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The selected test area for the comparative evaluation of European methods on sampling and sample preparation of soils (CEEM Soil) at Dornach near Basel (Switzerland) is located at approximately 400 m a.S.l. on the north-west rolling footslope of the Jura mountain chain that has a temperate climate. The area is known to be airborne polluted by emissions of a non-ferrous metal recycling plant. The geology is dominated by Jurassic limestone and (decarbonated) loess loam. The land use is deciduous forest (beech, oak) in the upper part and traditional cherry orchards with permanent grassland which have mostly been converted into arable land. The detailed soil survey distinguishes four different soil mapping units in the test area of 0.61 ha. The reference sampling was performed in a 190-m-long and 20-40 m large transect area following four devices: (1) composite samples (0-10 cm and 0-20 cm), each from 25 stratified single samples of 61 squares of 10 x 10 m; (2) hypotheses and soil horizon-based composite samples at nine locations; (3) horizon-related samples from the four described soil profiles representing the mapping units; and (4) three soil cores with 5-cm interval samples taken in the major land use units. Altogether 301 reference soil samples were taken.  相似文献   

Rieger L  Thomann M  Gujer W  Siegrist H 《Water research》2005,39(20):5162-5174
It remains an ongoing task to quantify the uncertainty of continuous measuring systems at WWTPs during field operation. The commonly used methods are based on lab experiments under standardized conditions and are only suitable for characterizing the measuring device itself. For measuring devices under field conditions, a knowledge of the response time, trueness and precision is equally important.

A method is proposed which can be used to characterize newly installed on-line sensors or to evaluate monitoring data which may contain systematic errors. The concept is based on comparative measurements between the sensor and a reference. A linear regression is used to differentiate between trueness and precision. Various statistical tests are conducted to validate the preconditions of linear regression. The information about the trueness and precision of the measuring system under field conditions helps to adapt control strategies more effectively to the relevant processes and permits sophisticated control concepts. Moreover, the concept can help to define guidelines for evaluating the uncertainties of effluent quality monitoring to overcome the concerns about on-line sensors, improve the trust in these systems and to allow the use of continuously measuring systems for legislative purposes.

The approach is discussed in detail in this paper and all statistical tests and formulas are listed in the Appendix.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(4):687-698
The shear strength of cement-treated soil can be changed by both cementation and consolidation during the early stages of hardening because of cement hydration. Based on the results of triaxial and unconfined compression tests, this paper describes the effects of isotropic and one-dimensional consolidation stress, applied during the curing period, on the undrained peak and residual shear strengths of cement-treated soil. The sample used was a mixture of fine-grained sand and ordinary Portland cement. A consolidated undrained triaxial compression test (ICU) was conducted on the specimens immediately after the cement treatment. Each test was conducted under different consolidation pressures, curing times and delayed loading times. The following conclusions were developed from the results and discussions: (1) the undrained peak shear strength of cement-treated soil, cured under different consolidation conditions, increases with an increase in either the consolidation pressure or the curing time, whereas it gradually decreases with an increase in the delayed loading time. (2) The rate of undrained strength increase resulting from consolidation differs significantly between isotropic and one-dimensional consolidations. (3) For a curing time of between one and seven days, the rate of strength increase by isotropic consolidation exceeds that by one-dimensional consolidation. The simultaneous volumetric change of cement-treated soil during consolidation depends on the stress conditions of the specimen, that is, the difference between isotropic and one-dimensional consolidations. (4) When the test is not conducted under nearly in-situ conditions, the undrained shear strength may be underestimated, depending on the time interval between the cement treatment and the start of consolidation. (5) The shear strength in the residual state is influenced by the consolidation pressure during curing. (6) As the consolidation pressure during curing increases, the specimens exhibit a higher residual strength.  相似文献   

选择典型的竖井建筑结构形式,重点研究不同风速下烟气从燃烧室向竖井中迁移的规律。结果表明,在燃烧室内,风速大于0.5 m/s时CO体积分数和温度变化均非常小;风速小于0.5 m/s时,CO体积分数和温度骤降,形成明显的梯度差;在竖井中,CO浓度先上升后下降,温度逐渐下降,风速对CO的影响和燃烧室内的相同。建议该模型的最佳机械排烟风速为0.5 m/s,可以保证安全,同时实现最佳的经济效益。  相似文献   

Because of the competing demands for scarce resources (funds, manpower, etc) national road owners are required to monitor the condition and performance of infrastructure elements through an effective inspection and assessment regime as part of an overall asset management strategy, the primary aim being to keep the asset in service at minimum cost. A considerable amount of information is then already available through existing databases and other information sources. Various analyses have been carried out to identify the different forms of deterioration affecting infrastructures, to investigate the parameters controlling their susceptibility to, and rate of, deterioration. This paper proposes such an approach by building a transition matrix directly from the condition scores. The Markov assumption is used stating that the condition of a facility at one inspection only depends on the condition at the previous inspection. With this assumption, the present score is the only one which is taken into account to determine the future of the facility. The objective is then to combine nested sampling with a Markov-based estimation of the condition rating of infrastructure elements to put some confidence bounds on Markov transition matrices, and ultimately on corresponding maintenance costs.  相似文献   

