 40 dogs demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

The concept of a medical parallel robot applicable to chest compression in the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is proposed in this paper. According to the requirement of CPR action, a three-prismatic-universal-universal (3-PUU) translational parallel manipulator (TPM) is designed and developed for such applications, and a detailed analysis has been performed for the 3-PUU TPM involving the issues of kinematics, dynamics, and control. In view of the physical constraints imposed by mechanical joints, both the robot-reachable workspace and the maximum inscribed cylinder-usable workspace are determined. Moreover, the singularity analysis is carried out via the screw theory, and the robot architecture is optimized to obtain a large well-conditioning usable workspace. Based on the principle of virtual work with a simplifying hypothesis adopted, the dynamic model is established, and dynamic control utilizing computed torque method is implemented. At last, the experimental results made for the prototype illustrate the performance of the control algorithm well. This research will lay a good foundation for the development of a medical robot to assist in CPR operation.  相似文献   

信息化条件下船员CPR三段式培训模式是南通航运职业技术学院航海急救培训团队借鉴国内外权威机构CPR培训的做法, 在长期教学实践中逐渐形成的一套较为成熟的培训方案。该培训模式针对以往教学中普遍存在的理论和技能丢失的问题, 通过优化教学流程, 采用线上教学和线下教学交替进行的方式, 实现了师生线上线下的良性互动。同时, 将信息化教学手段引入船员CPR培训, 打破了时间和空间的局限, 为CPR培训的有效性提供了保证, 为探索建立规范、高效和易于实施的船员CPR培训模式提供了参考。  相似文献   

The authors recently developed a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) technique in which the airways are obstructed automatically during each chest wall compression. Energy loss accompanying air convection from the lungs during chest wall compression is limited so lung volume and intrathoracic pressures are increased. This technique required the development of a simple controller device to govern the pressure applied to ribcage and abdominal vests together with controller airflow at the airway opening. Experiments with the controller device on eight mongrel dogs showed that cardiac output increased obstructed expiratory cardiopulmonary resuscitation (OECPR) by 19% relative to the cardiac output during standard vest CPR (61% of the prearrest cardiac output relative to 24%, respectively). Furthermore, the OECPR technique without adjunct ventilation resolved the hypocapnic respiratory alkalosis that developed during the standard vest CPR with no ventilatory support. The authors give background information on the obstructed expiratory vest CPR and describe the controller device for delivering this CPR method  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) artifacts caused by chest compressions and ventilations interfere with the rhythm diagnosis of automated external defibrillators (AED). CPR must be interrupted for a reliable diagnosis. However, pauses in chest compressions compromise the defibrillation success rate and reduce perfusion of vital organs. The removal of the CPR artifacts would enable compressions to continue during AED rhythm analysis, thereby increasing the likelihood of resuscitation success. We have estimated the CPR artifact using only the frequency of the compressions as additional information to model it. Our model of the artifact is adaptively estimated using a least mean-square (LMS) filter. It was tested on 89 shockable and 292 nonshockable ECG samples from real out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest episodes. We evaluated the results using the shock advice algorithm of a commercial AED. The sensitivity and specificity were above 95% and 85%, respectively, for a wide range of working conditions of the LMS filter. Our results show that the CPR artifact can be accurately modeled using only the frequency of the compressions. These can be easily registered after small changes in the hardware of the CPR compression pads.   相似文献   

Angle Independent Ultrasonic Detection of Blood Flow   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a new technique for blood velocity imaging based on tracking the motion of the speckle pattern produced by blood. Unlike Doppler velocity determinations, these are angle independent. Initial in vivo experiments yield promising results.  相似文献   

用低能量He—Ne激光血管内照射(ILIB)糖尿病合并冠心病患者,研究了血液流变学和脂质过氧化物(LPO)。结果证实了ILIB的治疗作用。  相似文献   

Laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) has been demonstrated as a full-field method for imaging the cerebral blood flow (CBF). However, conventional LASCA is limited to extremely low dynamic range because of the ambient background field, dark current, and other anomalies in the circuits of a charge-coupled device camera, which makes it difficult to analyze the spatiotemporal variabilities in CBF. In this study, we proposed an enhanced LASCA (eLASCA) method to improve the dynamic range of LASCA based on monotonic point transformation. In investigating the influence of moderate hypothermia ($hbox{32}pm hbox{0.5};^circ$ C) on capillary CBF change, eLASCA presented much more significant decrease of relative CBF than LASCA (hypothermia: 189% versus 137%, postrewarming: 151% versus 119%). Statistically, eLASCA resulted in a higher confidence degree ( $p=0.009$) of CBF change after the rewarming than LASCA ( $p=0.013$). In addition, eLASCA greatly improves the CBF visualization, which is very helpful in demonstrating the details of CBF change.   相似文献   

