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Lymphocytes in umbilical cord blood and neonatal peripheral blood have been shown to have less ability in an immune reaction. In our present experimental approach to address this issue, we made use of the cord blood of full-term birth infants to investigate the expression of the interleukin- 2 receptor gamma (IL-2Rgamma) chain that is shared with receptors for IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 as well as IL-2. The gamma chain expression in cord blood lymphocytes was about one-third that in the lymphocytes of adults, whereas no significant difference between cord blood and adult monocytes was observed. A reduced expression of the gamma chain was observed in all of the CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, gamma-delta T cells, B cells, CD16+ natural killer (NK) cells, and CD56(bright) NK cells of the cord blood lymphocytes. The reduced gamma chain expression reached two-thirds of that in adults after 3 days of culture in vitro and in infants 3 days after birth, thus implying that the increase in the gamma chain may significantly contribute to the prevention of neonatal infection.  相似文献   

Three novel mutations in the IL-2R gamma chain gene were identified in four Japanese patients with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency by direct sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Exposure to irritants may cause chronic irritant contact dermatitis (ICD), characterized by irregular epidermal thickening and a predominantly dermal mononuclear cell infiltrate. The mechanisms involved, and why only certain individuals are affected, are not clearly understood. Different irritants may trigger different cellular and molecular interactions between resident skin cells and recruited inflammatory cells. In some individuals these interactions may become self-perpetuating resulting in persistent inflammation in the absence of continued exposure. This study examined Langerhans cell (LC) density in clinically normal skin of 46 patients with chronic ICD and 10 healthy individuals, and compared the action of the two irritants nonanoic acid (NA) and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) on the LCs and keratinocytes of clinically normal skin in patients with chronic ICD. There was a higher number of LCs/mm basement membrane in patients compared with controls, although there was no difference in the number of dendrites/LC nor in dendrite length. SLS induced keratinocyte proliferation after 48 h exposure, had no effect on LC number or distribution, and induced keratinocyte apoptosis after 24 and 48 h exposure. In contrast, NA decreased keratinocyte proliferation after 24 h exposure but this returned to basal levels after 48 h, and induced epidermal cell apoptosis after only 6 h exposure. NA dramatically decreased LC number after 24 and 48 h exposure, which was accompanied by basal redistribution and decreased dendrite length. Most significantly, NA induced apoptosis in over half of the LCs present after 24 and 48 h exposure.  相似文献   

Immunization of Lewis (LEW) rats with guinea pig myelin basic protein (MBP) induces a population of encephalitogenic CD4 T cells having specificity for the dominant immunogenic peptide of MBP, 68-86. The TCR beta chains of these disease-causing T cells show three distinct features: they are almost exclusively Vbeta8.2, they use AspSer as the first two amino acid residues of the third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) and these junctional region sequences show few if any non-germline N-region nucleotide additions. This last feature raises the possibility that these autoimmune T cell precursors derive from TCR gene rearrangements occurring during early, perinatal ontogeny, a period when the enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), responsible for N region additions, is not expressed. An alternative possibility is that these features of the TCR of MBP 68-86-reactive T cells are dictated by considerations of antigen selection throughout ontogeny both in the thymus and in the periphery--ie., that such beta chains are conformationally the most appropriate for triggering by an epitope of 68-86 complexed to class II RT1.BI MHC molecules. We show here that active experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, while delayed in onset, occurs in heavily irradiated animals, but not in the absence of a thymus, a finding indicating that this autoimmune disease is caused by a T cell subpopulation derived from the post-irradiation adult thymus. These disease-causing T cells are heavily Vbeta8.2+, CDR3 AspSer+ and use few N region additions. We conclude that T cells with these TCR beta chain features can be generated in the adult thymus and most likely reflect requirements imposed by antigen selection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate pulp reactions to cavities treated with Scotchbond Dual Cure, Gluma and Tenure dentine bonding agents in four adult dogs, at intervals of 7, 30 and 90 days. The reactions were compared with the results from a control group in which the cavities were treated with zinc oxide/eugenol cement. The results indicated that Scotchbond Dual Cure dentine bonding agent caused less pulp reaction than Gluma and Tenure dentine bonding agents. However, long-term (90 days) specimens showed that none of these three bonding agents caused any severe reaction. The recovery of the pulp and a thick layer of reparative dentine formation were found quite significant.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that vanadium ions (vanadate and vanadyl) inhibit autophosphorylation of histidine but not that of serine in ATP citrate lyase (ACL). Here we report the results concerning the effect of monovanadate (+ oligomers), decavanadate as well as vanadyl on the activity of ACL of the rat liver. Susceptibility of ACL to inhibition by vanadate was rather low. Vanadate at concentration 10(-4) mol/l inhibited ACL by only 10% and at 10(-3) mol/l concentration monovanadate inhibited ACL by 37%. Decavanadate had comparable potency to inhibit ACL. So was vanadyl which produced 20%, 32% and 66% inhibition at 10(-4) mol/l, 10(-3) mol/l and 10(-2) mol/l concentrations, respectively. From the kinetic data it appears that inhibition by mono- and deca-vanadate of ACL with respect to both ATP and citrate was of competitive nature. Vanadyl inhibited ACL noncompetitively with respect to these substrates. However, all three species of vanadium ions inhibited ACL noncompetitively with respect to CoA. Endogenous (auto)phosphorylation of the ACL histidine as well as its response to vanadate depended on the presence of he substrate (citrate + CoA). The kinetic characteristics of vanadium ions action of ACL was compared with that previously demonstrated for vanadium inhibition of succinyl-CoA synthetase. Plausibility of our hypothesis that inhibition of histidyl phosphorylation at the catalytic site may be a common mechanism by which vanadium ions suppress the activity of the histidyl containing enzymes catalyzing the phosphoryl transfer is discussed.  相似文献   

Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) has been shown to improve oxygenation in severe persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). However, PPHN is often associated with various lung diseases. Thus, response to iNO may depend upon the aetiology of neonatal acute respiratory failure. A total of 150 (29 preterm and 121 term) newborns with PPHN were prospectively enrolled on the basis of oxygenation index (OI) higher than 30 and 40, respectively. NO dosage was stepwise increased (10-80 ppm) during conventional mechanical or high-frequency oscillatory ventilation while monitoring the oxygenation. Effective dosages ranged from 5 to 20 ppm in the responders, whereas iNO levels were unsuccessfully increased up to 80 ppm in the nonresponders. Within 30 min of iNO therapy, OI was significantly reduced in either preterm neonates (51+/-21 vs 23+/-17, P < .0001) or term infants with idiopathic or acute respiratory distress syndrome (45+/-20 vs 20+/-17, P < .0001), 'idiopathic' PPHN (39+/-14 vs 14+/-9, P < .0001), and sepsis (55+/-25 vs 26+/-20, P < .0001) provided there was no associated refractory shock. Improvement in oxygenation was less significant and sustained (OI=41+/-16 vs 28+/-18, P < .001) in term neonates with meconium aspiration syndrome and much less (OI=58+/-25 vs 46+/-32, P < .01) in those with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Only 21 of the 129 term newborns (16%) required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (57% survival). Survival was significantly associated with the magnitude in the reduction in OI at 30 min of iNO therapy, a gestational age > or =34 weeks, and associated diagnosis other than congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Conclusion, iNO improves the oxygenation in most newborns with severe hypoxaemic respiratory failure including preterm neonates. However, response to iNO is disease-specific. Furthermore, iNO when combined with adequate alveolar recruitment and limited barotrauma using exogenous surfactant and HFOV may obviate the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in many term infants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze interleukin (IL)-10, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-2, and soluble IL-2 receptor alpha (sIL-2R alpha) in the dialysate and serum of patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). DESIGN AND PATIENTS: Samples from dialysate bags were collected during the initial month of dialysis. During peritonitis, samples were collected from the first three bags on the day of admittance to the hospital and from the night bags on days 3 and 10. Serum samples were drawn on days 1 and 10. RESULTS: IL-10 was detected in all dialysate samples except one on the first day of infection, with a peak median level of 50 pg/mL and a slow decrease thereafter. In serum the median levels never exceeded detectable levels. Patients infected with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus had higher IL-10 levels in dialysate on day 3 as compared to the remaining patients (p < 0.05). If the catheter had to be drawn, because of persistent cloudy dialysate, the IL-10 levels remained elevated for a longer time (p < 0.05). IFN-gamma and IL-2 were detected only in the dialysate of patients infected with either S. aureus or S. epidermidis. Only one serum sample showed increased IFN-gamma. SIL-2R alpha was found in all the serum and dialysis samples from the first day of infection. Contrary to the analyzed cytokines, the receptor showed severalfold higher levels in serum as compared to the dialysate. During the infection the receptor levels in the dialysate increased, while they remained stationary in the serum, indicating a local production. CONCLUSION: This is the first time IL-10 has been demonstrated in the dialysate during peritonitis in CAPD patients. In view of its role as a suppressor of the immune and inflammatory responses, it is a potentially important observation, which might have clinical implications in the future.  相似文献   

