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Distribution of dissolved cadmium between Chlorella stigmatophora and sea water medium—and possible effects of cadmium on the alga's growth—were investigated at cadmium concentrations between 1–10 mg 1−1. Results show considerable cadmium uptake by Chlorella stigmatophora along the growth curve. No effect of cadmium uptake on growth expressed by number of cells was recorded but a considerable decrease in chlorophyll content per cell was established. A mathematical expression was developed for the distribution of cadmium between Chlorella stigmatophora and sea water medium.  相似文献   

Algal assays were conducted to observe the responses of Selenastrum capricornutum and Chlorella stigmatophora to the metals manganese, copper and lead, added singly or in combination to both artificial media and natural waters. A 50% reduction in the total algal cell volume of Selenastrum in standard algal assay medium (SAAM) occurred by the addition of either 3.1 mg manganese 1−1 85 μg copper 1−2, or 140 μg lead 1−1. For Chlorella grown in 28 ppt artificial seawater plus full SAAM nutrients, the corresponding numbers were 50mg manganese 1−1, 70 μg copper 1−1 or 700 μg lead 1−1. Of the metals tested, only lead was found in higher concentrations in urban and agricultural runoff than at least one of these levels.Theoretical considerations show that a product model is a more reasonable reference for no-interaction than an additive model for experiments in which toxic metals are added in combination. Combination experiments, in which any combination of the three metals act at the same time, indicate (1) synergism between manganese and copper, (2) antagonism between manganese and lead, and (3) antagonism between copper and lead. As to the manganese-lead interaction, it is shown that the lead-induced inhibition of cell division is offset, partially for Selenastrum and completely for Chlorella by the addition of manganese.  相似文献   

The algicidal and algistatic effects of copper, zinc and cadmium on Selanastrum capricornutum, a unicellular green algae were analyzed by using a modification of the Algal Assay Procedures Bottle Test.Algicidal concentrations of copper, zinc and cadmium were 0.30, 0.70, and 0.65 mg 1−1. Treatment of Selanastrum with various concentrations of the metals resulted in similar growth rates characterized by extended lag growth phases.Combinations of copper, zinc and cadmium were similar in toxicity to equal concentrations of zinc. Combinations of copper and cadmium resulted in a greater growth rate than equal concentrations of copper suggesting that cadmium inhibits copper toxicity.Selanastrum was able to exist in waters from the upper South Fork and North Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River where zinc and other metals were in low concentration. However, the algae was not able to tolerate zinc concentrations greater than 0·5 mg 1−1 from waters of other parts of the drainage. These observations were consistent with laboratory findings where 0.7 mg 1−1 zinc was algicidal and 0.1 mg 1−1 inhibited the growth of Selanastrum.  相似文献   

《Water research》1996,30(2):422-430
Aeromonas veronii was isolated from seleniferous agricultural drainage water and characterized in terms of growth kinetics under changing environmental parameters [i.e. pH, selenium (Se) and salinity (electrical conductivity, EC)] that simulated evaporation. Aeromonas veronii metabolized peptone and was active in volatilizing Se, principally as dimethyl selenide (DMSe). Other volatile products produced included dimethyl disulfide, methyl selenol, dimethyl selenosulfide and dimethyl diselenide. The rate of Se volatilization correlated with the growth of A. veronii, with the highest levels of DMSe released during the exponential phase of growth. The C assimilated was primarily respired as CO2 or incorporated into cell biomass with a small fraction used in the alkylation of Se. The maximum growth rate (μmax) for A. veronii was 0.23 h−1 at pH 7.94, 10 μg Se 1−1, and EC of 3.9 dS m−1 and decreased to 0.06 h−1 with increasing salt content (40.2 dS m−1), pH (8.53) and Se (500 μg l−1). Salinity appeared to be the dominant inhibitory factor as observed by a decrease in growth rate and mass of cells. The range in salt content that was most inhibitory to the growth rate of A. veronii was from EC 11.7 to 40.2 dS m−1. As drainage waters evaporate in holding facilities, salinity tends to increase having serious ecological effects on the growth of A. veronii.  相似文献   

