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利用大数据分析挖掘技术,以“标签”形式,构建多层次、多视角、立体化的资产全寿命周期画像,实现对电力资产特征的全面刻画,准确把握设备运行状态,实现资产全寿命周期的精细化、差异化管理。成果可对电网规划设计、设备运行、设备检修及退役工作给出有效的指导和建议,提升采购设备在全寿命周期中的质量以及电网的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会用电负荷的增加,电网建设空前发展,设备整体装备水平和技术含量大幅提升,资产规模和设备数量业已位居世界前列。由于电网规划、审计、建设、生产、经营等阶段各自独立管理,电网资产运营整体考虑欠缺,管理目标有效协调不足,电网成熟度和电网设备资产管理相对落后,迫切需要统筹资产安全、能效和周期成本三者的关系,对电网设备进行全寿命周期管理。文章对资产全寿命周期管理评估决策系统的设计实施进行了详细阐述,从资产全寿命周期管理实施体系和评估改进体系出发,研究整合多业务应用系统,构建资产全寿命周期全息模型,建设一体化的资产管控平台。  相似文献   

摘要: 应用全寿命周期管理将成为未来电力系统管理工作的发展趋势。将电网设备成本管理与全寿命周期管理相结合,针对当前电网变电设备投资决策中欠缺对项目综合效益的考虑,设计规划阶段未充分考虑项目总成本优化等问题,建立了更加完善的电网设备全寿命周期成本分析模型,引入成本损耗总效应的概念,实现全寿命周期管理在电网设备决策选型的典型应用,并基于“一台三库”模式的综合集成平台,进行了电网设备全寿命周期决策系统的开发,使系统具有可移植、可扩展、模块化等多项优势,最后以甘肃某电网工程设备选型为例实现应用,结果表明,提出的理论、方法及工具技术先进且实际可用,为电网设备全寿命周期管理工作的开展提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

闫庆友  王小雅 《水电能源科学》2012,30(5):185-187,216
针对资产全寿命周期管理在一定程度上受到多种外部环境因素影响的问题,根据电网资产全寿命周期管理的特点,将其流程划分为规划设计、采购建设、运行检修和退役报废4个阶段,分析了4个阶段的资产管理具体工作内容及其相应的外部环境,并识别出每一阶段的外部环境主体,为进一步研究电网资产全寿命周期管理外部环境协调机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于全寿命周期成本分析法的传统电网经济评价,只考虑了项目建设初期成本的投入。提出了基于全寿命周期的电网规划方案成本分析,首先介绍了全寿命周期成本分析法的概念及计算方法,然后利用此法,对两个供电方案进行经济性对比分析。同时,采用敏感性分析法寻找出对全寿命周期成本最大的不确定性因素为工程造价和设备运行寿命,对今后电网规划具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

王凯 《电气技术与经济》2024,(2):405-407+412
电网设备资产退役全流程管理是一个复杂而关键的任务。实践该管理过程需要综合考虑设备信息管理、退役计划制定、执行进程监控、废弃物处理以及评估和报告等多个环节。在实践中,关注数据准确性、全面性和实时性,注重流程可追溯性和透明度,确保风险控制和合规性。采用有效的技术工具,并结合项目管理和质量管理原则,能够提高电网设备退役全流程管理的效率、可控性和安全性。不断总结和改进经验,与各利益相关方合作,全面理解业务需求,才能实现电网设备资产退役全流程管理的成功实践。  相似文献   

2015年,国网江苏省电力公司检修分公司在资产管理"成熟型"体系创建的基础上,按照国家电网公司资产全寿命周期管理"领先型"体系建设工作部署,按照资产全寿命周期管理体系常态运转、深化应用及"领先型"试点建设的要求开展工作,逐步构建具有江苏电力检修公司特色的资产全寿命周期管理工作格局,推动公司电网实物资产管理及相关专业管理水平持续提升。  相似文献   

随着我国电网事业的蓬勃发展,电网企业设备资产全寿命管理和资产墙模型分析方法逐渐得到重视。基于价值链管理理论,提出了一种基于全寿命管理资产墙模型投资预测方法,该方法引入全寿命管理设备资产价值函数,克服了经典资产墙简单平移推演的弊端。通过对湖北电网主变设备投资预测实例分析表明,采用此模型的预测结果比采用经典资产墙方法的预测结果更准确,可为电网企业设备资产管理提供参考。  相似文献   

