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The purpose of this study was to determine whether enzymatic and histochemical characteristics of human skeletal muscle are altered with aging. Tissues from the vastus lateralis (VL) and gastrocnemius were analyzed for citrate synthase (CS) activity and fiber type in 55 sedentary men (age range 18-80 yr). In this population, CS activity in the gastrocnemius was negatively related to age (r = -0. 32, P < 0.05); there was no relationship in the VL. Treadmill-determined maximal oxygen consumption was positively related (r = 0.40, P < 0.05) to CS in the gastrocnemius but not in the VL. CS activity in the gastrocnemius was 24% lower in the oldest (>/=60 yr, n = 10) vs. the youngest (相似文献   

Respiratory-related activity of the hyopharyngeus (middle pharyngeal constrictor) and thyropharyngeus (inferior pharyngeal constrictor) muscles was determined in decerebrate, tracheotomized adult cats and compared with the electromyographic activity of the thyroarytenoid, a vocal cord adductor. During quiet breathing, the hyopharyngeus and usually the thyroarytenoid exhibited phasic activity during expiration and tonic activity throughout the respiratory cycle. Respiratory-related thyropharyngeus activity was absent under these conditions. Progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia and progressive isocapnic hypoxia increased phasic expiratory activity in both pharyngeal constrictor (PC) muscles but tended to suppress thyroarytenoid activity. Passively induced hypocapnia and the central apnea that followed the cessation of the mechanical hyperventilation were associated with tonic activation of the hyopharyngeus and thyroarytenoid but no recruitment in thyropharyngeus activity. The expiratory phase of a sigh and progressive pneumothorax were associated with an increase in phasic thyroarytenoid activity but no change in phasic PC activity. The results indicate that a variety of stimuli modulate respiratory-related PC activity, suggesting that the PC muscles may have a role in the regulation of upper airway patency during respiration.  相似文献   

Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase (DBH) activity was determined in 24 deeply comatose patients enrolled in the Collaborative Study of Cerebral Survival. All patients had been without cerebral responsiveness or spontaneous respirations for at least 15 minutes. Patients were examined, EEGs performed and blood for DBH drawn within 24 hours of the cerebral insult. DBH activity was lower in the deeply comatose patients than in a group of 51 age matched normal individuals. It is postulated that destruction or inactivation of the central nervous system (CNS) and particularly of the cerebrum may result in lowered serum DBH activity through decreased activation of sympathetic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

We have investigated the visual responses of 184 single units located in the superficial layers of the optic tectum (OT) of the decerebrate, paralysed pigeon. Visual responses were similar to those reported in non-decerebrate preparations; most units responded best to moving visual stimuli, 18% were directionally selective (they had a clear preference for a particular direction of visual stimulus movement), 76% were plane-selective (they responded to movement in either direction in a particular plane). However, we also found that a high proportion of units showed some sensitivity to the orientation of visual stimuli. We examined the effects of extraocular muscle (EOM) afferent signals, induced by passive eye movement (PEM), on the directional visual responses of units. Visual responses were most modified by particular directions of eye movement, although there was no unique relationship between the direction of visual stimulus movement to which an individual unit responded best and the direction of eye movement that caused the greatest modification of that visual response. The results show that EOM afferent signals, carrying information concerning the direction of eye movement, reach the superficial layers of the OT in the pigeon and there modify the visual responses of units in a manner that suggests some role for these signals in the processing of visual information.  相似文献   

1. Tonic labyrinth and neck reflexes were studied separately and in combination in the decerebrate cat with C1 and C2 spinal roots cut. Reflex effects were observed as changes in length of the isotonically loaded medial head of triceps. 2. The tonic labyrinth reflexes acted asymmetrically on the medial head of triceps. Side-down rotation of the head produced shortening in medial triceps, whereas side-up rotations of the head resulted in a lengthening. 3. The tonic neck reflexes acted asymmetrically on the medial head of triceps. Side-down rotations of the neck produced a lengthening of medial triceps, whereas side-up rotations of the neck resulted in shortening. 4. Labyrinth and neck reflexes produce opposite effects on the same limb extensor muscle so that, if the neck innervation is intact, head tilting produces no change in muscle length. 5. It is suggested that the interaction between the labyrinth and neck reflexes contributes to the stability of the trunk, allowing the head to move freely on the body without affecting this stability. Labyrinth and neck reflexes need therefore to be considered together as a single system.  相似文献   

