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Multithreaded programs are especially difficult to test and debug. The aim of the paper is to present a new concept of multithreaded program analysis and debugging based on contextual visualisation of the program components that influence thread execution. For this purpose, a dedicated software package called MTV (multithreading viewer) has been designed and implemented. It performs above the run-time library level, and hence only a programmer's view of multiple threads of control execution may be analyzed. The paper presents tested program code instrumentation, communication and synchronization between the instrumented program and MTV. Next, a general concept of contextual visualisation of multithreaded programs has been elaborated. A scheme of the MTV cooperation with the monitored program is discussed. The user interface has been described. A representation of the multithreaded program state has been shown, and the capability of MTV for certain classes of error recognition has been specified and illustrated by a few examples. These examples have been not intended to be exhaustive, but they rather indicate the opportunities to exploit MTV for analysis of complex applications. Short evaluation of the proposed contextual visualisation techniques with application to multithreaded program analysis concludes the paper. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A software framework taking advantage of parallel processing capabilities of CPUs and GPUs is designed for the real‐time interactive cutting simulation of deformable objects. Deformable objects are modelled as voxels connected by links. The voxels are embedded in an octree mesh used for deformation. Cutting is performed by disconnecting links swept by the cutting tool and then adaptively refining octree elements near the cutting tool trajectory. A surface mesh used for visual display is reconstructed from disconnected links using the dual contour method. Spatial hashing of the octree mesh and topology‐aware interpolation of distance field are used for collision. Our framework uses a novel GPU implementation for inter‐object collision and object self collision, while tool‐object collision, cutting and deformation are assigned to CPU, using multiple threads whenever possible. A novel method that splits cutting operations into four independent tasks running in parallel is designed. Our framework also performs data transfers between CPU and GPU simultaneously with other tasks to reduce their impact on performances. Simulation tests show that when compared to three‐threaded CPU implementations, our GPU accelerated collision is 53–160% faster; and the overall simulation frame rate is 47–98% faster.  相似文献   

Multithreaded architectures provide an opportunity for efficiently executing programs with irregular parallelism and/or irregular locality. This paper presents a strategy that makes use of the multithreaded execution model without exposing multithreading to the programmer. Our approach is to design simple extensions to C, and to provide compiler support that automatically translates high-level C programs into lower-level threaded programs. In this paper we present EARTH-C our extended C language which contains simple constructs for specifying control parallelism, data locality, shared variables and atomic operations. Based on EARTH-C, we describe compiler techniques that are used for translating to lower-level Threaded-C programs for the EARTH multithreaded architecture. We demonstrate our approach with six benchmark programs. We show that even naive EARTH-C programs can lead to reasonable performance, and that more advanced EARTH-C programs can give performance very close to hand-coded threated-C programs. This work supported, in part, by NSERC and FCAR.  相似文献   

Petri nets are a simple formalism for modeling concurrent computation. They are also an interesting tool for modeling and analysing biochemical reaction systems, bridging the gap between purely qualitative and quantitative models. Biological networks can indeed be complex, large, and with many unknown kinetic parameters, which makes the development of quantitative models difficult. In this paper, we focus on the Petri net representation of biochemical reactions and on two structural properties of Petri nets, siphons and traps, that bring us information about the persistence of some molecular species, independently of the kinetics. We first study the theoretical time complexity of minimal siphon decision problems in general Petri nets, and present three new complexity results: first, we show that the existence of a siphon of a given cardinality is NP-complete; second, we prove that deciding the Siphon-Trap property is co-NP-complete; third, we prove that deciding the existence of a minimal siphon containing a given set of places, deciding the existence of a siphon of a given cardinality and deciding the Siphon-Trap property can be done in linear time in Petri nets of bounded tree-width. Then, we present a Boolean model of siphons and traps, and two method for enumerating all minimal siphons and traps of a Petri net, by using a SAT solver and a Constraint Logic Program (CLP) respectively. On a benchmark of 345 Petri nets of hundreds of places and transitions, extracted from biological models from the BioModels repository, as well as on a benchmark composed of 80 Petri nets from the Petriweb database of industrial processes, we show that both the SAT and CLP methods are overall faster by one or two orders of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm from the Petri net community, and are in fact able to solve all the enumeration problems of our practical benchmarks. We investigate why these programs perform so well in practice, and provide some elements of explanation related to our theoretical complexity results.  相似文献   

