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随着BIM技术在我国的风靡应用,BIM为海量资料管理带来了新的视角。在对系统功能需求进行分析的基础上,借助BIM技术、Web3D、数据库管理等技术,提出包含数据服务层、功能平台层和可扩展应用层的平台架构,研发出基于BIM的施工资料管理系统,实现了基于Web功能的BIM模型与施工资料的交互管理,并提供不同用户权限,随时随地通过网络直接查看施工模型以及查询相关施工信息,为多参与方协同化资料管理系统提供可行的参考。  相似文献   

树木根系吸水宏观模型的建立与验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 树木根系吸水引起土壤含水率显著降低,从而导致胀缩性地基沉陷。研究树木根系吸水机制有助于了解树木对地基沉陷的影响。现有的研究涉及非均匀分布根系吸水模型的比较少,而且存在诸多缺陷。为建立具有通用性和实用性的树木根系吸水模型,开展一系列室内和现场试验,测定非饱和土壤水运动参数,监测土壤基质势,进行树木根系调查,观测气象要素。然后通过土壤水运动逆运算获得根系吸水速率的时空分布,通过多元回归分析建立根系吸水函数。实例计算结果表明,所提出的根系吸水模型计算根系吸水速率与观测结果相符合。与现有的根系吸水模型相比,建立的根系吸水模型具有以下优势和特点:首先,该根系吸水模型只包含3个易于确定的影响因素,即水面蒸发强度、根系分布密度和土壤水基质势,这使得根系吸水模型的实际应用更为简单方便;其次,现有的宏观吸水模型都假定根系吸水速率与根长密度成正比,而定义根系密度为单位体积土体的有效吸水根的烘干质量,因为根系吸水率不仅与根长有关,也与根径有关,并且认为根系吸水率是根系分布密度的指数函数,因为相邻根彼此限制对方吸水;此外,采用4个空间分布特征参数来反映最大根系密度点和零根系密度点,使得根系吸水模型对任意植物根系分布形式具有普适性,且能灵活考虑根系吸水率的空间变异性,这四个特征参数可通过根系调查确定。  相似文献   

斜拉桥由于主塔造型独特,常采用空间异型曲面结构,具有很强的景观效果,但设计难度大,采用传统2D图纸难以表达具体的设计意图.以某异型独塔斜拉桥为例,介绍该桥的总体设计,主桥采用BIM 3D建模正向设计,通过参数化建模和可视化设计,建立全桥模型并3D出图,提高设计和施工质量,为全寿命周期BIM应用迈出关键一步.  相似文献   

为了适应当下2D运维向3D运维转换需求日益增长的现状,同时为建筑用户和管理者提供更加智能化、信息化、全面化的管理系统。本文以一个实际住宅建筑为依托,利用BIM技术建立住宅3D模型以及构建内部环境监测系统,通过Unity 3D设计住宅综合管理系统,从而更好地整合建筑内部环境信息,最终发布到PC平台实现远程监控。实现建筑可视化、能耗数据可视化及统计分析和预测等功能,给用户和管理者提供清晰的数据以及可视化分析,对减少环境污染和能源保护具有实际意义。通过本设计效果验证BIM技术在建筑运维能源管理系统中的作用及应用前景。  相似文献   

随着BIM技术的应用与发展,行业内不再局限于工具软件层面以及项目单体的应用,城市级海量BIM数据的存储、管理和分析的应用需求日益增加。本研究针对此项需求,通过Hadoop大数据框架、云计算技术、Web GL3D显示技术和BIM信息交换模板等技术的结合,提出了适用于海量BIM数据存储、管理和分析应用的BIM数据云平台,并包含以下功能:BIM数据文件解析,基于Web GL的3D可视化、BIM对象查询、BIM对象属性列表、BIM子模型抽取。BIM数据云平台的核心是数据管理,通过Hbase和HDFS,实现了PB级BIM模型的存储与管理,是当前城市级BIM数据管理的理想数据管理平台。  相似文献   

介绍了结构间隙土、地层单元基质、收紧带地下支撑3种受限空间中乔木种植技术,前2种技术能够有效地改良乔木根系生长环境,为苗木根系生长提供更充足的空间,后一种技术针对铺装广场、停车场等不便使用地面支撑的景观环境,提供了一种方便灵活的隐性地下支撑技术。阐述了3种技术的作用、制作及安装方法。  相似文献   

基于BIM的4D施工模拟在施工中广泛应用。但由于施工计划和BIM变更频繁,导致4D-BIM模型构建需要大量人工工作,严重影响了4D施工模拟应用的效率和效果。针对此问题,本文提出一种半自动的4D-BIM模型构建方法。该方法首先建立施工知识库、BIM分类体系和知识库映射关系,然后根据BIM模型的空间、系统和组织等信息,自动生成WBS和WBS任务之间的关系,形成4D-BIM模型。本方法可减少编制WBS、WBS与BIM的关联工作量,提升4D施工模拟效率,提升施工计划质量,提高施工进度管理水平。  相似文献   

