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The enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (L-Ornithine carboxy-lyase, EC, has been partially purified from the livers of mice subjected to partial hepatectomy (6-8 h previously). Mouse liver ornithine decarboxylase requires pyridoxal phosphate, and dithiothreitol for maximal activity. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 7.3, it is inhibited in the presence of 0.3 M phosphate, glycine, Tricine and Tris. It shows no dependence on metal ions and is inhibited by high salt concentrations, particularly ammonium salts. The kinetics of the enzyme have been studied with putrescine (and analogs), spermidine and spermine, in the presence of both high and low levels of pyridoxal phosphate. High concentrations of pyridoxal phosphate inhibit the enzyme. The enzyme is also inhibited by low concentrations of putrescine (1 mM). As the concentration of putrescine increased to 10 mM, non-competitive inhibition was observed, this could be reversed by addition of higher levels of pyridoxal phosphate. Spermidine and spermine inhibit (noncompetitively) only at high concentrations (10 mM). Ornithine inhibits at high concentrations (2 mM). Spectral studies have shown that the observed kinetics of competitive inhibition at low concentrations of polyamine changing to noncompetitive inhibition at high polyamine concentrations are due to competition between enzyme and substrate (or inhibitor) for free (non-enzyme bound) pyridoxal phosphate. Noncompetitive inhibition arises through the formation of transient Schiff base complexes between amines and free pyridoxal phosphate. It also appears that the binding of substrate to the active site takes place through Schiff base formation with enzyme bound pyridoxal phosphate. 相似文献
The administration of the dopamine antagonist haloperidol (HLP) to rats produced a temporary increase in adrenomedullary and cortical ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. The time-course of stimulation of ODC activity by HLP showed different patterns in both structures. Medullary ODC activity was highest at 2.5 h, decreasing at later times; cortical ODC activity was not affected by the drug at 2.5 h, but then increased up to at least 6.5 h. The medullary increase observed at 2.5 h was dose-related and could be prevented by splanchnicotomy. Hypophysectomized rats, on the contrary, showed an enhanced response to HLP. The results suggest that haloperidol-induced increase of adrenomedullary ODC activity is caused by a reflex increase in preganglionic nerve activity, and that the pituitary gland can modulate this response. Cortical ODC response to HLP, as previously demonstrated, is mediated entirely by the hypophysis. 相似文献
JA Rillema 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1976,3(5):297-305
Prolactin stimulated ornithine decarboxylase activity in mammary gland explants from midpregnant mice. The enhanced enzyme activity occurred in explants which were preincubated for 1 day in medium containing insulin, hydrocortisone, insulin plus hydrocortisone, or in medium containing no hormones. The largest prolactin effect was observed in tissues which were pretreated with insulin plus hydrocortisone; a greater than ten-fold increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity was observed when these tissues were incubated with prolactin for 2 hours. An effect of prolactin on ornithine decarboxylase activity was also observed in explants prepared from lactating mouse mammary glands. 相似文献
Although considerable experimental evidence suggests an important role of polyamines in breast cancer biology, compelling supportive data in patients are lacking. To address this issue, we measured ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, and spermidine/spermine acetyltransferase (the three key polyamine metabolic enzymes) in a cohort of 50 primary human breast cancers and related their levels of activity to disease-free survival and overall survival. The major finding of our study was that ODC activity level was a negative independent prognostic factor for both end points. With regard to overall survival, the adverse influence of ODC expression was superior even to that provided by the number of positive nodes. Furthermore, the statistical significance of the ODC effect on survival was enhanced when breast cancer-specific mortality was included in the analysis as opposed to death from any cause. In addition, high tumor ODC activity may predict a shorter time from recurrence to death, although this effect was of only borderline statistical significance. In summary, these results provide the first concrete evidence supporting the prognostic role of ODC in human breast cancer. 相似文献
The present study investigated the changes in NMDA receptor subunit proteins in diazepam-withdrawn rat cerebral cortex, using Western blotting analysis. The protein levels of the NR1 and NR2B, but not NR2A, subunits were significantly increased in diazepam-withdrawn rats compared to those in control rats. Therefore, an increase in the NR1 and NR2B subunit proteins may be responsible for both the previously observed upregulation of [3H]dizocilpine binding in the cerebral cortex and the appearance of diazepam withdrawal signs. 相似文献