Bioconcentration, depuration and biotransformation of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, pyrene, were studied at pH 4, 6 and 8 with larval stages of the chironomid midge, Chironomus riparius. 14C-labelled pyrene was applied. The results revealed pH-dependant bioconcentration and depuration-kinetics as well as biotransformation of pyrene. At higher pH the bioconcentration rate (k1) was greater than at lower pH. Hereby the bioconcentration rate correlated with the accumulation potential of pyrene. That means at pH 8 the larvae accumulated pyrene strongest, at pH 4 the bioconcentration of the larvae was lowest. Due to biotransformation of pyrene the calculated bioconcentration factor (BCF) based on total 14C found in the larvae. Depuration revealed a biphasic kinetic. Data were fit with a two compartment model to calculate the volume of each of the two compartments. To calculate for the depuration rate (k2), data were additionally fit with a one compartment model. The larvae displayed an intriguing pH-dependent behaviour: At pH 4 the Chironomus larvae started to increase mucus-production of the salivary glands and accelerated the built up of their tubes. The latter were of “cocoon”-like structure. At pH 8 the composition of the tubes was more loose. It is hypothezised that this response to an acidified environment caused the reduced bioconcentration rate as well as the reduced biconcentration.  相似文献   

Aquatic invertebrates were collected monthly over one year from a stony stream bed above and below a partially-treated tannery effluent. Comparisons of numbers and body lengths showed that although the numbers of many species were reduced in the polluted region, the rates of growth and periods of emergence of two insect species (Rhithrogena semicolorata, Ephemerella ignita) were not affected.  相似文献   

S. Kunikane  M. Kaneko 《Water research》1984,18(10):1313-1326
A new kinetic model of algal growth and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) uptake was proposed. In this model, algal cells were conceptually divided based on algal nitrogen content into two components of the functional substance and the storage substance. Specific algal growth rate, nitrogen uptake rate and phosphorus uptake rate were expressed by using four state variables of available nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the medium and algal nitrogen and phosphorus contents. The values of parameters used in the model equations were estimated applying them to the results of a chemostat culture experiment using Scenedesmus dimorphus. The outline of the overall processes of algal growth and nutrient uptake was found to be explained by this model and the model equations with the estimated parameters could reproduce the experimental results to a considerable extent.  相似文献   

