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多媒体课件以其独特的教学优势在幼儿园得到广泛的应用,而多媒体课件的设计,特别是多媒体课件的交互设计因其概念抽象、专业性强、涉及面广、技术难度较大等,是幼儿园教师的薄弱环节,也是开展多媒体课件教学的重点和难点.本文针对多媒体课件的交互设计进行总结和归纳,力求提供理论指导和技术支持,供幼儿教师及学前教育专业学生借鉴与参考,提升幼儿教师多媒体课件的设计能力.  相似文献   

21世纪是一个信息高度发达,资源高速共享的高科技时代.作为教学辅助资源的一部分,教学课件也将经历从黑板、投影仪、幻灯片到计算机的又一个飞跃,而必将带动整个教育事业迈向一个新的时代.熟练掌握诸如PowerPoint、Flash、方正奥思等主流多媒体开发软件的应用技巧,是多媒体教学课件制作的关键所在.本文就从课件制作的辅助工具、写作工具、合理选择课件开发工具等四个方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

The development of product design specifications (PDS) is an important part of the product development process. Incompleteness, ambiguity, or inconsistency in the PDS can lead to problems during the design process and may require unnecessary design iterations. This generally results in increased design time and cost. Currently, in many organizations, PDS are written using word processors. Since documents written by different authors can be inconsistent in style and word choice, it is difficult to automatically search for specific requirements. Moreover, this approach does not allow the possibility of automated design verification and validation against the design requirements and specifications.In this paper, we present a computational framework and a software tool based on this framework for writing, annotating, and searching computer-interpretable PDS. Our approach allows authors to write requirement statements in natural language to be consistent with the existing authoring practice. However, using mathematical expressions, keywords from predefined taxonomies, and other metadata the author of PDS can then annotate different parts of the requirement statements. This approach provides unambiguous meaning to the information contained in PDS, and helps to eliminate mistakes later in the process when designers must interpret requirements. Our approach also enables users to construct a new PDS document from the results of the search for requirements of similar devices and in similar contexts. This capability speeds up the process of creating PDS and helps authors write more detailed documents by utilizing previous, well written PDS documents. Our approach also enables checking for internal inconsistencies in the requirement statements.  相似文献   

A meta-cognitive tool for courseware development, maintenance, and reuse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

This paper presents a computational framework for efficiently simulating the dynamics and hydrodynamics of Underwater Robotic Vehicle (URV) systems. Through the use of object-oriented mechanisms, a very general yet efficient version of the Articulated-Body (AB) algorithm has been implemented. An efficient solution to branching within chains is developed in the paper so that the algorithm can be used to compute the dynamics for the entire class of open-chain, tree-structured mechanisms. By including compliant contacts with the environment, most closed-chain systems can also be modeled. URV systems with an extended set of topologies can be simulated including proposed underwater walking machines with intra-body powered articulations. Using the encapsulation inherent in C++, the hydrodynamics code has been confined to a single class, thereby explicitly defining this framework and providing an environment for readily implementing desired hydrodynamics algorithms. Resulting simulations are very efficient and can be used in a number of applications both in the development and use of URV systems.  相似文献   

A computational framework for institutional agency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a computational framework, based on defeasible logic, to capture some aspects of institutional agency. Our background is Kanger-Lindahl-Pörn account of organised interaction, which describes this interaction within a multi-modal logical setting. This work focuses in particular on the notions of counts-as link and on those of attempt and of personal and direct action to realise states of affairs. We show how standard defeasible logic (DL) can be extended to represent these concepts: the resulting system preserves some basic properties commonly attributed to them. In addition, the framework enjoys nice computational properties, as it turns out that the extension of any theory can be computed in time linear to the size of the theory itself.  相似文献   

