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In this study ready-to-eat food samples were collected in the production line of the university restaurant of the University of Brasilia, Brazil, which serves non-vegetarian and vegetarian meals daily. Samples were analysed for the presence of ten organophosphorus insecticides (OPs) by GC/FPD, after extraction with ethyl acetate and anhydrous sodium sulfate (LOQ?=?0.002?mg?kg–1), and for dithiocarbamate fungicides, as CS2, using the spectrophotometric method (LOQ?=?0.05?mg?kg?1). About 43% of the 175 samples analysed contained at least one OP compound at levels up to 1.83?mg?kg?1. Methamidophos was the compound most detected (37.7%), present in most of the soup, soybean and salad samples. No OP residues were found in fruit juice, beans and bran rice samples. The cumulative acute intake of OPs was estimated using methamidophos and acephate as index compounds (IC). The total cumulative intake represented 9.1% and 47.7% of the methamidophos ARfD for the non-vegetarian and vegetarian diets, respectively. When acephate was used as IC, the total intakes represented 20.7% and 116% of the ARfD for the non-vegetarian and vegetarian diets, respectively. Dithiocarbamates were detected in 70% of the 177 samples analysed, at levels up to 0.51?mg?kg?1 CS2; all salad samples were positive and no residues were found in fruit juice. The chronic intake of dithiocarbamates represented 8.6 and 8.9% of the ADI (mancozeb) for the vegetarian and non vegetarian diets, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to evaluate the potential cumulative effects of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides that act through a common mechanism of toxicity, and to assess the long- and short-term risks for the Danish population. The intake estimates are based on dietary intake data collected in the Danish nation-wide food consumption survey in 1995. The pesticide data are based on the Danish pesticide residue-monitoring programme from 1996-2001. The amount of 35 organophosphorus pesticides and carbamates were included in the cumulative risk assessment. Processing factors, such as reduction of pesticide levels by rinsing and peeling, were applied in the exposure assessment. The "Toxicity Equivalence Factor" (TEF) approach was used to normalise the toxicity of the different organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides. Cumulative chronic exposure of organophosphorus and carbamates pesticides via fruit, vegetables and cereals is for adults 0.8-2% of the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) in chlorpyrifos equivalents, and 0.03-11% of the ADI in methamidophos equivalents; and for children 2-5% of the ADI in the chlorpyrifos equivalents, and 0.07-27% of the ADI in methamidophos equivalents. Neither Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) nor ADI was exceeded for any of the compounds studied. The results indicate that the Danish population is neither exposed to any cumulative chronic risk, nor at risk of acute exposure, from consumption of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides from fruit, vegetables and cereals.  相似文献   

Dietary intake of pesticides: State of Kuwait total diet study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The State of Kuwait conducted a total diet study (TDS) to determine the dietary intakes of selected pesticides. This paper reports the results of this study. A national food consumption survey was performed and core food lists for different population groups were established representing the total diet of the Kuwaiti population. Food items (table-ready) were purchased/prepared and analysed for their contents of organophosphate/organochlorine carbamate, benzimidazole and phenylurea pesticides according to the US FDA Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM I). Dietary intakes of these pesticides are presented for 19 population groups, which range from infants to elderly adults. The intakes of selected population groups are compared with representative findings from the US FDA/TDS and data published from other countries. In general, the average daily intakes were well below acceptable limits, but higher than those reported from developed countries.  相似文献   


Dietary exposure of the Valencian region population to lead, cadmium, inorganic arsenic (iAs), chromium, copper, tin and methylmercury (meHg) was assessed in a total diet study carried out in the region of Valencia in 2010–11. A total of 8100 food samples were collected and analysed. Occurrence data were combined with consumption data to estimate dietary exposure in adults (> 15 years of age) and young children (6–15 years of age). The estimated intake was calculated by a probabilistic approach. Average intake levels (optimistic scenario) for lead, iAs, chromium and tin were 0.21, 0.08, 1.79 and 1.87 µg kg?1 bw day?1 respectively; for Cd and meHg average intake levels were 0.77 and 0.54 µg kg1 bw week?1, respectively, and for Cu, 1.60 mg day?1. In terms of risk characterisation, the results showed that 2.84% of the adult population may exceed the BMDL10 (benchmark dose lower confidence limit) established for Pb, which is linked to renal effects; whereas 28.01% of the young children population may exceed the BMDL01 related to neurodevelopment effects. In addition, 8.47% of the adult population and 12.32% of young children exceeded the meHg tolerable weekly intake (TWI).  相似文献   

