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Shell-side heat transfer coefficients of individual tubes for ammonia/lubricant mixture boiling on a 3 × 5 enhanced tube bundle were measured, enabling a detailed study of tube bundle effect under the influences of inlet quality, concentration of miscible lubricant (co-polymer of polyalkylene glycol, PAG), saturation temperature, and heat flux. Tests were conducted in the range of heat flux from 3.2 to 32.0 kW/m2, simulated inlet quality from 0.0 to 0.4, saturation temperature from −13.2 to +7.2 °C, and lubricant concentration from 0 to 10%. The data show that bundle effect is more significant at a higher saturation temperature. Most of the data in the bottom row are lower than the single-tube heat transfer coefficient data at a low saturation temperature. Lubricant renders the heat transfer coefficient lower in lower rows and higher in higher rows, therefore a larger range of data variation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to study the heat transfer characteristics for enhanced surface tubes in the pool boiling and to provide a guideline for the design conditions for the evaporator using HFC134a. The shape of tube surfaces, the wall superheat, and the saturation temperature are considered as the key parameters. Copper tubes (do = 19.05 mm) are treated with different helix angles and the saturation temperatures are controlled from 3 to 16 °C. It is found that the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing the wall superheat. It is also found that boiling heat transfer coefficients for Turbo-II and Turbo-III are 1.5–3.0 times and 1.2–2.0 times higher than that for Turbo-I without the helix angle, respectively. The higher heat transfer performance from Turbo-II and Turbo-III can be explained by the “bubble detention” phenomenon on the surface without the helix angle for the Turbo-I. The experimental correlations for the pool boiling heat transfer on the present enhanced tubes without (Type I) and with the helix angle (Type II and Type III) are developed with the error bands of ±30%, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the framework of a semi-theoretical model for predicting the pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerant/lubricant mixtures on a roughened, horizontal, flat pool-boiling surface. The predictive model is based on the mechanisms involved in the formation of the lubricant excess layer that exists on the heat transfer surface. The lubricant accumulates on the surface in excess of the bulk concentration via preferential evaporation of the refrigerant from the bulk refrigerant/lubricant mixture. As a result, excess lubricant resides in a thin layer on the surface and influences the boiling performance, giving either an enhancement or degradation in heat transfer. A dimensionless excess layer parameter and a thermal boundary layer constant were derived and fitted to data in an attempt to generalize the model to other refrigerant/lubricant mixtures. The model inputs include transport and thermodynamic refrigerant properties and the lubricant composition, viscosity, and critical solution temperature with the refrigerant. The model predicts the boiling heat transfer coefficient of three different mixtures of R123 and lubricant to within ±10%. Comparisons of heat transfer predictions to measurements for 13 different refrigerant/lubricant mixtures were made, including two different refrigerants and three different lubricants.  相似文献   

We propose in this study a simplified model of enthalpy calculation for a refrigerant–oil mixture, as well as a new presentation of the pressure–enthalpy–vapour quality diagram which is applied to refrigerant–oil mixtures with different oil circulating mass fractions. This presentation allows the calculation of the enthalpy change through an evaporator, with and without taking into account the effect of oil, and the prediction of the non evaporated quantity of refrigerant at the compressor suction. The results of the model for two pairs of R407C/POE oil of different solubilities show that under the same working conditions, the solubility of the refrigerant in oil can have a considerable effect on the evaporator performances. Indeed, for two oils presenting the same viscosity grade, the evaporator performances decrease when the refrigerant–oil solubility increases.  相似文献   

The boiling hysteresis phenomenon is studied for a real scale enhanced evaporator tube (2 m long Turbo-B type) with R134a refrigerant used in the flooded evaporator of a centrifugal brine chiller for the ice-making facility. Unlike previous studies of the boiling heat transfer with uniform heat flux and uniform wall temperature, the wall temperature varies along the tube in the present experiment. To see if the similar hysteresis occurs as in the case of uniform wall temperature, a careful control of refrigerant temperature and heat flux is made. We have found hysteresis of the temperature overshoot (TOS) at the onset of nucleate boiling initially at the inlet section of the tube, before it gradually moved downstream section of the tube until the nucleate boiling occupied the whole section of the tube as the inlet temperature increased. The hysteresis became stronger at low refrigerant temperatures. The decreasing trend of heat flux after the contents of the whole tube boiled was different from the increasing trend. This paper provides a guideline how to design the evaporator in order to avoid the abnormal operation of the chillers.  相似文献   

