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对于大尺寸夹芯结构或复杂形状夹芯结构复合材料的VARI工艺成型过程的模拟仿真计算,如果采用传统的建模方法,则建模困难,模拟仿真计算量大,效率不高。针对此问题,提出了一种简单方便的等效建模法。以弧形和带加强筋的夹芯结构复合材料构件为基础模型,采用等效建模法建立了实体CAD模型和有限元网格模型,并利用PAM-RTM软件对两种夹芯结构复合材料构件的VARI工艺成型过程进行了仿真计算,并结合工艺成型实验进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

对于大尺寸夹芯结构或复杂形状夹芯结构复合材料的VARI工艺成型过程的模拟仿真计算,如果采用传统的建模方法,则建模困难,模拟仿真计算量大,效率不高。针对此问题,本文提出了一种简单方便的等效建模法。以矩形泡沫夹芯结构复合材料构件的铺层设计为基础,采用等效建模法建立了实体CAD模型和有限元网格模型,并利用PAM-RTM模拟软件对夹芯结构复合材料构件的VARI工艺成型过程进行了模拟仿真计算,结合工艺成型实验进行了实验验证,并对制品的密度、树脂含量和力学性能等进行了测试与表征。结果表明:由等效建模法仿真计算所得理论充模时间与实测充模时间基本一致,且仿真计算所得树脂流动前锋位置曲线与工艺成型实验测试值也比较吻合;VARI工艺成型对夹芯结构复合材料制品性能的分布均匀性有一定影响。  相似文献   

通过弹性力学分析,将深水静压环境中夹芯结构芯材力学状态与加套筒静压实验中芯材的力学状态进行对比,提出研究深水静压环境中夹芯结构黏弹性芯材蠕变特性的套筒实验方法;针对三种不同配方的聚氨酯改性环氧基微珠增强吸声体(Polyurethane Modified Epoxy Resin Sound Absorption Materials,PUEPM)芯材开展准静态套筒压缩实验和加套筒蠕变实验,得到了芯材的蠕变性能。结果表明:玻璃微珠含量较低,短切纤维含量较高的分层PUEPM芯材具备较好的蠕变性能;玻璃微珠含量越大,芯材变形回弹性能越好;B型PUEPM芯材具备较好的综合力学性能。  相似文献   

水下夹芯复合空腔结构声学特性计算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
建立了水下夹芯复合空腔结构入射声波模型,运用刚性管中声波传播特性和声固耦合边界条件,提出了一种声学特性有限元计算方法。通过与钢制和橡胶中间层解析解,以及单层夹芯复合结构和夹芯舵结构传递矩阵法、试验结果比较,验证了计算方法对均质层的有效性。通过与经典文献周期空腔覆盖层结构空气背衬和水背衬条件下计算结果进行比较,本文计算方法与经典方法吻合较好,同时兼顾了结构整体弯曲振动对声学性能的影响。通过分析周期阵列边界条件对夹芯复合空腔结构的声学特性影响,补充验证了本文计算方法的可行性。  相似文献   

罗忠  周欣 《振动与冲击》2014,33(8):125-129
引入空腔改善夹芯复合结构低频段吸声性能。建立了三种典型水下声隐身结构声学系统模型,在数值分析吸声性能影响因素基础上,运用脉冲声管试验方法,分析了空气背衬“硬”边界条件和水背衬“软”边界条件下,有无空腔试样、不同空腔间距、空腔形状和深度对谐振吸声峰值及峰值频率等的影响。试验结果表明,空腔显著改善了夹芯复合结构低频段吸声性能;空气背衬下,空腔间距越小,首阶谐振吸声峰值越大,峰值频率越低,水背衬条件下则相反;空腔体积越大,首阶谐振吸声峰值越小,峰值频率越低。  相似文献   

复合材料夹芯结构非线性热传导分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对复合材料夹芯结构温度场分布的特点, 提出一种用于复合材料夹芯结构热传导精细分析的有限单元模型。这种单元模型为三维六面体模型, 单元模型厚度方向的插值函数在芯层和面板交界节点处温度值是连续的, 但温度变化率是不连续的, 而芯层内部节点处沿厚度方向温度值和温度变化率都是连续的。在考虑材料热传导参数随温度变化的情况下, 基于这种有限单元模型建立的复合材料夹芯结构瞬态温度场分析有限元方程为非线性方程。在求解此瞬态热传导非线性有限元方程时, 改进了常用的动力学平衡方程的解法, 改进后的动力学平衡方程解法避免了迭代运算, 提高了求解非线性动态平衡方程的效率。数值算例结果显示了该分析模型的有效性和可靠性。   相似文献   

