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More and more effectors for the Ras-related protein superfamily are being discovered and it is emerging that these GTP-binding proteins interact with more than one effector to generate more than one cellular signal. Atomic details for the interaction of Rap/Ras with one of the effectors, the protein kinase c-Raf-1, have recently become available by X-ray structure analysis. The implications for the specificity of the signal transduction pathway, and how the GTP-dependent switch mechanism modulates the interaction with effectors will be discussed here, using Ras as a paradigm.  相似文献   

The coupling of receptors to heterotrimeric G proteins is determined by interactions between the receptor and the G protein alpha subunits and by the composition of the betagamma dimers. To determine the role of the gamma subunit prenyl modification in this interaction, the CaaX motifs in the gamma1 and gamma2 subunits were altered to direct modification with different prenyl groups, recombinant betagamma dimers expressed in the baculovirus/Sf9 insect cell system, and the dimers purified. The activity of the betagamma dimers was compared in two assays: formation of the high affinity agonist binding conformation of the A1 adenosine receptor and receptor-catalyzed exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha subunit. The beta1gamma1 dimer (modified with farnesyl) was significantly less effective than beta1gamma2 (modified with geranylgeranyl) in either assay. The beta1gamma1-S74L dimer (modified with geranylgeranyl) was nearly as effective as beta1gamma2 in either assay. The beta1gamma2-L71S dimer (modified with farnesyl) was significantly less active than beta1gamma2. Using 125I-labeled betagamma subunits, it was determined that native and altered betagamma dimers reconstituted equally well into Sf9 membranes containing A1 adenosine receptors. These data suggest that the prenyl group on the gamma subunit is an important determinant of the interaction between receptors and G protein gamma subunits.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of trimeric G proteins was investigated by measurement of the expression of alpha-subunits in the megakaryoblastic cell lines MEG-01, DAMI, and CHRF-288-11, representing stages of increasing maturation, and compared with platelets. Megakaryoblasts and platelets contained approximately equal amounts of Gi alpha-1/2, Gi alpha-3, Gq alpha, and G12 alpha protein. Maturation was accompanied by (1) downregulation of mRNA for Gs alpha and disappearance of iloprost-induced Ca2+ mobilization, (2) upregulation of the long form of Gs alpha protein (Gs alpha-L) and an increase in iloprost-induced cAMP formation, and (3) upregulation of G16 alpha mRNA and G16 alpha protein and appearance of thromboxane A2-induced signaling (Ca2+ mobilization and stimulation of prostaglandin I2-induced cAMP formation). Gz alpha protein was absent in the megakaryoblasts despite weak expression of Gz alpha mRNA in DAMI and relatively high levels of Gz alpha mRNA and Gz alpha protein in platelets. These findings reveal major changes in G protein-mediated signal transduction during megakaryocytopoiesis and indicate that G16 alpha couples the thromboxane receptor to phospholipase C beta.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the known three-dimensional structures of trimeric porins from bacterial outer membranes. The distribution of surface-exposed residues in a direction perpendicular to the membrane is similar to that in helical membrane proteins, with aliphatic residues concentrated in the central 20 A of the bilayer. Outside these residues is a layer of aromatic residues, followed by polar and charged residues. Residues in the trimer interface are more conserved than residues not in the interface. By comparing the interface and noninterface residues, an interface preference scale has been derived that may be used as a basis for predicting interface surfaces in monomer models.  相似文献   

In enamel fluorosis model rats treated with sodium fluoride, secretory ameloblasts of incisor tooth germs exhibited disruption of intracellular trafficking. We examined whether heterotrimeric G proteins participated in the disruption of vesicular trafficking of the secretory ameloblast exposed to fluoride, using immunoblotting and pertussis toxin (IAP)-induced adenosyl diphosphate (ADP)-ribosylation for membrane fractions of the cell. Immunoblotting of crude membranes, post supernatants of the ameloblast, with anti-G(alpha i3/alpha o) and anti-G(alpha s) antibodies showed that Gi3 or Go proteins existed in the secretory ameloblast, but Gs protein did not. Immunoblotting of the subcellular membrane fractions indicated that the Gi3 or Go proteins were located in the Golgi membrane, but were not in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) membrane. Autoradiograph of IAP-induced ADP-ribosylation, however, showed the existence of IAP-sensitive G proteins both in rER and Golgi membranes. Fluoride treatment decreased the G proteins bound to both membranes. These findings indicate that different G proteins, both of which are IAP-sensitive, are present in the rER and Golgi apparatus, and suggest that these G proteins participate in the disturbance of intracellular transport of the secretory ameloblast exposed to fluoride.  相似文献   

