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In the Seine Basin, characterised by intensive arable crops, most of the surface and groundwater is contaminated by nitrate (NO3 ?). The goal of this study is to investigate nitrogen leaching on commercial arable crop farms in five organic and three conventional systems. In 2012–2013, a total of 37 fields are studied on eight arable crop rotations, for three different soil and climate conditions. Our results show a gradient of soil solution concentrations in function of crops, lower for alfalfa (mean 2.8 mg NO3-N l?1) and higher for crops fertilised after legumes (15 mg NO3-N l?1). Catch crops decrease nitrate soil solution concentrations, below 10 mg NO3-N l?1. For a full rotation, the estimated mean concentrations is lower for organic farming, 12 ± 5 mg NO3-N l?1 than for conventional farming 24 ± 11 mg NO3-N l?1, with however a large range of variability. Overall, organic farming shows lower leaching rates (14–50 kg NO3-N ha?1) than conventional farms (32–77 kg NO3-N ha?1). Taking into account the slightly lower productivity of organic systems, we show that yield-scaled leaching values are also lower for organic (0.2 ± 0.1 kg N kg?1 N year?1) than for conventional systems (0.3 ± 0.1 kg N kg?1 N year?1). Overall, we show that organic farming systems have lower impact than conventional farming on N leaching, although there is still room for progress in both systems in commercial farms.  相似文献   

Phosphorus feeding and manure nutrient recycling on Wisconsin dairy farms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently approved nutrient management regulations for livestock operations focus on a farm’s ability to recycle the phosphorus (P) contained in manure. Most efforts to improve dairy manure management emphasize manure handling, storage, and land application techniques. Little is known about relationships between dairy feeding practices and manure P levels under farm conditions, or between herd size, cropland area and a farm’s ability to recycle manure P through crops. A survey of 98 representative dairy farms in Wisconsin showed that most farms were self-sufficient in forage (alfalfa, corn silage) and grain production. Lactating dairy cows derived 90% of their feed dry matter (DM) and 78% of their P intake from these homegrown feeds. The P content (DM basis) of the dairy diet ranged from 2.3 to 8.5 with an average of 4.0g P kg−1. Approximately 85% of the surveyed dairy farms fed P in excess of the recently updated National Research Council (NRC) requirements. On these farms, amounts of P in manure were related to dietary P. Of the annual manure P excreted by cows fed a diet supplement, approximately two-thirds is derived from homegrown feeds and one-third from imported mineral and protein supplements. Stocking rates ranged from 0.19 to 1.68 AU ha−1. Farms having stocking rates of less than 0.70 AU ha−1 are self-sufficient in feed production. Approximately half of the farms are self-sufficient in feed production, 68% produce 90%, and 80% produce 80% of their annual feed requirement. Approximately 40% of the farms have a positive P balance (manure P exceeds harvested crop P). On these farms, lowering dietary P to the levels recommended by NRC would reduce the number of farms having a positive P balance by 67%, and the land area in positive P balance by 60%. For farms having a high animal stocking rate, manure export, the addition of cropland for manure spreading, and/or reductions in livestock (cow and/or heifer) numbers may be the only feasible strategies for achieving P balance on a farm. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A basic function of dairy farming is to transform feed nutrients into milk to generate an economic return. As the price of feed grain escalates, and environmental concerns associated with animal agriculture heighten, many dairy producers seek new ways to track nutrient use on their farms. Relatively little information is available on feed and manure management under producer conditions. The present study provides an overview of an iterative process used to develop and apply techniques for rapid assessment of feed and manure management on confinement-based dairy farms in very different geographic settings. Information was collected on cow diets, milk production and manure management using rapid (2–3 h) survey techniques first on 41 dairy farms in Wisconsin, USA and then on two dairy farms in Shandong Province, China. In both locations, Holstein dairy cows (Bos taurus) transformed on average 22–30% of feed nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) into milk. These calculated feed N use (FNUE) and feed P use (FPUE) efficiencies corresponded well to published values, but were lower than FNUE and FPUE determined under experimental conditions. Average apparent feed N intake (range of 438–635 g cow−1 d−1) were slightly higher than the calculated sum of N outputs in milk (98–145 g cow−1 d−1) and manure (328–457 g cow−1 d−1). Calculated manure N excretions corresponded well to literature estimates. Average manure collection efficiencies ranged from 56% to 100% in Wisconsin and 55 to 90% in Shandong. Relatively short, face-to-face interviews can provide accurate ‘snap-shots’ of overall feed and manure management practices on an array of confinement-based dairy farms in diverse geographic locations.  相似文献   

