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Numerical simulation of solidification transport phenomena/processes in a TiAl alloy blade‐like casting, under transverse magnetic fields of different strengths, was carried out. The simulation was based on a continuum solidification model and the computer codes developed by the authors. The simulation results show that, although the liquid flow in the bulk liquid region can be suppressed efficiently, the feeding flow in the mushy zone caused by the volume contraction, due to solidification shrinkage and thermal/solutal expansion, cannot be suppressed even under an ultra‐strong magnetic field up to 25T. This indicates that the forces driven by volume contraction are much stronger than those caused by the gravity. The natural convection can delay the directional solidification process, while the applied static magnetic field accelerates it to some extent, by weakening the natural convection. The magnetic field changes the coupled heat and species mass transfer to a diffusion type mechanism. The natural convection may be the cause for horizontal segregation. An ultra‐strong magnetic field is not necessary to achieve sufficient suppression of natural convection. 相似文献
从物理模型和数学模型两方面对冶金炉的磁场模拟方法进行了论述,对各种磁场模拟方法进行了比较、分析,阐明了冶金炉的磁场模拟不仅要考虑电流产生的磁场,还必须考虑铁磁屏蔽的影响。 相似文献
A three-dimensional mathematical model for describing the electromagnetic field and flow field of molten steel in high casting speed slab continuous casting mold with electromagnetic level stabilizer (EMLS) system was developed, in which the effects of current intensity and frequency on the electromagnetic field and flow field were considered. Simulation results indicate that the electromagnetic force (EMF) along the mold width direction presents the centre-symmetric double-peak parabola distribution. The EMLS system leads to the flow velocity of molten steel decreases, especially near the free surface. Both the EMF increases with the current intensity and frequency (in the range of optimum frequency value), so the flow velocity of molten steel in the mold decreases obviously. As the current intensity increases from 800 A to 1000 A, the maximum free surface velocity decreases from 0.515 m/s without magnetic field to 0.155 m/s and 0.12 m/s, respectively. While the current frequency increases from 2 Hz to 6 Hz, the maximum surface velocity decreases from 0.177 m/s to 0.101m/s. The molten steel flow in mold is influenced obviously by the current intensity and frequency. 相似文献
对大方坯连铸结晶器电磁搅拌过程的流场和温度场进行了数值模拟,并讨论了搅拌强度对流场和温度场的影响。结果表明:在结晶器电磁搅拌下,搅拌器区域的钢液变为水平旋转,使从水口向下吐出的钢水与向上回流的钢水流股相冲突,流股侵入深度变浅,从而使轴向温度迅速降低,径向温度升高,提高了热区位置,有利于传热;搅拌强度越大,钢水的二次流现象越明显,热区位置越高。 相似文献
方坯软接触结晶器电磁场分布及弯月面形状的数值模拟 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
应用有限元与边界元相结合的方法,通过求解电磁场的H-φ方程和边界积分方程,进行了方坯软接触结晶器内电磁场和弯月面处钢液形状的数值模拟,结果表明,作用在钢液自由表面边缘向里向下的电磁力是使弯月面向内弯曲的直接原因,采用有切缝的铜结晶器时弯月面向弯曲的程度比采用石英结晶器时小。 相似文献
将脉冲电流作用于铁素体不锈钢,发现经过脉冲电流处理后等轴晶比例大幅增加,晶粒明显缩小。建立了考虑集肤效应的三维电磁场瞬态有限元模型,利用ANSYS软件对电极及熔体内的电场、磁场、电磁力分布进行了计算,结果表明,由于集肤效应使得电磁场主要集中在电极周围和熔体上部,且在脉宽的后期电磁场的方向由于涡流的存在而发生变化;电极间距对熔体电磁场均匀性具有较大影响;随着脉冲电流的脉宽减小,熔体上部的电磁场增强,但集肤深度也越小,同时作用时间缩短。 相似文献
利用有限元分析软件对φ300mm直拉硅单晶生长过程进行模拟,分析了保持CUSP磁场对称面与熔体坩埚界面交点处的径向分量不变的情况下,硅单晶中氧浓度分别随CUSP磁场通电线圈距离、通电线圈半径的变化规律.随着通电线圈距离和半径的增大,晶体熔体固液界面氧浓度均逐渐降低.随着通电线圈距离和半径的增大,硅熔体径向磁场强度逐渐增大,对坩埚底部熔体向晶体熔体固液界面处对流的抑制作用加强,固液界面下方熔体轴向流速减小,使得从坩埚底部运输上来的富氧熔体减少,继而固液界面处的氧浓度降低.随着线圈距离和半径的增大,为保持所需磁场强度,施加电流也逐渐增大,从而能耗增大,与增大通电线圈距离相比,增大通电线圈半径所需的电流较大.通过实验,将CUSP磁场对单晶中氧浓度分布影响的数值模拟结果与实际晶体生长进行了对比,实验结果验证了数值模拟的结果. 相似文献
采用有限元方法模拟了中频电磁场对软接触结晶器内钢液流动的影响规律,讨论感应线圈电流强度和电源频率等因素对结晶器内钢液流动的影响。结果表明:电磁力能加强结晶器内上半部熔池的搅拌强度,并在弯月面区域形成一明显的回流区,同时还能减小钢液射流的渗入深度;增大电流强度,能加强钢液的回流和对钢液的搅拌,减小射流渗入深度,同时也加剧了钢液自由表面的波动,因而电流强度有一个最佳的控制范围;增加电源频率时,射流的渗入深度变化不大,但弯月面附近钢液的紊动能和速度都有所提高,综合考量,本研究中将频率控制在2500 Hz左右。 相似文献