针对传统电网资产价值评估方法无法衡量风险价值、不满足现阶段电网资产价值评估的需要,基于全寿命周期管理理论及输配电价改革,将电网资产全寿命周期划分为规划期、建设期、折旧期及折旧后期四个阶段。同时,考虑电网资产寿命周期内各个阶段的成本收益特性,引入实物期权理论方法,构建了针对电网资产价值评估的二叉树实物期权模型,并通过算例分析验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

对于重资产配置的电网企业,其资产管理业务涉及多部门、多专业,业务流程复杂、业务交叉点繁多,且支撑各业务环节的信息系统多以垂直应用为主,在资产数据共享、决策支撑方面仍存在不足,传统的资产管理方式已无法满足电网发展的需要。将物联网技术有机地融合到电网资产全寿命的各业务阶段中,设计了1套以电网实物资产统一身份编码(实物“ID”)和RFID标签为纽带的电网资产全寿命业务融合与信息贯通应用方案,并详细阐述了其在资产全寿命周期各业务阶段的应用模式和实践成效。实践结果表明,通过物联网技术在电网资产全寿命中的应用,可以帮助电网企业打通资产数据壁垒,促进专业协同,发挥数据价值,提高资产管理决策支撑能力。  相似文献   

Life-cycle cost (LCC) theory can be effectively applied to improve the efficiency and quality of power plant equipment and asset management. However, specific aspects of the LCC calculation and evaluation model require further research for practical application. This paper proposes an LCC assessment model for the management of electric power plant equipment during its service life. A membership function method based on fuzzy logic is used to improve the allocation of modernization and overhaul projects to multiple equipment assets. An LCC assessment model and evaluation system for power equipment are proposed and successfully applied to the equipment and project management of a Guangzhou power plant in the China Southern Power Grid, providing a decision-making mechanism that facilitates efficient operation and optimal utilization of power plant equipment and assets.  相似文献   

This paper describes an eight-step process to implement portfolio management for a single power station during its operational, revenue-generating life-cycle phase. This paper also discusses how portfolio management creates additional value, from your generation, transmission, and distribution assets. Portfolio management currently offers the best opportunity for these managers and their companies to grow the return on these strategic assets. Organizations may obtain up to a 20% increase in the return on capital employed and substantial improvements in softer benefits, such as improved collaboration, faster decision making, and reduced administrative effort. However, the success of this new approach, and the value you can obtain for your own plant or network, depends heavily on strong leadership and a well thought out, systematic approach to implementation.  相似文献   

基于杜邦分析法和公共事业投资有效性管理框架,设计和完善了大型售电公司全要素发展经营效率评价指标体系,引入数据包络分析(DEA)方法,对2010—2016年某售电公司发展经营效率进行计算并进行了时间、空间分布评价。本文将数据包络分析和ROC曲线评价结果应用于企业管理实践,基于径向基神经网络方法,定量计算了支撑其既定投资规模所应具备的经营效率水平,对每万元电网资产运行维护成本、流动资产周转率、退役变压器平均寿命等4项关键指标给出了建议值,并提出相应管理措施。  相似文献   

退役动力电池的后续处理对新能源汽车产业和环境的可持续发展提出严峻挑战。动力电池梯次利用是有效发挥动力电池剩余价值、实现新能源汽车行业绿色发展的有效途径。退役电池的健康状态直接决定了电池能否被再次利用,研究退役动力电池健康状态检测技术具有重大现实意义。除此之外,由于退役电池是已经老化的电池,电池的循环性能、倍率性能及安全性能等相比新电池会有所下降,开展退役电池梯次利用中的性能评估,可以更好地对其后续的使用进行管控。本文梳理了退役动力电池在一致性筛选、性能测试、重组、梯次场景选择及后续使用时的一致性及安全管理中的关键技术,重点分析了不同测试方法的原理及优缺点。清晰论述了梯次利用关键技术发展现状及不足,有助于完善退役电池梯次利用体系。  相似文献   

For pt.1 see ibid., vo.20, no.1 (2000). The assets and working philosophy of individual utilities will in large measure be reflected by the modernization of their power systems in the next 20 years. The power system of the future should enable utilities to: be more competitive with their overall strategies; provide better service; better manage their assets; extend equipment life; improve diagnostics; and develop reliability-centered maintenance. This paper features FACTS (operating systems, custom power, and improved capacitors), electrical insulation, distribution cables (extruded dielectrics, polymeric insulation, underground vault explosions, fault location, smart cables, neutral and ground corrosion and protection), and transformers (compact transformers, ferroresonance, and solid state transformers)  相似文献   