Multithreaded programs often exhibit erroneous behavior because of unintended interactions between concurrent threads. This paper focuses on the noninterference property of atomicity. A procedure is atomic if, for every execution, there is an equivalent serial execution in which the actions of the atomic procedure are not interleaved with actions of other threads. This key property makes atomic procedures amenable to sequential reasoning techniques, which significantly facilitates subsequent validation activities such as code inspection and testing. Several existing tools verify atomicity by using commutativity of actions to show that every execution reduces to a corresponding serial execution. However, experiments with these tools have highlighted a number of interesting procedures that, while intuitively atomic, are not reducible. In this paper, we exploit the notion of pure code blocks to verify the atomicity of such irreducible procedures. If a pure block terminates normally, then its evaluation does not change the program state and, hence, these evaluation steps can be removed from the program trace before reduction. We develop a static typed-based analysis for atomicity based on this insight, and we illustrate this analysis on a number of interesting examples that could not be verified using earlier tools based purely on reduction.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于动态网格细分的烟雾模拟方法,该方法主要采取图形设备上的动态网格管理对烟雾进行并行处理以达到泊松方程的迭代求解。为了实现高性能,利用高速缓存以提高存取权限和适应硬件的能力。实验结果表明,该方法能够实现比较快速的模拟,结果比较令人满意。  相似文献   

We study an automated verification method for functional correctness of parallel programs running on graphics processing units (GPUs). Our method is based on Kojima and Igarashi’s Hoare logic for GPU programs. Our algorithm generates verification conditions (VCs) from a program annotated by specifications and loop invariants, and passes them to off-the-shelf SMT solvers. It is often impossible, however, to solve naively generated VCs in reasonable time. A main difficulty stems from quantifiers over threads due to the parallel nature of GPU programs. To overcome this difficulty, we additionally apply several transformations to simplify VCs before calling SMT solvers. Our implementation successfully verifies correctness of several GPU programs, including matrix multiplication optimized by using shared memory. In contrast to many existing verification tools for GPU programs, our verifier succeeds in verifying fully parameterized programs: parameters such as the number of threads and the sizes of matrices are all symbolic. We empirically confirm that our simplification heuristics is highly effective for improving efficiency of the verification procedure.  相似文献   

A widely useful technique for implementing complex programs is to use multiple threads of execution. Unfortunately, when we multithread a program we introduce the potential for bugs caused by unprotected critical sections. A widely useful technique for reducing the number of critical sections, and hence the number of bugs, is that of active objects. This paper presents a design for active objects that is easy to understand, implement and use in any sufficiently powerful object-oriented programming language. We show the implementation and use of our design in both the JavaTM and C++ programming languages. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

袁杰  李伟 《计算机应用》2014,34(5):1360-1363
针对建立运输机器人的精准行为模型所遇到的新困难,提出采用含禁止弧Petri网(PN)建立其行为模型。运输机器人行为有耦合、制约、异步等特点,采用含禁止弧的行为交互Petri网元模型以及token流动控制机制建模其行为。通过LabVIEW2012及Robotics模块,将Petri网模型转化为LabVIEW程序,在运输机器人平台进行行为验证。结果实现了运输机器人的行为与交互逻辑,具有行为辨识、决策与执行能力。验证了含禁止弧Petri网为运输机器人的行为建模提供了一种适用方法,建立的Petri网模型为运输机器人的相关行为设计提供模型参考。  相似文献   

Concurrent programs are hard to test due to the inherent nondeterminism. This paper presents a method and tool support for testing concurrent Java components. Tool support is offered through ConAn (Concurrency Analyser), a tool for generating drivers for unit testing Java classes that are used in a multithreaded context. To obtain adequate controllability over the interactions between Java threads, the generated driver contains threads that are synchronized by a clock. The driver automatically executes the calls in the test sequence in the prescribed order and compares the outputs against the expected outputs specified in the test sequence. The method and tool are illustrated in detail on an asymmetric producer-consumer monitor. Their application to testing over 20 concurrent components, a number of which are sourced from industry and were found to contain faults, is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Petri nets are proposed as a general-purpose design and modelling tool for parallel programs. The advantages of Petri nets for this purpose are discussed, and a solution to the Dining Philosophers problem is developed using simple Place-Transition nets. The limitations of Place-Transition nets are described, and the Dining Philosophers problem is used to illustrate how Coloured Petri nets can overcome these limitations. A more complex example of a Coloured Petri net is then given, and it is shown how a collection of processes in the Occam programming language can be developed directly from the properties of the net. Another Petri net model of a simple process farm is given, and a solution is developed in Parallel C: this further highlights the suitability of Petri nets as a design tool for parallel programs.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》2013,39(10):603-614
In this paper we suggest a new approach for solving the hyperplane problem, also known as “wavefront” computation. In direct contrast to most approaches that reduce the problem to an integer programming one or use several heuristic approaches, we gather information at compile time and delegate the solution to run time. We present an adaptive technique which intuitively calculates which new threads will be able to be executed in the next computation cycle based on which threads are executed in the current one. Moving the solution to the run time environment provides us with higher versatility alongside a perfect solution of the underlying hyperplane pattern being discovered without the need to perform any prior calculations. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation of the self adaptive algorithm, an algorithm which does not need to know the tile size (which controls the granularity of parallelism) beforehand. Instead, the algorithm itself adapts the tile size while the program is running in order to achieve optimal efficiency. Experimental results show that if we have a sufficient number of parallel processing elements to diffuse the scheduler’s workload, its overhead becomes low enough that it is overshadowed by the net gain in parallelism. For the implementation of the algorithm we suggest, and for our experimentations our parallelizing compiler C2μTC/SL is used, a C parallelizing compiler which maps sequential programs on the SVP processor and model.  相似文献   

