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In a field trial, effects of prepartal intermuscular injection of 10 million units of vitamin D3 on incidence of milk fever were examined both in relation to intake of calcium and phosphorous during the dry period and previous history of milk fever. Based upon intake of calcium and phosphorus cooperating herds were grouped as feeding: 1) greater than .53% of the total ration dry matter as calcium and greater than .28% as phosphorus: 2) less than .47% as calcium and greater than .28% as phosphorus; 3) greater than .47% to less than .53% as calcium and greater than .22% to less than .28% as phosphorus. Injections of vitamin D3 given approximately 1 wk prepartum reduced incidence of milk fever in cows with previous history of milk fever in all three groups but had no effect in cows with no previous milk fever. Incidence of milk fever was lower in group 3 than for cows of groups 1 and 2 with previous milk fever and than for cows of group 1 with no previous history. The results indicate that careful control of calcium and phosphorus intake during the dry period at .5% calcium and .25% phosphorus of the dry matter of the total ration will limit milk fever incidence to about 10%. Injections of vitamin D3 as described will reduce inicidence of milk fever further in cows with previous milk fever but not in cows with no previous milk fever.  相似文献   

A sensitive, precise assay for vitamin D in plasma is described. Three to five milliliters of plasma were extracted with methanol:methylene chloride (2:1). The lipid extract was chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20 and then on lipidex-5000 columns. After high pressure liquid chromatography with a reverse phase chromatographic system, vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 were quantitated by ultraviolet absorbance. We used this assay system for monitoring daily changes of vitamin D3 in plasma of two Jersey cows after four intramuscular doses (15 x 10(6) IU) of vitamin D3 administered at weekly intervals. Basal vitamin D in plasma was 3.2 +/- .99 ng/ml with a range of 1.7 to 4.9 ng/ml. Vitamin D3 in plasma remained relatively low (10 to 45 ng/ml) the week after the first vitamin D3 injection. Vitamin D3 was high (130 to 234 ng/ml) after the second, third, and fourth injections. Vitamin D3 decreased steadily to 88 ng/ml by 38 days after the fourth vitamin D3 injection. Phosphorus in plasma increased sharply to a plateau at 9.5 mg/100 ml during the week after the second vitamin D3 injection and returned to normal (4.5 mg/100 ml) at the end of the experiment. Calcium, however, gradually increased to 14.0 mg/100 ml 20 days after the fourth vitamin D3 injection. Both animals remained hypercalcemic (calcium 11.5 mg/100 ml) during the experiment.  相似文献   

Concentration of vitamin D metabolites was determined in the milk of control and 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3-injected (700 micrograms) cows that calved 36 to 43 h after treatment. Milk samples were taken 60 h after calving. Concentrations of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in milk of the control cows were 372 +/- 24, 264 +/- 68, 68 +/- 26, and 21 +/- 3 ng/L, respectively. Concentrations of vitamin D metabolites in the milk of the treated cows did not differ significantly from those of controls. Concentration of 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 in milk of treated cows was less than 20 ng/L. In a second experiment, cows were injected twice, at 72-h intervals, with 350 micrograms 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3. Milk was taken 60 h after parturition from cows that calved 37 to 60 h after the second injection. The vitamin D3 equivalence of the milk was 40 +/- 3 IU/L. Results indicate that injection of 700 micrograms 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 did not affect the concentration of vitamin D metabolites or the vitamin D3 equivalence of milk taken 60 h after calving.  相似文献   