BIM(Building Information Modeling,建筑信息模型)是建筑行业未来发展的必然趋势,BIM技术通过参数化设计服务于建设项目的整个生命周期,为建设项目各参与方的沟通协作提供了平台。现BIM技术已成功应用于许多大型工程项目,本文主要基于普适计算和IPD模式在BIM中的结合应用,从3D模型到4D/5D模型在设计、施工及运维等全生命周期的应用加深对BIM技术的认识。  相似文献   

着眼于城市地下空间运维阶段,对城市地下空间运维功能需求进行具体描述和划分,在此基础上引入BIM技术,构建城市地下空间BIM运维管理框架,详细分析运维阶段BIM技术在各项功能模块中的应用情况,为城市地下空间开发项目全生命周期管理的完善,以及BIM技术应用价值最终实现提供参考.  相似文献   

以某道路工程为例,详细阐述了三维激光扫描技术与BIM技术在道路工程施工质量检验中的应用.借助三维激光扫描技术可非常高效地捕获被测物体表面的三维坐标数据,将该数据进行处理,即可得到能够反映真实现状的道路点云模型.借助BIM技术的参数化建模功能,能够快速得到能够反映设计意图的道路设计BIM模型.将点云模型和设计BIM模型进...  相似文献   

Most BIM (Building Information Modelling) systems serve designers well up until now but will have to evolve toward a more user-centered design, focusing on interactive spaces rather than focusing on digital representation. They are lack of information needed in order to create a virtual environment which can interact with users. Such problems will become more prominent in the case of smart spaces where the environment reacts to users' activity. There are no sufficient tools to design and represent real usage of smart space. Achieving this aim, the paper presents Smart-BIM consisting of smart objects which can react to user activities. The created virtual space with Smart-BIM is different from conventional 3D space. Since the resulted space embodies smart objects with the capability of doing certain functions and reacting toward users interaction according to the property sets of objects. A task-based interaction is proposed to apply Smart BIM in a design process. Smart Design systems help end users to experience their daily activity in a virtual environment and understand the space reactions. It can be used as a toolset to improve communications among users and designers in design processes especially in the design of smart environments. Eventually, it is expected that Smart-BIM will lead to match smart technology usability with users' demands.To facilitate further developments of Smart Design systems, a prototyping experiment was done. The prototype application utilizes three typical domestic tasks and several real-time interactions. Scripting the tasks, using smart object managers and using smart home objects make the real-time interactions and system reactions possible. Hence, the prototype gives the opportunity of evaluating users' attitude and expressions toward an interactive and responsive BIM. The results from the first evaluations reveal a positive attitude of users toward the prototype. They also show that when the users can directly execute a task in the virtual model, they can deliver a better comprehension of how smart technologies can be utilized.  相似文献   

BIM技术在数字城市三维建模中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
数字城市是城市信息化的重要组成部分,随着信息技术的发展,对数字城市三维模型提出了更高的要求,而现有的三维建模手段不能满足这种需求。BIM技术的发展为数字城市三维模型建立提供了更精确的手段。文章通过分析BIM与GIS区别,从数据组织、应用模型等方面探讨BIM技术在数字城市三维建模中的应用。  相似文献   

Insufficient interoperability resulting from complex data exchange between architectural design and building energy simulation prevents the efficient use of energy performance analyses in the early design stage. This paper presents the development of a Modelica library for Building Information Modeling (BIM)-based building energy simulation (ModelicaBIM library) using an Object-Oriented Physical Modeling (OOPM) approach and Modelica, an equation-based OOPM language. By using the ModelicaBIM library, our project investigates system interfaces between BIM and energy simulation, which can perform semi-automatic translation from the building models in BIM to building energy modeling (BEM) using a BIM's authoring tool's Application Programming Interface (API).The ModelicaBIM library consists of OOPM-based BIM classes and OOPM-based BIM structure. OOPM-based BIM classes represent building component information. OOPM-based BIM structure consists of test case models that demonstrate (i) how building information in BIM can be transformed to OOPM and (ii) how design operations in BIM, such as changing a building geometry and editing building components, can be translated into BEM. A case study for simulation result comparisons has been conducted using (i) OOPM-based BIM models in the ModelicaBIM library and (ii) LBNL Modelica Buildings library (a Modelica-based building thermal simulation library developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). Our implementation shows that the ModelicaBIM library enables (i) objects in BIM to be translated into the OOPM-based energy models and (ii) existing OOPM library to be utilized as a simulation solver for BIM-based energy simulation.  相似文献   

对BIM技术在运营公路隧道衬砌结构病害检测结果信息可视化展示中的应用展开了研究,通过对AutoCAD和Revit的二次开发,实现隧道衬砌病害的三维可视化。所实施的方法为:将公路隧道的结构进行解构,以便在BIM软件中建立隧道各个构件的空间模型;结合隧道结构特征,推导出将CAD平面图形元素映射到三维隧道空间结构的转换公式;提取隧道病害展示图中特征点的关键参数,把提取的隧道病害的参数进行坐标换算,将隧道病害元素映射到隧道结构的空间模型上,实现了衬砌病害从二维向三维的转化。通过BIM技术展示衬砌病害的三维可视化,为公路隧道的维修养护工作提供便利。  相似文献   

