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<正>10月20日,首次在中国举办的第27届IDF世界乳业大会在上海光大会展中心隆重开幕。来自60个国家的近1400名代表参会,其中1100名国外代表,300名国内代表。FAO(联合国粮农组织)、WHO (世界卫生组织)、OIE(世界动物健康组织)、CODEX(国际法规组织)等其他国际重要组织以及来自发展中国家和东南亚地区的乳业界人士参加会议。国际乳品联合会(IDF)大会每四年举办一届,被称为国际奶业领域的奥林匹克运动会。世界乳业大会在上海召开具有标志意义,是中国乳业发展的一次成果总结。这一乳业盛会  相似文献   

<正> 中国乳制品工业协会第九次年会不久前在福建厦门召开。 如今,乳制品工业日益受到各级政府和社会各界的重视,资本市场也以前所未有的兴趣关注着乳制品工业,乳制品消费已经成为城市居民膳食调整的重点,我国的乳业正经历着黄金发展时期。 “2003年度我国乳制品行业取得了巨大的成就,产量大幅度增加,经济效益明  相似文献   

<正> 随着乳制品工业的快速发展壮大,为供应商提供了广阔的市场空间。在本次年会中,记者先后采访了几家业内知名供应商,请他们谈谈各自的看法。 国际纸业 用专业来夺市场 国际纸业是一家总部位于美国,被列入美国《财富》500强的企业,在这次年会上,记者采访到其商务发展经理陈易  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8535-8542
Enteric methane is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions from milk production systems. Two organizations based in the United States, the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research and the Dairy Research Institute, have developed a collaborative program to align resources and fund projects to identify, develop, and validate new and existing mitigation options for enteric methane emissions from dairy and beef cattle. This collaborative program is called the Greener Cattle Initiative. The program will develop requests for proposals and award grants on projects that address challenges within, but not limited, to the following research areas: dairy and beef cattle nutrition, rumen microbiome, dairy and beef cattle genetics, sensing and data technology for enteric methane measurement and prediction, and socioeconomic analysis of enteric methane mitigation practices. The program is structured as a consortium with closed participation and a flat governance collaboration model. The Greener Cattle Initiative program will continue incorporating participants from the food and agriculture industry, commodity groups, and nonprofit organizations who share common objectives and contribute in-kind and matching funds to the program, up to a total of 10 organizations. Research findings will be communicated broadly, after a waiting period for exclusive access to program participants, to create shared knowledge on enteric methane mitigation. The Greener Cattle Initiative is expected to award up to $5 million in research grant funding in a 5-year period, which will contribute to advancing the voluntary greenhouse gas reduction goals established by both the United States and global dairy sectors.  相似文献   

<正> 2004年——中国乳品行业的多事之秋:巴氏与UHT之争,强势品牌遭受质疑,阜阳劣质奶粉事件、奶农倒奶事件、奶农养牛效益急剧下滑等问题的出现将超常规发展产生的问题暴露在阳光下。处在风口浪尖上的乳品行业亟需摆脱诚信危机,重塑行业形象,找到一条健康、稳定的发展之路。在这样的背景下,8月27-29日在武汉召开的中国乳制品工业协会第十次年会将“共铸诚信,理性发展”作为大会主题。  相似文献   

美国乳清和乳糖产品在饮料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>无论您是对代餐食品、营养补充剂感兴趣,还是热衷于健美运动和耐力运动,总有一款蛋白饮料能满足您的营养目标。这些饮料几乎强化了从乳清蛋白到乳钙的所有配料,它们能使您强壮也可使您苗条;能增强免疫力,也能增强耐力。需要注意的是,选择正确的蛋白来源并仔细查看它们的营养和功能特性是设计消费者喜爱的蛋白饮料的关键。 一、乳清蛋白的特性  相似文献   