Determining vitamin D content in foods is difficult because in natural foods of highest vitamin D activity, and even in vitamin D-fortified foods, only small quantities are present, and many other compounds are extracted along with vitamin D that cause difficulties in purifying the extract or in the spectrophotometry or colorimetry that follows. Several physicochemical methods--such as spectrophotometric, colorimetric, thin-layer chromatographic, adsorption, partition, gas-liquid, and high-performance column chromatographic--have been tried for assay foods for vitamin D, but none of them have been accepted for official or routine use; they are time consuming and expensive, or lack the required sensitivity, precision, or accuracy. Curative biological assays, based on degree of healing of a leg bone of rats previously made rachitic, is the generally accepted method to determine vitamin D content of foods. However, that method also requires too much time and is expensive. The recently developed high-performance liquid chromatographic method may offer the most for establishing a satisfactory physicochemical method for determining vitamin D in foods. Many of the difficulties and problems in assaying foods for vitamin D are discussed.  相似文献   

There is emerging interest in linking vitamin D status to physiological health and disease states in the dog, as evidenced by the recent increase in publications in this area. This research has most likely been spurred by the studies exploring vitamin D and disease in humans. However, there are important differences in vitamin D intake and metabolism between humans and dogs that should be accounted for. The understanding of basic vitamin D metabolism and the relationship between vitamin D intake and vitamin D status in dogs remains even more limited than current knowledge in humans. This review will summarize current knowledge of vitamin D in the dog, including metabolism and dietary recommendations. Emphasis is placed on the limitations to current knowledge. Studies investigating links between vitamin D and disease will be discussed in light of this knowledge. Suggestions for future research, including the development of reference ranges to define blood vitamin D sufficiency, are provided.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop vitamin D3 fortified ice cream by incorporating vitamin D3 in an emulsified form using milk protein as emulsifier. Physicochemical stability of vitamin D3 emulsions using different milk protein emulsifiers including nonfat dry milk, sodium caseinate (Na-Cas), and whey protein isolate was investigated. Emulsion using Na-Cas had the smallest oil droplet size and the lowest creaming index throughout the storage time (P < 0.05) and was selected to fortify in full-fat, reduced-fat, and low-fat ice creams at 250 IU per serving. Vitamin D3 retention in each ice cream was determined after 0, 7, 14, 28 and 56 d of storage at −20 °C. The results indicated that the emulsified form of vitamin D3 remarkably improved vitamin D3 stability in all ice cream formulations.  相似文献   

We conducted 2 studies to determine the effect of vitamin D-fortified cheese on vitamin D status and the bioavailability of vitamin D in cheese. The first study was designed to determine the effect of 2 mo of daily consumption of vitamin D3-fortified (600 IU/d) process cheese on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and osteocalcin (OC) concentrations among 100 older (≥60 yr) men and women. Participants were randomized to receive vitamin D-fortified cheese, nonfortified cheese, or no cheese. Serum levels of 25-OHD, PTH, and OC were measured at the beginning and end of the study. There were no differences in 25-OHD, PTH, or OC after 2 mo of fortified cheese intake. The vitamin D-fortified cheese group had a greater decrease in 25-OHD than other groups, due to higher baseline 25-OHD. A second study was conducted to determine whether the bioavailability of vitamin D2 in cheese (delivering 5880 IU of vitamin D2/56.7-g serving) and water (delivering 32,750 IU/250 mL) is similar and whether absorption differs between younger and older adults. The second study was a crossover trial involving 2 groups of 4 participants each (younger and older group) that received single acute feedings of either vitamin D2-fortified cheese or water. Serial blood measurements were taken over 24 h following the acute feeding. Peak serum vitamin D and area under the curve were similar between younger (23 to 50 yr) and older (72 to 84 yr) adults, and vitamin D2 was absorbed more efficiently from cheese than from water. These studies demonstrated that vitamin D in fortified process cheese is bioavailable, and that young and older adults have similar absorption. Among older individuals, consuming 600 IU of vitamin D3 daily from cheese for 2 mo was insufficient to increase serum 25-OHD during limited sunlight exposure.  相似文献   