针对真空辅助成型工艺(VARI)制备的泡沫夹芯壁板面-芯界面粘接强度较低的问题, 提出铺放本体树脂胶膜和对芯材进行打孔两种解决方案。通过无损检测、三点弯曲力学性能测试、计算机模拟树脂充模流动以及微观界面结构观察, 探究两种方案的可行性及改善效果, 分析了胶膜的有无和厚度、打孔工艺参数对界面性能的影响。结果表明, 在不加入胶膜时界面强度最高, 胶膜厚度在0.5 mm时, 无损检测显示的界面缺陷最少, 胶膜厚度达到2 mm后界面质量下降; 合理设计芯材的打孔行、间距可以促进树脂充模流动, 形成质量好的连续界面, 同时还能提高结构刚度。  相似文献   

三维夹芯层连织物复合材料是由纤维连续织造呈空芯结构的织物作为增强体制备而成的新型轻质复合材料, 本文中以三维夹芯层连织物复合材料为研究对象, 发展了适用于酚醛树脂的真空辅助成型工艺方法, 重点考察了影响复合材料制造质量的关键因素。结果表明, 芯柱高度对织物的抗压缩能力与厚度回复率影响显著, 热处理有利于织物的厚度回复; 注射过程中, 树脂沿织物平面纬向渗透速率大于经向, 使用高渗透率介质层、 降低树脂黏度有助于提高树脂在层连织物中的分布均匀性。   相似文献   

面芯界面性能是复合材料夹芯结构发挥其力学/多功能优势的关键,热塑性树脂具有可熔融再造的特点,使热塑性复合材料夹芯结构(TPCSS)可在不引入新材料的前提下,形成连续可靠的面芯界面。对近年来热塑性复合材料夹芯结构熔融连接研究进展进行了梳理,总结了常见构型与所用材料,重点归纳了主要的熔融连接方法,包括热板焊接、模压成型、连续热压、面芯共编和增材制造等。基于国内外研究和应用现状,展望了熔融连接热塑性复合材料夹芯结构的未来发展趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   

马如飞  周文胜  李嘉  张宝艳 《材料导报》2017,31(Z1):510-513
针对高空长航时无人机UAV面临的-82℃低温环境,开展低温温度对T700/LT-03A复合材料及夹芯结构的性能影响研究。研究结果表明,低温下复合材料及夹芯结构强度均随温度降低而升高,T700/LT-03A复合材料-82℃时的拉伸强度为2 500 MPa、层间剪切强度为115 MPa、冲击损伤强度CAI保持在150 MPa。其原因是低温下碳纤维的横向收缩比树脂基体小,界面摩擦力得到增强,从而获得高的界面粘接强度。-70℃低温循环后泡沫和蜂窝夹芯结构强度剪切数据分别为2.6 MPa、2.2MPa。低温试验结果表明T700/LT-03A复合材料及夹芯结构在低温下保持了较好的整体承载能力。  相似文献   

Z向增强泡沫夹芯阻燃复合材料力学性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研制了一种Z向玻璃纤维增强酚醛泡沫的高阻燃性复合材料, 并试验分析了承力柱高度、 分布密度、 排布方式及缝编纱细度、 缝合面板层数等结构参数对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明: 与普通泡沫夹芯复合材料相比, Z向增强泡沫夹芯复合材料的力学性能得到了大幅度提升; 在承力柱分布密度相同的条件下, Z向增强泡沫夹芯复合材料的力学性能基本不随承力柱排布方式而变化; 承力柱高度、 分布密度及缝编纱细度、 缝合面板层数等结构参数对Z向增强泡沫夹芯复合材料的力学性能有重要影响。  相似文献   

Sandwich structures consisting of aluminium skin sheets and polymethacrylimide foam core have been gradually used in the high‐speed trains. The static mechanical properties and fatigue damage of the sandwich structures with polymethacrylimide foam core were experimented in three‐point bending and were discussed. The failure mode is identified as local indentation. The static strength was obtained, and it showed good consistency with the forecasting formula. The fatigue property and damage evolution were also researched under cyclic loading. The fatigue life curve and the fitting formula were submitted. The fatigue damage evolution started from the skin sheet fracture and then the foam core indentation. The displacement at the midpoint as the damage parameter was discussed, and the evolution prediction formula was submitted, which showed great agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

This study deals with the free vibration analysis of composite sandwich cylindrical shell with a flexible core using a higher order sandwich panel theory. The formulation uses the classical shell theory for the face sheets and an elasticity theory for the core and includes derivation of the governing equations along with the appropriate boundary conditions. The model consists of a systematic approach for the analysis of sandwich shells with a flexible core, having high-order effects caused by the nonlinearity of the in-plane and the vertical displacements of the core. The behavior is presented in terms of internal resultants and displacements in the faces, peeling and shear stresses in the face–core interface and stress and displacement field in the core. The accuracy of the solution is examined by comparing the results obtained with the analytical and numerical results published in the literatures. The parametric study is also included to investigate the effect of geometrical properties such as radius of curvature, length and sector angle of the shell.  相似文献   