车伟  崔玥 《高等建筑教育》2019,28(4):126-133
根据企业对BIM人才的层次化需求,以土木工程专业为例,在不改变现有教学体系的条件下,将BIM技术多阶段、梯度式融入本科人才培养的全过程,构建了"四位一体"的BIM教学课程体系。该体系依据课程特点,将BIM主要知识点融入专业课程的教学中。学生可依据自身能力、兴趣点和未来职业规划,找到适合自己的BIM能力需求层次培养方案,完成BIM工程项目的综合实践能力考核及毕业追踪调查,实现了BIM技术教育、实践和服务的融合创新。  相似文献   

BIM技术的发展正在引发建筑行业内一场前所未有的变革,但是它在建筑行业的应用和发展仍然存在如行业、技术、人员态度等诸多障碍。其中,工程设计人员对于BIM技术的心理抵制问题已经受到广泛的关注和重视。为从心理资本的视角探究设计人员对BIM技术的变革抵制,该文构建了心理资本、变革抵制倾向与BIM采用的关系模型。通过对建筑行业内152名设计人员的问卷调查,对取得的样本数据进行实证分析,验证心理资本对变革抵制倾向、变革抵制倾向对BIM采用意愿的影响以及个体创新性的中介作用。研究发现:设计人员的心理资本抑制其变革抵制倾向,而变革抵制倾向对BIM采用意愿又会产生负向影响|个体创新性完全中介于变革抵制倾向与BIM采用意愿之间的负向关系。该研究建议在BIM技术的应用实践中应加强对设计人员的心理疏导,强化其心理资本和个体创新性,从而为克服BIM技术的人员抵制问题和促进BIM技术采用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The ability to import building geometric and construction thermal data from building information models (BIM) has significant potential to reduce the time and uncertainty in building energy modeling process. In today's BIM-based energy modeling practice, thermal properties are mainly derived from generic building construction types in BIM. However, for energy modeling of existing buildings, such assumptions are often inaccurate as they do not account for diminishing thermal resistances of building materials instigated by their deteriorations. To improve the reliability of BIM-based energy modeling, we present a system, together with new methods for automated association and updating of actual thermal property measurements with BIM elements in gbXML schema. By leveraging collections of digital and thermal images and based on environmental measurements, our system first produces a 3D thermal model for the building under inspection and then derives the actual thermal resistances of the building assemblies at the level of 3D vertexes. By associating these measurements with their corresponding elements in gbXML, thermal properties of the BIM elements are automatically updated. Our experiments in real-world residential and instructional buildings show how actual thermal properties can be automatically associated with BIM elements and updated in gbXML. The proposed method shortens the gap between architectural information in BIM and the actual data needed for energy performance simulation, and enables reliable BIM-based energy analysis for retro-commissioning, continuous commissioning, and retrofit.  相似文献   

传统的2D CAD技术在对建筑进行描述的过程中,由于建筑的平面和立面以及详图都是分开设计,不仅仅耗费时间,而且常常出现错误,难以将建筑形态加以详细准确描述,同时,由于CAD本身的局限性,设计师很难对二维空间模型做出准确的建筑性能分析。BIM技术的出现使设计师从二维平面拓展到三维空间,并且通过信息模型能准确的进行建筑性能分析。本文以三亚新海干部疗养基地为例,阐述了BIM技术在该项目设计过程中的应用,同时重点研究BIM技术和其他建筑性能分析软件的协同对接过程,归纳了一系列对可持续建筑设计具有指导意义的设计流程。  相似文献   

Industry domains require distinct data and structures of building information models developed and tailored for their disciplines. To seamlessly exchange the building information models, Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), which is one of neutral formats, has been broadly used in the architecture, engineering and construction, and facility management industries. Model view definition (MVD), which is one of the IFC sub-schemas used by domain experts and BIM software vendors, consists of IFC-mapped data exchange requirements of each domain and helps software vendors develop IFC import and export features that allow project participants share and exchange BIM model information. Because of the heterogeneous translation processes and structures of IFC interfaces according to model views, their validation is imperative to ensure the integrity of BIM data and maintain a consistent data exchange environment. To accomplish this objective, this paper suggests the new approach to evaluating BIM data in accordance with diverse requirements of MVD. Since MVD entails various types of data exchange specifications, this research study examines their embedded checking rule types and categorizes corresponding implementation scenarios. In addition, this paper involves rule logic and IfcDoc-based BIM data validation developed based on the logical rule compositions of identified rules types and checking scenarios. This approach is expected to support sharing consistent BIM data sets and confirming the quality of received data pertaining to a syntax and semantics of a targeted model view.  相似文献   

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