Adult minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus, were orally dosed with PCB (Clophen A50) for 40 days and were studied for 300 days for long-term sublethal effects. Clophen A50 was found to have a growth promoting effect and demonstrated several effects on reproduction. Swimming performance, studied by the rotatory-flow technique, was not affected at the concentrations that gave effects on growth and reproduction. The clearance of accumulated PCB from the body was slow.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the relation between algal growth and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, a chemostat culture experiment using Scenedesmus dimorphus was performed under the conditions of T-N/T-P ratio of 2–50 mg N mg−1 P and dilution rate of 1–4 day−1. It was ensured from the results that nitrogen and/or phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for the growth of this alga under these conditions. The optimum T-N/T-P ratio for its growth was observed to change from 20 to 5 mg N mg−1 P as the dilution rate varied from 1 to 4 day−1 and, in most of the range of T-N/T-P ratio and dilution rate, its growth rate was not regulated by only one of the available nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the medium and algal nitrogen and phosphorus contents. Based on these facts, the multiplicative effect rather than the threshold effect of these two nutrients on its growth was considered to exist. It has been suggested, however, that algal nitrogen and phosphorus contents, especially nitrogen content, are the most important factors regulating its growth. Nitrogen uptake rate of this alga increased at a given concentration of available nitrogen in the medium as T-N/T-P ratio decreased down to 2 or 5 mg N mg−1 P. It is also suggested that a multiplicative effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on uptake of these nutrients by S. dimorphus may exist.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the mean concentration (per litre) of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in recreational river areas (n = 28), drinking water treatments plants (DWTPs; n = 52) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs; n = 50) in Galicia (NW Spain). Water samples from rivers and from the influent (50–100 l) and the treated effluent (100 l) of the water plants were filtered using Filta-Max filters (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, ME, USA). A total of 232 samples were processed and the (oo)cysts were concentrated, clarified by IMS and then detected by IFAT. The viability was determined by applying fluorogenic vital dye (PI).In the recreational areas, infective forms of Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected in 16 (57.1%; 1–60 oocysts per litre) and 17 (60.7%; 1–160 cysts per litre) samples, respectively. In the water flowing into the water treatment plants, oocysts were detected in 21 DWTPs (40.4%; 1–13 oocysts per litre) and cysts were observed in 22 DWTPs (42.3%; 1–7 cysts per litre). In the effluents from the treatment plants, Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were identified in 17 DWTPs (32.7%; 1–4 oocysts per litre) and in 19 DWTPs (36.5%; 1–5 cysts per litre), respectively. The highest concentrations of (oo)cysts were found in the WWTPs; specifically, oocysts were detected in 29 (58.0%; 1–80 oocysts per litre) and cysts in 49 (98.0%; 2–14.400 cysts per litre) WWTP effluents. Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected in 32 (64.0%; 1–120 oocysts per litre) and 48 (96.0%; 2–6.000 cysts per litre) WWTP effluents, respectively. The percentage viability of the (oo)cysts ranged between 90.0% and 95.0%. In all samples analysed. Moreover, it was found that the effluents from coastal WWTPs were discharged directly into the sea, while inland WWTPs were discharged directly into rivers. The concentrations of both enteropathogens detected in effluents from WWTPs therefore represent a significant risk to human and animal health.These results demonstrate the wide distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the environment, the ineffectiveness of treatments in DWTPs and WWTPs in reducing/inactivating both protozoa and the need to monitor the presence, viability and infectivity of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water bodies. In conclusion, the findings suggest the need for better monitoring of water quality and identification of sources of contamination.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted to determine short-term (96 h LC 50) and physiological (respiration) effects of various pollutants (Cd, Hg, NaPCP) and environmental factors (temperature, pH, salinity, anoxia) on mixtures of two freshwater oligochaete species: Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Tubifex tubifex. Comparisons with similar data for individual species indicated that mixed species were significantly more tolerant of toxicants, similarly tolerant of environmental factors and less tolerant of anoxia. Although individually these species regulated respiration rate, in mixed culture they were non-regulators and respiratory changes in response to stress appeared to vary depending on test conditions.  相似文献   

Three different methods were compared for their efficiency at detection of adenoviruses. The samples examined for viral analysis consisted of concentrates prepared from raw sewage, chosen as providing a representation of the spectrum of viruses being intestinally shed from a large population at any given time. When using one single cell line, HEp-2, the overall numbers of adenoviruses detected using cytopathogenicity and immunofluorescence were roughly equal. In situ hybridization was approx. 40% more sensitive than either of these other methods as determined by average virus titers for the different samples, and also proved to be better by means of a nonparametric comparison. The 293 cell line was approx. 5 times more sensitive for detecting adenoviruses by cytopathogenicity as compared with the HEp-2 cell line, but proved unsuitable in our hands for quantitatively detecting indigenous adenoviruses by immunofluorescence. The relative number of indigenous adenoviruses present in the sewage concentrates we examined was, on average, 94-fold greater than that of enteroviruses. Assay of enteroviruses was performed by plaque assay in the BGM cell line.  相似文献   

Effects of carbonate-bicarbonate, orthophosphate, and pyrophosphate on the toxicity of copper (II) to Daphnia magna were studied at constant pH and total hardness. Mortality rates and reciprocal survival times were directly correlated with cupric (Cu2+) and copper hydroxy (Cu(OH)n) ion activities as determined by equilibrium calculations. Toxicity was negatively related to activities of soluble copper carbonate (CuCO3) and other complexes, and was found to be independent of dissolved copper or total copper concentrations.  相似文献   

