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There are learners who cannot solve practical problems in spite of mastering basic scientific knowledge and formula necessary for the solution. One of the reasons might be attributed to the lack in metacognitive abilities. The aim of this study was to compare the metacognitive characteristics between non-major and major students in electric engineering and clarify the difference of metacognitive process between these two groups when solving basic problems of electronic circuit. In the experiment, the solving process was compared between non-major and major students in electric engineering using five basic problems. We found that the scores on prediction of result and confidence of own answer differed significantly between non-major and major students, and inferred that the difference of performance was due to the lack in metacognitive ability, especially the plan and the execution abilities. Both prediction of results and confidence of own answer were also found to play a significant role in effective problem solving as important components (subsystems) of metacognition.  相似文献   

基于横跨膜电位分布的心电逆问题研究,即从身体表面电位无创重建心脏跨膜电位,可视为一种多输入多输出的回归问题(亦即多个体表电位分布输入重构多个心脏跨膜电位分布输出),而基于数据驱动的机器学习模型是解决回归问题的一种有效手段。通过使用深度卷动神经网络(CNN)构建深度学习模型,使用Caffe框架训练神经网络;此外,基于真实的心脏模型,使用ECGSim软件仿真了肯特束综合症心室激活情况的数据,用于训练和测试回归模型。实验结果表明,与极限学习机(ELM)和核化的极限学习机相比,CNN方法在心脏跨膜电位重构方面有更高的精度和泛化性能。  相似文献   

针对军队任职院校课程表编排特点,在分析军队任职院校排课因素、约束条件以及求解目标等问题的基础上,建立相应的数学优化模型,构建其基本求解框架,并利用遗传算法解决排课问题。  相似文献   

本文设计的计算机组成原理课程教学网站采用了目前流行的.net技术,在网站中引入了Web Services、XML等具有良好扩展性的技术,页面布局采用DIV CSS,利用ADO.NET访问数据库。网站教学内容设置双语教学部分,并利用flash技术建立虚拟实验室,模拟实际实验环境。该网站适应现代教育的需要,对教师的教学改革及促进学生的自主学习有积极的意义。  相似文献   

A dialogue plays an important role in learning how to solve a problem and form a concept. We are developing a problem solving and knowledge acquisition system based on co-reference between drill texts and dialogue with a teacher, focusing on first-grade mathematics. This paper presents a method of cooperative understanding of utterances and gestures within dialogue. We first describe our system design principles, which provide the basis for the integration of multimodal information during a dialogue. We define a principle of complementarity, explain its implementation, and describe the architecture of the problem solving system. We then show how to integrate our algorithms for utterance and gesture analysis within that software architecture. A feature-based approach is used for gesture recognition, derived from a sequence of images arising during the cooperative analysis of utterances. We conclude with an evaluation of the system against the design principles.  相似文献   

数学专业课程教学现状及多媒体CAI策略构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了目前数学专业课程的教学现状 ,阐明了数学专业课程CAI教学的特点 ,并提出了实现多媒体CAI策略的一些构想  相似文献   

基于元模型的软件开发与管理集成研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今软件开发呈现一些新特点:团队并行开发,基于模型的软件开发,迭代增量开发等。开发过程是如此复杂,融合软件开发与管理支持的环境成为必要。文章认为开发与管理集成的关键是:环境提供对元模型的支持,以UML为基础的软件产品标准化,多种开发工具的数据集成和良好的数据管理机制。文章介绍了将开发与管理融为一体的集成化环境UML_IDME,集中讨论环境如何提供和协调过程模型,产品模型,组织模型和开发工具集合来达到开发与管理集成的目的。此外,还讨论了过程模型如何组织,指导和监控软件开发。  相似文献   

《固体废弃物处理与处置》多媒体课件开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
《固体废弃物处理与处置》是环境工程学科的一门核心课程,不但概念公式繁多,而且还有大量的实物图例以及工艺流程图。本文以Macromedia Authorware 5.0为开发工具,开发了《固体废弃物处理与处置》多媒体CAI课件。本文对课件的框架结构作了介绍,着重阐述了概念表述、公式推导、工艺流程等主要教学内容的图象表现方式和动态交互式表现方式,使复杂内容简单化、静态内容动态化,具有较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种自动翻页扫描机器人,它能根据设定的扫描参数自动完成翻页、通过数码相机拍摄文字图片、页码识别,然后进行简单地图像处理并按指定的格式存贮,可实现图书电子化过程的自动化。本机器人主要用于代替扫描中繁杂的手动操作,在办公室、图书馆等需要大量扫描书本等印刷物的场所具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展和社会的不断进步,我国计算机技术不断崛起,给人们的生活和生产带来了很多方便。伴随着经济和科技的迅速发展,社会已经逐渐向科技发展迈进,而计算机技术已经广泛应用到经济、军事和政治等领域,尤其是计算机软件技术的开发和利用。本文主要针对计算机软件开发的难点进行分析,研究当今计算机发展出现的现状和存在的不足,并针对存在的问题提出合理的措施。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了笔者研制的高等学校《实验材料供应管理软件》的系统结构设计和功能,使用该软件可加强实验材料管理工作的科学性和系统性,减轻管理人员的负担。  相似文献   