There are two forms of ornithine decarboxylase with respect to pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (pyridoxal-P) affinity in exponentially-growing Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts: form I (Km approximately 10 muM) accounts for 30% of the total activity, and form II (Km approximately 0.4 muM) the remainder. Each form of the enzyme is in rapid equilibrium with ornithine and pyridoxal-P; neither form recognizes the Schiff base between ornithine and pyridoxal-P as a substrate. Total pyridoxal-P concentrations indicate that both forms may normally be at least partially active in vivo. Upon stimulation of 3T3 cells by pituitary growth factors, form I becomes undetectable within 4 h. As total activity increases over 10-fold during this time and continues to increase thereafter, a possible conversion of form I to form II could account for this increase only if the Km change reflects other changes in preexisting enzyme. The rates of cofactor dissociation are apparently the same for each form and neither rate changes with the growth state. Since rapid equilibrium kinetics apply, the forms apparently differ in their rate of cofactor association. The half-lives of the two forms in vivo are the same in unstimulated cells when measured concurrently. Also, the half-life of total activity decreases markedly upon stimulation as form II becomes dominant. These and other observations are not consistent with pyridoxal-P serving a major protective function for the enzyme in vivo. 相似文献
The ODC activity, initial enzyme in the polyamines synthesis, was studied in the liver and lungs of Wistar rat under avitaminosis A. In the liver: ODC activity is decreased by vitamin A deficiency but partially recovered with retinol repletion during 2 weeks. An intraperitoneal injection of chloroform markedly stimulates the ODC activity, as in the deficient rat as in the normal animal; the response following stimulation is even relatively higher under avitaminosis A. The Km value of ODC increases in the deficiency; intermediate values are obtained in retinol repletion. However the chloroform injection has no effect on the Km values under any of the nutritional state. In the lungs: The baseline ODC activity is slightly decreased in the deficient animals. The chloroform stimulation induced relatively a moderate increase in the normal rat (2 fold over baseline level); it is more intense (4 fold) in deficient animal and the ODC activity is well above those of normally fed control in absolute value. As in the liver, the enzyme Km increases in avitaminosis A and a retinol repletion partially attenuates this influence. Here again, the chloroform stimulation has no effect on the Km values. 相似文献
N Matsubara OA Hietala SK Gilmour KY Yum S Litwin P Watts Brennan O'Brien 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,1(6):665-671
Several studies have documented increased expression of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in neoplastic colorectal tissue versus normal-appearing colonic mucosa. The present study was undertaken to determine whether there is an association between the degree of overexpression of ODC in colorectal carcinomas and survival in a series of 74 patients. A high level of tumor ODC expression was found to be significantly associated with greater survival in our patient series. Patients with tumor ODC activities greater than the median and especially in the highest quartile experienced a more favorable outcome than those patients with ODC values below the median or in the lowest quartile (P = 0.03 and 0.02, respectively). The presence of a GTP-activatable isoform of ODC was also significantly associated with a favorable prognosis but only in tumors of the right colon (P = 0.01). There was no association found between ODC activity and tumor grade, tumor size, or patient age, sex, or race. Our results demonstrate that high levels of ODC expression (and presence of a GTP-activatable isoform for right-sided colon tumors) predict a favorable prognosis in human colorectal carcinoma. Knowledge of a patient's ODC status at the time of surgery may be useful in decisions regarding adjuvant therapy. Understanding the mechanism(s) involved should lead to new therapeutic approaches for advanced colorectal carcinoma. 相似文献
T Ohtsuka N Koibuchi S Matsuzaki A Yamakage S Yamazaki 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,139(6):1047-1048
Using in situ hybridization techniques, we examined the expression of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) mRNA in the skin of five patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) and five normal controls. Sections treated with an anti-sense probe showed concentrated grains exclusively in the epidermis of SSc patients, but not in that of normal controls. Because our subcloned anti-sense probe specifically hybridizes with ODC mRNA, these findings indicate that the expression of ODC mRNA is elevated in SSc epidermis. Possibly polyamines have an important part to play in the skin changes of SSc. 相似文献
P Dominici PS Moore S Castellani M Bertoldi CB Voltattorni 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,6(9):2007-2015
Cysteine 111 in Dopa decarboxylase (DDC) has been replaced by alanine or serine by site-directed mutagenesis. Compared to the wild-type enzyme, the resultant C111A and C111S mutant enzymes exhibit Kcat values of about 50% and 15%, respectively, at pH 6.8, while the K(m) values remain relatively unaltered for L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-Dopa) and L-5-hydroxytryptophan (L-5-HTP). While a significant decrease of the 280 nm optically active band present in the wild type is observed in mutant DDCs, their visible co-enzyme absorption and CD spectra are similar to those of the wild type. With respect to the wild type, the Cys-111-->Ala mutant displays a reduced affinity for pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP), slower kinetics of reconstitution to holoenzyme, a decreased ability to anchor the external aldimine formed between D-Dopa and the bound co-enzyme, and a decreased efficiency of energy transfer between tryptophan residue(s) and reduced PLP. Values