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传感器是对风力发电系统各项参数进行拾取和采集的关键部件,在风力发电系统中具有重要作用。基于此,对风电场气象参数、风力发电机组状态参数和电气参数及监测所用传感器进行了综述,最后总结了用于风力发电系统的传感器的发展趋势。  相似文献   

储能技术在风力发电系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了储能技术的原理和特点,具体介绍了飞轮储能、超导储能、蓄电池储能和超级电容器储能在风力发电系统中的应用;分析了各种储能技术的优缺点和应用前景;指出了混合式储能技术是最可行的方案;介绍了功率转化系统的结构特点和最优化控制技术的进展.  相似文献   

张还 《节能技术》2009,27(5):427-429,434
本文介绍了使用PLC、变频调速技术对某空压机组继电器控制系统改造的设计和应用,包括电气控制系统的硬件设计、程序设计及人机界面设计等。西门子S7—200PLC。通过MOD—BUS通信可以控制ABB公司变频器ACS800的启停、给定参考速度,并可以实时读取变频器的主要运行参数。通过现场传感器采集的测量信号可进行模拟量闭环的PID调节,实现高精度的空压机组恒压供气运行,很好地满足了大型用电设备对节能降耗的要求。  相似文献   

讨论了储能技术的分类及应用范围,并对中小型风力发电系统的结构及其系统中储能的作用进行了阐述。同时分析了碳纳米管超级电容器储能、氢储能、超级电容器和蓄电池混合储能三种很有前途储能技术在中小型风力发电系统中的应用。  相似文献   

建立风力发电系统仿真模型,提出应用模糊控制调节风力发电机组输出功率的控制策略.在额定风速以下,采用最佳功率给定法.以追踪最大风能利用系数作为控制目标,提出应用模糊控制器和查表来调节发电机输出功率的方法;在额定风速以上,设计了基于变量化因子的模糊控制器,快速调节风力发电的桨矩角,使输出保持为额定功率.仿真结果证实了该控制策略的有效性,提高了风力发电机组的运行效率.  相似文献   

由于风力发电系统的被控对象具有高度非线性、时变、多变量、强耦合的特点,控制系统是风力发电系统的重要组成部分,本文介绍了现代控制技术,如专家系统、微分几何控制、自适应控制、滑模变结构控制、最优控制、模型预测控制、H∞鲁棒控制、人工神经网络控制、模糊控制及综合智能控制在风力发电控制中的应用,特别是在变桨距控制、转矩控制和变流控制中的应用研究,指出风力发电控制技术存在的问题及未来技术发展趋势。  相似文献   

遗传算法在变桨距风力发电控制系统中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王松  姚兴佳 《新能源》2000,22(12):48-51
介绍了遗传算法的基本原理,讨论了一种应用遗传算法和模糊理论计算风力发电机变桨距控制器的方法,该方法利用遗传算法简单高效的寻优特点对模糊控制器的结构和参数进行优化设计。仿真结果表明,应用该方法设计的控制器具有很好的控制精度和动态特性,可应用于大型风力发机变桨距控制系统。  相似文献   

变速恒频风力发电系统要求励磁电源有良好的输入、输出特性和能量双向流动的能力.交-直-交双PWM变频器是理想的励磁电源,而PWM整流器是其中一项关键技术.文章从三相电压型PWM整流器主电路拓扑结构出发,建立了基于三相静止坐标系和两相同步旋转坐标系的数学模型.阐述了电压、电流双闭环控制的基本原理和空间矢量脉宽调制技术在三相PWM整流器中的应用.在Matlab/Simulink环境下,对其进行了单位功率因数整流和逆变的仿真研究.结果证明,该整流器是满足交流励磁需要的理想整流电源.  相似文献   

郭培源 《新能源》1998,20(4):16-19
阐述了飞轮能技术的原理及结构,分析和探讨了应用于风力发电的必要性和可行性,最后介绍了国内外研究的现状。  相似文献   

在阐述当前我国风力发电状况的基础上,对当前风力发电主流技术及其特点进行了分析,通过对风力发电并入电网后对电网系统的影响进行系统探讨,为我国风电场的规划设计和运行提供了一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

直驱式风力发电系统的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合目前市场应用和实验研究情况,综合评述了直驱式风力发电系统。具体介绍了5种直驱式风力发电系统的特点、优劣及应用状况,直驱式风力发电系统中应用的电力电子变换器概况。通过综合比较,指出了直驱式风力发电系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

太阳能与风能发电在通信电源系统中的综合应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了太阳能发电与风力发电相结合在边远通信基站电源系统中的应用设计,针对通信系统的电源特点和要求,引入了主备控制方式的太阳能充电控制技术以及常规的高频整流方式的风能充电控制技术,两种发电方式组成的互为补充的供电方式,可大大降低单纯采用太阳能供电的电源系统成本,并进一步提高系统供电的安全性.  相似文献   

风力发电系统中组合风速的建模及仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室进行风力发电系统模拟,风速模拟是其中重要的一个环节,正确的风速模型不仅可以反应风速实际变化情况,而且能给风力发电系统的模拟研究提供准确的参数。文章采用4分量组合风速模型,用Matlab/Simulink对组合风速进行建模仿真。仿真结果表明,该数学模型能够较精确地反映风速的实际突变性、渐变性及随机性等特点,适用于风力发电系统的模拟研究工作。  相似文献   

