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以南京航空航天大学生物医学工程学科硕士点为例,分析探讨了生物医学工程学科硕士研究生培养的方式。着重从生源选拔、课程设置、科研选题、学术讨论、实践能力、创新能力和论文撰写等七方面详细分析了培养研究生的方式,强调了把创新意识与创新能力的培养作为研究生培养工作的核心。结合我校生物医学工程研究生教育教学工作中进行了详细阐述,并说明了在具体实施工作中取得的效果。  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of a Cluster and Grid Computing course offered as part of the Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing program at the University of Melbourne. It describes the operation of the course and its evolution to fulfil the demand for professionals in an emerging field of distributed computing.  相似文献   

培养具有良好工程素质的工程技术人才是高等工科院校的一项重要任务,如何培养大学生的工程素质成为高校教学改革的热点研究问题。本文从工程训练的课题来源及内容、课程的教学特点、评价模式以及训练效果等方面出发,探讨了"信号处理工程实践"课程对高等工科院校信息类大学生工程素质的培养。  相似文献   

中国农业大学电气工程专业按照双一流建设的目标和专业学位研究生培养要求,提出面向人才培养、科技创新、社会服务三位一体的电气工程专业学位培养模式。总结了联合培养模式改革的目标、管理模式、运行机制、优缺点和取得的成效,并为今后联合培养模式的发展及建设提出合理化建议,为建立健全新型研究生校企联合培养机制,加快推进学校电气工程“双一流”学科建设提供支撑。  相似文献   

针对目前的研究生招生情况和教育现状,本文从科研方法、科研态度、创新精神、团队精神和学术品质的培养等几方面阐述了自己的思想,提出了一些建议和方法。指出每位指导教师应从自身做起,大力开展研究生科研素质的培养,为我国培养出高专业知识水平和高尚品质的合格人才。  相似文献   

Mobile devices are ubiquitous: they encompass portable audio and video players, digital cameras, tablet PCs and PDAs, as well as cell phones and smart phones. A Sept. 2006 Cellular News story (http://www.cellular-news.com/story/19223.php) estimated that there are more than 2.5 billion mobile phones worldwide. Although the mobile systems market is large and the career opportunities for students are excellent, relatively few universities offer mobile computing courses, much less teach mobile systems programming. Because mobile networks are likely to drive computing for the foreseeable future, the University of Melbourne Computer Science and Software Engineering Department created a Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing degree program.The MEDC program educates graduate students in rapidly evolving key areas such as distributed computing, mobile computing, pervasive computing, and sensor networks. I teach CSSE 653: Mobile Computing Systems Programming.  相似文献   

面向国际化培养的研究生课程要求研究生通过课程学习提高研究能力,充分发挥课程教学在研究生教育中的重要作用。本文以“高级软件工程”课程教学为例,探索了在实践过程中“微研究”在课堂教学、综合课设和文献阅读等三个方面的应用,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

本文针对工程类高校学生学习基础理论课程动力不足的情况,通过探讨应用型课程项目化的特点优势,提出了一种提高高校学生自主学习基础理论型课程的可能性,并给出了两个理论课程中的应用型课程项目设计示例具体分析课程项目化的注意点及挑战.  相似文献   

随着教育改革的深入,研究生教育将面临着入场多亲的问题和挑战,本文主要针对电力系统及其自动化专业研究生课程教学,就课体系的优化,教材内容的选取以及教学方法中创新能力的培养等方面进行研究分析,并根据教学中的实践经验,提出了一些具体看法。  相似文献   