AR是一种新型多媒体计算机技术,融模式识别技术、机器学习技术、多媒体现实技术、3D建模技术于一体,创建一个具有智能性、交互性、沉浸感的虚实结合的系统。计算机专业体验式教学软件的设计对AR技术的应用与传播提供了有力支持,能够根据实际需求创设一个装配式开发环境,对当前所使用的软件开发环境进行扩展与延伸,借助多种类型建模组件将软件开发过程直观地展现出来,无需购置或者构建大型应用环境,将虚拟世界与真实世界无缝链接,从而提高国家开放大学学生的学习效率。  相似文献   

An approach to the choice of an optimum combination of hardware and software platforms as a basis of a computer system is proposed. The procedures of choice and estimation criteria proposed are oriented towards the implementation in the form of a "business logic" algorithm embedded into an interactive information support system.  相似文献   

Online government services enable businesses to broaden their operations and increase their productivity, ha most businesses, there is a strong demand for the delivery of e-government services because such services indeed provide better service delivery, healthier relationships with government authorities, less loss of time and fewer logistical limitations. The competitive advantage generated by these services is linked to recently developed products, know-how and ability to meet customer needs. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of online government services in the development of SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) in the context of the strong growth in online services that government bodies and institutions have made available to businesses. Using different electronic tools as online forms, businesses can use the information available and consequently generate gains in productivity and competitiveness (lower transaction costs, less time and less effort). Specifically, this paper examines the extent to which the use of online government services affects SMB operations and the role of these services in the evolution of SMBs toward new business models.  相似文献   

介绍了GIS局部放电评估诊断系统,分析了诊断评估的算法实现处理过程中的关键问题,并通过对系统有效性的试验,验证了该系统可在GIS局部放电在线监测系统中稳定可靠运行。  相似文献   

项目驱动产学结合的软件工程系列课程构建探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过产学结合,以企业实际软件项目贯穿软件工程的相关课程,使之形成系列和一个整体,引入企业工程师合作组建课程教学团队,将企业的真实要求和企业文化融入到日常教学,增强了学生的学习动力和使命感,在帮助学生加深对软件工程的认识和提高动手能力方面有重要作用。  相似文献   

教练员控制台是商用飞机飞行模拟机的指挥和监控中心,是飞行模拟机的重要组成部分。根据飞行模拟机的应用需求,设计并实现了用于商用飞机飞行模拟机的先进教员台系统。描述了教员台系统的总体结构、组成原理和网络体系。采用模块化方法进行了功能分解并提出了功能四分法。通过面向对象技术设计了教员台系统的软件类库层次结构、通讯框架和人机交互界面。所开发的教员台系统的应用情况表明,教员台系统功能齐全,显示丰富,界面友好,运行稳定,操作方便快捷,并且具有一定的通用性和扩展性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the leader-following consensus problem for multi-agent linear dynamic systems is considered. All agents and leader have identical multi-input multi-output (MIMO) linear dynamics that can be of any order, and only the output information of each agent is delivered throughout the communication network. When the interaction topology is fixed, the leader-following consensus is attained by H∞ dynamic output feedback control, and the sufficient condition of robust controllers is equal to the solvability of linear matrix inequality (LMI). The whole analysis is based on spectral decomposition and an equivalent decoupled structure achieved, and the stability of the system is proved. Finally, we extended the theoretical results to the case that the interaction topology is switching. The simulation results for multiple mobile robots show the effectiveness of the devised methods.  相似文献   

采用瞬态热流法测定导温系数的方法具有装置结构简单、测试时间短和误差小等优点。但由于需要在线采集数据,因此必须开发专门的软件。经过分析对比,采用.NET技术开发本系统软件具有较好的优越性。该软件基于控件与类库的设计,实现了实时数据通信、数据采集、数据存储、图形显示、数据处理、实验仿真、数据输出等功能。系统的运行结果表明,该系统稳定性高、误差小、操作方便,有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于模块化的容错技术在测控系统软件开发中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件开发中可以通过模块化的方法提高代码的重用率,但不同系统调用相同的模块,将使得各系统发生共同故障的可能性大大增加.为提高软件的可靠性,将容错技术引入到模块化方法开发的测控系统软件中,根据测控系统自身的特点,从数据、操作、硬件及软件四个方面讨论了软件开发中的避错、容错方法.在我们所研制开发的驱动桥综合性能实验台软件系统开发中的应用表明,该方法在提高代码重用率,降低开发周期的同时,也显著提高软件系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

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