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作者介绍室内空气中SO2的危害与来源。通过对居室空气中SO2实地监测,应用监测结果分析了一般居室中SO2的污染情况及居住环境对室内SO2的浓度影响,相关分析表明,在进行监测的所有居室中SO2含量大多数不超标,与国标相比,室内SO2含量是比较低的。  相似文献   

方方 《宝钢技术》2009,(5):78-80
通过对宝钢厂区大气环境主要污染物监测数据的整理,综合分析了宝钢厂区大气环境中二氧化硫、氮氧化物、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)和一氧化碳四种主要污染物的平均浓度随季节的变化趋势以及厂区内降尘的污染状况,并对2008年大气环境质量状况进行了综合评价。分析对比结果表明宝钢内大气主要污染因子是PM10和SO2,从监测资料看,2008年厂区降尘量比2007年有了明显下降,SO2和NOx的达标率均呈现上升趋势,可见宝钢在粉尘和脱硫脱氮治理方面取得了显著效果,污染程度明显下降。  相似文献   

本文报告炼铁厂颗粒物(PM)排放大范围调查结果。炼铁厂这类排放物造成的污染很成问题,若不适当解决就会继续破坏环境,为欧盟环境法规所不容。调查以意大利特里斯蒂市色沃拉郊区LucchiniServerstal炼铁厂(以下简称色沃拉铁厂)为突破口,介绍该厂全生产流程及相关物流状况,然后估算各道工序PM排放值。技术及经济调查重点放在最关键作业环境节上。调查结果是出台了铁厂环保整改措施及这些措施的付诸实施。除介绍这些措施外,还说明监测取证的环境特征。监测工作是在地方当局要求的“环境综合认证条例”框架内完成的。根据调查前后长时间PMIO浓度监测结果对色沃拉铁厂周边地区空气质量进行分析证明,该市环境污染事态的发展与该厂排放源绝对相关,而所采取的整改措施取得令人满意的实效。  相似文献   

<正>近日,河南省污染防治攻坚战领导小组发布《河南省2019年大气污染防治攻坚战实施方案》(以下简称《方案》)。《方案》指出,到2019年底前,河南省PM2. 5(细颗粒物)年均浓度达到60μg/m~3以下,PM10(可吸入颗粒物)年均浓度达到98μg/m~3以下,全年优良天数完成既定目标。《方案》提出了十项主要任务和49条具体举措,其中,将压减和加快退出有色行业低效产能,并对电解铝行业和碳素行业开展非电行业提标治理。  相似文献   

钢厂厂区细颗粒气溶胶污染研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对钢厂厂区进行为期1年的大气监测,利用离子色谱、等离子发射光谱仪对采集样品中所含的14种元素进行了测定,分析了其PM10、可溶性阴离子及金属元素浓度,并解析了细颗粒气溶胶的来源。结果表明:厂区的主要污染因子为Fe、Ca、SO42-、NO3-,来源于冶金工业尘、烟尘排放和道路扬尘。针对这些污染,提出相应的控制措施以减轻和防止污染,提高空气质量。  相似文献   

郑大中 《黄金》1998,19(4):51-52
酸处理金泥产生硫化氢及氰化氢污染浅析郑大中郑若锋(地质矿产部成都综合岩矿测试中心)不论是金属锌还原所得金泥还是钢棉电积所得金泥,在用盐酸或硫酸处理时,常有奇臭、剧毒的硫化氢和极毒、易挥发的氰化氢产生。它们能对环境产生严重污染,当空气中它们的浓度高时,...  相似文献   

正"烟气细颗粒物与水蒸气回收技术"在陕西宝鸡通过省科技厅组织的专家委员会成果鉴定。与会专家一致认为,该项目综合技术达到了国内先进水平,在治理雾霾污染、改善空气环境质量方面具有积极作用。据专家介绍,PM2.5颗粒与水蒸气凝结在一起,是形成雾霾天气的主要原因之一。潜藏于燃煤烟尘的PM2.5一旦漂浮在空气中,其携带的细菌、病毒、重金属及致癌物等可穿透呼吸道直达肺底部,对人体危害严重。  相似文献   

