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动物性天然食品防腐剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活水平的不断提高和对健康的日益关注,人们对食品防腐剂的安全性提出了更高的要求.天然食品防腐剂一般是指从植物、动物、微生物中直接分离提取的,具有防腐作用的一类物质,具有资源丰富、抗菌性强、水溶性好、安全无毒、抑菌谱广等优点,近年来成为食品保鲜防腐领域的研究热点.但是,目前天然食品防腐剂的实际使用并不多,天然食品防腐剂的研究与开发仍存在很多问题.本文主要介绍了5种动物性来源的抑菌物质,阐述了它们作为天然食品防腐剂的理化性质、抑菌机理和应用现状,并针对天然食品防腐剂在研究和应用中所遇到的问题,对天然食品防腐剂的发展方向进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

食品工业中,为防止或延缓食品品质下降和腐败变质,常用的防腐剂是化学合成防腐剂。但是化学合成防腐剂存在一定的未知风险与潜在危害,消费者的安全意识不断提高,对于化学防腐剂的安全性也一直存在疑虑与担忧。相比之下,具有安全无毒、广谱抗菌和稳定高效等特性的天然抗菌物质受到了消费者和食品行业的青睐,并成为当下的研究热点。文章重点阐述了来源于植物、动物和微生物的天然抗菌物质的抑菌机理以及国内外的研究进展,简要介绍了不同抗菌成分对不同菌种的影响与抑制效果,为今后天然抗菌物质在食品领域的研发和广泛应用提供了一定的思路和参考价值。  相似文献   

天然食品防腐剂按其来源不同可分为植物源天然防腐剂、动物源天然防腐剂和微生物源天然防腐剂。微生物源天然食品防腐剂由于其本身的优越性,越来越受到人们的青睐。本文主要介绍了微生物来源的天然食品防腐剂乳酸链球菌素、ε-聚赖氨酸、曲酸、溶菌酶和甲烷氧化菌素的最新研究进展,阐述了它们的理化性质、抑菌机制和应用现状,同时简单介绍了纳他霉素、抗菌肽、罗伊氏菌素和嗜杀酵母等微生物源天然食品防腐剂的应用现状,旨在为高效、无毒、天然食品防腐剂的研究提供参考。天然食品防腐剂最有发展的可能是将几种来源不同的天然食品防腐剂复配,或者将一种天然防腐剂与其他化学防腐剂复配使用,不仅可以减少防腐剂在食品中的用量,同时还可以使食品的杀菌或抑菌条件更加温和化,对人们的饮食健康非常有利。  相似文献   

微生物食品防腐剂的研究与应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来出现的多起因化学合成防腐剂不规范添加所引起的食品安全事件,引起了国内外学者的广泛重视。对于某些常见食品添加剂引起的中毒,致病,致癌的可能性的不明确,也令人担忧。因此迫切需要一种真正天然并且安全的食品添加剂。微生物防腐剂是利用生物工程技术分离、提取的具有抑菌防腐作用的微生物及其代谢产物,是一种安全无毒,天然高效的食品防腐剂。微生物防腐剂的研究与应用已成为了中外各国科学家投入大量精力的新兴研究课题。笔者对天然防腐剂中的微生物防腐剂的抑菌广谱、防腐机理、研究和应用进行了综述,如乳酸链球菌、纳他霉素、ε-聚赖氨酸、溶菌酶、红茶菌、红曲和纳豆菌等,以期为其他研究人员提供一定的参考,同时对各种微生物防腐剂今后的研究和发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

新时期食品安全问题愈发突出,人们对食品中防腐剂的要求明显提高。天然食品防腐剂是一种更安全、健康的防腐剂类型,可直接从动植物中提取,起到抑菌、防腐的作用。本文结合天然食品防腐剂的原理,对常见的天然食品防腐剂展开分析,同时深入研究了其在食品中的具体应用,以此明确天然食品防腐剂的实用价值,为更多天然防腐剂的研发提供思路。  相似文献   