The paradigm of computations on the Petri nets was shown to appreciably speed up the computations and reduce laboriousness of software development owing to the mass parallelism and asynchronous information processing. A language of the programmed Petri nets was developed, alternative approaches to realizing the paradigm at the micro and macro levels were proposed, and the estimates of complexity of the earlier universal Petri net that are prototypes of the corresponding processor were specified. Indicated were the lines of practical realization of the paradigm such as the development of the technology of programming on the loaded Petri net, technology of translation of the loaded Petri nets to the inhibitory Petri nets, and the efficient hardware processors executing programs in the language of the inhibitory Petri nets. Fast computations are supported by the nets of the Sleptsov class with multiple start of transition at a step.  相似文献   

Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT) has been a very popular design in improving resource utilization by sharing key datapath components among multiple independent threads. However, allowing any of the threads to overwhelm these shared resources not only leads to unfair thread processing but may also result in severely degraded overall performance. How to prevent idling threads from clogging the critical resources in the pipeline becomes a must in sustaining desired system performance. In this paper, we show that, if one can manage to recall instructions of idling threads from the shared Issue Queue (IQ), the system performance is easily enhanced by a significant margin, with up to 20% for some benchmark mixes. An even more noteworthy feature about this technique is that the ensuing hardware overhead is very insignificant and it can also be coupled with other advanced techniques employed in other stages of the SMT pipeline for potentially additive benefits.  相似文献   

High level Petri nets have been extensively used for modeling concurrent systems; however, their strong expressive power reduces their ability to be easily analyzed. Currently there are few effective formal analysis techniques to support the validation of high level Petri nets. The executable nature of high level Petri nets means that during validation they can be analyzed using test criteria defined on the net model. Recently, theoretical test adequacy coverage criteria for concurrent systems using high level Petri nets have been proposed. However, determining the applicability of these test adequacy criteria has not yet been undertaken. In this paper, we present an approach for evaluating the proposed test adequacy criteria for high level Petri nets through experimentation. In our experiments we use the simulation functionality of the model checker SPIN to analyze various test coverage criteria on high level Petri nets.  相似文献   

The Petri Net Kernel An infrastructure for building Petri net tools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Petri Net Kernel is an infrastructure for building Petri net tools. It relieves the programmer of a Petri net tool from implementing standard operations on Petri nets and a graphical user interface. In this paper, we discuss the motivation, the concepts, and the implementation of the Petri Net Kernel. Published online: 25 July 2001  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a software framework for adding fault-tolerance to existing finite-state programs. The input to our framework is a fault-intolerant program and a class of faults that perturbs the program. The output of our framework is a fault-tolerant version of the input program. Our framework provides (1) the first automated tool for the synthesis of fault-tolerant distributed programs, and (2) an extensible platform for researchers to develop a repository of heuristics that deal with the complexity of adding fault-tolerance to distributed programs. We also present a set of heuristics for polynomial-time addition of fault-tolerance to distributed programs. We have used this framework for automated synthesis of several fault-tolerant programs including a simplified version of an aircraft altitude switch, token ring, Byzantine agreement, and agreement in the presence of Byzantine and fail-stop faults. These examples illustrate that our framework can be used for synthesizing programs that tolerate different types of faults (process restarts, Byzantine and fail-stop) and programs that are subject to multiple faults (Byzantine and fail-stop) simultaneously. We have found our framework to be highly useful for pedagogical purposes, especially for teaching concepts of fault-tolerance, automatic program transformation, and the effect of heuristics.  相似文献   

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