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In a previous investigation in 1963 Wang and Shen et al,found that the well known flow equationfor pulsed sieve plate column given by J.D.Thornton should be modified and written asV_s=V_d/X V_c/(1-x)=V_0(1-x)~nThis paper is a continuation of the previous works.Four kinds of liquid-liquid system were examinedin this study.The parameters n and V_o,the Sauter mean diameter of dispersed droplets D_(3.2) arc corro-leted in terms of physical properties of the systems and operation variables.Calculated flooding veloci-ties are close to the experimental values with deviation within ±15%.  相似文献   

1 .Indroduetion Axial mixing reduces tlle driving foree of mass transfer and the plate effieieney of Columnused for mass transfer oPeration.Its effeet on the design and Performanee of RDC hasattraeted the attention of many researeh workers 50 that a numbe…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONOne of the major objectives in the study of extraction column is to minimize column di-mensions to fulfill a certain specific separation process.This has led to the intensiveemployment of structured packings in extraction columns [1].One of the recentdevelopments targeted for greater interfacial areas without excessive dispersion is the useof structure packings contactive claiming advantages,such as lower fluid flow friction  相似文献   

The species involved in the solvent extraction of zirconium(IV) from hydrochloric acid medium by mixtures of thenoyltrifluoroacetone (HTTA) and dipentyl sulphoxlde (DPSO) in benzene as the diluent seems to be Zr(OH) 2(TTA)2(DPSO). Extraction of protactinium(V) by mixtures of HTTA and DPSO exhibits synergism but the extent of synergism is not very appreciable.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model involving both radial and axial mixing under the condition of steady tracer injection from a point source is presented. The model parameters are estimated by the optimal method of nonlinear programming, using the two-dimensional RTD experimental data obtaincd in a 1m diameter packed column. Dimensionless equations for the evaluation of axial and radial Peeler numbers are regressed.  相似文献   

A pseudo-one-dimensional model comprising different coaxial mixing is proposed for the study of the liquid phase mixing in packed column. The model parameters are estimated by the optimal method of nonlinear programming, and the equivalent mixing coefficient is regressed in the form of dimensionless equation.  相似文献   

卫丝兰竺些宣呈)经丝下啤,想曲碱凡移,l ——一—一减索未乡舀时护一口节仁公 叱十乙Or~一-~斗一户~一卜_~斗一一、一‘-一一斗十一{一~一仁土一上,一 仁l一一r书一下卜一件一十一中一斗一卜一l月 一一丁--一卜一__牛一十一!一一一卜一一4一上-一仁一一!l一!嘴臀管资望断贯瞥」怜1拐司侍净妒胃舟甲l‘Ieel|llwees‘11!1..|es|eses.|esesO少2J呼左锌一~-一一一一一廷铸拜或F{行一4且韵瑕社触啤低教切曲绒护凤依、l.~一~一-一一口日尸一‘一一一一———一—一-一不辛升渗道李司鸯拜不于兰吞会}0%‘司%、—一一丫一一~,一.一一一产一‘一下-…  相似文献   

!行.分护合,.落续笼于毅据--一--一2.壳体厚竣.会十气象寻、--一 2.,永羲、内抓耳该- 2,2壳体的歼万:浦女核3一核园确封从鹰戌3。多,!律俊戈反-卫封头吞不呸技撼斗.升呀U辛不械井.1~浮.,八4·亏-万石;咭于石沐、百.摘赞;渗的厚仗--一乙瓜碱瞬、吸-----一7·他脚娜钦--一一8环嚼讨、派--一“ 2.;片担启-一 多,2灰做浮麟,呢‘9‘琉座力。独一封有冻-一(3)(料)〔4〕(4)了5)(’多夕(5)了乙)(乙)(7)‘盆)了夕/花夕夕(夕尸乙}{)f 11)弓妄会十惫二牙芙三:壳月圣本真社:示溉佗牙荻矽了歼系)才及笼寸忌展牌作压泊_操作盘成拭脸莎矽 少弘、压 气委搜…  相似文献   

一、引言聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)是理想的耐高低温(-250~ 250℃范围内使用)、无毒、惰性的高分子材料。由于它的表面张力小(19达因/厘米)、与水接触角大(表1),作为防粘材料广泛应用于食品、医药及家庭器皿等的防粘层。  相似文献   

The reaction of cis-[ReVO2I(PPh3)2] with 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)benzothiazole (dbt) in ethanol led to the isolation of the trigonal-bipyramidal oxorhenium(IV) complex trans-[ReOI2(PPh3)2] (1). The complex is the first example of a monomeric oxo complex of rhenium(IV). Complex 1 was characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, microanalysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