NKR-P1 molecules constitute a family of type II membrane receptors in natural killer (NK) cells that preferentially activate NK cell killing and release of interferon-gamma from these cells. Here, we demonstrate that anti-NKR-P1 enhances GTP binding in rat interleukin-2-activated NK cell membranes; GTP binding to Gi3alpha, Gsalpha, Gq,11alpha, and Gzalpha increased noticeably in these cell membranes after treatment with anti-NKR-P1. Western blot analysis of membrane proteins prepared from interleukin-2-activated NK cells reveals the presence of Gi1,2alpha, Gi3alpha, Goalpha, Gsalpha, Gq, 11alpha, Gzalpha, and G12alpha, but not G13alpha. However, only alphai3, alphas, alphaq,11, and alphaz, but not alphai1,2, alphao, alpha12, or alpha13 subunits when immunoprecipitated with the appropriate anti-G protein antibodies, are associated with NKR-P1 when immunoblotted with anti-NKR-P1. Reciprocally, NKR-P1 immunoprecipitated with anti-NKR-P1 is associated with alphai3, alphas, alphaq,11, and alphaz immunoblotted with anti-G proteins. These results are the first to demonstrate the physical and functional coupling of NKR-P1 to the heterotrimeric G proteins in NK cells.  相似文献   

The selectivity in coupling of various receptors to GTP-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) was examined directly by a novel assay entailing the use of proteins overexpressed in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. Activation of G proteins was monitored in membranes prepared from Sf9 cells co-expressing selected pairs of receptors and G proteins (i.e. alpha, beta1, and gamma2 subunits). Membranes were incubated with [35S]guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTPgammaS) +/- an agonist, and the amount of radiolabel bound to the alpha subunit was quantitated following immunoprecipitation. When expressed without receptor (but with beta1gamma2), the G protein subunits alphaz, alpha12, and alpha13 did not bind appreciable levels of [35S]GTPgammaS, consistent with a minimal level of GDP/[35S]GTPgammaS exchange. In contrast, the subunits alphas and alphaq bound measurable levels of the nucleotide. Co-expression of the 5-hydroxytryptamine1A (5-HT1A) receptor promoted binding of [35S]GTPgammaS to alphaz but not to alpha12, alpha13, or alphas. Binding to alphaz was enhanced by inclusion of serotonin in the assay. Agonist activation of both thrombin and neurokinin-1 receptors promoted a modest increase in [35S]GTPgammaS binding to alphaz and more robust increases in binding to alphaq, alpha12, and alpha13. Binding of [35S]GTPgammaS to alphas was strongly enhanced only by the activated beta1-adrenergic receptor. Our data identify interactions of receptors and G proteins directly, without resort to measurements of effector activity, confirm the coupling of the 5-HT1A receptor to Gz and extend the list of receptors that interact with this unique G protein to the receptors for thrombin and substance P, imply constitutive activity for the 5-HT1A receptor, and demonstrate for the first time that the cloned receptors for thrombin and substance P activate G12 and G13.  相似文献   

Problems of communication with patients with acute leukaemia and their families were explored by interviewing the next of kin of 26 patients, six of whom were still alive. In all but two cases the diagnosis had been disclosed to the relatives before the patient, but almost one-third of the relatives were not entirely satisfied with the way in which the diagnosis was presented. Medical prognostications at these initial interviews were, on the whole, regarded as being realistic by the relatives. Nine patients learnt of their diagnosis at an early stage, but relatives were undecided whether patients should be told of the diagnosis in explicit terms. Patients often established complete dependence on the hospital and its staff and had difficulties in relating to their own general practitioners while at home during their illness. Social chats were preferred by the relatives rather than regular progress reports from the doctors.  相似文献   

Although activation of one seven-transmembrane receptor can influence the response of a separate seven-transmembrane receptor, e. g., the phenomenon of synergism, the underlying mechanism(s) for this signaling process is unclear. The present study investigated communication between two receptors that exhibit classical synergism, e.g., human platelet thrombin and thromboxane A2 receptors. Activation of thrombin receptors caused an increase in ligand affinity of thromboxane A2 receptors. This effect (i) was shown to be specific, since a similar increase in ligand affinity was not caused by ADP or A23187; (ii) did not require cytosolic components, e.g., kinases, proteases, phosphatases, etc., because it occurred in isolated platelet membranes; (iii) was G protein-mediated because it was blocked by an Galphaq C terminus antibody; and (iv) was associated with a net increase in Galphaq coupling to thromboxane A2 receptors. Collectively, these data provide evidence that seven-transmembrane receptors that share a common Galpha subunit can communicate with each other via a redistribution of their G proteins. Thus, activation of thrombin receptors increases Galphaq association with thromboxane A2 receptors thereby shifting them to a higher affinity state. This signaling phenomenon, which modulates receptor-ligand affinity, may serve as a molecular mechanism for cellular adaptive processes such as synergism.  相似文献   