A microcolony assay was used in conjunction with fractionated gamma irradiation to determine the number of clonogens in murine intestinal crypts with varying doses of irradiation used in the determination. The experimental design allows direct comparison between two-dose methodologies, employing one and two (or two or four) equal dose fractions, and multiple-dose methodologies involving determination of the crypt survival curves for a number of fractionation regimens using equal doses per fraction. The two-dose methodology yielded estimates of clonogen number of between 3 and 4 at low delivered dose (single and double fractions each of 6.5-7.5 Gy), rising to around 40 at high biological doses (two and four fractions each of 5.75 or 6.5 Gy). The multifraction methodology yielded estimates of clonogen number which increased from 13 after a single fraction to values of 26 and 22 after three and four fractions. However, the latter values were reduced to 11 and 9, and showed little evidence of any dependence on fraction number, when data pertaining to high biologically effective doses were excluded. Hence it is concluded that the high values for clonogen number typically deduced from such multiple-dose protocols, compared with the generally lower (but dose-dependent) values obtained from two-dose protocols, may be explained at least partially by the higher biological doses generally employed in the multiple-dose protocols.  相似文献   

Despite the relatively early reconstitution of blood B-lymphocyte counts observed in patients treated with bone marrow transplantation (BMT), these patients undergo a prolonged phase of humoral immunodeficiency. Adhesion molecules perform relevant functions in many cell types. The present study examines the expression of several adhesion molecules on human B lymphocytes newly formed after BMT. Blood B cells from 38 patients were studied by flow cytometry and three-color analysis. Blood CD5- B lymphocytes obtained at an early stage after BMT (2 to 4 months) showed a markedly low expression of the adhesion molecules CD54, CD44, CD11a, and CD62L. However, these cells exhibited a normal expression of other molecules including CD29, CD19, CD20, and DR. This deficiency was progressively corrected, reaching normal levels in the late post-BMT period (12 to 15 months). In contrast, CD54, CD44, CD11a, and CD62L expression on the patients' CD5+ B lymphocytes was found to be consistently normal. Deficient adhesion molecule expression on CD5- B cells in the early post-BMT period was similarly observed in patients treated with either an allo-BMT (n = 24) or an auto-BMT (n = 14). Because the post-BMT period mimics normal ontogeny, adhesion molecule expression was also investigated in cord-blood B lymphocytes. Cord-blood CD5- B lymphocytes, in contrast to CD5+, also expressed CD54, CD44, CD11a, and CD62L at levels much lower than those found in normal adults. Present data suggest that progressive expression of CD54, CD44, CD11a, and CD62L seems to be a part of the maturational program of CD5- B lymphocytes during both post-BMT and normal development periods. This observation may help to explain the humoral immunodeficiency observed in both conditions.  相似文献   

Liposomes have been used as carriers of various materials and as tools for gene transfer: for the latter purpose, positively charged liposomes are usually used. To evaluate the stability in the presence of serum and the in vivo behavior of such liposomes as well as those aspects of neutral and negatively charged liposomes, we investigated liposomal agglutinability in the presence of serum, serum protein binding to these liposomes, and real-time liposomal trafficking by a non-invasive method using positron emission tomography (PET). Liposomes composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, cholesterol without or with charged lipid were prepared in the presence of mannitol, and the turbidity change in the presence of serum was determined. Turbidity increase was not observed for so-called long-circulating liposomes, i.e., liposomes modified with glucuronic acid or with poly(ethylene glycol), or for negatively charged liposomes containing dicetyl phosphate (DCP), phosphatidylglycerol, or phosphatidylserine. On the contrary, a significant turbidity increase was observed when positively charged liposomes modified with stearylamine, stearyltrimethylammonium chloride or 1,2-dimyristyloxypropyl-3-dimethylhydroxyethyl bromide (DMRIE), which is known as a component of liposomes for gene transfer, were used. These liposomes were found to have bound a high amount of serum proteins after separation of unbound serum proteins by use of a spin column. The liposomal trafficking in vivo was determined for three kinds of liposomes, i.e., liposomes with DMRIE, those with DCP, and those without charged lipids. These liposomes were prepared in the presence of 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([2-18F]FDG), and the [2-18F]FDG-labeled liposomes were administered to mice to perform PET scans. Positively charged liposomes containing DMRIE showed high accumulation in the liver compared with neutral and negatively charged liposomes. Since DMRIE-liposomes tended to aggregate in the presence of serum, and to be associated with serum protein, these characteristics may lead to the high uptake of DMRIE-liposomes by the liver.  相似文献   

