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随着无线信道环境的复杂多样,本文引入了协作通信,并探讨了协作通信中的中继节点选择和功率分配两个重要的技术,最后提出了基于中继节点选择和功率分配的联合优化算法。  相似文献   

刘烜  刘毅  向文豪 《电子科技》2014,27(1):30-33
针对多中继网络中所有中继节点都参与协作的协作波束赋形方法,提出了一种基于选择的协作波束赋形算法。该方法将最小化系统中断概率作为目标,得到一个次优的中继节点选择门限,小于门限的中继节点被逐一剔除,从而保证了网络中的资源只分配给有用的中继节点,获得了分集增益。该选择方法需搜索次数和中继节点的个数相等,因此大幅降低了选择过程的复杂度。蒙特卡洛仿真表明,选择波束赋形算法可有效提高系统中断概率性能和网络能量效率。  相似文献   

本文研究了无线携能通信网络中的多窃听者场景下,基于无线能量收集放大转发中继的协作机密信息安全传输问题.提出了两种低复杂度的零空间波束形成方案.分别利用接收者或窃听者方位先验信息,将待优化的目标矢量投射到接收者或窃听者信道的零空间.与原协作波束形成方法相比,由于降低了待优化目标矢量的空间自由度,本文方法运算复杂度较低.特别的,由于第二种方法目标函数中将窃听者的交互信息迫零,将原始拟凸优化问题转化为凸问题求解,进一步降低了运算量.实验研究验证了本文方法的合理性.  相似文献   

协作通信作为一种新型的通信模式越来越受到人们的关注,而中继节点选择技术是其关键技术之一,决定了协作能否带来性能增益。文章基于协同节点选择技术的性能评价标准给出了相应的分类方法,对近年来典型的协同节点选择算法并进行分析和比较,得出结论:只有根据系统需求合理地选择、配置中继节点才能更好地优化协同通信的性能。  相似文献   

俞菲  胡莹  巴特尔  杨绿溪 《信号处理》2013,29(12):1660-1669
本文针对多中继辅助通信系统,将系统建模为一个两跳通信链路,并进行了系统容量分析。针对两种特殊情况:用户端接收噪声方差远小于中继端接收噪声方差和中继端接收噪声方差远小于用户端接收噪声方差的情况,本文具体给出了系统传输容量上限与协作中继个数之间的关系。基于容量的分析,本文设计了两种中继选择策略。在第一种情况下,根据中继与用户间的信道特征值对多路数据流分别选取不同的中继子信道进行传输;在第二种情况下,选择一个信道条件最好的中继完成多路数据流的并行传输。仿真分析表明,不同的信道环境需要选择不同的中继选择策略。   相似文献   

刘振华  侯嘉 《通信技术》2012,45(1):72-74,77
协作分集不仅能提升数据传输速率,还可以提高数据传输的稳定性。协作通信方法使用带有一根天线的移动台,在多用户环境中可以共享其他移动用户的天线,这样可产生多根虚拟发射天线,进而得到相应的分集增益,改善移动通信系统的性能。现在通过研究发现,在多中继协作通信中,非对称信道采用放大转发方式下的中继传输,在AF重复转发和机会转发2种方式下表现出了较小的链路中断概率,系统性能得到明显的提升。  相似文献   

无线协作中继技术具有低成本、扩大覆盖范围的作用,可以有效提高通信系统的可靠性和传输速率。对无线协作中继技术进行综述,讨论协作中继的基本协议和协作中继的选择方案,并且进行比较分析和仿真验证。  相似文献   

无线协作中继技术具有低成本、扩大覆盖范围的作用,可以有效提高通信系统的可靠性和传输速率。本文对无线协作中继技术进行综述,主要讨论了协作中继的基本协议,并对协作中继的选择方案进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