Nutrient management on US dairy farms must balance an array of priorities, some of which conflict. To illustrate nutrient management challenges and opportunities across the US dairy industry, the USDA Agricultural Research Service Dairy Agroecosystems Working Group (DAWG) modeled 8 confinement and 2 grazing operations in the 7 largest US dairy-producing states using the Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM). Opportunities existed across all of the dairies studied to increase on-farm feed production and lower purchased feed bills, most notably on large dairies (>1,000 cows) with the highest herd densities. Purchased feed accounted for 18 to 44% of large dairies' total operating costs compared with 7 to 14% on small dairies (<300 milk cows) due to lower stocking rates. For dairies with larger land bases, in addition to a reduction in environmental impact, financial incentives exist to promote prudent nutrient management practices by substituting manure nutrients or legume nutrients for purchased fertilizers. Environmental priorities varied regionally and were principally tied to facility management for dry-lot dairies of the semi-arid western United States (ammonia-N emissions), to manure handling and application for humid midwestern and eastern US dairies (nitrate-N leaching and P runoff), and pasture management for dairies with significant grazing components (nitrous oxide emissions). Many of the nutrient management challenges identified by DAWG are beyond slight modifications in management and require coordinated solutions to ensure an environmentally and economically sustainable US dairy industry.  相似文献   

The research activities in dairy science at the University of Guelph, Université Laval, and the University of Alberta are presented. At the University of Guelph, the Ontario dairy industry (producers and processors) and the federal government sponsor two dairy research chairs, one in dairy chemistry/technology and the other in dairy microbiology/food safety. This activity is complemented by other food science faculty with dairy research interests. At Université Laval, the dairy research group STELA, comprised of several faculty and support staff, focuses on the chemistry and technology of milk proteins, milk lipids and lactic acid fermentations. The University of Alberta also supports an active dairy research group. Dairy research is very strong at these institutions due to very proactive funding arrangements with dairy industry groups.  相似文献   

"Standardisation of Dairy Equipment. Dr. Cronshaw drew the attention of the Council to the urgent need for action with a view to securing some degree of standardisation of equipment used by the dairy industry, and suggested that the Council should set up a committee to consider the Problem and to confer with of other interested organizations."  相似文献   

云南省奶牛产业发展现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年,云南省依托自身的资源条件和财政支持,建立了现代农业奶牛产业技术体系。文章以对政府人员、奶农和利益相关者的调研为基础。一方面总结云南省在奶业产业发展中取得的成就,同时探究其存在的问题。以便为更好的促进云南省奶牛产业健康发展提供意见和建议。  相似文献   

<正> 2010年8月20日至22日,由中国乳制品工业协会主办的,以"诚信·责任·质量"为主题的第十六次年会暨第十次乳品技术精品展示会于在银川召开。为期三天的会议以"实现科学发展观,升华行业发展质量,树立中国乳制品行业的积极形象"为重点,举行了"企业文化论坛"、"市场与发展论坛"、"新技术新工艺新产品报告"、"原料奶、牧场建设论坛"和"标准法规大讲堂"五个专场论坛,各论坛分别围绕不同的主题,邀请国内外知名企业家、专家等作了精彩的演讲;会议同期还举办了第十次乳品技术精品展示会及第四届理事会第四次会议。国家工业和信息化部党组成员、总工程师朱宏任出席了在银川行政中心之中心礼堂举行的中国乳制品工业协会第十六次年会开幕式,并做了题为《落实科学发展观,促进乳制品工业健康  相似文献   

Emergence of government action to define a national policy on food and nutrition implies increased emphasis on programs for food production and marketing. Optimal policy will rely upon information from targeted basic and applied research. Dairy cattle are discussed in the context of their comparative advantage among livestock species for providing high quality protein in the human diet Research needs are suggested to supply economical milk protein by improving biomass efficiency, economic efficiency, milk pricing, and aggregate analyses of systems of dairy production.  相似文献   

<正> 记者(以下简称记):据我们所知,利乐包主要应用在乳制品行业,并且占到利乐公司总牧入的70%,请问这是否已经达到利乐预期的目的,利乐对纸包装的市场前景如何看待?  相似文献   