Dietary exposure to trace elements (aluminium, antimony, barium, cadmium, lead, nickel, vanadium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, germanium, lithium, strontium and tellurium) was assessed by the total diet study (TDS) method. Sixty-four pooled samples representing 96.5% of the diet in Yaoundé, Cameroon, were prepared “as consumed” before analysis. Consumption data were sourced from a households’ budget survey. Dietary exposures were compared with health-based guidance or nutritional values and to worldwide TDS results. The health-based guidance value was exceeded by ≤ 0.2% of the study population for aluminium, antimony, barium, cadmium, nickel and vanadium. For lead, the observed 95th percentile of exposure (3.05 µg kg?1 body weight day?1) equals the critical value considered by JECFA for cardiovascular effects; therefore, risk to health cannot be excluded for certain consumer groups. The population at risk of excess intake for manganese, copper, molybdenum and nickel was considered to be low (≤ 0.3%). The prevalence of inadequate intake was estimated at 5.9% for copper and was nil for molybdenum. Due to the lack of toxicological and/or nutritional consistent data to perform a risk assessment, dietary exposures to germanium, lithium, strontium and tellurium were provided as supplementary data. The food groups highest contributors to exposure were “tubers and starches” for aluminium (27%), lead (39%) and copper (26%), “cereals and cereal products” for cadmium (54%) and manganese (35%), “fruits, vegetables and oilseeds” for barium (34%), molybdenum (49%) and nickel (31%), “beverages” for antimony (27%) and “fish” for vanadium (43% – lower bound). Measures should be recommended to maintain low levels of exposure before the problem could become an important health or trade issue.  相似文献   

目的分析云南省新鲜蔬菜中11种有机磷农药的残留情况,评估云南省居民有机磷农药的慢性累积暴露风险。方法对2012—2017年云南省新鲜蔬菜中11种有机磷农药含量数据进行统计分析,结合2012年中国居民营养与健康状况调查中新鲜蔬菜消费量数据,采用危害指数法评估云南省居民有机磷农药的慢性累积暴露风险。结果 2 150份样品中11种有机磷农药总检出率为14.1%(303/2 150),超标率为4.3%(93/2 150)。危害指数法评估结果显示云南省居民平均危害指数为0.382 5,城市男性和城市低收入人群危害指数较高,分别为0.526 7和0.489 0,但均小于1。氧化乐果的慢性累积暴露量贡献率最高(48.3%)。结论云南省新鲜蔬菜存在有机磷农药残留情况,云南省居民经新鲜蔬菜摄入的有机磷农药慢性累积暴露风险小,但仍存在违规使用和滥用农药的问题,需加强对农药生产使用的监管。  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) contamination has become a public health concern in recent decades. The aim of the present study was to assess the contribution of dietary Cd exposure and its health risk among Shenzhen adult residents using the Total Diet Study (TDS) approach. Cd was determined in 13 food groups using 276 individual samples by ICP-MS. The major food contributors to Cd exposure of Shenzhen adult residents were ‘Vegetables’ (32.6% of the total exposure), ‘Rice and its products’ (19.2% of the total exposure) and ‘Fish, seafood and shellfish’ (18.5% of the total exposure). The mean and the 95th percentile dietary exposure to Cd of Shenzhen adults were 9.9 and 13 μg kg?1 bw month?1, respectively. The dietary exposures of all individual age-gender population subgroups were below the provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI = 25 μg kg?1 bw month?1), so the health risk of Cd dietary exposure of Shenzhen adults is considered to be low, but still, cadmium pollution should be strictly controlled and monitored continuously due to an exceptionally long biological half-life of cadmium.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure of Hong Kong adults to the sum of the six indicator PCBs (Σ6 PCBs; PCB 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, and 180) was estimated in this study using the Total Diet Study (TDS) approach. Seventy one commonly-consumed food items of animal origin were sampled in four seasons and prepared as consumed in 2010–2011. The results showed that the main dietary source of Σ6 PCBs to the adult population was ‘fish, seafood and their products’ which accounted for 84.3% of the total exposure. About 50% of the total exposure was contributed by four fish species: salmon (cooked salmon and salmon sashimi, 19.9%), mandarin fish (14.7%), pomfret fish (8.5%) and yellow croaker (7.5%). Salmon was found to contain the highest mean level of Σ6 PCBs of 5.7 ng g?1 fresh weight at upper bound estimation, ranging from 4.4 to 6.3 ng g?1. The lower bound and upper bound exposure estimates of ?6 PCBs to the average consumer of the population were found to be 0.68 and 1.38 ng kg?1 body weight day?1 respectively while for high consumers, the lower bound and upper bound exposure estimates were 3.08 and 3.84 ng kg?1 body weight day?1 respectively. In addition, the dietary exposures to individual indicator PCB congeners were also estimated.  相似文献   

