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流火 《视听技术》2007,(9):98-98
吉米远离故乡小镇在外打拼,却因妻子的突然暴亡而不得不重返故乡,与父亲和继母住在一起。但是好景不长,父母二人也双双以极其相似的方式暴亡:嘴被剥开、舌头消失、全身僵化。惊恐之余,吉米在老家屋里发现了一个手工精制,极像真人的木偶,而木偶仿佛也有生命一般监视着他。这一切,迫使吉米开始调查隐藏在这个小镇中的神秘往事:当年镇中居民将一个小男孩的死亡归咎于一位会腹语的女巫,并将她和她的木偶表演道具一起烧死。  相似文献   

本文论述了短波通信盲区,即地波到达不了,天波又超出的区域。NVIS技术可以实现无盲区短波通信,提供可靠的短波通信。  相似文献   

讲述了一种在多媒体通讯环境下的静音检测及去除算法的设计和实现。该算法与传统的算法相比,具有快速且稳定的特点,且具体实现较简单。  相似文献   

The Spiral of Silence and Fear of Isolation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research explores the relationship between fear of isolation and allied concepts derived from the communication apprehension (CA) literature—CA-trait and CA-state—on opinion expression. The study took place during the final run-up to the Fall 2002 U.S. Congressional elections, and the research topic focused on the debate surrounding the possibility of the United States invading Iraq. The results suggest that (a) CA-trait, CA-state, and fear of isolation are empirically distinct; (b) these constructs differentially predict opinion expression; and (c) customary ways of assessing opinion expression in past research likely have underestimated conformity effects.  相似文献   

由于器件和功能的增多导致电路的测试和调试越来越困难,要全真地捕获非周期的噪声、串扰和瞬时等信号几乎不可能。通过分析数字示波器的原理,探知示波器的静默和捕获过程,分析总结了三家著名示波器生产厂家对波形捕获所应用的各项新技术。通过随机概论理论对波形捕获率的分析,得到了捕获率的量化计算公式和影响因素。提出了触发输出法和双脉冲计数法二种测试示波器波形捕获率的方法,并对市场中常见示波器的捕获率进行了实测验证。  相似文献   

移动通信中的单通现象是指通话的双方只有一方可以听到对方的声音。产生单通的具体原因复杂多样,可能是用户手机本身的问题或是基站侧的设备问题,也可能是移动交换中心与基站控制器间的A接口电路存在问题、传输连线有交叉、交换软硬件设备故障或对端局有问题等。以下主要分三个方面对单通问题进行说明:产生单通的原因及处理方法、快速定位单通故障段落、单通问题的进一步落实和深入。  相似文献   

Using Burke's theory of perfection, this essay explores the vocabularies of nuclear weapons in US. public discourse and bow "the Bomb" as a God term "bas gained imbalanced ascendancy in centers of power."  相似文献   

The price paid for the absence of a critical consciousness about gender in discussions of communications and technology is the reproduction of old patterns of power and privilege in the social distribution of knowledge.  相似文献   

于凌宇 《电子工艺技术》2001,22(3):120-122,126
阐述了CBBFJ型金属化聚丙烯烯膜交流电容器交流声产生的根源,深入分析了其形成机理,并探讨了有效的解决途径。  相似文献   

Communication to Enhance Silence: The Trappist Experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Working on relationships in oral exchange permits the retreat into silence to be more efective and meaningful."  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that considerable energy savings may be made in Android phones by intelligently switching the WiFi radio from Constantly Awake Mode (CAM), to Power Save Mode (PSM) during periods of mutual silence in Voice over IP calls. This is because a WiFi radio in CAM consumes approximately one third of a smartphones battery life. Since a typical conversation can consist of up to 60 % silence, much of a conversation need not be transmitted, and thus wastes a considerable amount of battery power. This research shows that as much as 40 % of that energy can be saved by switching the radio to PSM during mutual silence periods. However, this technique relies heavily on accurately predicting the duration of such silence periods. This paper presents and compares a silence model which uses speaker identity to build a typology of silences to a naive un-typed strategy. This type model relies on recent research showing statistical difference between the durations of classes of silences based on speaker identity before and after a silence. Evaluation of this technique, however, demonstrates that such models do not show improvement over more naive strategies. Thus, a naive strategy is perfectly sufficient for accurate prediction of silence duration.  相似文献   

本文分析了移动通信系统中,无线及交换系统内语音单通故障的成因;并以朗讯CDMA交换系统为例,提出语音系统优化建设;最后结合运维工作,阐述单通故障的处理流程与几种有效处理思想及工具。  相似文献   

网络化条件下战斗机静默攻击技术研讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了网络化条件下战斗机静默攻击的概念和关键技术.首先研究了时间对准的方法和数据延时的处理.建立了统一的制导坐标系,然后给出了目标量测信息的转换方法,最后建立了无线电修正指令的矢量图,用矢量方程法推导了无线电修正指令的形成过程.  相似文献   

The physical sensitivity of a medical imaging system is defined as the square of the output signal-to-noise ratio per unit of radiation to the patient, or the information/radiation ratio. This sensitivity is analyzed at two stages: the radiation detection stage, and the image display stage. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the detection stage is a physical measure of the statistical quality of the raw detected data in the light of the imaging task to be performed. As such it is independent of any software or image processing algorithms which belong properly to the display stage. The fundamental SNR approach is applied to a wide variety of medical imaging applications and measured SNR values for signal detection at a given radiation exposure level are compared to the optimal values allowed by nature. It is found that the engineering falls short of the natural limitations by an inefficiency of about a factor two for most of the individual radiologic system components, allowing for great savings in the exposure required for a given imaging performance when the entire system is optimized. The display of the detected information is evaluated from the point of view of observer efficiency, the fraction of the displayed information that a human observer actually extracts.  相似文献   

1.用 E—mail实现 FTP FTP是“文件传输协议”的英文缩写,是获取远程主机上数据和文件的手段。 用 E-mail实现 FTP,首先要通过一个专门的FTPMAIL服务器实现对意向地址的访问和文件传输。你要做的只是在E-mail中设置一些命令。如果要访问那些热门的FTP地址,用E-mail甚至要比直接使用FTP功能更省时、省钱,因为那些地址往往因存储量过大和频繁受访,使得交互响应变得十分迟缓。 当然,用E-mail完成FTP有个前提,即你要有一些匿名FTP地址(访问这些地址时不需要特定的用户标识和密码)。要获得这些地址,你只要向  相似文献   

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