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城市花园是城市风景园林的重要空间类型,虽在城市绿地系统分类体系之外,但在人们生活中却扮演重要角色的绿色空间。增加城市花园的生物多样性特征是提高城市花园景观质量和城市空间效能的的重要途径之一,也是人们通过花园生物多样性感知进一步认知、体验关注更大尺度环境多样性性与生物多样性,并开展生物多样性教育的有力切入点。通过分析美国纽约都市农场、法国巴黎花卉公园、法国明日之花园等多个国外城市花园生物多样性设计经典案例,总结出直接提高场地生物多样性、寓意表达对生物多样性的关注、历史文化与生物多样性的结合和市民文化参与生物多样性设计4类不同的城市花园生物多样性设计类型,并在此基础上提出了城市花园生物多样性设计框架。  相似文献   

Part of this investigation is the flora of three different urban land-use types which represent typical biotope characteristics of Berlin and Potsdam. The majority of these urban land-use types is located in the former GDR territory of East Berlin and Potsdam, which were almost unexplored and are therefore of special botanic interest. The focus lies on the inventory of wild-growing vascular plants, their diversity, richness, and value for nature conservation.The first investigated land-use type are the landscape parks of Potsdam with their plant communities of meadows and lawns which differ from many other grasslands of today in having unique plant species due to their historic garden design and the continuous way of extensive garden management. Second, the residential areas of the 20/30s in Berlin and their diversity of wild-growing vascular plants and planted trees which reflect the original garden management and the gardening traditions of this decade are presented. The third urban land-use type is the area of the Berlin wall with urban wasteland communities. It will be shown that also in the inner city with a high population density a special variety of species makes urban wastelands worthy for nature conservation.  相似文献   

基于生物多样性在城市中的重要作用.该文在阐述国内外生物多样性规划理论的基础上,探讨了城市生物多样性规划与城市规划的关系,深入分析了城市生物多样性规划认识上的问题。  相似文献   

Biodiversity relationships in urban and suburban parks in Flanders   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Urban and suburban parks can play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, especially in a strongly urbanised region like Flanders (Belgium). A previously developed method for monitoring biodiversity was applied to 15 parks in Flanders. This method took both habitat and species diversity into account and resulted in 13 biodiversity indicators. The results show that urban and suburban parks can have a high species richness, especially if they consist of different more or less semi-natural habitats. The relationships between the biodiversity indicators and the ecological factors affecting the biodiversity were examined using multivariate analyses and correlation techniques. Park area was the main factor explaining the variation in biodiversity indicators, so larger parks could contribute more to the conservation of biodiversity than small ones. A biodiversity score based on habitat diversity and species richness was proposed to summarise and evaluate the biodiversity. This score is not correlated with the park area and is therefore considered as a reliable indicator for comparing biodiversity in parks of different area.  相似文献   

We examined the biodiversity of urban habitats in Birmingham (England) using a combination of field surveys of plants and carabid beetles, genetic studies of four species of butterflies, modelling the anthropochorous nature of the floral communities and spatially explicit modelling of selected mammal species. The aim of the project was to: (i) understand the ecological characteristics of the biota of cities model, (ii) examine the effects of habitat fragment size and connectivity upon the ecological diversity and individual species distributions, (iii) predict biodiversity in cities, and (iv) analyse the extent to which the flora and fauna utilise the 'urban greenways' both as wildlife corridors and as habitats in their own right. The results suggest that cities provide habitats for rich and diverse range of plants and animals, which occur sometimes in unlikely recombinant communities. The studies on carabids and butterflies illustrated the relative importance of habitat quality on individual sites as opposed to site location within the conurbation. This suggests that dispersal for most of our urban species is not a limiting factor in population persistence, although elements of the woodland carabid fauna did appear to have some geographical structuring. Theoretical models suggested that dormice and water voles may depend on linear habitats for dispersal. The models also indicated that other groups, such as small and medium sized mammals, may use corridors, although field-based research did not provide any evidence to suggest that plants or invertebrates use urban greenways for dispersal. This finding indicates the importance of identifying a target species or group of species for urban greenways intended as dispersal routeways rather than as habitat in their own right. Their importance for most groups is rather that greenways provide a chain of different habitats permeating the urban environment. We suggest that planners can have a positive impact on urban biodiversity by slowing the pace of redevelopment and by not hurrying to tidy up and redevelop brownfield sites.  相似文献   