The novel lanthanum-modified clay water treatment technology (Phoslock®) seems very promising in remediation of eutrophied waters. Phoslock® is highly efficient in stripping dissolved phosphorous from the water column and in intercepting phosphorous released from the sediments. The active phosphorous-sorbent in Phoslock® is the Rare Earth Element lanthanum. A leachate experiment revealed that lanthanum could be released from the clay, but only in minute quantities of 0.13-2.13 μg l−1 for a worst-case Phoslock® dosage of 250 mg l−1. A life-history experiment with the zooplankton grazer Daphnia magna revealed that lanthanum, up to the 1000 μg l−1 tested, had no toxic effect on the animals, but only in medium without phosphorous. In the presence of phosphorous, rhabdophane (LaPO4 · nH2O) formation resulted in significant precipitation of the food algae and consequently affected life-history traits. With increasing amounts of lanthanum, in the presence of phosphate, animals remained smaller, matured later, and reproduced less, resulting in lower population growth rates. Growth rates were not affected at 33 μg La l−1, but were 6% and 7% lower at 100 and 330 μg l−1, respectively, and 20% lower at 1000 μg l−1. A juvenile growth assay with Phoslock® tested in the range 0-5000 mg l−1, yielded EC50 (NOEC) values of 871 (100) and 1557 (500) mg Phoslock® l−1 for weight and length based growth rates, respectively. The results of this study show that no major detrimental effects on Daphnia are to be expected from Phoslock® or its active ingredient lanthanum when applied in eutrophication control.  相似文献   

Addition of copper to the ambient water of perch resulted in decreased daily maximum respiration rates (Rmax) and growth rates. The time-course of the effect in Rmax was characterized by: (1) an initial decrease over three additions; (2) a minimal “trough” lasting some 10–15 days; and (3) a phase of increasing Rmax. The variation in Rmax was due to copper concentration and exposure time. The decrease in growth rate was most dramatic initially and was correlated to copper concentration and perch weight. The subsequent increase in growth rate was constant and independent of copper concentration. The increase in Rmax and in growth rate was interpreted as acclimatization. Up to a given sublethal copper concentration acclimatization resulted in a return to the control level of Rmax but not of growth rate.  相似文献   

Critical swimming velocities of Salmo gairdneri at 12°C were determined in different combinations of copper; pH and hardness. Measurements were made after exposure for 0.5, 5, 10, and 30 days. When copper was not applied, hardness, pH and exposure time had no appreciable effect on critical performance. Copper had the greatest effect on swimming performance at 5 days of exposure. At pH 7.5–8.0, recovery from the initial depression was complete after 10 days of exposure, but critical swimming performance did not return to control levels in pH 6.0 treatments. For any given hardness, copper had a greater effect on critical speed at low than at high pH. A given copper treatment had a more pronounced effect at low than at high hardness.No distinction could be made among total, soluble, or extractable copper but predicted concentrations of 6 specific cupric ions varied with pH and hardness. Of these copper species, only Cu2+ and CuOH+ were found to be related significantly to critical performance.Oxygen consumption of trout was determined in different combinations of copper and pH. In the presence of copper the maximum oxygen consumption decreased and the energy expenditure for a given swimming speed increased.The above observations are discussed in relation to reported toxic actions of copper.  相似文献   

Water sampled from the Manukau oxidation ponds between 6 December 1973 and 12 July 1974 was tested for its ability to support blue-green algal growth. A local blue-green algal isolate of Anabaena grew well on membrane filtered pond water throughout the year, however the unfiltered water sustained Anabaena only when the resident green algal populations, in particular Chlorella, were low.Temperature and pH optima for growth of Anabaena and the Manukau pond algal dominant, Chlorella, were found to be significantly different: 28–35°C and pH 9–10 and 23–28°C and pH 7–8 respectively. The ambient conditions of the ponds favoured growth of Chlorella over blue-green algae during the period of study.  相似文献   

A considerable improvement in the natural flora of the River Great Stour has occurred since the mid-1960s when dense growths of Cladophora glomerata dominated sections of the river with the disappearance of some rooted macrophytes. Cladophora growths in the river in response to changing river conditions and sewage treatment operations during a thirty year period are reviewed. A vegetation mapping programme undertaken from 1978 to 1982 to assess the influence of a sewage treatment works discharge on the growth of the filamentous alga has shown that previous recommendations to reduce dissolved phosphorus concentrations in the final effluent need not be implemented.  相似文献   

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