BMS是集中监视和管控大量建筑机电系统设备的系统平台,对于提高系统整体工作效率、降低运营成本等方面效果明显。在BMS建设当中,如何切实满足各单位的个性化需求、确保设计方案的适用性,先进性、智能性和可扩展性等的要求非常重要。特别是对于大型公共建筑修缮或改造工程而言,需要处理好设备的利旧与更换,新旧系统的对接与联动等特殊问题,BMS平台还应根据用户需求及系统状况制定科学高效的控制策略,从而实现该系统节能、高效、舒适和智能等的管控目标。文章从上海科技馆建筑更新改造工程实践出发,着重探讨大型公共场馆类建筑在修缮改造中对于BMS系统的优化研究。  相似文献   

网版清洗是LTCC加工过程中一道重要的工序,它对LTCC产品中通孔和线条图案精度和连通可靠性起着极为重要的作用。特别是在网版再次使用过程时,只有将网版图案和丝网网孔中的金属浆料清除干净才能满足后续印刷的质量要求。分析了目前清洗工艺的现状,对网版清洗工艺进行优化,通过半自动清洗设备和清洗剂进行分析比较,并对关键工艺因素开展正交试验,获得了较优的工艺参数。  相似文献   

The application of a new algorithm for minimax optimization is investigated. Unlike most of the previously published algorithms the new algorithm uses to its advantage certain obvious properties of the minimax function, namely, that the discontinuities in the first derivatives can be characterized by projections. An N-section transmission-line transformer is used as a test problem.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of Doppler frequency estimators proposed to be used in ultrasonic moving target indicator (MTI) measurements of velocity profiles in blood flow is given. The estimators give an output in the form of a single analog voltage and the relation of the output to the Doppler spectrum is discussed. Three new estimators are also proposed. All estimators work fairly well for narrow-band Doppler spectra, but errors are found when broad-band spectra are present.  相似文献   

A technique is described for measuring regional blood flows in the brain of the cat. The measuring system is based on the principle of photoelectric plethysmography, a method commonly used to measure skdn blood flow. To miniaturize the photoelectric flow probe to a size compatible with cerebral insertion, a light emitting diode (LED) was used as the light source and a photo-Darlington array was used as the photodetector, the entire structure being imbedded in the tip of a 22 gauge needle. To test the flow needle, blood flows were measured in the cerebrum and hypothalamus of the cat during nembutal infusion and CO2 breathing and were then compared to the blood flow measured by an electromagnetic flowmeter placed on the carotid artery. The results of these experiments showed the feasibility of using an indwelling photoelectric flow needle for measuring regional blood flows in the cat brain.  相似文献   

He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗冠心病临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用弱He-Ne微光静脉内照射血液疗法冠心病60例,总有效率83.3%,并能明显改善患者的高低争变率、血浆粘度和纤维蛋白原、降低LPO、升高SOD,临床治疗表明弱激光照射血液是防治冠心病的有效方法。  相似文献   

Least pth optimization of reflection coefficients and/or transducer gain of two-port microwave networks.  相似文献   

侯新宇  王晟  骆光明 《通信技术》2007,40(10):21-22
文中分析了发送方拥塞窗口、接收方缓存和网络容量三方面对网络流量的限制,并通过仿真得到接收端的缓存设置对网络吞吐量和时延影响的最优值,从而网络业务可以灵活调整缓存来对时延要求进行一定的优化。  相似文献   

微型轴流式血泵外磁驱动电路设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微型轴流式血泵是目前人工心脏结构研究的热点,外磁驱动是一种新型的血泵驱动方式。文中介绍了血泵外磁驱动电路的设计方案。通过该方案能够产生双向励磁电流,可直接驱动电机以实现血泵的外磁驱动。  相似文献   

电信企业客服中心的流程建设与优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着中国电信行业改革的不断深入,电信市场的竞争日趋激烈。在激烈的市场竞争中,客户对企业的生存和发展显得越来越重要,市场竞争已从产品竞争逐步转向客户竞争,客户服务将成为关键的差别,企业的最终成功将取决于服务。与服务人员相比,呼叫中心具有其独特的优势:节省资金,能提供多样化的宣传服务和规范服务;提高业务代表和管理人员的工作效率;能提供7×24的全天候服务能事先了解顾客信息,从而为其提供更有针对性的服务。随着行业竞争的加剧,企业建立呼叫中心系统已经变得非常重要。从1998年开始,国内各大电信运营商先后建立起以现代呼叫中心…  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - The possibility of increasing the reliability of early diagnoses of diseases associated with a lesion of the capillary network morphology in...  相似文献   

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