Although ammonia/water has been used for decades as a working pair in absorption cycles for industrial refrigeration, very limited data are available on boiling heat transfer of this mixture. The intention of this work is to carry out a bibliographic revision of the information available in the open literature about nucleate pool boiling of the ammonia/water mixture and its pure components. The experimental data have been compared with existing prediction correlations for the pure components and also for their mixtures.For water, all the pure component pool boiling correlations gave similar predictions and were in good agreement with experimental data. For ammonia the prediction of the correlation and the experimental data showed more differences.At a given heat flux, the experimental data show that the mixture pool boiling heat transfer coefficient is lower than that obtained with pure components. Three of the well-known correlations for mixtures were compared against the experimental data. None of these correlations provided a good prediction of the mixture pool boiling heat transfer coefficient over a wide range of mass fraction. Furthermore, a new correlation has been proposed.  相似文献   

The heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop during gas cooling process of CO2 (R744) in a horizontal tube were investigated experimentally. The experiments are conducted without oil in the refrigerant loop. The main components of the refrigerant loop are a receiver, a variable-speed pump, a mass flow meter, a pre-heater and a gas cooler (test section). The water loop consists of a variable speed pump, an isothermal tank, and a flow meter. The refrigerant, circulated by the variable-speed pump, condenses in the inner tube while water flows in the annulus. The gas cooler of tube diameter is 6000 mm in length, and it is divided into 12 subsections.The pressure drop of CO2 in the gas cooler shows a relatively good agreement with those predicted by Blasius's correlation. The local heat transfer coefficient of CO2 agrees well with the correlation by Bringer–Smith. However, at the region near Pseudo-critical temperature, the experiments indicate higher values than the Bringer–Smith correlation. Based on the experimental data presented in this paper, a new correlation to predict the heat transfer coefficient of supercritical CO2 during in-tube cooling has been developed. The majority of the experimental values are within 18% of the values predicted by the new correlation.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on the convective boiling heat transfer in horizontal minichannels with CO2. The test section is made of stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.5 and 3.0 mm and with lengths of 2000 and 3000 mm, respectively, and it is uniformly heated by applying an electric current directly to the tubes. Local heat transfer coefficients were obtained for a heat flux range of 20–40 kW m−2, a mass flux range of 200–600 kg m−2 s−1, saturation temperatures of 10, 0, −5, and −10 °C and quality ranges of up to 1.0. Nucleate boiling heat transfer contribution was predominant, especially at low quality region. The reduction of heat transfer coefficient occurred at a lower vapor quality with a rise of heat flux, mass flux and saturation temperature, and with a smaller inner tube diameter. The experimental heat transfer coefficient of CO2 is about three times higher than that of R-134a. Laminar flow appears in the minichannel flows. A new boiling heat transfer coefficient correlation that is based on the superposition model for CO2 was developed with 8.41% mean deviation.  相似文献   