Dietary exposures to eight metallic contaminants, aluminium (Al), antimony (Sb), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), methylmercury (MeHg), nickel (Ni), tin (Sn) and vanadium (V), of the Hong Kong adult population were estimated using the total diet study (TDS) approach. The estimated mean exposures of Al (0.60 mg kg–1 bw week–1), Sb (0.016–0.039 µg kg–1 bw day–1), Cd (8.3 µg kg–1 bw month–1), Pb (0.21 µg kg–1 bw day–1), MeHg (0.74 µg kg–1 bw week–1), Ni (3.1 µg kg–1 bw day–1), Sn (0.029–0.031 mg kg–1 bw week–1) and V (0.13 µg kg–1 bw day–1) were well below the relevant health-based guidance values (HBGVs) where available. However, dietary exposures to MeHg of women aged 20–49 years (child-bearing age) accounted for 150% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) and to Al and Cd of some high consumers were found exceeding or approaching the HBGVs. The major food contributors of MeHg were fish and seafood (90%), of Al were non-alcoholic beverages including tea (33%), and of Cd were vegetables (36%). MeHg exposure during pregnancy was a public health concern in Hong Kong due to potential health risks to the foetus. Results suggest that there is a need to continue monitoring the exposures to metallic contaminants, especially Al, Cd and MeHg, of the Hong Kong population.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure of the Hong Kong adult population to organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues was estimated using a total diet study (TDS) approach. OCPs listed under the Stockholm Convention as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) including, aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane, chlordecone, dichlorodiphenyltricholroethane (DDT), endosulfan, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), α-hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH), β-HCH, lindane, mirex, pentachlorobenzene and toxaphene, were studied. Out of 600 composite samples, 55% contained one or more OCP residues at detectable levels. The most commonly detected OCP was DDT (32% of all composite samples), followed by HCB (30%) and endosulfan (22%). The lower- and upper-bound mean exposure estimates of OCP residues ranged from 0% to 0.5% and were 0.1–8.4% of their respective health-based guidance values (HBGVs). The lower- and upper-bound 95th percentile exposure estimates ranged from 0% to 1.2% and were 0.1–13.6% of their respective HBGVs. This indicated that dietary exposures to the OCP residues analysed would be unlikely to pose unacceptable health risks to Hong Kong adults.  相似文献   

为了解湖北省食品中有机氯农药六六六和DDT残留情况,对2000年湖北省总膳食中的单个食品进行了分析及溯源,发现鳊鱼HCH(六六六)残留量为555.88μg/kg,其中γ-HCH占HCH异构体构成比例的98.29%;鸭蛋中DDT残留量为541.78μg/kg,以pp′-DDE为主要存在形式。鳊鱼中HCH和鸭蛋中DDT的残留量均超过新提出的食物中HCH和DDT允许限量修订标准。此溯源结果提示违规使用林丹的现象依然存在。  相似文献   

Probabilistic and deterministic estimates of the acute and chronic exposure of the Danish populations to dithiocarbamate residues were performed. The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment programme (MCRA 4.0) was used for the probabilistic risk assessment. Food consumption data were obtained from the nationwide dietary survey conducted in 2000--02. Residue data for 5721 samples from the monitoring programme conducted in the period 1998--2003 were used for dithiocarbamates, which had been determined as carbon disulphide. Contributions from 26 commodities were included in the calculations. Using the probabilistic approach, the daily acute intakes at the 99.9% percentile for adults and children were 11.2 and 28.2 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1), representing 5.6% and 14.1% of the ARfD for maneb, respectively. When comparing the point estimate approach with the probabilistic approach, the outcome of the point estimate calculations was generally higher or comparable with the outcome of the probabilistic approach at the 99.9 percentile (consumers only). The chronic exposures for adults and children were 0.35 and 0.76 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) at the 99.9 percentile, representing 0.7% and 1.5%, respectively, of the acceptable daily intake for mancozeb and maneb at 50 microg kg(-1) body weight.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a total diet study performed for estimating the dietary intake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Osaka, Japan. The concentrations of 36 PBDEs were measured in samples from 14 food groups (Groups I–XIV). PBDEs were detected only in Groups IV (oils and fats), V (legumes and their products), X (fish, shellfish, and their products), and XI (meat and eggs) at concentrations of 1.8, 0.03, 0.48, and 0.01 ng g?1, respectively. For an average person, the lower bound dietary intakes of penta- and deca-formulations were estimated to be 46 and 21 ng day?1, respectively. A high proportion of the decabrominated congener (DeBDE-209) was observed in Group IV. To confirm the presence of DeBDE-209 in vegetable oils, an additional analysis was performed using 18 vegetable oil samples. Of these, seven contained ng g?1 levels of DeBDE-209.  相似文献   