于洋 《粉末冶金技术》2002,20(5):304-309
烧结气氛的正确选择及其控制对烧结后部件的性能至关重要。这里所谓的控制主要是指对气氛中氧及碳浓度(含量)的控制,因为两者均对烧结的质量及其后部件的力学性能、烧结表面质量等具有决定性的作用。本文综述了PM钢烧结过程中所用的不同的烧结气氛,阐述不同气氛的作用及其影响,着重分析不同气氛中碳势及氧浓度的控制,并举例说明。  相似文献   

《新疆维吾尔自治区大气污染防治行动计划实施方案》(以下简称《方案》)近日印发。《方案》提出了今后4年大气污染防治工作目标,明确了11方面49项重点工作任务。 《方案》明确,到2017年,实现全疆城市空气质量总体改善,其中乌鲁木齐市可吸入颗粒物浓度比2012年下降25%以上。力争再用5年或更长时间,基本消除重污染天气。为达成这一目标,新疆将重点对工业企业大气污染、城市面源污染、扬尘污染以及移动源污染进行综合治理,减少污染物排放。  相似文献   

烧结钢烧结过程中的气氛控制及其对性能的影响(1)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于洋 《粉末冶金技术》2002,20(4):239-243
烧结气氛的正确选择及其控制对烧结后部件的性能至关重要。这里所谓的控制主要是指对气氛中氧及碳浓度(含量的)控制,因为两者均对烧结的质量及其后部件的力学性能,烧结表面质量等具有决定性的作用。本文综述了PM钢烧结过程中所用的不同的烧结气氛,阐述了不同气氛的作用及其影响,着重分析了不同气氛中碳势及氧浓度的控制,并举例说明。  相似文献   

The paper reviews the available literature with regard to human health effects of fine particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5) from a Danish perspective. Fine particulate matter is not routinely measured in any Danish air pollution monitoring programme. Preliminary surveys show elevated PM2.5 levels in Copenhagen corresponding to levels found in other cities in Europe and the USA, and a close relationship between outdoor and indoor concentrations. It has been roughly estimated that about 400 people in the Greater Copenhagen area may suffer a premature death due to airborne fine particulate matter. A limited number of Danish studies support the view that health effects (respiratory symptoms and increased medication) can be observed in sensitive city populations at air pollution levels well below international air quality standards.  相似文献   

A cluster of 50 stone crushing units located at Pammal, in suburban Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu State, India, is a source of high levels of dust generation in the vicinity of the crushers and in the communities surrounding them. Ambient air quality network consisting of 26 sampling locations were operated to continuously monitor the total and respirable particulate matter concentrations (TSP and PM10). The daily average ambient concentrations of TSP and PM10 varied from 342 to 2,470 and 90 to 1,200?μg/m3, respectively, near the source, while the average concentrations varied from 86 to 257 and 39 to 138?μg/m3 in ambient air. The average PM2.5 concentration varied from 41 to 388?μg/m3 at the source, whereas the concentration varied from 17 to 48?μg/m3 in ambient air. Personal samplers were also employed to quantify the TSP and RPM in the work environment and they varied from 22.5 to 80.5 and 13.5 to 53.7?mg/m3, respectively. Both ambient concentrations and occupational exposure levels exceeded the Indian National Standards at most of the locations. Pulmonary function tests performed on workers showed that the average values of pulmonary function in these workers are significantly lower than the average values reported for normal South Indian healthy males.  相似文献   