In many modern complex systems the problem of achieving high reliability leads to the use of interchangeable modular components accompanied by a stock of spare parts. This paper examines, compares, and assesses several of the techniques presented in the literature for allocating the numbers of spares of each part type to be stocked in order to maximize the system reliability subject to constraints on resources (i.e., weight, volume, cost, etc.). The problem of optimum spares allocation is complicated since resources are consumed in a discrete fashion and the expression for the system reliability is a nonlinear transcendental function. The classical dynamic programming algorithm produces all optimal spares allocations; however, the solution can become computationally intractable even with the aid of a modern high-speed digital computer. In the case of multiple constraints the time problem is vastly exacerbated. In such a case one must turn to a procedure that yields a near-optimal solution in a reasonable amount of computer time. Two approximate methods discussed in this paper are the incremental reliability per pound algorithm and the Lagrange multiplier algorithm. These algorithms are readily adaptable to handle multiple constraints. Computer programs are developed for each of the three optimization algorithms and are utilized to obtain the spares allocation for a few systems. The optimization theory presented is directly applicable to series or parallel systems. A concluding example illustrates how this can be extended to certain series-parallel systems.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality Technology: A Tutorial   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

大学生工程素质培养研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了在市场经济的大环境下,加强理工科大学生在工程素质培养方面的意义和重要性。建立了大学四年工程素质培养不断线的理念,提出了工程素质培养体系方案,并进行了初步的试点实践,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

We propose a Design for Stability (DFS) methodology dedicated to the design of reliable high-speed integrated photoreceiver front-ends. This methodology based on the stability factor, S-parameters and Z-parameters analysis is made of four rules that high-speed designers will apply during the stability check of their design. To demonstrate its effectiveness, the proposed DFS methodology was applied to build a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) compliant to Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) OC-192 (10-Gb/s) standard. Experimental results in agreement with initial design specifications show excellent performances such as: 11 GHz bandwidth, −20 dBm sensitivity measured at 10-Gb/s for a Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10− 9 and 10 ps peak-to-peak jitter.  相似文献   

针对目前研究生入学自主选课具有一定的盲目性,文章提出了一套基于关联规则的文本挖掘算法,用于研究研究生选课与研究课题之间的相关性,为研究生提供参考信息。首先提出用于计算词语关联度的方案,得出词语之间的关联值,然后提出了一种基于并行结构的相似度计算方法,并将词语关联值用于文档的相似度计算中,得出文档相似度。以数字图书馆作为实验平台,将这一系列的算法用于挖掘课程属性与研究课题属性之间的文档相似度,最终得出与研究课题的相关的课程序列。实验证明,此方案具有一定的可参考性和使用价值。  相似文献   

研究生信号处理课程改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对电气工程类研究生培养的特点,结合目前电气工程类学科发展的实际需求,以切实提高电气工程类研究生培养质量为目标,我们总结多年了讲授"现代信号处理技术及应用"课程的经验,提出该类课程的改革实施方案.该方案主要从课程开设、电子课件、讲授方式和考核形式等方面,详细论述了现代信号处理课程改革实施过程,并通过问卷调查和培养成果验...  相似文献   

本文介绍了电气信息类硕士研究生的智能仪器与仪表课程的教学改革尝试。笔者首先介绍了课程改革的初因和目标,其后以实际应用为导向,通过同步实践环节训练、课程论文写作与答辩、课外科研活动参与等多项举措,全面提高研究生的实践能力和综合素质,为适应社会需求,提高就业竞争力发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

电工学课程教学内容教学方法的改革实践   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
介绍了我校电工学课程教学改革的目的及现状,对该课程教学改革以来的教学内容与方法的实践进行了分析探讨,提出将基础性和先进性相结合、理论性与应用性相结合,注重能力培养,突出学生的主体作用;采取多种教学手段,提高教学效果,多媒体教学应与传统课堂教学相辅相成、优势互补。阐述了素质教育的组成部分作业中存在的问题及采取的措施;就电工学重点课程建设目标做了简要说明。  相似文献   

The IP multimedia subsystem enables a service-rich communication landscape and the convergence of mobile and fixed networks. However, IMS solutions can succeed only when charging for these new services is supported in a flexible and efficient manner. To meet the new challenges, the 3GPP recently introduced a generic charging framework. In this article we give a short overview of the 3GPP charging framework and then describe how IMS charging works with in this framework. To illustrate IMS charging, we discuss an IMS scenario in which three persons with different payment methods conduct a teleconference.  相似文献   

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