Increased demand for certified organic products has led to an increase in the number of certified organic farms in developing countries. Knowledge of farmer nutrient management practices on certified organic farms in developing countries is limited. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the adoption of certified organic agriculture on farm nutrient flows and nutrient budgets, and evaluate to which degree organic farms comply with organic principles relating to nutrient management. The study is based on five case studies of different types of certified organic farming systems in Brazil, Egypt and China. Farm nutrient flows and nutrient budgets for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were created for each farm. Four of the five organic systems studied had nutrient surpluses on the farm budget. The surpluses were of varying magnitude. The main difference between organic and non-organic farm nutrient flows was the replacement of mineral fertilizers with organic inputs. However, the magnitude of nutrient flows were generally similar for organic and non-organic farms. Certified organic farms with positive nutrient budgets had a heavy reliance on external inputs. Continued high dependence on an external supply of nutrients, which typically originate from mineral sources, poses a significant challenge to organic farmers’ fulfilment of the principles of organic agriculture.  相似文献   

After 3 years of different crop rotations in an organic farming experiment on a sandy soil in northwest Germany, spring triticale was cultivated on all plots in the fourth year to investigate residual effects on yield, nitrogen (N) leaching and nutrient status in the soil. Previous crop rotations differed in the way N was supplied, either by farmyard manure (FYM, 100 and 200 kg N ha−1 year−1) or by arable legumes like grass-red clover and field beans, or as a control with no N. Other crops in the rotations were maize, winter triticale and spring barley. Additional plots had a 3-year grass-clover ley, that was ploughed-in for spring triticale in the fourth year. Yields of spring triticale were moderate and largest for ploughed-in grassland leys and grass-red clover and plots that had previously received farmyard manure. The former crop rotation, including grassland break-up, had a significant effect on most yield and environmental parameters like residual soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) and N leaching and on the level of available K in the soil. The single crop harvested in the year before spring triticale had a significant effect on yield parameters of spring triticale, less so on SMN and N leaching in the fourth year and no effect on available nutrients (P, K, Mg) and pH in the soil. We conclude that the effects of arable legumes were rather short lived while ploughing of 3-year grassland leys had a profound influence on mineralization processes and subsequently on yield and N losses.  相似文献   

In organic agriculture, the internal farm nutrient cycle must bequantified to ensure high system productivity accompanied by environmentallysound production processes. In contrast to common farm-gate and field balances,budgeting at the stall level is seldom undertaken. When budgeting mixed farmingsystems, a substantial lack of nutrients can be detected in the forageand straw input – stall – manure output nutrient flow chain.Therefore, stall balances focus on a central component of whole-farm nutrientbudgets for developing efficient nutrient management strategies. At theexperimental farm for organic agriculture at Wiesengut in Hennef, Germany, allsolid mass flows for a suckler herd and a herd of beef bulls were measured.Relative balance values obtained for dry matter and C (45 to 56%), N (16to 36%), P (–7 to 22.5%), K (0 to 13%) and ash(–4 to 7%) varied over a wide range. Balances are very sensitive tovariations in mass flow and nutrient content for components with high nutrientcontents and/or a large contribution to total mass flow (e.g. manure, silage).In developing strategies to minimise N losses, by reducing N surplus in theration, one must consider, that, in contrast to dairy farms, a suckler herd forbeef production integrated in an organic farm has to adapt to crop productiondemands.  相似文献   

Dairy farming is the main agricultural activity of the Basque Country. A dairy farm is characterized as a system with soils and crops, forage, cattle and manure as main components, and in such a system, nutrient cycling is very important to maintain soil fertility and optimize forage production. To quantify nutrient transfers in the cycle, a simple system was developed and has been applied to seventeen farms to examine its ability to achieve a balanced P and K fertilization. These farms have provided data on inputs (fertilizer, feeds, concentrates), pasture and manure management, and outputs (milk production), and soil samples have been taken from farm pastures. Phosphorus and K in excreta and uneaten pasture is used with a relatively high efficiency as suggested by the relatively high efficiency of P and K utilization by the pasture that usually ranges from 70 to 90%. Concentrate feeding (3000 kg cow–1 yr–1) represents one of the main P and K inputs in Basque Country dairy farms, averaging 26 and 66 kg ha–1, respectively. Besides, release of K in the soil through slow liberation from non-exchangeable sites was estimated as 30 kg ha–1. Thus, a high efficiency in excreta recycling would diminish substantially P and K mineral fertilizer needs. Farm nutrient budgets appear to be a convenient tool for determining nutrient shortages and surpluses at farm level, and thus they are considered as a first step to support a better management of maintenance fertilization of permanent pastures.  相似文献   