We discuss how to increase and simplify the understanding of the equivalence relations between machine models and/or language representations of formal languages by means of the animation tool SAGEMoLiC. Our new educational tool permits the simulation of the execution of models of computation, as many other animation systems do, but its philosophy goes further than these of the usual systems since it allows for a true visualization of the key notions involved in the formal proofs of these equivalences. In contrast with the proposal of previous systems, our approach to visualize equivalence theorems is not a simple “step by step animation” of specific conversion algorithms between computational models and/or grammatical representations of formal languages, because we make emphasis on the key theoretical notions involved in the formal proofs of these equivalences.  相似文献   

Computer support for conceptual structural design is still ineffective. This is due, in part, to the fact that current computer applications do not recognize that structural design and architectural design are highly interdependent processes, particularly at the early stages. The goal of this research is to assist structural engineers at the conceptual stage with early digital architectural models. This paper presents a geometric modeling framework for facilitating the engineers’ interactions with architectural models in order to detect potential structural problems, uncover opportunities, respect constraints, and ultimately synthesize structural solutions interactively with architectural models. It consists of a process model, a representation model and synthesis algorithms to assist the engineer on demand at different stages of the design process. The process model follows a top-down approach for design refinements. The representation model describes the structural system as a hierarchy of entities with architectural counterparts. The algorithms rely on geometric and topologic relationships between entities in the architectural model and a partial structural model to help advance the synthesis process. A prototype system called StAr (Structure-Architecture) implements this framework. A case study illustrates how the framework can be used to support the conceptual structural design process.  相似文献   

统计热力学是物理化学理论框架中的一个重要部分。其中有许多抽象的概念和过程很难用传统的教学方法描述清楚,多原子分子的内旋转和简正振动就是突出的例子,3DS MAX动画创作技术提供了将这些抽象概念和过程加以形象描述和模拟的有力工具。作者用它研制了多原子分子统计热力学MCAI课件,使上述抽象概念和过程表达得生动和直观,便于初学者理解,充分发挥了多媒体技术在化学教学中的作用,本文介绍该课件的第二部分-多原子分子的振动。  相似文献   

Movie-Maker是一个集成化的适合于结构化图形的教学动画制作工具,它具有较强的功能和通用友好的用户界面,可望为CAI的发展作出较大贡献。本文主要阐述该系统的设计思想和总体结构。  相似文献   

We present SKETCH'NDO, a framework for the interactive design and creation of single-user task-based serious games in 3D virtual environments. The games are dimensionally congruent: inherently 2D tasks such as reading and writing are done in 2D, while manipulation tasks are 3D. The architecture of the system allows educators to design the tasks with a graphical editor that creates the game automatically. This editor does not require gaming expertise. It only needs educators to specify the correct ways of doing the task, without having to consider all possible erroneous learner's decisions. SKETCH'NDO provides a complete mechanism of monitoring and evaluation of the learner's performance that allows a precise assessment of the learning process. It offers a gradation of levels of assistance that can be fixed by educators or automatically adjusted to the trainee's skills. This way, the same task can be trained from a strictly conductist strategy to a fully constructivist one.  相似文献   

Movie-Maker是一个集成化的适合于结构化图形的教学动画制作工具,它具有较强的功能和通用友好的用户界面,可望为CAI的发展作出较大贡献。本文主要阐述该系统的设计思想和总体结构。  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper two observations are the starting points for a proposal as to how learning, rather than computing considerations, can be made the main focus in the development of Intelligent Educational Systems (IESs). These observations are: a) the predominant use of computers in education is for the running of general tool software; and b) the symbolic approach to Artificial Intelligence is being questioned from a situated cognition perspective.
Learning interactions are seen as consisting of a Task Level, and a higher-level Discussion Level comprising planning and evaluation of, and reflection about, Task Level activity. It is proposed that IESs should be developed by adding a module to support Discussion Level interaction with the learner. The Mayday project is described, in which expert human teachers are being studied as they support Discussion Level with a learner working at computer-based lexical activities. It is argued that such studies of human learning is a necessary step towards the development of the proposed IESs.  相似文献   

