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基于视频分划技术设计了电能表磁推高度的自动检测装置.通过CCD摄取磁推高度图像,采用视频分划技术来提取此高度信息,利用单片机对此信息进行采集并分析处理,通过字符叠加芯片送往显示器显示检测结果.该系统具有检测速度快、精度高,而且成本低廉等优点,在实际的应用中取得了良好的效果. 相似文献
介绍基于PLC控制的伺服电机系统在钢卷尺自动测量系统中的应用,主要阐述了钢卷尺自动测量系统中基于PLC控制的电控系统设计,讨论了系统硬件和软件设计,包括电气线路设计、软件编程设计、上位机通信、PLC控制伺服电机定位和传动工作的设计。实践结果表明:该系统能实现对测量的快速精确控制,具有自动化程度高、可靠性好和操作方便的特点。 相似文献
在过去的几十年里,很少有其它检测仪器像光学投影比较仪那样测量快捷、使用方便。光学投影比较测量是将投射到投影屏上的工件放大轮廓与绘制有按比例放大的工件正确外形及公差带的透明胶片进行对比,以直接判定工件合格与否。虽然随着采用电子技术、精度更高的几何形貌测量技术的发展,光学比较测量这种简单的检测方式已显得有些过时,但投影比较仪仍然是生产车间最常用的视觉检测仪器。 相似文献
本文主要阐述了视频监控技术发展,介绍了视频监控系统的构成,对智能视频监控技术在应用过程中可能存在的问题进行分析,根据实际情况制定相应的解决对策,促进我国智能视频监控技术的长远发展. 相似文献
基于支持向量机(SVM)方法和模拟油田现场管道磁记忆检测数据分别建立了管道缺陷的分类识别和分级识别方法;采用该方法对油田现场5根在役油气管道的缺陷类型进行了识别,并对试验管道的穿孔腐蚀与未穿孔腐蚀两种腐蚀程度进行了识别。结果表明:以三类不同特征量的组合分别建立的SVM模型对缺陷类型的识别率分别是77.08%、89.58%和95.83%,其中使用时域、形态和频域特征量的SVM模型的识别率最高;腐蚀缺陷分级识别方法的识别率达到了90%。该方法可有效识别管道腐蚀缺陷和应力集中缺陷,以及腐蚀缺陷的腐蚀程度。 相似文献
为了提高变电站设备故障的识别精度、图像清晰度、细节完整度,提出了基于时间序列算法的故障红外识别方法。首先,设计变电站设备红外遥视与故障识别框架,利用混合探测器-云台组合采集其红外、可见光视频图像,经光通信设备及光纤传输视频图像至监控中心,通过滑动窗口结合时间序列筛选并标记可疑故障图像;然后,经小波阈值变换的中值去噪方法去除噪声后,利用改进分水岭算法完成图像目标分割,采用Zernike不变矩提取其特征值,将其作为支持向量机的输入,完成变电站设备分类;最后,结合设备的温度信息,通过划分故障类型、故障识别规则,实现不同设备的故障识别。结果表明,采用该方法去噪后,图像清晰度、对比度大幅提升,分割后目标设备细节完整度高,可实现不同设备的故障识别。 相似文献
针对实际制造过程中钢圈轮辐局部厚度减薄或增厚的情况,提出运用反求技术对其进行检测的测量方案,获得了偏差量的具体云图及重要位置的厚度减薄量。通过点云数据采集、点云数据处理、质量检测完成了钢圈轮辐的质量检测,通过比对发现由于制造原因所引起的钢圈轮辐平均偏差在0.227mm,最严重的位置出现在孔及台阶处,这一检测结果对后续制造工艺的改进有一定的作用。 相似文献
In order to overcome the limitations of manual post-weld visual inspection approach, an automated inspection system is developed which uses three-dimensioual laser vision system based on the principle of optical triangulation. The system hardware consists of a modular development kit (MDK), a computer, an actuating mechanism and so on. In image processing algorithms, extraction accuracy of centric line of laser stripe is the critical factor that determines the system performance. So according to the features of laser stripe image, a novel algorithm is developed to detect the central line of laser stripe fast and accurately. Experiments have demonstrated that this system can be used in various weld features inspection of both butt and fillet types of weld. Compared with traditional manual inspection method, this method has obvious dominance. The three-dimensional reconstruction result shows that this system has high accuracy and reliability. 相似文献
文章详细阐述了视频分划生成技术中的地址刷新技术的工作原理及实践.该电路可实现图形信号和视频图像信号的同步叠加.可实现图形视频检测功能.实现简单,直观,且成本低. 相似文献
基于机器视觉的在线轴承检测系统 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
文章在分析机器视觉系统应用的基础上,利用CCD摄像头、图像采集卡,运动控制卡,运动平台,计算机等组成在线轴承尺寸检测系统.介绍了系统的工作原理、软硬件的设计、实现. 相似文献
In order to realize automatic weld seam tracking for pipeline ultrasonic flaw inspection, an image processing algorithm based on HSI color space was presented. Since the color tones of weld seam were different from the parent metal, weld seam images were transformed to HSI color space. In the HSl colar space, the weld seam and base metal area can be apparently distinguished. By using this image processing algorithm, the edges and centerline of pipeline weld seam can be correctly extracted. An industrial application system was developed based on the image processing algorithm, and the image processing time is less than 70 ms and the accuracy of weld seam recognition is better than 2mm. 相似文献
Fast and accurate determination of effective bentonite content in used clay bonded sand is very important for selecting the correct mixing ratio and mixing process to obtain high-performance molding sand. Currently, the effective bentonite content is determined by testing the ethylene blue absorbed in used clay bonded sand, which is usually a manual operation with some disadvantages including complicated process, long testing time and low accuracy. A rapid automatic analyzer of the effective bentonite content in used clay bonded sand was developed based on image recognition technology. The instrument consists of auto stirring, auto liquid removal, auto titration, step-rotation and image acquisition components, and processor. The principle of the image recognition method is first to decompose the color images into three-channel gray images based on the photosensitive degree difference of the light blue and dark blue in the three channels of red, green and blue, then to make the gray values subtraction calculation and gray level transformation of the gray images, and finally, to extract the outer circle light blue halo and the inner circle blue spot and calculate their area ratio. The titration process can be judged to reach the end-point while the area ratio is higher than the setting value. 相似文献
提出一种将点焊过程动态电极位移信号转化为二值图像的方法.基于图像特征分析,从焊点样本电极位移二值图像中提取出15个隐含特征.针对一系列对应不同焊接质量焊点样本电极位移二值图像特征,利用主成分分析消除图像特征间的互相关性,建立了基于最小风险贝叶斯图像识别技术的焊点质量分类器.分类器有效性测试结果表明,电极位移信号二值图像尽可能多的保留了焊点质量信息,特征提取算法简单、高效、易于实现;同时在小数据样本情况下,贝叶斯图像识别技术能够快速、准确地评判焊点质量,有较好的应用前景. 相似文献