Increased demand for meat products has led to increased livestock production in Vietnam, which now risks environmental pollution from inappropriate animal manure management on livestock farms. Biogas technology is generally considered an efficient solution for such farms to produce renewable biofuel for use in the household and to reduce the pollution impact from animal waste. However, with biogas technology, farmers may reduce their use of manure for fertilising crops. This field survey investigated nutrient flows on small- and medium-scale livestock farms with and without biogas in Northern Vietnam, in order to identify existing problems and possibilities for sustainable livestock production. A field survey was conducted on 12 pig farms with biogas and 12 pig farms without biogas in Quoc Oai district, Hanoi city. In general, the non-biogas pig farms used on average 3.8 ton compost and 3.1 ton fresh solid manure ha?1?crop?1 for each of three crops typically grown per year on their arable land. They discharged on average 16?% of the total manure produced into the environment in liquid form through the public sewage system. On biogas pig farms, the use of fresh solid manure for crops and discharge of liquid manure was lower, as manure was used to produce biogas. However, excessive use of washing water on several of these farms resulted in very dilute slurry (solid manure:water ratio 1:11) entering the biogas digester. This lowered the retention time in the digester (below the optimum range of 35?C55?days), leading to low biogas production rates and possible accumulation of sediment. The digestate was also highly diluted and hence difficult and costly to transport and apply to crops, so it was largely (60?%) discharged to the environment. The input volume of washing water should therefore be reduced to a ratio of 1:5. For better sustainability, appropriate technologies are needed to absorb nutrients from the digestate before discharge and to recycle these nutrients to crops.  相似文献   

农业的有机物质循环与有机农业   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
主要讨论3个问题:1)农业中由植物、动物和微生物组成的有机物质循环体系,植物性有机物质的 生产量决定着这一循环的数量和强度;2)有机农业是基于回归自然和传统的理念,生产较洁净农产品的耕作方式,更适合于人少地多的国家和地区发展;3)我国似应发展具有中国特色,面向大众的有机农业.  相似文献   

The management of specialised organic crops for vegetable and fruit production require the use of imported fertilizers. A wide range of fertilizers is currently available to organic farmers. These include bulky organic materials with a relatively low nutrient concentration commonly used as base dressing (e.g. composts, solid animal manures) and complementary commercial organic fertilizers with relatively high nutrient concentrations to adjust nutrient supply to crop requirements (e.g. feather meal, hoof and horn meal, vinasse, meat and bone meal, etc.). Nutrient imbalances are a major threat affecting the long term sustainability of horticultural and fruit cultivation systems. Major reasons for these imbalances are the biased element composition of base as well as complementary fertilizers in relation to the nutrient offtakes via harvested products. Gaseous nitrogen losses during manure management and gaseous as well as leaching nitrogen losses after application are major reasons for such nutrient imbalances, as they lead to a relative increase in the concentration of other elements. Conceptual weaknesses in the fertilizer approach in organic farming exist, namely the preferred application of slow release nitrogen fertilizers often rich in phosphorus. This review suggests that the current soil fertility approaches based on application of solid fertilizers and simultaneously a low rate of N inputs via N2 fixation do not foster balanced nutrient levels. The key challenge is to design cropping systems with a higher share of N inputs via biological N2 fixation, and to find fertilizers with a nutrient stoichiometry better suited to match the overall specific offtakes of fertilized crops.  相似文献   

A comparative photocatalytic analysis was carried out on TiO2 made in a Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) process and flame-made Degussa P25. Both have similar crystallinity, phase composition, phase segregation and a non-porous surface. Hence comparison was made based on their difference in specific surface area, organic adsorption and the amount of OH• generated upon illumination. The photocatalytic activity tests were carried out using the following series of organic compounds: sucrose, glucose, fructose, maleic acid, glyoxylic acid, oxalic acid, isobutyric acid, phenol and methanol. FSP-made TiO2 outperformed P25 for saccharides mineralisation, while for phenol and methanol mineralisation P25 was better than FSP-made TiO2. Similar mineralisation rates were observed for both FSP-made and P25 TiO2 for the mineralisation of carboxylic acids. This shows that the relative performance of the photocatalysts depends on the type of organic compounds to be degraded. The high surface area and possibly a more efficient interfacial charge transfer of FSP-made TiO2 provided an efficient pathway for saccharides mineralisation. As for phenol and methanol, the mineralisation rates were higher when using P25 due to the greater amount of OH• radicals generated by this photocatalyst. The fast mineralisation rates of carboxylic acids made degradation of these organic compounds to be less affected by the TiO2 photocatalyst properties and conditions tested in this work.  相似文献   

本文介绍了三种有机酸的生产状况与应用前景。  相似文献   

A comparison of the steady-state economic optimum designs of two alternative chemical processes was presented in a previous paper [Kaymak, D. B., & Luyben, W. L. (2004). A quantitative comparison of reactive distillation with conventional multi-unit reactor/column/recycle systems for different chemical equilibrium constants. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, 2493–2507]. A generic exothermic reversible reaction A + B ↔ C + D occurs in both flowsheets, which consist of a conventional multi-unit reactor/separator/recycle structure and a reactive distillation column. Results showed that the reactive distillation process is significantly less expensive than the conventional process for a wide range of the chemical equilibrium constant when there is no mismatch between the temperature favorable for reaction and the temperature favorable for vapor–liquid separation.