Impact of cognitive theory on the practice of courseware authoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The cognitive revolution has yielded unprecedented progress in our understanding of higher cognitive processes such as remembering and learning. It is natural to expect this scientific breakthrough to inform and guide the design of instruction in general and computer-based instruction in particular. In this paper I survey the different ways in which recent advances in cognitive theory might influence the design of computer-based instruction and spell out their implications for the design of authoring tools and tutoring system shells. The discussion will be divided into four main sections. The first two sections deal with the design and the delivery of instruction. The third section analyzes the consequences for authoring systems. In the last section I propose a different way of thinking about this topic.  相似文献   

In several areas, including Temporal DataBases (TDB), Presburger arithmetic has been chosen as a standard reference for the semantics of languages representing periodic time, and to study their expressiveness. On the other hand, the proposal of most symbolic languages in the AI literature has not been paired with an adequate semantic counterpart, making the task of studying the expressiveness of such languages and of comparing them a very complex one. In this paper, we first define a representation language which enables us to handle each temporal point as a complex object enriched with all the structure it is immersed in, and then we use it in order to provide a Presburger semantics for classes of symbolic languages coping with periodicity. Finally, we use the semantics to compare a few AI and TDB symbolic approaches.  相似文献   

A. Puerta  J. Eisenstein 《Knowledge》1999,12(8):433-442
Model-based interface development systems have not been able to progress beyond producing narrowly focused interface designs of restricted applicability. We identify a level-of-abstraction mismatch in interface models, which we call the mapping problem, as the cause of the limitations in the usefulness of model-based systems. We propose a general computational framework for solving the mapping problem in model-based systems. We show an implementation of the framework within the MOBI-D (Model-Based Interface Designer) interface development environment. The MOBI-D approach to solving the mapping problem enables for the first time with model-based technology the design of a wide variety of types of user interfaces.  相似文献   

A framework for enhancement of conceptual tools for rapid computational prototyping of manufacturing entities is presented. A typical manufacturing entity (i.e. manufacturing system and/or individual part) is hierarchically represented in a computer and coupled with applications by dividing its information content into three computational elements: data, drawing and user interface. The information content is divided in this way because each of the above elements has a sufficiently distinct requirement for an efficient computer implementation. Although independent advances have taken place in computer data representation by highly efficient and focused data structures, in drawing representation by sophisticated computer graphics, as well as in user interface by a variety of interface media, these advances cannot be directly utilized in the design of a manufacturing entity unless they are efficiently integrated by relatively small programming effort as is deseribed in this rapid prototyping framework. The framework is implemented in object-oriented programming. A breadth of application areas for the framework is illustrated, and specific details are illustrated with reference to depth in one application area.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new system framework for collaborative top-down assembly design. Different from current computer-aided design (CAD) systems, the framework allows a group of designers to collaboratively conduct product design in a top-down manner. In our framework, a multi-level and distributed assembly model is adopted to effectively support collaborative top-down assembly design. Meanwhile, fine-granularity collaborative design functionalities are provided. First, the coupled structural parameters involved in the distributed skeleton models of the product can be collaboratively determined by the correlative designers based on fuzzy and utility theory. Second, agent based design variation propagation is achieved to ensure the consistency of the multi-level and distributed assembly model during the whole design process. Third, collaborative design of assembly interfaces between the components assigned to different designers is supported. The prototype implementation shows that our framework works well for supporting practical collaborative top-down assembly design.  相似文献   

A framework for virtual disassembly analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Product reuse or recyclability is enhanced by designing the product for inexpensive and efficient disassembly. However, accomplishing enhanced product design requires design for disassembly (DFD) tools. This paper presents a disassembly framework that consists of design modules; both of these are embodied in the geometric DFD tool. These modules consist of different tasks including: selection of the appropriate disassembly method; producing an optimized disassembly sequence; evaluating a disassembly sequence for cost; producing design change recommendations. These considerations make a product easier to disassemble and therefore have potential benefit to the environment.  相似文献   

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