Dietary vitamin A and beta-carotene were assessed on their interaction with lactational status to influence neutrophil function in vitro. Cows were fed 1) 53,000 IU or 2) 213,000 IU vitamin A, or 3) 53,000 IU vitamin A plus 400 mg beta-carotene/cow per d from 6 wk before to 2 wk after dry off. Blood neutrophils were isolated the day of dry off and 2 wk after dry off and incubated with retinol, retinoic acid, or beta-carotene. Phagocytosis and kill of Staphylococcus aureus were measured. Across all treatments, kill was higher after dry off than before dry off. Phagocytosis tended to be lower after dry off than before in cows fed vitamin A only. In vitro, 10(-6) M beta-carotene stimulated phagocytosis after dry off and kill before dry off in cows fed vitamin A only. In general, retinol and retinoic acid suppressed phagocytosis but did not affect kill. Neutrophils from cows fed high amounts of vitamin A were more susceptible to in vitro suppression than those from cows fed adequate amounts of vitamin A. Therefore, vitamin A and beta-carotene supplementation interacts with lactational status to influence the responsiveness of bovine neutrophils to vitamin challenge in vitro.  相似文献   

The interaction of dietary vitamin A and beta-carotene with lactational status on the in vitro proliferation of mitogen-induced peripheral blood lymphocytes was studied. Cows were fed (IU/cow per d) 1) 53,000 IU vitamin A, 2) 213,000 IU vitamin A, or 3) 53,000 IU vitamin A plus 400 mg beta-carotene from 6 wk before to 2 wk after dry off. Lymphocytes were incubated with retinol, retinoic acid, or beta-carotene. Concanavalin A-induced blastogenesis was inhibited by 10(-6) M retinol and 10(-8) M retinoic acid in cows fed 53,000 IU vitamin A before dry off. In contrast, 10(-7) M retinol and 10(-7) M retinoic acid stimulated Concanavalin A-induced blastogenesis for cows fed vitamin A plus beta-carotene before dry off. After dry off, retinol and retinoic acid did not affect Concanavalin A-induced blastogenesis in all treatment groups. In vitro, 10(-5) M beta-carotene inhibited Concanavalin A-induced blastogenesis before and after dry off in all treatment groups. Blastogenesis in the absence of mitogen stimulation or induced by lipopolysaccharide was inhibited by all vitamins before and after dry off in all treatment groups. These data indicate that vitamin A and beta-carotene supplementation interact with lactational status to influence the responsiveness of bovine blood lymphocytes to vitamin challenge in vitro.  相似文献   