Landscape structure indices for assessing urban ecological networks   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Analysis and planning of ecological networks is a relatively new phenomenon and is a response to fragmentation and deterioration of quality of natural systems. In urban areas, the problems of land use intransigence, political and jurisdictional issues create a difficult environment for implementing ecological networks. The specific questions addressed in this research program revolve around the viability of planning an ecological network in an urban landscape. The development and articulation of an ecological network plan was undertaken previously and in this paper, a series of assays of landscape structure are used to examine the viability of an ecological network in the Phoenix, Arizona urban area. Three principal analyses were utilized: (1) patch content analysis, (2) corridor content analysis, and (3) network structure analysis. Patch and corridor content analyses examined the internal characteristic and immediate context for each of the 89 ecological network elements. The network structure analysis incorporates a process for aggregating results of patch and corridor analyses and incorporates indicators that describe interrelationships between landscape elements. For each of these analyses the existing condition was compared to the optimal plan to demonstrate the level of change that can be expected. The results and conclusions of this research are that an ecological network plan provides modest but important improvement in ecological systems in the Phoenix urban area.  相似文献   

生态、文化和艺术是风景园林学科的3个重要平台,生态特征是风景园林空间的基本特征之一,生物多样性是将生态特征与风景园林规划设计连接起来的重要桥梁。生物多样性保护与生物多样性规划设计成为风景园林适应新时期发展的重要方向和领域。在风景园林的发展历程中,风景园林师已经为生物多样性规划设计业的理论与实践做出了重要贡献。立足风景园林空间的尺度及其嵌套特点,结合风景园林空间具有的景观构成、景观格局、景观过程和景观感知的动态体系,从城市——区域、城市公园、城市花园、微小绿地与群落4个空间尺度,建立风景园林生物多样性的“C-3P”(构成——格局、过程与感知)体系和框架,旨在构建全面和系统的风景园林生物多样性认知和评价体系。  相似文献   

基于低碳理念的城市景观设计初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白舸  田媛 《山西建筑》2011,37(27):198-200
结合具体事例研究了城市低碳景观理念、低碳景观格局和低碳景观设计,认为在环境污染、经济危机双重背景下,低碳化的城市景观设计思想能最大限度地发挥生态效应和环境效应,满足人们合理的物质需求和精神需求,节约自然资源和能源,降低碳排放,以最合理的投入获得最适宜的综合效益。  相似文献   

Energy hierarchy and urban landscape system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of ecosystems suggests principles by which the flow of energy generates hierarchies in all systems. From viewpoint of ecological energetics, urban system lies on the highest level of ecosystem hierarchy. The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of energy flows on the hierarchies and spatial organization of urban zonation. This research uses Taipei metropolitan region as the area for the case study. “Emergy” is used as the principal conceptual tool for energy analysis; “transformity” is used to measure the hierarchies of land uses and urban landscape systems. Based on the calculation of the spatial distribution of energy flows, using GIS, the empower density and transformity increase from rural to urban center. In order to delineate zones of different energetics, the 1178 administrative districts of the Taipei metropolitan region are used as units for multivariate classification, in which 19 variables of energy flows are condensed into four factors. The factor scores of each districts are then used as input for cluster analysis and discriminate analysis. As a result, different energy structures, and subsequently, different types and amount of energy flows tend to associate with different intensities of urbanization. The Taipei metropolitan region is classified into six energetic zones: mixed-use urban core; high density urban residential district; service and manufacturing urban district; agricultural district, newly developed suburban district; and natural area. The calculation of transformity and emergy indices further establish the hierarchical order of these zones. The distribution of the six energetic zones, reveals the spatial energetic hierarchies of Taipei metropolitan region. The implication of energetic characteristics to planning practice is also discussed to conclude this research.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a method for the general monitoring of the biodiversity in (sub)urban parks. The method works along two lines, that of habitat diversity and that of species diversity. On the habitat level we measure the diversity in so called ‘habitat units’. These units are divided in planar, linear and punctual elements. For each category we calculate a Shannon–Wiener diversity index and a saturation index. The latter is the ratio of the diversity index compared to the maximum diversity possible. On the species level we use the species number and diversity index of vascular plants, as measured in random sampling plots of 100 m2 (for trees and shrubs) and 4 m2 (for herbaceous vegetation). In addition, we also use the species number of butterflies, amphibians and breeding birds. These numbers are compared with the total species number in Flanders, resulting in a saturation index per park for butterflies, amphibians and breeding birds. In this way 20 biodiversity indicators are obtained. The proposed method was applied to the municipal park of Loppem (West-Flanders, Belgium), from which the necessary time budget has been calculated. Since it is the first application of a new method and no reference to other parks is available, the proposed bioindicators have been compared with criteria given in the literature on the selection of biodiversity indicators.  相似文献   