Scientific integrity is at the forefront of the scientific research enterprise. This paper provides an overview of key existing efforts on scientific integrity by federal agencies, foundations, nonprofit organizations, professional societies, and academia from 1989 to April 2016. It serves as a resource for the scientific community on scientific integrity work and helps to identify areas in which more action is needed. Overall, there is tremendous activity in this area and there are clear linkages among the efforts of the five sectors. All the same, scientific integrity needs to remain visible in the scientific community and evolve along with new research paradigms. High priority in instilling these values falls upon all stakeholders.  相似文献   

Technological research and development for dairy products in the United Kingdom is under resourced for the size, and potential size, of the market. It has also been poorly managed in the context of the changing market place for dairy products and dairy ingredients. In order to realize effectively the potential added value for dairy products it is recommended that the dairy processing industry and its suppliers look to funding their own research centre along the lines of NIZO in Holland and the Dairy Research Institute in New Zealand.  相似文献   

<正> 豆制品作为我国城乡居民的必需消费品,生产和市场状况一直备受老百姓及各级政府有关部门的广泛关注。总体来说,2007年,我国豆制品产量稳定增长、产品品种不断增多,产品质量逐步提高,豆制品产业工业化的速度加快,企业品牌意识得到加强,行业管理正在逐步走上正规。2008年,豆制品行业管理将进一步加强,产品质量不断提高,豆制品产业的工  相似文献   

Major advances in applied dairy cattle nutrition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Milk yield per cow continues to increase with a slower rate of increase in dry matter intake; thus, efficiency of ruminal fermentation and digestibility of the dietary components are key factors in improving the efficiency of feed use. Over the past 25 yr, at least 2,567 articles relating to ruminant or dairy nutrition have been published in the Journal of Dairy Science. These studies have provided important advancements in improving feed efficiency and animal health by improving quality of feeds, increasing feedstuff and overall diet digestibility, better defining interactions among feedstuffs in diets, identifying alternative feed ingredients, better defining nutrient requirements, and improving efficiency of ruminal fermentation. The publications are vital in continuing to make advancements in providing adequate nutrition to dairy cattle and for facilitating exchange of knowledge among scientists.Forages have been studied more extensively than any other type of feed. Cereal grains continue to be the primary contributors of starch to diets, and thus are very important in meeting the energy needs of dairy cattle. Processing of cereal grains has improved their use. Feeding by-products contributes valuable nutrients to diets and allows feedstuffs to be used that would otherwise be handled as wastes in landfills. Many of these by-products provide a considerable amount of protein, nonforage fiber, fat, and minerals (sometimes a detriment as in the case of P) to diets. The primary feeding system today is the total mixed ration, with still considerable use of the pasture system. Major improvements have occurred in the use of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in diets. Although advancements have been made in feeding practices to minimize the risk of metabolic diseases, the periparturient period continues to present some of the greatest challenges in animal health.Computers are a must today for diet formulation and evaluation, but fewer software programs are developed by universities. Several nutrition conferences are held regularly in the United States that are vital for transferring knowledge to the feed industry and the producers of food; the attendance at such programs has increased about 4-fold over the past 25 yr. More emphasis on animal welfare will direct some of the areas of nutrition research. Challenges ahead include having adequate funding for conducting applied nutrition research and for training of students as scientists and for employment in the feed industry.  相似文献   

云南白族传统乳扇的研制及营养学评论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳扇是云南白族地区的一种传统乳制品。本文研究了乳扇的加工工艺,并分析其营养成分,为进一步研制开发民族乳制品奠定了基础。  相似文献   

<正> 世界粮农组织于2000年把每年的6月1日定为“国际牛奶日”。为此,中国乳制品工业协会将提前于6月1~10日举行“乳及乳制品营养周”宣传活动。 众所周知,2000年是我国乳业飞速发展的1年,乳制品年产约82万吨,比1999年增长25%;液体奶年产约150万吨,比1999年增长40%,真正实现了“超常规”的发展。  相似文献   

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