食品防腐剂是指为食品防腐、加工、储运的需要,加入食品中的化学合成物质或者天然物质。它能防止食品因为微生物引起的腐败变质,使食品在一般的自然环境中具有一定的保存期。食品防腐剂的用途,广义地说,就是减少、避免人类的食品中毒;狭义地说,就是防止微生物作用而阻止食品腐败的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

化学合成防腐剂均有一定的毒性,这是困扰人们的重大问题。随着社会、经济的发展,人们对食品的要求越来越高。更应充分利用天然食品防腐剂。本文介绍几种动物中的抗菌物质:壳聚糖,鱼精蛋白,溶菌酶,蜂胶等。天然防腐剂以其独特的魅力吸引着食品企业家、科学家去研究和应用。可以相信“天然、绿色”食品将更多,更发展。  相似文献   

天然食品防腐剂乳酸菌素──Nisin   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
天然食品防腐剂乳酸菌素──Nisin孔健,马桂荣(山东大学微生物研究所,济南,251000)随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的膳食结构发生了变化,由开始量的满足转向质的提高,人们总希望消费不含或少含化学合成防腐剂的天然食品,并能长期保存。天然食品防腐剂的...  相似文献   

天然食品防腐剂的应用进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了近年来食品生产过程中实际应用的微生物源、动物源和植物源食品天然防腐剂。防腐剂,保证食品安全,保护消费者切身利益提供指导。  相似文献   

新型微生物源天然食品防腐剂及其抑菌性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然食品防腐剂按其来源的不同可分为植物源天然防腐剂、动物源天然防腐剂以及微生物源天然防腐剂等类型.天然微生物源食品防腐剂由于其本身的优越性,越来越受到人们的青睐.本文主要对五种新型微生物源天然食品防腐剂(即乳球菌肤、溶菌酶、聚赖氨酸、苯乳酸及曲酸)的理化特性、抑茵机制和抑茵特性等进行了概括和论述.旨在为我国新型、安全、高效、微生物源天然食品防腐剂的研究和开发提供参考.  相似文献   

Synthetic preservatives are widely used by the food industry to control the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms and to inhibit the process of lipid oxidation extending the shelf-life, quality and safety of food products. However, consumer's preference for natural food additives and concern regarding the safety of synthetic preservatives prompted the food industry to look for natural alternatives. Natural antimicrobials, including plant extracts and their essential oils, enzymes, peptides, bacteriocins, bacteriophages, and fermented ingredients have all been shown to have the potential for use as alternatives to chemical antimicrobials. Some spices, herbs and other plant extracts were also reported to be strong antioxidants. The antimicrobial/antioxidant activities of some plant extracts and/or their essential oils are mainly due to the presence of some major bioactive compounds, including phenolic acids, terpenes, aldehydes, and flavonoids. The proposed mechanisms of action of these natural preservatives are reported. An overview of the research done on the direct incorporation of natural preservatives agents into meat and poultry products as well as fruit and vegetables to extend their shelf-life is presented. The development of edible packaging materials containing natural preservatives is growing and their applications in selected food products are also presented in this review.  相似文献   

The interest in discovering and developing natural antimicrobials has significantly increased due to consumer preferences for foods that are free of chemical preservatives while still microbiologically safe. One of the best sources of natural antimicrobials is certain mushrooms (fungi) as many of them not only have nutraceutical functions but also possess antimicrobial properties. This article reviews the available information on mushroom antimicrobials for food safety control. It includes available resources, extraction procedures, antimicrobial activities, and the status of their applications to food safety. The review indicates that there are great potential benefits to be gained from mushroom antimicrobials in food production, processing, and preservation as a biosolution to meet the increasing demands for food quality and safety.  相似文献   

Despite the application of various preservation methods, many problems are still encountered as a result of food spoilage and food poisoning. There is increasing demand for foods produced with milder treatments, and the movement towards more natural and even certified organic foods has been the fastest growing sector of the food industry over the last decade. The interest in bio-preservation of food systems has necessitated the development of new natural antimicrobial compounds from different origins, and in response to modern consumer trends and food legislation, the food industry is faced with serious challenges. Both conventional and organic modes of production are at risk of contamination, but it is possible that organic food might present a bigger problem. Organic acids have been of considerable value as food preservatives since they are also food ingredients and often naturally produced by microorganisms. However, limited data on their effects in commercial practice are available, and despite regulatory approval, organic acids are not widely accepted in commercial practice, and in particular in meat decontamination.