Urban noise is one of the most important factors explaining the abundance of birds in urban areas. If urban planners have information on the effects of noise on diverse avian species, they can design better gardens that can be useful for the conservation of endangered species. In this sense, many studies have been realized in diverse urban areas across the world. However, information on the exact effects of noise on urban birds in SW Iberian Peninsula does not exist. In this paper, we show the first study on the effects of urban noise on 91 bird species in 27 parks in diverse cities and villages of Spain and Portugal. Our study includes from rural areas with noise levels below 40 dB, to parks inside big cities such as Madrid and Sevilla that surpass 70 dB. The range of noise conditions, studied parks and the seasonal and annual replication of this study permits extraction clears conclusions. In this sense, the ten species most affected by noise, in terms of percentage of explained variance, are: Regulus regulus with 34.62% variability associated with noise, Streptopelia turtur (24.24%), Dendrocopos minor (20.39%), Buteo buteo (15.15%), Hirundo daurica (13.15), Corvus corax (11.09%), Oriolus oriolus (10.23%), Cettia cetti (6.47%), Passer hispanoliensis (6.33%) and Sylvia melanocephala (5.82%). Our data demonstrates that many of these protected species could be attract to urban gardens if noise levels were reduced below 50 dB by using, for example, acoustic barriers.  相似文献   

本文研究探讨了空间尺度与生物多样性保护层次的对应关系,认为在城市一区域这一特定尺度上,景观多样性是生物多样性宏观保护的关键层次,基于城市一区域整体环境的系统性和差异性以及生物流与过程,建立城市一区域框架内的生物多样性保护格局。寻找“最优景观格局”就是生物多样性保护规划的核心任务之一,并藉此总结出城市一区域尺度的两种空间类型及其生物多样性保护规划的两种途径:第一种是针对城市基质的区域空间类型提出了“城乡景观格局优化途径”,该途径包括有“集聚间有离析”、“景观安全格局”,“绿色基础设施”3大模式及5大格局优化策略;第二种是针对自然基质的区域空间类型提出的“自然保护区途径”,该途径包含有“保护区圈层”与“保护区网”2大模式以及6大保护区设计原则。  相似文献   

Cities represent an important threat to biodiversity at different scales. Nevertheless, little is known on the processes underlying such effects. In this paper we describe bird diversity, structure, and composition patterns in different urban land-use categories. For this, we surveyed resident bird communities in four representative land-use categories of southwestern Mexico City. Our results show that bird communities vary greatly along the different studied urban land-uses, which represent an urbanization development gradient. Bird communities were highly dominated by few generalist species in areas with commercial components, while showed to have higher evenness values in green areas. Bird species richness decreased and bird abundances increased with urbanization intensity. Also, our results indicate that bird species richness and abundance values are sensible to site-specific habitat characteristics. Although we did not find a clear pattern of taxonomic homogenization related to urbanization, our results show that urbanization development entails the functional homogenization of bird communities. Thus, based on our results, we suggest three urban planning and management activities: (1) regulate land-use change related to urbanization; (2) increase the number of green areas within the city; (3) establish bird monitoring programs to identify focal areas that need management and assist with ecological data for urban planning.  相似文献   

中国正在发生的快速城市化导致了生态热点地区土地被侵占,热点内关键生物多样性地点的面积持续减小,其生物多样性和生态服务功能受到严重影响。笔者基于关键生态系统合作基金的《印缅生态热点地区》的研究报告,介绍了印缅生态热点地区(中国区)的生态系统状况。接着,通过梳理全国及有关省、自治区的主体功能区规划,发现印缅生态热点地区(中国区)正处在生物多样性保护与城市化发展、农业生产相冲突的规划定位。最后,测算了印缅生态热点地区(中国区)相关省级行政区和生态区的保护区面积与国土面积的比率,发现各省级行政区的保护区占整个地区的陆地面积的比率全部没有达到爱知目标要求的保护面积占国土面积的17%的要求。印缅生态热点地区(中国区)保护区面积占国土面积的比率约在15.02%,也是没有达到爱知目标的要求,其国家级的保护区面积比率只有8.2%,也低于全国12.5%的比率。  相似文献   