The immune function of peripheral mononuclear cells (MNC) in patients with endemic arsenic-induced Bowen's disease (BD) was investigated. Many cytokines and immune-related factors were determined in the present study. Interleukin-1beta and TNF-alpha production was used as an indicator of monocyte/macrophage function. II-2 and sIL-2R production was used as an indicator of lymphocyte activation. The release of sCD4 and sCD8 was used as an indicator of activation of respective T-cell subpopulations. Production of IFN-gamma and IL-2 reflected the cellular effector function of helper T-cells type 1. In vivo cell-mediated immunity was also assessed by estimation of the percentage of T-cells in peripheral blood MNC and the nonspecific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB). Both assays revealed depressed cell-mediated immunity in BD. Compared with healthy controls, spontaneous and PHA-induced IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production was significantly decreased in BD whereas spontaneous release of IL-2, sCD4 and sCD8 was significantly increased. Although PHA stimulation increased IL-2 release, the expression of IL-2R alpha and beta chains and the release of sIL-2R were not proportionately increased in BD. In addition, IL-2-mediated [3H]-thymidine incorporation by MNC in patients with BD was significantly decreased. These findings suggest that the defective cell-mediated immune function in BD is due to impairment of membrane IL-2R expression in lymphocytes after stimulation.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of cloned receptor subtypes for screening programs has become a real necessity for a modern pharmaceutical company. As the expression levels obtained so far are often low or unstable, we addressed this problem by using an inducible promoter system, i.e. the interferon-inducible mouse Mxl promoter. Using the gene coding for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) as a reporter gene, we tested the inducibility of this promoter in the murine cell line L929. We found that background expression was low and that a distinct interferon-induced expression could be obtained. CAT expression reached its maximum at approximately 15 ng CAT/mg protein after induction for 24 hr with 1000 U/ml murine interferon-beta; the induction ratio was 150-fold. Next, L929 cells were transfected with four different human serotonin (5HT) receptor cDNAs (5HT1A, 5HT2A, 5HT1D beta and 5HT1E) under the control of the same Mxl promoter fragment. Also in this case well-regulated serotonin receptor-expressing clones were isolated. Bmax values varied from 3100 fmol/mg protein for the 5HT2A receptor, 3300 fmol/mg protein for the 5HT1D beta receptor, 9800 fmol/mg protein for the 5HT1E receptor, and even up to 10,400 fmol/mg protein for the 5HT1A receptor. Furthermore, the expression levels were shown to remain stable during serial propagation for at least one year, demonstrating the usefulness of this expression system. In fact, the 5HT1D beta receptor-expressing cells were used in the characterization of a new antimigraine agent, viz. alniditan.  相似文献   

Interferons alpha, beta, and gamma have been shown to exert systemic effects following their oral administration to mice. It was of importance to determine whether oral administration of another biologic response modifier, interleukin-2 (IL-2), could also exert systemic effects in mice. Two systemic effects, peripheral WBC suppression and bone marrow suppression, were evaluated. Oral administration of IL-2 was found to suppress the peripheral WBC count in a dose-dependent manner. Oral administration of IL-2 was also found to suppress the bone marrow proliferative activity. The levels of suppression of both peripheral WBC and myelopoietic progenitor cell numbers observed with orally administered IL-2 were comparable to those seen with subcutaneously administered IL-2. The results demonstrate that orally administered IL-2 can exert systemic effects. Further, the results raise the possibility that oral administration of IL-2 may have therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Stimulation of purified human PBL with mAbs raised against the T cell receptor resulted in an immediate and transient activation of protein kinase C-alpha (PKC-alpha) and PKC-theta, peaking at 10 min, whereas PKC-beta, -delta, and -epsilon were translocated with a delay of >90 min and remained activated for up to 2 h. To characterize specific functions of distinct PKC isoenzymes, Abs against different PKC isoenzymes were introduced by means of electropermeabilization. Neutralization of PKC-alpha and -theta resulted in the complete inhibition of IL-2R expression, whereas anti-PKC-beta, -delta, and -epsilon Abs inhibited IL-2 synthesis. Extensive control experiments have shown that neither electropermeabilization nor control Ig influenced PKC activity and cellular functions. Our data thus clearly show that specific PKC isoenzymes regulate different cellular functions in stimulated human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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