Choices about what to eat to improve health and what substances should be prohibited in food to prevent harm both involve judgments that must be made in the absence of definitive information. Scientists and government regulators have refined the limited data on chronic toxicity, especially cancer, from low‐level exposure to chemicals in food by using quantitative risk assessment techniques. Quantitative risk assessment, which produces an exact numerical risk, facilitates decision making about food additives, pesticide residues, and other chemicals present in food. This article examines the feasibility and utility of a similar quantitative approach to the risks and benefits from dietary factors such as fats and fiber. The article concludes that although a more quantitative approach in this area is possible, it would be less useful than it is in regulating potentially carcinogenic food chemicals. Quantitative risk assessment for carcinogenicity is necessitated, in part, by serious gaps in our knowledge about whether and how chemicals induce cancer in people. Although this technique yields a precise measurement of risk, it has no verifiable relationship to what actually happens in the body. Somewhat paradoxically, a greater knowledge of how the diet influences health makes it less necessary to strive for exactness in describing it.  相似文献   

Probabilistic and deterministic estimates of the acute and chronic exposure of the Danish populations to dithiocarbamate residues were performed. The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment programme (MCRA 4.0) was used for the probabilistic risk assessment. Food consumption data were obtained from the nationwide dietary survey conducted in 2000--02. Residue data for 5721 samples from the monitoring programme conducted in the period 1998--2003 were used for dithiocarbamates, which had been determined as carbon disulphide. Contributions from 26 commodities were included in the calculations. Using the probabilistic approach, the daily acute intakes at the 99.9% percentile for adults and children were 11.2 and 28.2 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1), representing 5.6% and 14.1% of the ARfD for maneb, respectively. When comparing the point estimate approach with the probabilistic approach, the outcome of the point estimate calculations was generally higher or comparable with the outcome of the probabilistic approach at the 99.9 percentile (consumers only). The chronic exposures for adults and children were 0.35 and 0.76 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) at the 99.9 percentile, representing 0.7% and 1.5%, respectively, of the acceptable daily intake for mancozeb and maneb at 50 microg kg(-1) body weight.  相似文献   

Choi  Jisu  Yoo  Hee Joon  Hwang  Da-Yeon  Moon  Bokyung  Joo  Yong-Sung  Lee  Kwang-Won 《Food science and biotechnology》2022,31(12):1523-1535
Food Science and Biotechnology - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute carcinogens. In this study, the risk of PAHs being consumed through meat and edible oils was assessed using a...  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse the concentrations of Al, Ba, Bi, Cu, Cr, Ge, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sb, Se, Sr and Zn in food samples collected in 2008 in Catalonia (Spain). The dietary intake of these 13 trace elements was subsequently estimated by different age–gender groups of the population: children, adolescents, adults and seniors. In general terms, fish and shellfish, cereals, and pulses were the food groups showing the highest levels for most elements. Higher dietary intakes were associated with male groups (adolescents, adults and seniors). However, none exceeded the tolerable levels. When exposure was estimated based on body weight, children were the group with the highest dietary intake. Notwithstanding, only the weekly intake of Al by children exceeded the recommendations of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). It is a consequence of the higher intake of cereals in relation to their respective body weights. In addition to the periodical food surveillance of toxic metals (As, Cd, Hg and Pb), it is also important to determine the levels of other trace elements in order to ensure that the dietary exposure by the Catalan population is under control.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍总膳食研究实施的方法步骤,阐明其在食品安全风险评估中,尤其是在人群膳食暴露评估中的应用进展。  相似文献   

Kim  Hoe-Sung  Kim  Jihyun  Choi  Jisu  Paik  Yujin  Moon  Bokyung  Joo  Yong-Sung  Lee  Kwang-Won 《Food science and biotechnology》2021,30(7):989-1002
Food Science and Biotechnology - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry in 115 dairy products and beverages, including alcoholic,...  相似文献   

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