The discharge properties of lateral and descending vestibular neurons responsive to constant velocity off-vertical axis rotations (OVAR) in the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions, were studied at the stationary and earth-horizontal position of decerebrate adult rats. From the coefficient of variation (CV), the spontaneous activities of OVAR-responsive neurons were classified into regular and irregular patterns. Of the neurons (n = 36) that showed symmetric and stable bidirectional response sensitivity (delta defined as CW gain over CCW gain) to OVAR (10 degrees tilt), some exhibited progressive phase shift with velocity (1.75-15 degrees/s) while others exhibited stable response phase. Most neurons of the former group (93% or 12/13) showed regular discharge pattern while only 22% (n = 5/23) of the latter group showed such a pattern. Though the phase-stable neurons showed a significantly higher average CV than the phase-shifted neurons, there was no significant difference between the mean spontaneous firing rates of these neurons. The neurons (n = 17) that showed asymmetric and variable delta to OVAR velocity can also be grouped-those that exhibited a greater gain with rotations directed towards the side of recording (I neurons) showed irregular discharge pattern while those that exhibited a greater gain with rotations directed towards the side contralateral to recording (C neurons) showed regular discharge pattern. The I and C neurons also exhibited significant difference in mean firing rates. The relationship between the response characteristics of the OVAR-responsive neurons and their spontaneous activity at the stationary and earth-horizontal position is discussed.  相似文献   

mRNAs extracted from rabbit soleus, normal and 28-day, indirectly stimulated tibialis anterior muscles were translated in an in vitro system. Analysis for translation products by 2-dimensional electrophoresis showed fast myosin light chains in tibialis anterior, and slow myosin light chains in soleus muscle. The stoichiometry of the in vitro translated light chains varies from that seen in normal fast and slow twitch muscles. The stimulated muscle contained mRNA coding, both for fast and slow myosin light chains, although the pattern of slow myosin light chains appears not to be complete at this point of time of the transformation process.  相似文献   

Functional differences were revealed in evoked activity of two types (A and B) of units of the human thalamic ventro-lateral nucleus (VL). Collective activities of these polyfunctional neurons were selectively related to triggering and execution phases of movement. Common character of dynamics of the responses seems to be due to similar polyfunctional nature as well as to the functional role of these two complementary elements in the motor signal transmission. The collective activities reflect in the VL the integrative processes related to processing and programming of generalised parameters of motor signals, but unrelated to performance of a concrete motor act.  相似文献   

Deficits in smooth pursuit eye movements are well documented in schizophrenia and schizotypic psychopathology. The status of eye tracking dysfunction (ETD) as an endophenotype for schizophrenia liability is relatively robust. However, the relation of ETD to schizophrenia-related deviance in the general population has not been confirmed. This study examined smooth pursuit eye tracking and schizotypal personality features in the general population. Smooth pursuit eye movement and schizotypal features were measured in 300 adult community subjects. The sample included both sexes, subjects with a wide age and educational range, and subjects with no prior history of psychosis. Primary outcome measures were peak gain (eye velocity/target velocity), catch-up saccade rate, and schizotypal feature scores. Total schizotypal features were significantly associated with decreased peak gain and were associated at the trend level with increased catch-up saccade rate. These associations were essentially unchanged after controlling for age, sex, and intellectual level effects. These data confirm a hypothesized association between schizotypal features and poorer eye tracking performance (principally, peak gain) in the general population as well as support the conceptualization of ETD as an endophenotype for schizophrenia liability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Deficit in active and inhibitory avoidance behaviour has been pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-kindled rats. This supports the view that memory deficit is an integral part of epilepsy. In the present study we examined the effect of the nootropic drugs piracetam and fipexide on memory deficit induced by PTZ-kindling in shuttle-box- and step-down-trained rats. The retention in piracetam- and fipexide-treated animals was significantly improved compared to the kindled controls. The mechanisms of action of the two drugs are considered. The favourable of nootropic drugs in cases of amnesia provoked by PTZ-kindling might be of interest in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Responses of first-order afferents from the extraocular muscles of the pigeon were studied by extracellular recording in the ophthalmic part of the trigeminal ganglion of decerebrate, paralysed pigeons. The afferents responded to both the amplitude and velocity of ramp displacements of the intact eye with amplitude sensitivities ranging from 0.9 to 8 impulses/s/deg of eye displacement beyond the response threshold. Once a new stable position had been reached, the afferent signal depended only upon the absolute position of the eye within the orbit. The responses adapted in seconds rather than minutes so these units would not provide a continuous signal of the position of an immobile eye; they are best described as signalling position and velocity in relation to eye movements.  相似文献   

Injection of antigen into the anterior chamber (AC) of the eye results in the induction of immune deviation in which antibody production is activated and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) is inhibited. This system is termed anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID) and the model is used to examine certain aspects of the immunologic privilege of the eye. Recent studies have established that following antigen presentation in the eye, an 'ACAID-inducing' signal is produced that directly enters the blood. This signal then homes to the spleen where T cells that down-regulate DTH are activated. For many antigens this 'ACAID signal' is a soluble protein released within 2 days of AC injection. Although the presence of this molecule (or molecules) has been described using several antigens, the exact nature of the soluble mediator has escaped characterization. We have further explored the nature of this signal using HSV-1-induced immune deviation. Our results show the soluble 'signal' was released by T cells that encounter antigen in the ocular microenvironment. This mediator was antigen specific, contained TCR alpha-chain (but not the TCR beta-chain) determinants and had an apparent molecular weight of 46 kDa. These results show that the release of soluble TCR alpha-chain from sites of T cell interaction within the microenvironment of the eye can regulate systemic immune responses. These results have implications for the control of immune response that might be damaging to organs such as the eye.  相似文献   