This work contains the results of the aerosol mass size distribution and preliminary studies on concentrations and size distribution of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe and Cd) in indoor and outdoor environment in Upper Silesia (the highly industrialized region in the southern part of Poland). In studies, the measurements of aerosol concentration, mass size distribution, and evaluation of heavy metals concentration were made from December 1992 to April 1994 in some apartments in five towns in Upper Silesia and in one village in the Beskidy Mountains in both indoor and outdoor environments. The particles were fractionated in Andersen cascade impactor. The sampling time was 6-7 days and 4-5 days for indoor and outdoor respectively. Aerosol particulates were collected on A-type glass fiber collection substrate used later for determination of heavy concentrations by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS 3, Carl Zeiss Jena). The dust was mineralized by the means of the mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids. The results of mass size distribution as well as the measurements of TSP for indoor and outdoor aerosol show that the main source of particulate matter indoors, in this region, are heavy polluted outdoor air and cigarette smoking. It can be said that, except homes in Knurów and Sosnowiec with hard smokers, the indoor levels of particulate pollution were significant lower than the outdoors levels. Whenever in the indoor environment appear additional source of particulate emission situation can changed. When we compare mass size distribution for outdoor aerosol and indoor aerosol contaminated by tobacco smoke, we can observed considerable increase of indoor aerosol level in the 0.33-0.54 microns size range. Besides, indoor aerosol status may be changed by coal stove emission (displacement of maximum peak to direction of coarse particles). The observed differences in concentration of particulate matter may also indicate the important differences in chemical and physical nature of particles caused by the air filtration and absorption during migration of ambient air into the indoor environment. On the base of comparison of the heavy metals concentrations of fine and coarse fraction and their indoor/outdoor ratio in five selected towns in Upper Silesia it can be said that the level of heavy metals in indoor aerosol is lower than in outdoor (except Pb and Cd) what suggest that migration of ambient air into the homes is a major process which give indoor air contamination of heavy metals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate the validity of outdoor particulate matter with a 50% cutoff diameter of 10-microm (PM10) concentrations as a measure of exposure in time series studies, the association between personal and outdoor concentrations, within subjects, over time was investigated. Repeated measurements of personal, indoor, and outdoor PM10 were conducted among 37 nonsmoking, 50- to 70-year-old adults, living in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994. Regression analyses were conducted for each subject separately, and the distribution of the individual regression and correlation coefficients was investigated. Furthermore, the extent to which differences among personal, indoor, and outdoor concentrations could be explained was studied. The median Pearson's R between personal and outdoor concentrations was 0.50. Excluding days with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) improved the correlation to a median R of 0.71. The estimated cross-sectional correlations were lower, 0.34 and 0.50, respectively. Outdoor concentrations (mean, 42 microg/m3) exceeded indoor concentrations (mean, 35 microg/m3) but underestimated personal exposures (mean, 62 microg/m3). The major part of the difference between personal and outdoor concentrations could be attributed to exposure to ETS, living along a busy road, and time spent in a vehicle. The results show a reasonably high correlation between personal and outdoor PM10 within individuals, providing support for the use of ambient PM10 concentrations as a measure of exposure in epidemiologic studies linking the day-to-day variation in particulate matter air pollution to the day-to-day variation in health endpoints such as mortality, hospital admissions, respiratory symptoms, and lung function.  相似文献   

可吸入颗粒物研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业卫生对可吸入颗粒物有着严格要求,为了弄清对可吸入颗粒物研究进展,借助于文献分析的研究方法,通过对可吸入颗粒物危害性、源解析、排放标准及检测、净化技术等的研究现状及发展趋势分析,得出对可吸入颗粒物携带毒物的规律性认识、各个地区城市可吸入颗粒物来源构成研究远未足够,同时提出了对可吸入颗粒物制定包括数量浓度在内的更为严格的排放标准及一种利用电除尘机理、湿式清洗及热泳技术等复合净化技术,并对可吸入颗粒物净化技术进行一定展望.  相似文献   

