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Methyl esters, derived from natural fats or oils, can be used as alternatives to fatty acids in the production of a number of derivatives. The derivatives that can be made from methyl esters include fatty alkanolamides, fatty alcohols, isopropyl esters, and sucrose polyesters. By using methyl esters as the raw materials, several benefits may be realized, such as, the ability to make higher purity finished products, the use of milder conditions during syntheses, and the need for less expensive materials of construction. In addition to the applications mentioned, methyl esters are being used increasingly in fractional distillations because they have lower boiling points and are less corrosive than fatty acids.  相似文献   

Many changes are taking place in the fatty acid industry, both corporation wise and technology wise. Some are sudden and obvious; others are gradual on a day-to-day basis. Important nerwer developments are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

Operations of the fatty acid industry create waste-waters, emissions to the air, and solid wastes which have the potential of insulting the quality of the environment in a number of wasy. Some of the controversy and the problems that are current in the national environmental effort are discussed. As to the fatty acid industry prospects, some attention may come to the industry if toxics are found to be in the industry’s wastewaters. New air emissions permit will be difficult if not impossible to obtain. Long delays and expensive data gathering will be involved. Disposal of solid waste classified as hazardous materials will become extremely costly and involve much paperwork. Wastewaters can originate from any of the process steps: spills and tank bottoms from receiving and storage, foots from alkaline extraction pretreatment, condensate from pressure reduction after fat splitting, condensing water and condensate from fatty acid distillation, and condensing water from glycerine evaporation and distillation. The organic matter in the wastes is biologically degradable so one pollutional effect is reduction of the oxygen level in receiving streams. Oil not in soluble or finely dispersed state is objectionable for the additional reason that it forms slicks or films in the water surface. Fatty acids in soluble forms are toxic to fish in fairly low concentrations. Heavy metal catalysts used for fat splitting or hydrogenation such as zinc are objectionable at trace levels. Source control methods include good operator attention to minimize avoidable losses, optimum recovery of fatty acids and oil in recovery steps, mist eliminators and entrainment separators in distillation and evaporator vapor conduits, and use of indirect condensers in place of direct spray condensers. Treatment of wastewaters includes removal of floatable fat and fatty acids by gravity settling. The residual wastewaters so pretreated are susceptible to treatment processes using bacteria for their degradation. Most fatty acid producers discharge the wastewater to municipal systems in which they receive biological treatment along with residential sewage. Air emissions are minimal for the standard criteria of particulates, organics, etc., because of the low vapor pressure of the materials involved. Odor is not subject to federal legislation, and local regulations and circumstances of concern vary. Odors originate from storage tank vents, from noncondensables vented to the atmosphere from condensers on pressure-relief operations, and from stills. Cooling tower recirculating systems may release odors condensed in the condensing sprays, or odors may be generated from bacteria growth in the system. Odors are controlled by wet scrubbers on off gases and by conveying the gases (air) to the boiler as air supply. This practice incinerates the odor-producing compounds. Solid wastes include spent clay used in pretreatment and foots from glycerine stills. Deposit in sanitary landfills is the usual disposal. If solid wastes contain much metal catalysts, their disposal must be to special sites approved for hazardous waste materials.  相似文献   

Historically, glycerol, a valuable by product of the fatty acid insutry, is priced higher in the market-place than any of the common fatty acids. Glycerol “credit” from fat-splitting, frequently in time of economic stress, makes the difference between a profitable stearic acid operation and an economically unsound one. Theoretical yields of glycerol for the common fats and oils range from 9–13.5%; practical plant yields, corrected for FFA and upgrading yield losses, are 9–12.8% on 100% glycerol basis, or 10.3–14.8% on an 88% glycerol basis. Glycerol “credit” per pound of fatty acid ranges from 1 to 3 cents/pound. Upgrading “sweetwaters” from splitting operations in the fatty acid industry requires removal of dissolved salts, elimination of color, and fat and oil impurities, concentration (evaporation of water) and/or distillation. For Twitchellized sweetwaters this generally involves (a.) lime treatment. (b.) filtration, (c.) evaporation to half-crude, (d.) precipitation of excess lime, (e.) filtration, (f.) evaporation to a concentration of 88–90%, and probably, (g.) distillation. For autoclave or continuous process sweetwaters the upgrading includes (a.) light lime treatment, (b.) filtration, (c.) evaporation concentration to 88–90%, and probably, (d.) distillation. Glycerol may also be upgraded by ion-exchange processing followed by evaporation concentration in which distillation may be eliminated. Ion-exclusion (Dow process) is also feasible. Many special triglyceride products are required of different fatty acid homolog distribution than those of the parent or hydrogenated fats and oils. These are prepared by splitting the fats or hydrogenated oils, fractionating the fatty acids, upgrading the glycerol, and recombining the desired fractionated acids with glycerol by reesterification. One example is high lauric triglyceride from coconut oil suited for use as a coco butter substitute.  相似文献   