To describe the communication about risk between community-based physicians and their patients, the authors audiotaped 160 physician-patient encounters in the private practices of 19 physicians. Coding was done using a structured scheme to identify the presence of talk about risk of future illness, and to describe its characteristics. Patient understanding and satisfaction were assessed through an interview. Risk discussion occurred in 26% (95% CI 19%-33%) of the visits, quantitatively in two cases and specifically with respect to outcome in 48% (95% CI 40%-56%) of the visits. The patients initiated only 16% of this discussion but were, in general, satisfied with their care and the information they had received, but they had poor recall of the specifics of the discussion.  相似文献   

The functional roles subserved by G(alpha)z, a G protein alpha subunit found predominantly in neuronal tissues, have remained largely undefined. Here, we report that G(alpha)z coupled neurotransmitter receptors to N-type Ca2+ channels when transiently overexpressed in rat sympathetic neurons. The G(alpha)z-mediated inhibition was voltage dependent and PTX insensitive. Recovery from G(alpha)z-mediated inhibition was extremely slow but accelerated by coexpression with RGS proteins. G(alpha)z selectively interacted with a subset of receptors that ordinarily couple to N-type Ca2+ channels via PTX-sensitive Go/i proteins. In addition, G(alpha)z rescued the activation of heterologously expressed GIRK channels in PTX-treated neurons. These results suggest that G(alpha)z is capable of coupling receptors to ion channels and might underlie PTX-insensitive ion channel modulation observed in neurons under physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The murine G-protein alpha-subunit G alpha 15 and its human counterpart G alpha 16 are expressed in a subset of hematopoietic cells, and they have been shown to regulate beta-isoforms of inositide-specific phospholipase C. We studied the ability of a variety of receptors to interact with G alpha 15 and G alpha 16 by cotransfecting receptors and G-protein alpha-subunits in COS-7 cells. Activation of beta 2 adrenergic and muscarinic M2 receptors in cells expressing the receptors alone or together with G alpha q, G alpha 11, or G alpha 14 led to a very small stimulation of endogenous phospholipase C. However, when the receptors were coexpressed with G alpha 15 and G alpha 16, addition of appropriate ligands caused a severalfold increase in inositol phosphate production which was time- and dose-dependent. A similar activation of phospholipase C was observed when several other receptors which were previously shown to couple to members of the Gi and Gs family were coexpressed with G alpha 15/16. In addition, stimulation of inositol phosphate formation via receptors naturally coupled to phospholipase C was enhanced by cotransfection of G alpha 15 and G alpha 16. These data demonstrate that G alpha 15 and G alpha 16 are unique in that they can be activated by a wide variety of G-protein-coupled receptors. The ability of G alpha 15 and G alpha 16 to bypass the selectivity of receptor G-protein interaction can be a useful tool to understand the mechanism of receptor-induced G-protein activation. In addition, the promiscuous behavior of G alpha 15 and G alpha 16 toward receptors may be helpful in finding ligands corresponding to orphan receptors whose signaling properties are unknown.  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of hepatic arterial therapy, comparing both injection and infusion of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in prolonging the survival of 92 patients with recurrent unresectable hepatic metastasis from colorectal cancer. With respect to pretreatment carcinoembryonic antigen doubling time (CEA-DT), 56 patients were treated with intra-arterial injection, and 36 with intra-arterial infusion. In 21 patients with a CEA-DT of less than 40 days, the cumulative survival of patients treated with arterial injection was significantly longer than that of patients treated with arterial infusion. In 45 patients with a CEA-DT of 40-80 days, the survival curves of patients did not differ from each other. Of the remaining 26 patients with a CEA-DT of more than 80 days, those treated using arterial infusion had an excellent prognosis, in contrast to those treated using arterial injection, with statistical significance. CEA-DT may be useful when choosing a chemotherapy regimen, and may help to accurately establish the prognosis of patients with unresectable hepatic metastasis from colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Endocytosis and recycling of G protein-coupled receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agonist stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors causes a dramatic reorganization of their intracellular distribution. Activation of receptors triggers receptor endocytosis and, since receptors recycle back to the surface continuously, a new steady state is reached where a significant proportion of receptors is located internally. Although this movement of receptors is remarkable, its role has been enigmatic. Recent developments have provided insight into the compartments through which the receptors move, the nature of the signals that trigger receptor translocation, and the significance of receptor cycling for cell function. In this article, Jennifer Koenig and Michael Edwardson review recent progress in this field and place receptor cycling into a mathematical framework that reveals the extent and rate of intracellular receptor movement.  相似文献   

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