The role of ambient levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the exacerbation of heart problems in individuals with both cardiac and other diseases was examined by comparing daily variations in CO levels and daily fluctuations in nonaccidental mortality in metropolitan Toronto for the 15-year period 1980-1994. After adjusting the mortality time series for day-of-the-week effects, nonparametic smoothed functions of day of study and weather variables, statistically significant positive associations were observed between daily fluctuations in mortality and ambient levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, coefficient of haze, total suspended particulate matter, sulfates, and estimated PM2.5 and PM10. However, the effects of this complex mixture of air pollutants could be almost completely explained by the levels of CO and total suspended particulates (TSP). Of the 40 daily nonaccidental deaths in metropolitan Toronto, 4.7% (95% confidence interval of 3.4%-6.1%) could be attributable to CO while TSP contributed an additional 1.0% (95% confidence interval of 0.2-1.9%), based on changes in CO and TSP equivalent to their average concentrations. Statistically significant positive associations were observed between CO and mortality in all seasons, age, and disease groupings examined. Carbon monoxide should be considered as a potential public health risk to urban populations at current ambient exposure levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Indoor air pollution could play an important role in the susceptibility to respiratory diseases of vulnerable individuals, such as elders and infants. AIM: To evaluate indoor air pollution in a low income population of South East Santiago. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A domiciliary survey of contaminant sources was carried out in the bouses of a cohort of 522 children less than one year old. Using a case-control design, 121 children consulting for respiratory diseases were considered as cases and 131 healthy infants of the same age and sex were considered as controls. In the houses of both groups, active monitors for particulate matter (PM10) and passive monitors for NO2 were installed. RESULTS: Forty two percent of fathers and 30% of mothers were smokers, and in two thirds of the families there was at least one smoker. Eighty five percent used portable heaters in winter. Of these, 77% used kerosene as fuel. Only 27% had water heating appliances. The rest heated water on the kitchen store or on bonfires. Most kitchen stoves used liquid gas as fuel. Twenty four hour PM10 was 109 +/- 3.2 micrograms/m3. Mean indoor and outdoor NO2 in 24 h was 108 +/- 76.3 and 84 +/- 53.6 micrograms/m3 respectively. Indoor NO2 levels were related to the use of heating devices and smoking. No differences in PM10 and NO2 levels were observed between cases and controls. CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear relationship between indoor pollution and contaminating sources. Indoor NO2 levels are higher than outdoors.  相似文献   

Long-term ambient concentrations of inhalable particles less than 10 microm in diameter (PM10) (1973- 1992) and other air pollutants-total suspended sulfates, sulfur dioxide, ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide-were related to 1977-1992 mortality in a cohort of 6,338 nonsmoking California Seventh-day Adventists. In both sexes, PM10 showed a strong association with mortality for any mention of nonmalignant respiratory disease on the death certificate, adjusting for a wide range of potentially confounding factors, including occupational and indoor sources of air pollutants. The adjusted relative risk (RR) for this cause of death as associated with an interquartile range (IQR) difference of 43 d/yr when PM10 exceeded 100 microg/m3 was 1.18 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02, 1.36). In males, PM10 showed a strong association with lung cancer deaths-RR for an IQR was 2.38 (95% CI: 1.42, 3.97). Ozone showed an even stronger association with lung cancer mortality for males with an RR of 4.19 (95% CI: 1.81, 9.69) for the IQR difference of 551 h/yr when O3 exceeded 100 parts per billion. Sulfur dioxide showed strong associations with lung cancer mortality for both sexes. Other pollutants showed weak or no association with mortality.  相似文献   

铁矿烧结过程微细颗粒物排放行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用ELPI+设备(荷电低压撞击器)对铁矿烧结过程微细颗粒物进行在线检测与采样,利用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM EDS)对采集的颗粒物形貌特征进行分析,研究铁矿烧结过程中微细颗粒物的排放行为。研究结果表明,PM10大量释放集中在烧结升温段,且颗粒物质量浓度与数目浓度在粒径分布上有较大差异,其中质量浓度峰值区间为5.37~10.00 μm,数目浓度峰值区间为0.10~0.16 μm;形貌特征上,微细颗粒物呈规则的球形、方块形和片状;不同粒径物质组成差异明显,其中颗粒物中的K、Na主要以KCl和NaCl的形式存在,含量随颗粒物粒级的增大而略有降低。  相似文献   

The recently introduced ambient air quality standards for fine particulates expand the use of available control system simulation models, from the prediction of total particulate matter removal efficiencies, to the prediction of PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with diameters less than 2.5 and 10?μm) ones. In order to assess the suitability of cyclone simulation models for this task, the fractional efficiency predictions of six prominent models (Lapple, Leith and Licht, Dietz, Mothes and Loffler, Iozia and Leith, and Mothes and Loffler with the turbulent dispersion coefficient of Salcedo and Coelho) are compared for a number of “standard” cyclone design configurations under a wide range of cyclone diameters and pressure drops. The results reveal a significant discrepancy among model predictions, suggesting that at least some of the models considered are unsuitable for predicting size-specific (e.g., PM2.5 and PM10) cyclone efficiencies. They also show that the sensitivity of fractional efficiencies to changes in the configuration ratios, diameter, and gas pressure drop varies widely, and in some cases even in opposite directions, among models. The above-noted results demonstrate the need for a systematic model validation against credible and sufficiently extensive experimental data sets.  相似文献   

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