of pKa and pKb for the groups involved in catalysis were determined for the wild-type and the C111A mutant enzymes. The mutant showed a decrease in both pK values by about 1 pH unit, resulting in a shift of the pH of the maximum velocity from 7.2 (wild-type) to 6.2 (mutant). This change in maximum velocity is mirrored by a similar shift in the spectrophotometrically determined pK value of the 420-->390 nm transition of the external aldimine. These results demonstrate that the sulfhydryl group of Cys-111 is catalytically nonessential and provide strong support for previous suggestion that this residue is located at or near the PLP binding site (Dominici P, Maras B, Mei G, Borri Voltattorni C. 1991. Eur J Biochem 201:393-397). Moreover, our findings provide evidence that Cys-111 has a structural role in PLP binding and suggest that this residue is required for maintenance of proper active-site conformation. 相似文献
F Blachier D Briand M Selamnia V Robert G Guihot C Mayeur 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,55(8):1235-1239
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, EC is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of polyamines, which are absolutely necessary for cell proliferation. In the present work, we tested the effects of 3 nitric oxide (NO) donors, namely, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), (Z)-1-(N-methyl-N-[6-(N-methylammoniohexyl)amino] diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (MAHMA/NO) and 1,1-diethyl-2-hydroxy-2-nitroso-hydrazine sodium (DEA/NO), on ODC activity in human-colon carcinoma cells (HT-29). SNP was the most effective inhibitor of ODC activity with a concentration of 8 micromol/L inducing 50% inhibition of basal activity. The effect of SNP was reversed by haemoglobin (Hb), but not by GSH or L-cysteine (CYS). Very little of the SNP in solution was degraded into nitrite, but the presence of cellular homogenate increased the production of nitrite. MAHMA/NO and DEA/NO were much less effective than SNP as ODC inhibitors, since the concentrations of these agents which induce 50% inhibition of basal activity were 20- to 60-fold higher than that of SNP. The effects of MAHMA/NO and DEA/NO were not reversed by haemoglobin. In solution, these latter 2 agents were totally degraded into nitrites. In conclusion, SNP on the one hand and MAHMA/NO and DEA/NO on the other appeared to release different NOx species with different efficiency on ODC activity. 相似文献
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine intrasubject and intersubject variability in, and the effects of food and antacids on, the pharmacokinetics of pyrazinamide (PZA). DESIGN: Randomized, four-period, crossover phase I study. SUBJECTS: Fourteen healthy men and women volunteers. INTERVENTIONS: Subjects ingested single doses of PZA 30 mg/kg under fasting conditions twice, without a high-fat meal and with an aluminum-magnesium antacid. They also received standard dosages of isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Serum was collected for 48 hours and assayed by gas chromatography with mass selective detector. Data were analyzed by noncompartmental methods and a compartmental analysis using nonparametric expectation maximization. Both fasting conditions produced similar results: mean PZA Cmax 53.4+/-10.4 microg/ml, Tmax 1.43+/-1.06 hours, and AUC(0-infinity) 673+/-79.7 microg x hr/ml. Fasting results are similar to those in previous reports. In the presence of antacids, subjects had a mean Cmax of 55.6+/-9.0 microg/ml, Tmax of 1.43+/-1.23 hours, and AUC(0-infinity) of 628+/-88.4 microg x hr/ml. In the presence of the high-fat meal, mean Cmax was 45.6+/-9.44 pg/ml, Tmax 3.09+/-1.74 hours, and AUC(0-infinity) 687+/-116 microg x hr/ml. CONCLUSIONS: These small changes in Cmax, Tmax, and AUC(0-infinity) can be avoided by giving PZA on an empty stomach whenever possible. 相似文献
Fetal exposure to cocaine is associated with increased perinatal cardiac risk. In the current study, we examined the effects of acute cocaine administration on ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in fetal and neonatal rat heart. ODC is a key regulatory enzyme in the control of cell differentiation and growth, and rapid changes in ODC are associated with the response to cell injury. Administration of 30 mg/kg s.c. of cocaine to pregnant rats on the 20th day of gestation caused acute elevation of fetal cardiac ODC that persisted throughout the ensuing 24 h. In contrast, the same dose given directly to neonatal rats the day after birth evoked only a short-term (1-h) stimulation of ODC that was reversed by 4 h after treatment. By 4 days of age and subsequently, cocaine was unable to elicit acute stimulation of heart ODC and only evoked inhibition of enzyme activity. Elevated progesterone levels during pregnancy have been shown to sensitize the maternal myocardium to cocaine-induced catecholaminergic effects; the greater sensitivity of fetal heart ODC to cocaine, as compared to neonatal heart, supports the hypothesis that similar enhancement of fetal cardiac irritability can contribute to cocaine-induced cell damage. 相似文献
A photograph of a nude was interpolated midway through a 30-item list. Recognition memory of items at various serial positions was measured by presenting 12 old and 12 new pictures on a test trial. Palmar conductance was also measured. Significantly decreased recognition memory and increased palmar conductance accompanied presentation of the picture of the nude. When the two measures were compared for individual subjects, however, no correlation was found. These data suggest that both responses are likely to occur to the presentation of the critical item but that the responses are independent. 相似文献