Current and future prospects of enhanced heat transfer in ammonia systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the last decade a moderate headway has been made in the application of enhanced surface heat exchangers in ammonia refrigeration systems. This has been a result of the persistent issue of ozone and global warming which has resulted in keen interest in natural refrigerants such as ammonia that has played a prominent role in the refrigeration industry for years, particularly in the field of food, beverage and marine. The only drawback with ammonia is the toxicity; hence, if smaller heat exchangers could be introduced in order to reduce ammonia charge, this negative aspect about ammonia can be addressed to a great extent. In order to achieve this goal, novel and compact heat exchangers with enhanced surfaces have to be introduced. This paper presents an over view of the status of ammonia as a refrigerant and discusses the present and the future trends in the development of compact heat exchangers for use in ammonia refrigeration.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of nanoparticles on the heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant-based nanofluid flow boiling inside a horizontal smooth tube, and to present a correlation for predicting heat transfer performance of refrigerant-based nanofluid. For the convenience of preparing refrigerant-based nanofluid, R113 refrigerant and CuO nanoparticles were used. Experimental conditions include an evaporation pressure of 78.25 kPa, mass fluxes from 100 to 200 kg m−2 s−1, heat fluxes from 3.08 to 6.16 kW m−2, inlet vapor qualities from 0.2 to 0.7, and mass fractions of nanoparticles from 0 to 0.5 wt%. The experimental results show that the heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant-based nanofluid is larger than that of pure refrigerant, and the maximum enhancement of heat transfer coefficient is 29.7%. A heat transfer correlation for refrigerant-based nanofluid is proposed, and the predictions agree with 93% of the experimental data within the deviation of ±20%.  相似文献   

This paper presents pool boiling heat transfer data for 12 different R134a/lubricant mixtures and pure R134a on a Turbo-BII™-HP surface. The mixtures were designed to examine the effects of lubricant mass fraction, viscosity, and miscibility on the heat transfer performance of R134a. The magnitude of the effect of each parameter on the heat transfer was quantified with a regression analysis. The mechanistic cause of each effect was given based on new theoretical interpretation and/or one from the literature. The model illustrates that large improvements over pure R134a heat transfer can be obtained for R134a/lubricant mixtures with small lubricant mass fraction, high lubricant viscosity, and a large critical solution temperature (CST). The ratio of the heat flux of the R134a/lubricant mixture to that of the pure R134a for fixed wall superheat was given as a function of pure R134a heat flux for all 12 mixtures. The lubricant that had the largest CST with R134a exhibited the greatest heat transfer: 100%±20% greater than that of pure R134a. By contrast, the heat transfer of the mixture with the lubricant that had the smallest viscosity and the smallest CST with R134a was 55%±9% less than that of pure R134a. High-speed films of the pure and mixture pool boiling were taken to observe the effect of the lubricant on the nucleate boiling.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the experimental research and the theoretical analysis conducted to study the condensation of the ammonia–water mixture on a horizontal smooth tube. Experiments were carried out with ammonia concentrations and wall subcoolings ranging from 62% to 95% and from 45 °C to 90 °C, respectively. Experimental results of the overall condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) are reported and discussed. A theoretical model based on the analytical method proposed by Colburn and Drew was developed. The model was able to predict the trends of the experimental HTCs for the ranges of concentrations and wall subcoolings considered in the experiments. The heat flow and the overall condensation HTCs were slightly overestimated with mean errors of 9.3% and 11.2%, respectively. The theoretical results revealed that the ammonia mass transfer in the vapour phase has a significant effect on the heat and mass transfer coefficients and, consequently, on the overall condensation HTCs. Finally, a calculation procedure was established to estimate the vapour mass and heat transfer coefficients from experimental data. The results are shown as dimensionless correlations.  相似文献   