To meet the national target of 29% for electricity production from renewable energy sources by 2020 in Greece, effective implementation of massive wind power installed capacity into the power supply system is required. In such a situation, the effective absorption of wind energy production is an important issue in a relatively small and weak power system such as that of Greece, which has limited existing interconnections with neighboring countries. The curtailment of wind power is sometimes necessary in autonomous systems with large wind energy penetration. The absorption or curtailment of wind power is strongly affected by the spatial dispersion of wind power installations. In the present paper, a methodology for estimating this effect is presented and applied for the power supply system of Greece. The method is based on probability theory, and makes use of wind forecasting models to represent the wind energy potential over any candidate area for future wind farm installations in the country. Moreover, technical constraints imposed by the power supply system management, the commitment of power plants and the load dispatch strategies are taken into account to maximize the wind energy penetration levels while ensuring reliable operation of the system. Representative wind power development scenarios are studied and evaluated. Results show that the spatial dispersion of wind power plants contributes beneficially to the wind energy penetration levels that can be accepted by the power system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

离网型风光互补发电系统的研制与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一引言 风光互补发电系统是一种将光能和风能转化为电能的装置,由于太阳能与风能的互补性强,该系统能弥补风电和光电独立系统在资源上的间断不平衡性、不稳定性.可以根据用户的用电负荷情况和资源条件对系统容量进行合理配置,既保证供电的可靠性,又降低发电系统的造价.同时,风光互补发电系统是一套独立的分散式供电系统,可不依赖电网独立供电,不消耗市电,不受地域限制,既环保又节能,还可作为一道典雅的风景为城市景观增姿添彩.  相似文献   

A study on the imbalance costs or payments that wind power producers pay on the one hand and the cost incurred for the power system on the other hand is presented. Both the producer side and the system side will be examined with case data on prediction errors, system net imbalances and the balancing costs. The upscaled forecast errors of wind power that result in imbalances have been combined with the system real net imbalance. Comparisons and discussion about the balancing costs of wind power depending on the wind penetration are provided. The results for Finland show that a two-price system for imbalances results in higher imbalance costs than a one-price system. At low wind power penetration levels, the difference in imbalance payments is high for one- and two-price system. When wind penetration increases, there is not so much difference in the different balance settlement rules used. According to the comparison between imbalance payments and system costs, the increase in system costs because of wind power is lower than imbalance payments for wind power producers when using either average prices for up- and down-regulation or the regulation prices that increase linearly with regulation demand.  相似文献   

在几种典型的变速恒频风电系统中,抽取3种基本电路单元:Boost变换器、三相PWM整流器和三相PWM并网逆变器,分别介绍了单周期控制在3种电路单元中的应用,并对单周期控制的改进方法和硬件实现进行了讨论,为单周期控制在变速恒频风力发电系统中的进一步研究和应用提供参考.  相似文献   

The California generation fleet manages the existing variability and uncertainty in the demand for electric power (load). When wind power is added, the dispatchable generators manage the variability and uncertainty of the net load (load minus wind power). The variability and uncertainty of the load and the net load are compared when 8790 MW of wind power are added to the California power system, a level expected when California achieves its 33% renewable portfolio standard, using a data set of 26,296 h of synchronous historic load and modeled historic wind power output. Variability was calculated as the rate of change in power generated by wind farms or consumed by the load from 1 h to the next (MW/h). Uncertainty was calculated as the 1 h ahead forecast error [MW] of the wind power or of the load. The data show that wind power adds no additional variability than is already present in the load variability. However, wind power adds additional uncertainty through increased forecast errors in the net load compared with the load. Forecast errors in the net load increase 18.7% for negative forecast errors (actual less than forecast) and 5.4% for positive forecast errors (actual greater than forecast). The increase in negative forecast errors occurs only during the afternoon hours when negative load forecasts and positive wind forecasts are strongly correlated. Managing the integration of wind power in the California power system should focus on reducing wind power forecast uncertainty for wind ramp ups during the afternoon hours. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

风电资源开发利用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言 在常规能源告急和全球生态环境恶化的双重压力下,风能作为一种无污染、可再生、高效清洁的替代能源,在近30年来,发展尤为迅猛。发达国家为遏制全球气候变化的影响、酸雨影响,以及减排温室气体与二氧化碳和氮氧化物等保护全球环境和区域环境,开始征收能源税或碳税等措施,更使得风力发电在科技和经济上的竞争能力大大加强。  相似文献   

随着风力发电大规模入网,其随机性,波动性和间歇性特征对电力系统调频,调峰等有功平衡手段及电压稳定的影响越来越严重.储能系统能够在一定程度上控制风场的输出功率,平抑风电功率波动,改善风机低电压穿越能力,甚至为系统提供辅助服务,是从风场侧提高系统对风电的接纳能力的可行解决方案之一.作者在简要的介绍了风场储能技术应用现状的基础上,重点针对储能型风场内蓄电池储能系统的设计方案,容量优化及控制策略的研究现状及关键问题进行综述及探讨.  相似文献   

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