A recent intracellular study of dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) neurons in vitro by Manis [P. B. Manis, J. Neurosci. 10, 2338-2351 (1990)] suggests that the expression of the pause-build discharge pattern is in large part dependent on hyperpolarization of their membrane potentials in a period just preceding a depolarizing stimulus ("hyperpolarization conditioning" hypothesis). Our examination of the activity of a sample of pause-build units (n = 72) revealed suppression of discharge activity during a time window of the silent interstimulus interval (SII) just preceding the tone burst relative to the spontaneous rate in 74% of all units. The discharge suppression of a subset of DCN pause-build units in the SII satisfies a requirement of the "hyperpolarization conditioning" hypothesis, and thus supports the hypothesis.  相似文献   

It has been generally agreed that muscle strength decreases with advance of age in adulthood. In order to study the effect of aging in abdominal muscle strength, abdominal muscle strength, height, body weight and grip strength were measured in 144 healthy subjects aged from 20 to 88 years old. The abdominal muscle strength was measured using a grip dynamometer. Curve between aging and strength revealed that the abdominal muscle strength gradually decreased with aging during many decades, but rapidly decreased in the fifth decade and over in males and seventh decade and over in females. Among these data, significant correlations were observed between abdominal muscle strength and age (only in males; r = -0.64), abdominal muscle strength and grip strength (in males; r = 0.75, in females; r = 0.47), age and grip strength (in males; -0.72, in females; r = -0.60), and, age and height (in males; r = -0.55, in females; r = -0.46). The results suggest that decrease of abdominal muscle strength is due to aging, although the degree of the decrease is affected by the generation studied. The method to measure abdominal muscle strength originally developed by us is easy and useful to understand changes of age-related muscular strength.  相似文献   

One group of four rats was operantly conditioned in a Sidman avoidance procedure to lever press during one discriminative stimulus and to lick during another discriminative stimulus. Another group of four rats was conditioned in a similar manner in order to receive positive reinforcements. More dorsal hippocampal rhythmic slow activity (RSA) occurred during lever pressing than during operant licking. It was also found that dorsal hippocampal RSA accompanied walking and that dorsal hippocampal large irregular activity occurred during periods of immobility, during normal drinking and grooming and during the intense saliva spreading and grooming that were induced by exposure to a 40 degrees C environmental temperature. The data suggested that hippocampal RSA is related to type of response rather than to sensory, motivational, or learning processes. Furthermore, the data suggested that RSA is not related to the operant role of response or to relative vigor of response.  相似文献   

The phantom array was used to probe the time course of the shift in retinal local signs that accompanies a saccadic eye movement. The phantom array materializes when one saccades in the dark across a point light source blinking 120 times per second. One sees a stationary array of flashes--the first materializes discretely near the intended endpoint of the saccade, and subsequent flashes materialize progressively closer to the actual position of the blinking light. Four trained observers indicated the perceived location, relative to the phantom array, of a 1-msec marker flash (M) produced by two LEDs (light-emitting diodes) that vertically bracketed the blinking light. The marker was seen as spatially coincident with the first flash when it flashed 80 to 0 msec before the saccade, and was seen as spatially coincident with either the first flash or the actual position of the blinking light when it flashed more than 80 msec before the saccade, indicating, respectively, that the shift is presaccadic and rather abrupt.  相似文献   

A hydromonitoring exposure with a high-velocity pulsed liquid jet aimed into Schlemm's canal lumen and a similar exposure with a syringe at a 60 H pressure on piston were carried out in isolated eyes. Examinations of stained sections showed that hydromonitoring exposure at a pressure of 1 to 5 techn. atm. induced destruction of Schlemm's canal internal wall and cyclodialysis. If a higher pressure was used, corneal stratification was observed. Hydromonitoring exposure at a pressure of less than 1 techn. atm. or an exposure with a syringe induced deformation of Schlemm's canal internal wall, dilatation of intertrabecular fissures, and ruptures of individual trabecular layers.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the human genioglossus (GG) muscle during chewing efforts is not fully understood. In this study, the EMG activity of the human GG muscle during unilateral gum chewing was illustrated and correlated with the activities in the anterior temporalis (AT), the anterior digastric (DG), and the inferior orbicularis oris (OI) muscles. GG muscle activity was measured with customized surface electrodes, while other muscles were recorded with conventional surface electrodes. EMG activities during tongue displacement and the articulation of long vowels, recorded by the customized electrodes, were consistent with the recordings obtained by fine wire electrodes placed in the GG muscle. Jaw displacement was monitored by means of a kinesiograph with a transducer attached to the mandibular central incisors. Mean normalized GG muscle activity showed an onset in the last one-fifth of the intercuspal phase, gradually increasing during jaw-opening, and at its greatest immediately before the maximum jaw-opening position. It then decreased during jaw-closing and ceased in intercuspation but showed a small rebound in the third fifth of the intercuspal phase. The GG muscle burst showed phase lags with the DG and OI muscles and an opposite phase with the AT muscle (all P < 0.0001). All correlations were statistically significant (all P < 0.0001, r values between 0.88 and 0.97). The results suggest central coordination of the timing of the activities of the jaw, lip, and tongue muscles in chewing.  相似文献   

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