Susceptibility of microorganisms to the most currently used preservatives has been decreasing, and there is concern that decontamination with organic acids could result in the emergence of acid-tolerant food-borne pathogens, evolving to overcome the protective barrier of the human gastric stomach. In the evaluation and integration of new processing/preservation treatments, research objectives would have to include the identification of specific targets of organic acids—understanding the molecular mechanisms that confer high level resistance and analysing pathogen response to antimicrobials. This article provides an overview of various studies done on organic acids as preservatives and highlights aspects such as application, antimicrobial action, and future prospects. Other important issues, such as the application of functional genomics in developing new preservation methods, resistance development, and conventional laboratory procedures are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the application of various preservation methods, many problems are still encountered as a result of food spoilage and food poisoning. There is increasing demand for foods produced with milder treatments, and the movement towards more natural and even certified organic foods has been the fastest growing sector of the food industry over the last decade. The interest in bio-preservation of food systems has necessitated the development of new natural antimicrobial compounds from different origins, and in response to modern consumer trends and food legislation, the food industry is faced with serious challenges. Both conventional and organic modes of production are at risk of contamination, but it is possible that organic food might present a bigger problem. Organic acids have been of considerable value as food preservatives since they are also food ingredients and often naturally produced by microorganisms. However, limited data on their effects in commercial practice are available, and despite regulatory approval, organic acids are not widely accepted in commercial practice, and in particular in meat decontamination.

Susceptibility of microorganisms to the most currently used preservatives has been decreasing, and there is concern that decontamination with organic acids could result in the emergence of acid-tolerant food-borne pathogens, evolving to overcome the protective barrier of the human gastric stomach. In the evaluation and integration of new processing/preservation treatments, research objectives would have to include the identification of specific targets of organic acids—understanding the molecular mechanisms that confer high level resistance and analysing pathogen response to antimicrobials. This article provides an overview of various studies done on organic acids as preservatives and highlights aspects such as application, antimicrobial action, and future prospects. Other important issues, such as the application of functional genomics in developing new preservation methods, resistance development, and conventional laboratory procedures are also discussed.  相似文献   

食品防腐剂具有强且广谱的抑菌性,在食品工业领域被广泛应用。食品防腐剂经膳食摄入后对肠道菌群和宿主健康的影响虽已有报道,但仍缺乏系统的总结。本文综述近年来国内外有关食品防腐剂与肠道菌群的最新研究成果,发现食品防腐剂通过改变肠道菌群多样性、调节肠道条件致病菌和有益菌丰度,进而影响机体脂代谢、免疫及肠道炎症;此外,展望了食品防腐剂未来的研究发展趋势。本文旨在引起广大科研工作者和读者对“食品防腐剂-肠道菌群-宿主健康”关系链的关注和重视,为目前已有的食品防腐剂的安全评价体系提供新视角、新思路,对维持人体健康具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

几种天然食品防腐剂的应用简介   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
综述了各种天然食品防腐剂的研究现状和在食品工业中的应用,展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