Although acquisition, divestiture and other organizational changes within the American oleochemical industry are still the most startling and attention-attracting, the development of new technology continues to be of paramount scientific interest. Noteworthy among the new developments are (a) the continuing development of new vegetable oil raw materials like 90% erucic acid rapeseed oil and 80% oleic acid sunflower; (b) the intense process development under way in some areas for the minimization of thermal energy requirements of certain reactions like polymerization (dimer acids), glycerolysis (mono- and diglycerides) and fat splitting; (c) the ever-increasing substitution of methyl esters for fatty acids in the production of a whole series of oleochemicals; (d) development of new esterification catalysts; (e) lipase catalysis of interesterification; (f) development of new corrosion-resistant materials of construction; (g) the use of irradition sulfoxylation as a preferred production route to randomly sulfonated methyl esters; and (h) superemulsification as an aid to hydrophobic/hydrophilic liquid chemical reactions. Continued attention to alternative feedstocks, biotechnology, microprocessor technology, pollution control and lower energy consumption are certain to receive considerable attention for the next several years.  相似文献   

Recent legislation including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and, especially, the Toxic Substances Control Act, is having a great impact on chemical manufacturers. The burgeoning maze of rules, regulations, policy statements, implementing these acts imposes serious obligations on all those engaged in fatty acid manufacture, processing, distribution, and research and development. The Manufacturing and Processing Notices, Sec. 5, and Reporting and Retention of Information, Sec. 8, requirements of TSCA, require extensive recordkeeping and reporting, and will affect industry’s development of new products and significant new uses of products. The status of fatty chemicals on the inventory of existing chemicals and the SDA efforts in the listing of premanufacture notification are extremely important to all segments of the fatty acid and derivative industries.  相似文献   

本文对国内脂肪酸行业的发展进行了回顾和展望,分析了中国脂肪酸企业的战略群体分布形势和发展趋势,对脂肪酸行业的有序竞争和发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

简要回顾了我国脂肪酸工业的发展历程,介绍了我国脂肪酸工业的生产现状,从近年来脂肪酸的产量、进出口量和表观消费量等方面对我国脂肪酸工业进行了总结,并对今后我国脂肪酸工业市场的发展进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐的发展现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述了脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐近年来的发展以及目前的状况.对脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐的原料来源、制备技术以及工业化生产、性能和产生的副产物进行了论述.对我国脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐的发展状况进行了回顾,并对脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐的未来趋势及发展前景进行了概述.  相似文献   

硫磺和硫酸泵的结构材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 前言 熔融硫磺和硫酸具有相近的物理性质。在正常的泵送温度下,除了密度之外,二者的性质与水相似。由于密度较大(大于1.8g/cm~3),要获得较高的水力效率就要增加动力,而且必须采用坚固的机械结构。 采用专业的水力和机械设计,选择最好的结构材料,可确保熔硫泵和硫酸泵高效运行并具有较长的使用寿命。  相似文献   

以《建筑法》、《建筑工程质量管理条例》等法律、法规为依据,对现行建筑工程质量保修制度中的保修范围、期限、保修责任及保修费用的处理等问题作了较为系统的分析。  相似文献   

通过风险分析的方法,找出高风险工作,应用作业许可证制度加以控制。  相似文献   

Streptozotocin diabetes in the rat diminishes the synthesis of both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Rat liver microsomal fatty acid composition and fatty acid desaturation were studied in the streptozotocin diabetic rat. The major alterations in fatty acid composition found in the diabetic rat were decreased proportions of palmitoleic, oleic and arachidonic acids and an increased proportion of linoleic and docosahexaeneoic acids. These findings, other than the increased docosahexaeneoic acid, probably result from the diminished liver microscomal δ9 and δ6 desaturase activities found in these animals. These changes are not due to the diminished weight gain of the diabetic animals since restricting food intake of control animals to achieve a similar weight gain failed to reproduce either the changes in fatty acid composition or the decrease in fatty acid desaturation. The increased food intake of the diabetic animal may contribute to the altered proportions of linleic and arachidonic acids since limiting food intake in diabetic animals to that of normal controls diminished the magnitude of these changes. Insulin therapy for 2 days not only reverses and overcorrects the diminished desaturase activities, but likewise reverses and overcorrects the altered fatty acid composition, with the exception of the diminished arachidonic aicd levels which are further decreased following insulin therapy. These findings strongly suggest that most of the changes in fatty acid composition in the diabetic rat are indeed caused by the diminished fatty acid desaturase activities.  相似文献   

1.前言 人类使用肥皂已有2500年的历史.因其成本低廉,尤其是随着近年来人们"回归自然"意识的增强,肥皂又恢复了青春,被广泛地用作皮肤清洁剂.  相似文献   

我国高级脂肪胺工业发展前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高级脂肪胺是精细化工的重要基本原料。本文介绍了国内外高级脂肪胺工业的现状及发展趋势。建议我国对现有脂肪胺生产技术进行改造,并适当选址建一套5000~10000t/a装置。  相似文献   

针对我国建筑能耗的现状,提出陶瓷行业中建筑节能的各项措施是提高围护结构的保温隔热性能、改进设备设施以及开发利用新能源。"十二五"规划的节能目标显示我国建筑节能任重而道远。  相似文献   

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