Biological organisms are the basis of life on our planet. Following recent evaluations, only 1/20 to 1/60 of the planet species have yet been described and most of these will be lost if the rate of destruction of our environment continues at the present rate.Most of the terrestrial environment, up to 95%, is affected by human activities, including agriculture, and this terrestrial habitat provides up to 98% of human food on the planet.Sustainable strategies in food production in agriculture improve the existing biodiversity and include the following items: increased porosity of the landscape through natural vegetation, proper management, better use and recycling of organic residues, introduction of integrated farming systems, reduced tillage, rotation, biological control, increased number of biota involved in human foodwebs. Attention must be paid to non-conventional food such as insects and other terrestrial invertebrates in Western countries. Such microlivestock, like the case of palm weevils in Papua New Guinea, can offer a model of sustainable use of rain forests in which most of the diversity on the planet represented by insects is concentrated.  相似文献   

王敏  宋岩 《风景园林》2014,(1):47-52
面对城市生物多样性逐步丧失和城市生态危机的加重,在物种多样性保护的同时强化生物多样性的载体——生境多样性的规划营建是实现城市生物多样性再生的关键技术之一。梳理城市公园生境要素单元分类的基础上,文章阐述基于生境单元的城市公园生物多样性评估方法,分析游憩活动对于公园生境的干扰与分区管理策略,并通过后湾沼泽地、布鲁克林大桥公园、米勒生态公园和圣路易斯森林公园4个典型案例解读,探讨城市咸水沼泽生境、城市浅水(淡水沼泽)生境、城市草原生境、城市森林生境这4种主要城市公园异质性生境设计、建造与管理要点,最后从一般设计流程和核心设计控制指标两方面提出基于生境单元分类体系的城市公园生物多样性设计框架。  相似文献   

Domain ontologies are the cornerstone of informatics systems. Like their philosophical counterparts, they aim at providing a shared representation (language) for the concepts within a domain of knowledge. Ontologies are related more to knowledge representation rather than reasoning. Consequently, they normally can be complemented by artificial intelligence tools to enhance their decision support capabilities. This paper presents an ontology that is an abstract (yet extendable) philosophical (yet practical) conceptualization of the essence of knowledge that relates to construction aspects of infrastructure products. A product is the outcome of any work process and includes physical products, decisions, abstract knowledge and knowledge items generated based on all of these. A set of related constraints, mechanism, actors and process are identified along with these products. Product attributes and modalities are also presented to help describe the behavior of these products and support the generation of types or classes of these products.  相似文献   

This paper traces the history, and current challenges, of climate science and urban design in Greater Manchester, UK. The Mancunian metropolis is a remarkable example of a ‘climatic city’, one that shapes its climate as much as it is shaped by it. From the efforts to control smoke and clear slums in the 19th century, to today’s race to be at the forefront of ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ cities, climate is a central actor in Manchester’s history and will likely be so in the near future. We analyse the continuities and inflections of this history of climate science and urban planning in the metropolis by drawing on historical material and interviews with key local stakeholders, to understand the natural, social and political construction of this singular ‘industrial ecology’. Ultimately, we ask whether stakeholders in the Greater Manchester area can overcome existing challenges to go towards a greener, more resilient and sustainable city.  相似文献   

普通生态学原理在生物多样性规划和管理实践中有了发展,但仍需要进一步深入的研究。本研究建立了一个本地和总体的鸟类栖息地模型,用以支持作为全球生物多样性一个组分的城市地区的生物多样性。这个模型用于为相关研究推荐适合当地的栖息地类型。本研究在繁殖季节调查了三处相似的城市地点的鸟类种群和植被覆盖情况,运用地理信息系统分析数据的...  相似文献   

风景园林环境的多样性依赖于地理环境的多样性和生物及生态系统的多样性。基于地理环境和生态学视角的生物多样性是风景园林学科生物多样性的重要理论基础。随着生态环境保护意识的增强和地理学、生态学、风景园林学等学科的深度发展,生物多样性的研究也逐渐受到重视,而且走向多学科融合的特征和途径。基于文献整理分析,探讨地理环境与生物样性之间的关系,从全球尺度论述植物区系、陆地动物和海洋动物的地理分布以及生物多样性热点地区,并分析地质年代和环境条件对生物多样性分布的影响,揭示基于地理学的生物多样性分布特征,并从地理环境的角度建立地理空间与生物多样性之间的关联。  相似文献   

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