A reactive distillation column has fewer control degrees of freedom than a conventional multi-unit system. Therefore a reactive distillation column may have worse dynamic response than a conventional process. The purpose of this paper is to compare the dynamic controllability of these two alternative processes.

Three different chemical equilibrium constants are considered. Several control structures are developed for each flowsheet, and their effectiveness is evaluated. Disturbances in production rate and fresh feed compositions are considered.

The conventional multi-unit process provides significantly better control. The operability region is much larger, there is less variability in product quality and the dynamic responses are faster than those of the reactive column. Thus, these results demonstrate that there is a significant trade-off in this system between optimum economic steady-state design and dynamic controllability.  相似文献   

An in-depth understanding of nutrient management variability on the regional scale is urgently required due to rapid changes in cropping patterns and farmers’ resource use in peri-urban areas of China. The soil surface nitrogen (N) balances of cereal, orchard and vegetable systems were studied over a 2-year period on smallholder fields in a representative peri-urban area of Beijing. Positive soil surface N balances were obtained across all three cropping systems. The mean annual N surplus of the vegetable system was 1,575 kg N ha−1 year−1, or approximately 3 times the corresponding values in the cereal (531 kg N ha−1 year−1) and orchard systems (519 kg N ha−1 year−1). In the vegetable system, animal manure (1,443 kg N ha−1 year−1 on average) was the major source of N input (65 % of the total N input) and the factor with strongest impact on the N surplus. In the cereal system, however, about 74 % of the total N input originated from mineral fertilizer application which was the major contributor to the N surplus, while in the orchard system, the N surplus was strongly and positively correlated with both mineral fertilizer and animal manure applications. Furthermore, within each cropping system, N fertilization, crop yields and N balances showed large variations among different smallholder fields, especially in orchard and vegetable systems. This study highlights that differences in farming practices within or among cropping systems should be taken into account when calculating nutrient balances and designing strategies of integrated nutrient management on a regional scale.  相似文献   

Copper and its high copper alloys (bronze) tend to passivate in humid air, forming an oxide layer (patina), which protects copper and its alloys from further corrosion processes. Sometimes there is a need to delay or stop further corrosion processes. In this case the surface is protected with natural, synthetic or microcrystalline waxes that are sometimes doped with organic inhibitors, such as benzotriazole. The aim of the present study was to test some organic compounds, including myristic acid and Paraloid B44, as a common finish for bronze sculptures. The mechanism of copper and bronze aging and its influents were determined in a test solution of urban rain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Electrocoagulation is an alternative to the conventional coagulation method, to treat different types of waters and wastewaters. Although there have been many reports on the technical suitability of electrocoagulation, no study has made a direct comparison of the economics of the two processes. RESULTS: Concerning the technical feasibility, no significant differences were found in the results achieved by the two technologies in the treatment of synthetic suspensions, emulsions and solutions of dyes, when the same values of pH and aluminium concentration were adopted in the reaction systems. Regarding the economic comparison, the electrocoagulation process presents lower operating costs for low and intermediate aluminium doses, but results depend on the particular coagulant reagent selected at high doses. The highest operational costs were obtained with conventional coagulation with aluminium sulphate (in the range 3–60 mg dm?3 aluminium). Comparing electrocoagulation and conventional coagulation with aluminium polychloride, the electrocoagulation process presents lower operational costs for low and intermediate doses. However, this situation changes for high aluminium doses. CONCLUSION: Coagulation and electrocoagulation techniques give very similar yields in the removal of different types of pollutants; therefore an economic comparison is of major importance in order to recommend the use of one of the technologies. Nevertheless, it has to be noted that operational costs are of the same order of magnitude for the two processes. Thus, the cost of the electrocoagulation process compares favourably with that of conventional coagulation for small coagulant demands, but the results at high doses depend on the particular coagulant reagent selected. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The utility of employing the Smith predictor versus conventional proportional plus integral control for a control loop containing time delays in both the forward and feedback paths has been examined. A theoretical analysis and simulation results employing first order load and process transfer functions for load and setpoint changes are presented. For setpoint changes the Smith predictor always gave improved performance compared to proportional plus integral control. However, for load changes, the Smith predictor was less effective when the system contained small time delays and/or a large load time constant.  相似文献   

In this work the extraction of grape seed oil by means of liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide as solvent is described. The operating conditions to determine the maximum extraction yield were studied. The efficiency of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was similar to that obtained by conventional liquid extraction, but the quality of the supercritically extracted oil was higher, equivalent to a degummed, liquid- extracted oil. It is considered that SFE is competitive with conventional liquid extraction, because the solvent distillation and oil refining stages can be omitted.  相似文献   

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