黄清 《广东通信技术》2011,31(11):25-28
协作中继能够提供分集增益以提高链路成功发送分组的概率,除传输功率外,中继位置也是影响端到端性能的一个重要参数。为了降低多个协作节点对系统容量的影响,多跳中继是当前协作中继发展的一种新趋势。通过中断概率,得出了吞吐量的理论近似表达式,并进一步研究多跳中继位置对吞吐量的影响。仿真结果表明,多跳中继处于源节点和目的节点的中点...  相似文献   

本文对协作式中继辅助的多输入多输出(Multiple-input Muhiple-output,MIMO)通信中的联合波束成形问题进行了研究.首先推导了接收信噪比的下界,并基于该下界建立了联合波束成形的数学模型;然后推导了分布式波束成形的最优方案;最后设计了联合优化信源的多天线波束成形和协作式中继的分布式波束成形的算法,从而获得联合波束成形方案.计算机实验仿真表明所提联合波束成形方案获得明显的性能增益.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of a multiuser wireless relay network with each of its nodes equipped with N antennas and transmit beamforming at its source and relay, where multiuser diversity (MD) is exploited to further improve the system performance. In the first part of this paper, by deriving the approximate error performance expression for a single‐relay MD system without the direct link, we obtain the maximum diversity order achievable by the CSI‐assisted amplify‐and‐forward (CAF) protocol. Then, by taking the direct link into consideration, we propose a sub‐optimal transmit beamforming scheme and show the performance loss is very small. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new scheme is suggested for cooperative beamforming (BF) and relay selection in CR networks, where a pair of secondary users communicates with each other assisted by some multiple antenna relay nodes. The goal of the algorithm is to maximize signal to interference plus noise ratio of secondary user receiver subject to limited interference caused for primary user receiver and power constraints of relay nodes. The relay selection and BF optimization problem is solved separately by employing convex semidefinite programming through rank‐one relaxation. It is shown that our proposed algorithm outperforms conventional relay selection and BF schemes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider secure communications of one source‐destination pair in the presence of one eavesdropper, when full‐duplex decode‐and‐forward cooperative relays operate to enhance physical layer security. While the conventional half‐duplex relay receives the signal from the source and forwards the re‐encoded signal to the destination in two separated time slots, the full‐duplex relay (FDR) performs the transmission and reception at the same time, which can ideally double the secrecy capacity. However, because of the simultaneous transmission and reception, each FDR suffers from both its own self‐interference and the interference from the other cooperative FDRs. When the conventional cooperative relaying schemes are used in full‐duplex relaying, it is obviously expected that the self‐interference signals cause severe degradation of the secrecy capacity. Here, we propose an iterative transmit power allocation and relay beamforming weight design scheme for cooperative FDRs to enhance the secrecy rate as well as suppress the self‐interference signals. Numerical results present that the FDRs with the proposed scheme significantly improve the secrecy rate compared with the conventional half‐duplex relays. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a two‐step cooperative cognitive radio network, which consists of two secondary links, a number of relays, and one primary link. During the first step, the primary link is assumed to be idle; both secondary sources simultaneously broadcast their data to the relay network. During the second step, the relay network employs a proposed cooperative beamforming (CBF) scheme and transmits the received data toward both of the secondary destinations (no matter whether the primary link is idle or not). The proposed CBF scheme enables the investigated network to simultaneously maximize received signal to interference plus noise ratio at both of the secondary destinations while keeping interference plus noise power at the primary destination under a predefined threshold. Indeed, the proposed scheme represents an optimal received signal to interference plus noise ratio balancing approach based on CBF, which guarantees the required quality of service for the primary link and also both secondary links. We optimize the CBF vector by relaxing the optimization problem to a convex semidefinite programming and solving with the bisection search algorithm. Numerical results show the efficiency and robustness of our approach. A comparison of our approach with the zero‐forcing beamforming method is also presented. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在频率复用的多小区多用户无线网络中,为了获得较好的和速率性能,研究了降低同频干扰的协同波束成形设计问题。博弈论分析结果表明,性能最优的协同波束成形矢量是自私和利他策略的线性组合。提出了一种最大化和速率的波束成形矢量迭代算法,给出了基于信道状态统计量的组合系数的估计方法。最后,仿真评估了波束成形算法的性能,表明了所提迭代算法的收敛性。  相似文献   