Interest has grown in recent years to extend the use of hydrocarbons and ammonia as working fluids in refrigeration to new domains of application, despite their flammability. In the context of pool boiling heat transfer, this has created increasing research activities, particularly with regard to hydrocarbons. In contrast with this, only a few new experimental results have been added to the data set existing for ammonia in the literature. So this review will concentrate on hydrocarbons, while ammonia will be treated in a comparatively brief part.The review starts with the state-of-the-art that had been reached at about 1990. It continues with the data set for propane being taken as an example to highlight various reasons for the experimental data scatter that is found when different sources are compared for the same substance. In the main part, new results of 12 (aliphatic) hydrocarbons are discussed regarding the influence of heat flux q and reduced saturation pressure p* = ps/pc on the heat transfer coefficient α, and also the variation in α0 caused by the differences in the thermophysical properties of the 12 hydrocarbons at constant q0 and . It is shown that the dependencies of the heat transfer coefficient α on heat flux q and reduced pressure p*, and on the thermophysical properties of the various fluids at constant values q0 and can be correlated by general semi-empirical functions with comparatively narrow limits of error that do not reach far beyond the experimental scatter occurring when different sources are compared for the same substance. Before treating ammonia in a final section, the review on hydrocarbons closes with short discussions for mixtures of hydrocarbons, for the bundle effect, and for the behaviour of enhanced tubes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect that the bulk lubricant concentration has on the non-adiabatic lubricant excess surface density on a roughened, horizontal flat pool-boiling surface. Both pool boiling heat transfer data and lubricant excess surface density data are given for pure R134a and three different mixtures of R134a and a polyolester lubricant (POE). A spectrofluorometer was used to measure the lubricant excess density that was established by the boiling of an R134a/POE lubricant mixture on a test surface. The lubricant is preferentially drawn out of the bulk refrigerant/lubricant mixture by the boiling process and accumulates on the surface in excess of the bulk concentration. The excess lubricant resides in an approximately 40 μm layer on the surface and influences the boiling performance. The lubricant excess surface density measurements were used to modify an existing dimensionless excess surface density parameter so that it is valid for different reduced pressures. The dimensionless parameter is a key component for a refrigerant/lubricant pool-boiling model given in the literature. In support of improving the boiling model, both the excess measurements and heat transfer data are provided for pure R134a and three R134a/lubricant mixtures at 277.6 K. The heat transfer data show that the lubricant excess layer causes an average enhancement of the heat flux of approximately 24% for the 0.5% lubricant mass fraction mixture relative to pure R134a heat fluxes between 5 and 20 kW/m2. Conversely, both 1 and 2% lubricant mass fraction mixtures experienced an average degradation of approximately 60% in the heat flux relative to pure R134a heat fluxes between approximately 4 and 20 kW/m2. This study is an effort toward generating data to support a boiling model to predict whether lubricants degrade or improve boiling performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the experimental research conducted to study the condensation of ammonia on smooth and integral-fin (32 fpi) titanium tubes of 19.05 mm outer diameter. Experiments were carried out at saturation temperatures of 30, 35, 40 and 45 °C and wall subcoolings from 1 to 8 °C. The results show that the condensation coefficients on the smooth tubes are well predicted by the Nusselt theory with an average error of +0.66% and within a deviation between −6.6% and +8.3%. The enhancement factors provided by the integral-fin tubes range from 0.77 to 1.22. The low enhancement factors are due to the high condensate retention between fins, which brings about flooded fractions of the tube perimeter from 62.9% to 73.2%, and the low thermal conductivity of titanium. The Briggs and Rose [1994. Effect of fin efficiency on a model for condensation heat transfer on a horizontal, integral-fin tube. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 37, 457–463.] model, which accounts for the conduction in the fins, predicts the experimental data with a mean overestimation of 20%. The analysis of the partial thermal resistances in the overall heat transfer process points out the convenience of enhancing the outside ammonia condensation when high water velocities are considered inside the tubes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of the oil presence on the performances of a refrigerating machine is investigated both experimentally and numerically. To highlight the effect of oil, particularly on the evaporator behaviour, a theoretical model of enthalpy calculation for a refrigerant/oil mixture has been previously developed [Int J Refrigeration, 26(2003), 284]. In order to validate this model, tests were carried out on an industrial refrigerating machine working with R-407C. The lubricant is a polyol-ester oil whose solubility curves are given by the oil manufacturer. The oil circulating mass fraction is measured by a sampling technique and by an on-line density measurement method, whose advantages and drawbacks are presented. Both the model and the experiments show that the ratio of enthalpy change through the evaporator with to without the oil presence increases when the apparent superheat at the evaporator outlet increases. This is due to the presence of a non-evaporated amount of liquid refrigerant dissolved in the oil at this location, which is confirmed by visual observations. The numerical and experimental results are found to be in a good agreement as the maximum deviation is about 2.2%.  相似文献   

