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The paper presents results on strength development and durability of 35 and 50 MPa total lightweight concretes exposed to hot marine exposure conditions for a period of 7 years. An initial water curing of 7 days and subsequent seaside exposure was found more beneficial for the strength development of lightweight concrete. One day of initial curing and subsequent seaside exposure was not very conducive for the strength development. A marginal degradation in both the stiffness and the modulus of rupture of the concretes over the exposure period was observed. Likewise, the water penetrability of the two mixtures, for all the three initial curing regimes, increased over a period of 7 years. This establishes that the compressive strength of concrete is not synonymous with its durability. Overall, 3–7 days of initial water curing seems most desirable to enhance the durability of concrete exposed to hot salty marine exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Based on the results of one-dimensional free swelling tests, the coupled effects of NaCl-Na2SO4 solutions and temperature on the swelling deformation property of compacted GMZ bentonite-sand mixtures were analyzed. The concentrations of the NaCl-Na2SO4 solutions were 0, 0.008, 0.04, 0.08 and 0.16 mol/L, the temperatures were 20 °C, 40 °C, 60 °C, 80 °C and 90 °C and the sand contents were 0, 30 and 50%. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests were also performed to find the influences of the temperature, solution concentration and sand content on the mineral composition and microstructure. The results showed that the maximum swelling strain of the specimens increased with an elevated temperature, while it decreased with increases in the solution concentration and sand content. The swelling process was accelerated by the rising temperature. The XRD tests indicated that the combined effect of a high temperature and a high solution concentration may have caused more Na+ from the saline solutions to enter the interlayer, partly displacing the divalent cations. The MIP tests demonstrated that adding sand to the bentonite could reduce the amount of inter-granular pores and increase the intra-aggregate pores. These findings are advantageous to the transfer of heat and pour fluid in the specimens; and thus, the swelling deformation capacity of the bentonite-sand mixtures was higher than that of pure bentonite under the same conditions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the behaviour of sulphate resistant cement paste hydrated at temperatures ranging from 4 to 85 °C. A number of techniques and methods were used to study hydration: compressive strength, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, mercury intrusion porosimetry, backscattered electron imaging in conjunction with energy dispersive X-ray analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Early age compressive strength was found to be higher in cement pastes cured at 40 and 85 °C than in the materials hydrated at 4 and 22 °C, due to the formation of larger quantities of hydrated product in the former. The MAS NMR findings showed that this higher early age strength was related to increased CSH gel polymerization rates, and a concomitantly larger average number of units in the SiO4 chains. The formation of CSH gels with very long chains at early ages hindered the uptake of further hydration products, however. This in turn generated more porous and less cohesive structures, causing a decline in mechanical strength, as confirmed by the backscattered electron imaging and porosity results.  相似文献   

Asphalt concrete is the prevailing material used for road surface construction. Its adequate characteristics in providing stability, durability and driving safety are controlled by complex interactions between its components. Thus, it is important to estimate the sensitivity of asphalt concrete mechanical properties as a function of its volumetrics. For this study, different combinations between asphalt content (3.5, 5 and 7.5%) and porosity values (above 4%) were used in order to disassociate these properties. The influence of mixing in fiberglass (0.5%) was also analyzed. It was found that porosity is significantly more relevant than the asphalt content in the prediction of tensile strength and resilient modulus of fiber-free asphalt concretes. In fiber-reinforced mixtures, the mechanical properties are improved by increasing the asphalt content, which suggests a better bonding between fibers and aggregates. For both cases, decreasing porosity is beneficial. By grouping both sets of results, it was possible to create a unique theoretical curve for both the tensile strength (qt) and the resilient modulus (RM). The RM/qt ratio was 5800 for the fiber-free group, and 3900 for the fiber-reinforced group - suggesting a better fatigue life indicator for asphalt concretes when fibers are added.  相似文献   