Cooperative communication systems can effectively increase channel capacity and combat fading. Effective cooperation requires synchronization impairments such as multiple timing offsets and multiple carrier frequency offsets to be accurately estimated and mitigated. This paper seeks to address the joint estimation of synchronization impairments in multi-relay decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative networks. Firstly, a simple yet effective estimation method based on the devised training signals is presented for achieving synchronization. Then, an iterative algorithm is further derived in order to improve the performance associated with the estimation of synchronization impairments. Our proposed algorithm converts the difficult multiple parameter estimation problem into more tractable sub-problems of estimating many individual impairments pairs for the independent relays. Simulations indicate that, the proposed estimator can asymptotically achieve the mean square error (MSE) for the perfectly timing or frequency synchronized case.  相似文献   

A hierarchical convergence mechanism for the heterogeneous wireless communication system via the heterogeneous cooperative relay node is presented in this paper, in which the techniques of cooperative communication and wireless relay are utilized to improve performances of the individual user and the overall converged networks. In order to evaluate the benefits of the proposal, a utility-based capacity optimization framework for achieving the heterogeneous cooperative diversity gain is proposed. The heterogeneous cooperative capacity, relay selection and power allocation theoretical models are derived individually. The joint optimization model for relay selection and power allocation is presented as well. Owing to the computation complexity, the sub-optimal cooperative relay selection algorithm, the sub-optimal power allocation algorithm and the sub-optimal joint algorithm are determined to approach the maximum overall networks' spectrum efficiency. These proposed algorithms are designed in conformance to guarantee the equivalent transmission rates of the different wireless access networks. The simulation results demonstrate that the utility-based capacity model is available for the heterogeneous cooperative wireless communication system, and the proposed algorithms can improve performances by achieving the cooperative gain and taking full advantage of the cross-layer design. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a cooperative quadrature physical layer network coding (CQPNC) scheme for a dual‐hop cooperative relay network, which consists of two source nodes, one relay node and one destination node. All nodes in the network have one antenna, and the two source nodes transmit their signals modulated with quadrature carriers. In this paper, a cooperative quadrature physical layer network coded decode‐and‐forward (DF) relay protocol (CQPNC‐DF) is proposed to transmit the composite information from the two source nodes via the relay node to the destination node simultaneously to reduce the number of time slots required for a transmission. The proposed CQPNC‐DF relay protocol is compared with time‐division multiple‐access amplify‐and‐forward (TDMA‐AF), TDMA‐DF, cooperative network coded DF (CNC‐DF) and cooperative analog network coded AF (CANC‐AF) relay protocols to demonstrate its effectiveness in terms of bit error rate (BER) and system throughput under different propagation conditions. The simulation results reveal that the proposed CQPNC‐DF relay protocol can significantly improve the network performance. Compared with two TDMA schemes and CNC‐DF, the proposal can provide up to 100% and 50% throughput gains, respectively. Moreover, no matter what the scene, the proposed scheme always has the lowest BER in the low SNR region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中单个节点能量和通信距离均受限,以及传统波束成形机制中由于忽略能耗均衡而造成单个节点过早死亡的特点,提出了一种能量有效的波束成形机制。首先分析了节点个数、发射系数、功率受限、相位等因素对网络能耗的影响,给出了对应的设计原则。然后,基于此原则来选择参与发射的节点,并结合节点的剩余能量和相位来调整各自的发射系数。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该机制有效地增加了数据成功传输的次数,均衡了节点间的能耗,延长了网络寿命。  相似文献   

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