南京分析仪器厂生产的RD—004(A)型氢分析器是以mV信号输出的。从实际使用情况看来,故障往往发生在那些附加的发讯装置上,诸如“走方波”、“毛刺多”、“不同步”等。为了避免上述故障,我们按图一所示的方式  相似文献   

南京分析仪器厂生产的GB—4 A型Cu~( )分析器,在许多工厂的使用中普遍反映由于铜液中带有油污与杂质,使过滤器的清洗工作量很大,大悟化肥厂也如此。原有的过滤器几乎每天要清洗一次,如果三天不  相似文献   

一般介绍 1957年秋季、美国化学会上會经报告过两种新型杀螨剂,一个是益赛昻,另一个就是“福司太克斯”。这两种都是美国食品机械化学公司的新产品。“福司太克斯”(Phostex)是商品名,其試驗代号是C—1137A,化学名称是双一(二烷氧基硫代磷酸酯)二硫化物,烷基中乙基与异丙基之比为3∶1,化学成分式为C_9H_(22)O_4P_2S_4,分子量为384.48,根据这些数据可以推析其結构如下:  相似文献   

讨论了投入产出模型可分解的判定及列昂惕夫逆阵的两种算法。  相似文献   

随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,涂料需要量急速增长。但由于我国涂料工业还大量采用植物油为原料,使油漆发展受到一定的影响,因此,采用合成材料代替植物油(特别是食用油)生产油漆,是涂料工业当务之急,也是落实毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大指示的需要。我厂广大职工遵照毛主席“综合利用大有作为”的教导,于去年四月试用广州市油脂化工厂的副产物 C_5—C_9合成脂肪酸代植物油生产氨基烘漆。经过数十次的试验和改进,最近已选定较好的配方进行车间试产,经成漆交与用户使用鉴  相似文献   

To address the critical need for improving the chemical characterization of the organic composition of ambient particulate matter, we introduce a combined thermal desorption aerosol gas chromatograph—aerosol mass spectrometer (TAG-AMS). The TAG system provides in-situ speciation of organic chemicals in ambient aerosol particles with hourly time resolution for marker compounds indicative of sources and transformation processes. However, by itself the TAG cannot separate by particle size and it typically speciates and quantifies only a fraction of the organic aerosol (OA) mass. The AMS is a real-time, in-situ instrument that provides quantitative size distributions and mass loadings for ambient fine OA and major inorganic fractions; however, by itself the AMS has limited ability for identification of individual organic compounds due to the electron impact ionization detection scheme used without prior molecular separation.

The combined TAG-AMS system provides real-time detection by AMS followed by semicontinuous analysis of the TAG sample that was acquired during AMS operation, achieving simultaneous and complementary measurements of quantitative organic mass loading and detailed organic speciation. We have employed a high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-MS) to enable elemental-level determination of OA oxidation state as measured on the AMS, and to allow improved compound identification and separation of unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) measured on the TAG. The TAG-AMS interface has been developed as an upgrade for existing AMS systems. Such measurements will improve the identification of organic constituents of ambient aerosol and contribute to the ability of atmospheric chemistry models to predict ambient aerosol composition and loadings.

Copyright 2014 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

随着我国城市建设及旅游业的迅速发展,塑料建设材料越来越广泛地被使用(如玻璃钢冷却塔、玻璃钢瓦、游艇等)。但许多建筑材料由于没有添加阻燃剂而引起火灾,给国家造成不应有的损失。根据塑料材料易燃的特点,研究各种阻燃剂,已成为目前塑料工业发展的必须。肇庆市化工研究所根据资料调查,经过二年多的试验,研制成功一种阻燃效果好的DH—A(1)型塑料阻  相似文献   

The performance of a series of thermooxidation stabilizers was investigated in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) during processing by multiple extrusion at 190°C. The issue was to find out if PHB may be processing stabilized or not. Phenols of different steric hindrance, phosphites, amine oxide, hydroxylamine, lactone, hindered amine and carbodiimide were tested as potential stabilizers and their efficiencies compared with non-stabilized polymer as a reference. Multiple extrusion data was evaluated using the processing degradation index (PDI) formerly designed for polypropylene. Changes in molecular weight were monitored as well. The results have shown that none of the stabilizing structures, currently successfully used in other polymers, have the ability to protect PHB. This indirectly implies that no radical chain scission takes place during PHB processing, i.e. no thermooxidation takes place. Moreover, nearly all of the tested structures act as prodegradants in PHB, some of them very strong. The strongest ones contain P or N atoms with asymmetrical free electron pairs in their molecules that evidently accelerate the main degradation mechanism of PHB—thermally induced cis-elimination.  相似文献   

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