Predicting the dynamic response of submerged vehicles subjected to hydrostatic pressure and underwater shock loading is of great interest to many structural designers and engineers for improving material and configuration design in recent years. In this paper, the finite element method is used to evaluate the dynamic response of a submerged cylindrical foam core sandwich panel subjected to shock loading. The sandwich panel consists of a foam core surrounded by fiber-reinforced laminates. The effect of fluid–structure coupling is included in the finite element analysis whereas the fluid is assumed to be compressible and inviscid. Time histories of circumferential stress for different composite plies are presented in graphical form and the effects of core type on circumferential stress and velocity of stand-off point are also investigated. Additionally, the distribution of pressure in fluid domain and the deformation of cylindrical foam core sandwich panel are estimated. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the specialized literature addressing the dynamic response of submerged cylindrical foam core sandwich panel to underwater shock loading is rather scanty. This work is likely to fill a gap in the specialized literature on this topic.  相似文献   

Core machining is often applied to improve the formativeness of foam core and the manufacturing effectiveness of sandwich panels. This paper investigates the effects of core machining configuration on the interfacial debonding toughness of foam core sandwich panels fabricated by vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding process. Several machining configurations are conducted to foam core, and skin–core debonding toughness of fabricated sandwich panels is evaluated using double-cantilever-beam tests. The sandwich panels with core cuts exhibited higher apparent fracture toughness than the panels without core cut, specifically in the case of perforated core. The relationship between core machining configuration and measured fracture toughness is discussed based on the experimental observations and the numerical analyses of energy release rates.  相似文献   

The dynamic flexural behaviour of sandwich beams, with composite face-sheets and a foam core, was analysed by developing a 3D finite-element model. To model the core behaviour, a crushable foam model was used. The Hou criteria were used to predict the failure of the face-sheets. Dynamic bending tests were performed to validate the numerical model. The comparison between numerical and experimental results in terms of contact-force histories, peak-force values, absorbed energy, and maximum displacement of both face-sheets was satisfactory. It was revealed that the collapse of the foam core under the impact region favoured the failure of the upper face-sheet.  相似文献   

While sandwich construction offers well-known advantages for high stiffness with light weight, the problem of designing the sandwich structure to withstand shear loading remains an important problem. This problem is more difficult with lower stiffness foam cores under high shear loading because the core is typically the weakest component of the structure and is the first one to fail in shear under the assuming of perfect contact between the skin and the foam core. In the present study, the shear response of the composite sandwich panels with Polyvinylchloride (PVC) foam core was investigated. The PVC H100 foam core is sandwiched between Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) skins using epoxy resin to build a high performance sandwich panel to be investigated. Experiments have been carried out to characterise the mechanical response of the constituent materials under tension, compression and shear loading. Static shear tests for the sandwich panel reveal that the main failure mode is the delamination between the skin and the core rather than shearing the core itself due to the considerable value of the shear strength of the PVC foam. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the sandwich structure shows that shear response and failure mode can be predicted, but that accurate predictions require a consideration of the non-linear response of the foam core. The results have a direct application in predicting the ability of the sandwich structure to withstand the shear loading.  相似文献   

采用双悬臂梁(DCB)试验研究了具有不同密度的PMI泡沫芯体的玻璃纤维增强复合材料夹芯梁界面裂纹曲折破坏路径。基于包含裂纹的物质点算法(MPM), 建立了与试验研究相适应的MPM模型, 在不同的面板/芯体模量比下计算了界面裂纹裂尖模态比和曲折破坏角, 并结合曲折破坏准则模拟了界面裂纹曲折破坏路径。数值模拟结果和试验现象吻合良好, 说明了本文中数值分析模型和方法的有效性。研究结果表明, 面板材料和芯体材料模量失配越严重, 界面裂纹发生曲折破坏时的破坏角越大; 裂纹折入芯体后, 在 Ⅰ 型为主的加载模式的支配下以基本平行于界面的方向扩展。   相似文献   

Interfacial fatigue crack growth in foam core sandwich structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the experimental measurement of face/core interfacial fatigue crack growth rates in foam core sandwich beams. The so-called ‘cracked sandwich beam’ specimen is used, slightly modified, which is a sandwich beam that has a simulated face/core interface crack. The specimen is precracked so that a more realistic crack front is created prior to fatigue growth measurements. The crack is then propagated along the interface, in the core material, during fatigue loading, as is assumed to occur in a real sandwich structure. The crack growth is stable even under constant amplitude testing. Stress intensity factors are obtained from the FEM which, combined with the experimental data, result in standard da/dN versus ΔK curves for which classical Paris’ law constants can be extracted. The experiments to determine stress intensity factor threshold values are performed using a manual load-shedding technique.  相似文献   

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