This study was intended to examine the mechanism of multiple slope failures and debris flows that occurred in the outskirts of Hiroshima on 20th August 2014. A field survey of the mountain stream where large-scale damage was incurred was carried out and the characteristics of debris flows which made serious damages were investigated. There were five findings of this study. (1) The initiation of debris flows was not limited to thin and planar shallow failures, but also showed V or U shapes, where the eroded sediments seemed to be pushed out by artesian water, and the eroded depth exceeded several meters at many locations. (2) There were areas with high permeability, such as faults, fracture zones, and joints in Mt. Abusan. It is inferred that the constantly present groundwater in these areas became artesian water because of a large amount of rainfall in upstream locations. This quickly destabilized the slopes on a large scale. (3) There were at least three estimated debris flows at the mountain stream above Midorigaoka prefectural apartments in Yagi 3-Chome, where the worst damage occurred. The mountain stream near Abu-no-Sato housing complex also had multiple debris flows. Here, the secondary debris flow changed its flow path because of the presence of sediments from an earlier debris flow. (4) The actual volumes of flowed mass were much larger than that predicted at 11 of the 18 mountain streams in Midori-i and Yagi districts. The volume of the mass of five of these mountain streams was more than twice the estimated volume. It is necessary to modify the method of calculating the volume of unstable sediments in the mountain stream. (5) It was found that the devastating damage of buildings and human lives took place in the areas well beyond the special restricted zones. The present method to designate the special restricted zone must be revised considering such problems as the underestimation of the volume of unstable sediments, the assumptions of a single debris flow and on the direction of debris flow, and the effect of the difference on rock and soil types.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the 50-year wind is calculated on basis of the annual maxima of consecutive 10-min averages. Very often, however, the averages are saved with a temporal spacing of several hours. We call it disjunct sampling. It may also happen that the wind speeds are averaged over a longer time period before being saved. In either case, the extreme wind will be underestimated. This paper investigates the effects of the disjunct sampling interval and the averaging time on the attenuation of the extreme wind estimation by means of a simple theoretical approach as well as measurements. The measurements include climates dominated by extratropical lows, as well as more complicated, wind climate types. For both, the investigations are done for omni-directional and sector-wise situations. The theory assumes the time series is a Gaussian Markov chain and it performs adequately for sites in the extratropical regions. The sector-wise situation is more complicated. The attenuation of the extreme mean winds for a sector shows a dependency on the frequency of occurrence from that sector.  相似文献   

Electro-osmosis is an established method of dewatering fine soils, sediments, and sludge (SSS). The efficiency of electro-osmotic treatment is controlled by the electrical resistance of the system. Due to an increase in SSS resistance during treatment, its cost efficiency is reduced, limiting the widespread use of this technique. The aim of this paper is to discuss the main reasons for the increase in SSS resistance during treatment and then to analyze the most recent and widely spread modifications to classical electro-osmotic treatment that attempt to combat these issues and improve the efficiency of the technique. These modifications to electro-osmotic treatment are polarity reversal, an intermittent current, the injection of chemical solutions at the electrodes, and the use of geo-synthetics. The paper discusses the relevant research on the above adaptations, and the advantages and disadvantages of each are evaluated and compared using the available laboratory and field tests in the literature on electro-osmotic dewatering research. All four methods of modification are shown to provide significant improvements and can be successfully translated to the field for greater use. However, the improvements they bring about may not be sufficient to warrant their general use in geotechnical applications.  相似文献   

The effects of variation in climatic temperature on breeding behaviour and tadpole growth were investigated using data collected during a 22-year study of a single population of common toads, Bufo bufo, in southern England. Although the start of the breeding season each year, taken as the day when adult toads first arrived at their breeding pond in large numbers, showed no trend over time (1980–2001) it was highly correlated with climatic temperature. Thus, toads started breeding approximately 50 days earlier in the year following very mild winters (1993: February 2nd) compared with very cold ones (1986: March 23rd). Regression analysis of the relationship between the mean temperature of the 40 days immediately preceding the main arrival of toads at the breeding pond revealed that for every 1° increase (or decrease) the toads arrived 12 days earlier (or later). Although the duration of the tadpole stage was longer when spawning was early, toadlets still emerged from the pond earlier than when spawning was late. The increased length of the tadpole stage, in years when spawning was early, was due to an increase in the proportion of cold days when the minimum ground temperature was at or below 0 °C. Thus, the tadpole stage was approximately 6 days longer (or shorter) for every 5% increase (or decrease) in the proportion of cold days the tadpoles were exposed to.  相似文献   

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