A new program was developed to analyze the heat transfer characteristics of fin and tube evaporators that use a zeotropic mixture refrigerant, R-407C, as the working fluid. The calculation algorithm is based on EVSIM (NIST), but a tube is segmented into several sections to provide a base unit for the calculations in this study. Therefore, two-dimensional air mal-distribution in the tube-length (horizontal) and vertical directions of the evaporator can be considered. The temperature gradient in the flow direction is traced using a discrete pattern to simulate the continuous variation found in actual evaporators. To validate the simulation results, 45 test cases in a real evaporator were performed with two different refrigerant flow path configurations using R-22 and R-407C refrigerants. The deviation between the simulations and test data was a maximum of 5.4%, and the trends were similar. The local heat transfer predictions were verified by comparing the numerical and test wall temperatures along the refrigerant flow path. Local temperature difference and the heat transfer contributions from each row are also analyzed along refrigerant flow path. And more, the impact of air mal-distribution is studied with two-dimensional four different types of velocity profiles and the significant difference in heat transfer is analyzed. The program developed in this study will be a useful tool to know all of information related with heat and mass transfer at any local point and can be used for improving the efficiency of zeotropic mixture refrigerant evaporators.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to provide experimental data that can be used in the optimal design of flat plate finned-tube heat exchangers with large fin pitch. In this study, 22 heat exchangers were tested with a variation of fin pitch, number of tube row, and tube alignment. The air-side heat transfer coefficient decreased with a reduction of the fin pitch and an increase of the number of tube row. The reduction in the heat transfer coefficient of the four-row heat exchanger coil was approximately 10% as the fin pitch decreased from 15.0 to 7.5 mm over the Reynolds number range of 500–900 that was calculated based on the tube diameter. For all fin pitches, the heat transfer coefficient decreased as the number of tube row increased from 1 to 4. The staggered tube alignment improved heat transfer performance more than 10% compared to the inline tube alignment. A heat transfer correlation was developed from the measured data for flat plate finned-tubes with large fin pitch. The correlation yielded good predictions of the measured data with mean deviations of 3.8 and 6.2% for the inline and staggered tube alignment, respectively.  相似文献   

The heat transfer in heat exchangers is commonly calculated using the concept of Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD). As is well known this approach is only valid for counter-current and co-current heat exchanger configurations. For other configurations, corrections for the deviation from pure counter-current are introduced. From any standard text book in heat transfer it may be found that the LMTD approach may also be used if condensation and evaporation occurs in the heat exchanger. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate if the LMTD approach can be used in a compact brazed plate evaporator. It will be shown through integration of the governing equations that the LMTD approach indeed may be used for practical cases, even though deviations occur at small logarithmic mean temperature differences. The article presents suggestions on the correction factor (F) needed under some simplified assumptions in a compact brazed plate heat exchanger operating as an evaporator for heat pump and refrigeration applications.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is again becoming an important refrigerant. While the thermophysical properties are well known there is a lack of data on its heat transfer characteristics.

In this study, heat transfer coefficients for nucleate boiling of carbon dioxide are determined using a standard apparatus for the investigation of pool boiling based on a set-up from Karlsruhe [D. Gorenflo, J. Goetz, K. Bier. Vorschlag für eine Standard-Apparatur zur Messung des Wärmeübergangs beim Blasensieden. Wärme-und Stoffübertragung 16 (1982), 69–78; J. Goetz, Entwicklung und Erprobung einer Normapparatur zur Messung des Wärmeübergangs beim Blasensieden. Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe (1980).] and built at our institute. Electrically heated horizontal cylinders with an outer diameter of 16 mm and a length of 100 mm are used as heating elements. Measurements with constant heat flux are performed for different wall materials and surface roughnesses. The heat transfer is investigated within the pressure range of 0.53≤ p ≤1.43 MPa (0.072≤ p/pc ≤0.190) and a temperature range of −56≤ t ≤−30 °C, respectively. Heat fluxes of up to 80,000 W m−2 are applied.

The influences of wall material and roughness on the heat transfer coefficient are evaluated separately. The obtained coefficients are compared to generally accepted correlations and to experimental results of other authors, who used similar configurations with copper tubes and carbon dioxide. These are the only previous experimental data, which could be found. Results for copper, stainless steel and aluminium as wall materials are presented.  相似文献   

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