The investigation of sufficiency of vitamin C, A, E, B2, B6, carotenoids and iron dietary intake has been carried out in 61 pregnant women in spring and early autumn 1998. There were no women adequately supplied with all vitamins irrespective of season and residence. Most of them (70-80 per cent) had combined deficiency of 3-5 vitamins in spring. About 50 per cent of women had combined insufficiency of vitamins and iron. Intake of vitamins improved in autumn especially due to vitamins C, A, E and carotenoids. The frequency of 3-5 vitamins deficit decreased while occurrence of combined deficiency of vitamin B6 and carotenoids still often took place. Thus, normalization of vitamin status of pregnant women is necessary all year round.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):912-926
The objectives were to test the effects of dietary vitamin D3 [cholecalciferol (CHOL)] compared with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [calcidiol (CAL)] on vitamin D status and response to an endotoxin challenge. Forty-five Holstein bull calves (5 ± 2 d of age) were blocked into weekly cohorts, fed a basal diet that provided 0.25 µg/kg body weight (BW) CHOL, and assigned randomly to 1 of 5 treatments: control [(CON) no additional vitamin D], 1.5 µg/kg BW CHOL (CHOL1.5), 3 µg/kg BW CHOL (CHOL3), 1.5 µg/kg BW CAL (CAL1.5), or 3 µg/kg BW CAL (CAL3). Calves were fed milk replacer until weaning at 56 d of age and had ad libitum access to water and starter grain throughout the experiment. Treatments were added daily to the diet of milk replacer until weaning and starter grain after weaning. Measures of growth, dry matter intake, and serum concentrations of vitamin D, Ca, Mg, and P were collected from 0 to 91 d of the experiment. At 91 d of the experiment, calves received an intravenous injection of 0.1 µg/kg BW lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Clinical and physiological responses were measured from 0 to 72 h relative to LPS injection. Data were analyzed with mixed models that included fixed effects of treatment and time, and random effect of block. Orthogonal contrasts evaluated the effects of (1) source (CAL vs. CHOL), (2) dose (1.5 vs. 3.0 µg/kg BW), (3) interaction between source and dose, and (4) supplementation (CON vs. all other treatments) of vitamin D. From 21 to 91 d of the experiment, mean BW of supplemented calves was less compared with CON calves, but the effect was predominantly a result of the CHOL calves, which tended to weigh less than the CAL calves. Supplementing vitamin D increased concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in serum compared with CON, but the increment from increasing the dose from 1.5 to 3.0 µg/kg BW was greater for CAL compared with CHOL (CON = 18.9, CHOL = 24.7 and 29.6, CAL = 35.6 and 65.7 ± 3.2 ng/mL, respectively). Feeding CAL also increased serum Ca and P compared with CHOL. An interaction between source and dose of treatment was observed for rectal temperature and derivatives of reactive metabolites after LPS challenge because calves receiving CHOL3 and CAL1.5 had lower rectal temperatures and plasma derivatives of reactive metabolites compared with calves receiving CHOL1.5 and CAL3. Supplementing vitamin D increased plasma P concentrations post-LPS challenge compared with CON, but plasma concentrations of Ca, Mg, fatty acids, glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate, haptoglobin, tumor necrosis factor-α, and antioxidant potential did not differ among treatments post-LPS challenge. Last, supplementing vitamin D increased granulocytes as a percentage of blood leukocytes post-LPS challenge compared with CON. Supplementing CAL as a source of vitamin D to dairy calves was more effective at increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Ca, and P concentrations compared with feeding CHOL. Supplemental source and dose of vitamin D also influenced responses to the LPS challenge.  相似文献   

Role of vitamin D in the immune system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Classically, the only roles attributed to vitamin D have been regulation of intestinal calcium absorption and maintenance of skeletal homeostasis. This review examines the new evidence describing a regulatory role for vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) in immune cell functions along with research that has linked immune cell functions with skeletal homeostasis. The possible significance of this evidence with respect to the parturient dairy cow is discussed.  相似文献   

目的研究维生素D_2在钙口服液中的稳定性。方法通过在原处方中加入增溶剂泊洛沙姆188、吐温80、聚氧乙烯40氢化蓖麻油以及对原料中维生素D_2进行包合的方法制备钙口服液;在加速实验(40±1)℃和留样观察实验(25±1)℃条件下分别放置6个月,于第0、1、2、3、4、5和6月取样检测维生素D_2含量并观察口服液的澄明度。结果以聚氧乙烯40氢化蓖麻油为增溶剂时,维生素D_2稳定性最高,在加速实验及留样观察实验条件下存放6个月后,钙口服液中维生素D_2含量分别为0.96μg/mL和1.54μg/mL,是原处方的8倍和2.3倍;口服液的澄明度较好。结论在钙口服液处方中加入聚氧乙烯40氢化蓖麻油为增溶剂能显著提高维生素D_2的稳定性;对口服液的外观质量影响较小。  相似文献   

It was established in experiments on rickety chickens given and not given an additive of 0.5% lead acetate to the diet and vitamin D3 (10 IU/day intramuscularly) for a week that vitamin D induced an appreciable increase of lead deposition in the tissues. The degree of lead poisoning assessed according to the content of delta-aminolevulinic acid in red cells was 8 times as increased as compared with the same indicator in chickens not injected with vitamin D. The balance studies demonstrated that retention of the diet lead under the effect of vitamin D rose 2 times. Vitamin D noticeably stimulated 210Pb absorption from chicken duodenum in experiments in situ.  相似文献   

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