Natural antimicrobial agents have been investigated as alternatives to synthetic ones for ensuring food safety and quality. However, the practical use of these preservatives in the food industry is limited due to their negative impact on the odor and taste of food products, as well as the early loss of functionality due to their rapid diffusion and interaction with food components. The incorporation of natural antimicrobial agents into edible coatings has been investigated to control diffusion of active compounds and maintain their concentrations at a critical level on a food surface. Recently, nanoencapsulating and multilayered/nanolaminate delivery systems have emerged as promising tools to enhance the functionality of edible coatings. This review highlights the potential use of polymeric edible coatings for the incorporation of natural antimicrobial agents and the improvement of their controlled release in food systems. The methods used to assess the antimicrobial activity of encapsulated natural antimicrobial agents and the most recent findings regarding the application of nanoencapsulating and multilayered/nanolaminate delivery systems in food products are also discussed.  相似文献   

Preservatives are added to products for two reasons: first, to prevent microbial spoilage and therefore to prolong the shelf life of the product; second, to protect the consumer from a potential infection. Although chemical preservatives prevent microbial growth, their safety is questioned by a growing segment of consumers. Therefore, there is a considerable interest in the development of preservative-free or self-preserving cosmetics. In these formulations traditional/chemical preservatives have been replaced by other cosmetic ingredients with antimicrobial properties that are not legislated as preservatives according to the Annex VI of the Commission Directive 76/768/EEC and the amending directives (2003/15/EC, 2007/17/EC and 2007/22/EC). 'Hurdle Technology', a technology that has been used for the control of product safety in the food industry since 1970s, has also been applied for the production of self-preserving cosmetics. 'Hurdle Technology' is a term used to describe the intelligent combination of different preservation factors or hurdles to deteriorate the growth of microorganisms. Adherence to current good manufacturing practice, appropriate packaging, careful choice of the form of the emulsion, low water activity and low or high pH values are significant variables for the control of microbial growth in cosmetic formulations. This paper describes the application of the basic principles of 'Hurdle Technology' in the production of self-preserving cosmetics. Multifunctional antimicrobial ingredients and plant-derived essential oils and extracts that are used as alternative or natural preservatives and are not listed in Annex VI of the Cosmetic Directive are also reported.  相似文献   

食源性疾病引发的食品安全问题对人类健康造成严重危害, 其中微生物致病菌是引起食源性疾病的最主要因素,近年来国内外由微生物致病菌引起的食源性疾病事件频频发生,受到世界各国的高度关注。食品工业防治食源性致病微生物的传统方法中,化学防腐剂存在副作用、天然防腐剂较弱的抗微生物活性以及大规模抗生素使用带来的耐药性等一系列问题,使寻求新的抗菌药物或制剂迫在眉睫。噬菌体裂解酶是双链DNA噬菌体复制后期表达, 能够裂解细菌细胞壁释放子代噬菌体的一种蛋白水解酶。随着近些年针对噬菌体及其产物展开的研究不断深入,噬菌体裂解酶凭借高度特异性、不影响正常菌群等特性, 从治疗人类耐药感染到控制多个领域的细菌污染, 成为了包括微生物食品安全在内多种应用中有效的抗微生物制剂。  相似文献   

由致病菌等微生物污染所引起的食源性疾病和食品腐败变质始终是食品工业面临的巨大难题,而传统的抗生素防腐剂所产生的细菌耐药性会对人体健康造成潜在的威胁。出于人们对于安全和绿色防腐剂的巨大需求,细菌素的研究愈发成为焦点,以期发现可有效控制食源性病原体的新型抗菌物质。细菌素是细菌分泌的多肽或前体多肽,分子量在1~100 ku之间不均匀分布,可以杀死或抑制同一生态系统中竞争营养物质的敏感细菌,少数细菌素还表现出抗病毒和抗真菌等特性。已有研究发现的细菌素具有不同的作用模式,例如:成孔、抑制细胞壁/核酸/蛋白质合成等。该研究综述了细菌素的种类与抑菌作用机制,并结合最新的细菌素在食品工业上的应用,全面概述了细菌素抑菌的特性及其对未来食品行业的应用前景与展望,为细菌素更好的应用在食品工业中提供一定的理论依据,同时对推动食品防腐保鲜技术的革新发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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