This study presents a decision-making method for maintenance policy selection of power plants equipment. The method is based on risk analysis concepts. The method first step consists in identifying critical equipment both for power plant operational performance and availability based on risk concepts. The second step involves the proposal of a potential maintenance policy that could be applied to critical equipment in order to increase its availability. The costs associated with each potential maintenance policy must be estimated, including the maintenance costs and the cost of failure that measures the critical equipment failure consequences for the power plant operation. Once the failure probabilities and the costs of failures are estimated, a decision-making procedure is applied to select the best maintenance policy. The decision criterion is to minimize the equipment cost of failure, considering the costs and likelihood of occurrence of failure scenarios. The method is applied to the analysis of a lubrication oil system used in gas turbines journal bearings. The turbine has more than 150 MW nominal output, installed in an open cycle thermoelectric power plant. A design modification with the installation of a redundant oil pump is proposed for lubricating oil system availability improvement.  相似文献   

针对目前野外条件下水利监控的实际情况,提出了一种在野外工作环境下的水利视频监控系统,其前端设备采用太阳能供电,采集的图像视频通过3G通信方式传输至监控中心,监控中心获得前端图像视频信息后存储、转发、回放并分析处理图像视频信息,获得相关水文水资源与水利工程运行实时数据。实际运行结果表明,该系统能较好地解决当前水利行业野外条件下前端监控设备无供电和数据传输问题,且通过智能分析处理获得了水文水资源、水利工程运行状态等关键信息,为防汛抗旱、水资源管理等水利业务管理与科学决策提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

The assets and working philosophy of individual utilities will in large measure be reflected by the modernization of their power systems in the next 2 decades. The power system of the future should enable utilities to: be more competitive with their overall strategies; provide better service; better manage their assets; extend equipment life; improve diagnostics; and develop reliability-centered maintenance. In looking ahead at the next 2 decades, we consider various options that are available, point out the less likely, and highlight those that have the potential of achieving major improvements. Although the next 20 years is a little soon for dispersed generation to have a significant impact, some of the implications of dispersed generation are considered. The following topics are covered in this paper: transmission and distribution developments; comparison of overhead and underground power delivery; the pros and cons of underground delivery; superconducting power transmission including cables; and cryoresistive delivery including conventional cryoresistive delivery, hyperconductivity and metal-plated graphite fibres  相似文献   

水轮机、发电机、主变压器是抽水蓄能电站的重要生产设备,担负着水电站发电和输电生产过程,无论从设备资产的占有率,还是从管理工作的内容本身,生产设备的稳定运行关系到生产秩序的正常开展.研究采用基于二三维相结合的可视化技术[1],构建水电站设备三维模型,并将设备模型精细构建到零部件级别;以模型为载体,一方面挂接设备从安装、运行、维护的全过程资料,另一方面与HPMS管理系统中设备树的1~5级进行数据深度集成,将设备实时运行数据叠加到模型及零部件上,通过三维可视化技术超现实展示方式创新性建立了水电站三维全息化设备管理平台[2],以三维可视化方式实时监控设备及零部件运行状态,提高设备管理水平.  相似文献   

The global energy sector is shifting towards renewable energy (RE). When it comes to RE, Europe is the leading region for renewable share installation with 38.5% of RE of total power capacity (including 15% new RE), but still there were 914 GW of non-RE installed capacities operating at end of 2014. Records of decommissioned power plants indicate an average power plant technical lifetime of about 40 years for coal, 34 years for gas and 34 years for oil power plants. An assumed lifetime for nuclear power plants is 40 years, and the average age of the operating nuclear power stations is 30 years. From numbers related to non-RE capacities operating at end of 2014 and following this tendency, only 340 GW would still be operational by 2030, which implies the shutdown of 48.6% of the gas, 78.3% of the oil, 79.1% of the coal and 81.7% of the nuclear capacities. By 2050 only 6.1% and 1.4% of the currently operating capacity will be within the lifetime range for coal and nuclear, respectively, while 100% of the currently operating capacities of gas and oil would have reached the expected lifetime. From the total of the fossil and nuclear capacities of Europe, 65% is operating within the European Union, 72.3% of which is in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and the Nordics. This presents a prime opportunity for Europe to evolve and set the example on the way towards sustainable power systems. To achieve the target of limiting climate change to 2 °C, net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 may be required, resulting in 17 GW of coal capacities installed in Europe from 2010 onwards facing a shorter-than-expected operational lifetime, which will lead to stranded assets. Gas and oil-fired capacities commissioned from 2016 onwards may be required to shift to carbon-neutral fuels such as biodiesel or RE-based syngas.  相似文献   

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