This paper examines how calibration performs under different levels of uncertainty in model input data. It specifically assesses the efficacy of Bayesian calibration to enhance the reliability of EnergyPlus model predictions. A Bayesian approach can be used to update uncertain values of parameters, given measured energy-use data, and to quantify the associated uncertainty. We assess the efficacy of Bayesian calibration under a controlled virtual-reality setup, which enables rigorous validation of the accuracy of calibration results in terms of both calibrated parameter values and model predictions. Case studies demonstrate the performance of Bayesian calibration of base models developed from audit data with differing levels of detail in building design, usage, and operation.  相似文献   

Galena weathering under simulated calcareous soil conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exploitation of polymetallic deposits from calcareous mining sites exposes galena and others sulfides to weathering factors. Galena weathering leads to the formation of lead phases (e.g., PbSO4, PbCO3) with a higher bioaccessibility than galena, thus increasing the mobility and toxicity of lead. Despite the environmental impacts of these lead phases, the mechanisms of galena oxidation and the transformation of lead secondary phases, under neutral-alkaline carbonated conditions, have rarely been studied. In this work, an experimental approach, combining electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques, was developed to examine the interfacial processes involved in the galena weathering under simulated calcareous conditions. The results showed an initial oxidation stage with the formation of an anglesite-like phase leading to the partial mineral passivation. Under neutral-alkaline carbonated conditions, the stability of this phase was limited as it transformed into a cerussite-like one. Based on the surface characterization and the formation of secondary species, the weathering mechanisms of galena in calcareous soil and its environmental implications were suggested.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Soil erosion leads to soil loss and affects the hydraulic and mechanical properties of soils, and as a result, the soil fertility,...  相似文献   

结合具体的工程实例,对强夯法在特殊土质和特殊环境条件下的应用进行研究。提出了在厚度差别大且碎石含量多、周围房屋距离近的杂填土地基上强夯施工以及在粉煤灰回填土地基上设置排水沟后进行低能量强夯的施工工艺。建议了相应的工艺参数,包括砂石混合土回填分层分区、排水沟设置、夯点布置、夯击能量等,并给出了处理后地基的承载力等设计指标参考值。  相似文献   

对相同温度下,喷水冷却与自然冷却混凝土试样进行扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对比,分析特征部位的变化特点。结果表明,和自然冷却相比,喷水冷却条件下,混凝土试样的C-S-H凝胶结构和骨料与水泥浆体界面处发生特征变化时的温度更低,并且混凝土的微观形貌随温度呈现一定的变化规律。对分析火场中混凝土的受热温度,更准确地确定起火部位和起火点具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Results are presented for experimental investigations of the dependence of the diameter of soil-cement columns on production parameters of jet grouting and various soil conditions.  相似文献   

混凝土冻融变形的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
进行了砂浆饱和水试件的水中和空气冻融试验,并通过测量砂浆试件中心的冻融变形和温度变化,以及对所测数据的分析,明确了混凝土的冻结收缩、膨胀变形的发展规律。同时,通过测量试件冻融循环前后动弹性模量的变化,得出相对动弹性模量可以间接地反映试件的残留冻融变形的大小。  相似文献   

近年来,夜间通风作为一种被动式降温手段受到越来越多的关注。为了研究夜间通风在中国不同气候条件下的节能效果,选取北京、上海、广州分别作为寒冷地区、夏热冬冷地区以及夏热冬暖地区的代表城市,使用建筑能耗模拟软件Energyplus建立一个办公建筑模型,分别在使用和未使用夜间通风的情况下计算出3个城市建筑在供冷季各月的供冷能耗和总能耗,通过对比,分析夜间通风的节能效果。研究结果表明,在相同的月份,夜间通风的效果会随着城市纬度的增加而增大,但对于整个供冷季,即便是在低纬度的夏热冬暖地区,夜间通风也具有显著的节能效果。  相似文献   

Naturally contaminated soil, sediment and water at the Mokrsko-West gold deposit, Central Bohemia, have been studied in order to determine the processes that lead to release of As into water and to control its speciation under various redox conditions. In soils, As is bonded mainly to secondary arseniosiderite, pharmacosiderite and Fe oxyhydroxides and, rarely, to scorodite; in sediments, As is bonded mainly to Fe oxyhydroxides and rarely to arsenate minerals.The highest concentrations of dissolved As were found in groundwater (up to 1141 μg L− 1), which mostly represented a redox transition zone where neither sulphide minerals nor Fe oxyhydroxide are stable. The main processes releasing dissolved As in this zone are attributed to the reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides and arsenate minerals, resulting in a substantial decrease in their amounts below the groundwater level. Some shallow subsurface environments with high organic matter contents were characterized by reducing conditions that indicated a relatively high amount of S− 2,0 in the solid phase and a lower dissolved As concentration (70-80 μg L− 1) in the pore water. These findings are attributed to the formation of Fe(II) sulphides with the sorbed As. Under oxidizing conditions, surface waters were undersaturated with respect to arsenate minerals and this promoted the dissolution of secondary arsenates and increased the As concentrations in the water to characteristic values from 300 to 450 μg L− 1 in the stream and fishpond waters. The levels of dissolved As(III) often predominate over As(V) levels, both in groundwaters and in surface waters. The As(III)/As(V) ratio is closely related to the DOC concentration and this could support the assumption of a key role of microbial processes in transformations of aqueous As species as well as in the mobility of As.  相似文献   

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