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There has been a growing movement to give commercial airliners more freedom in choosing their routes and responsibility for detecting and avoiding conflicts. These "free flight" concepts must contain new rules for assigning right of way in potential conflict situations. To evaluate the effect of prospective rules, the current paper derives the expected response of agents who exhibit different levels of sophistication. Traditional game theoretic analysis is used to derive the behavior of rational agents. Computer simulations are used to predict the behavior of boundedly rational reinforcement learners. The results reveal that several seemingly reasonable, straightforward right-of-way rules might lead to undesirable outcomes. These problematic results are robust to the assumed level of rationality. It is shown that these problems can be alleviated by using auctions to resolve competition for right of way. Actual or potential applications of this research include the usage of second price auctions to address right-of-way and similar conflicts.  相似文献   

看乔琪的时装片,会被她那张很东方的娃娃面孔,和诠释起时尚时的冷艳气质所吸引。最初因为摄彩师和杂志编辑觉得她长了一张“奇怪的小孩脸”而踏了模特圈的乔琪并没有因为这个职业而改变什么。  相似文献   

征兆测试和奇偶测试是已经使用多年的基于穷尽输入的固定型故障测试方法.在征兆测试与奇偶测试相结合的基础上,提出了一种新的征兆测试方法,即三阶征兆测试法.本方法的特点在于提高测试效率的同时也提高了征兆测试的故障覆盖率,使得原来征兆不可测的电路也可以进行征兆测试.其主要思想是在传统征兆测试的基础上首先引进奇偶测试,对被测电路进行预处理,提高测试效率;然后,对征兆测试作进一步升华处理,成为二阶、三阶征兆测试,提高测试的故障覆盖率.通过对部分基准电路和常用电路的测试实验验证了所提新方法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

传感器特性曲线的一种拟合方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为了满足智能仪表开发的需求,同时减轻开发人员的繁重工作,提出了利用Matlab软件拟合传感器特性曲线的方法,用该方法迅速方便地建立传感器的数学模型。通过应用实例详细说明了建立传感器数学模型的步骤。最后得出结论:数学模型准确可用,利用Matlab软件拟合传感器特性曲线具有相当的实用价值。  相似文献   

Reviewed in this issue A Designer's Guide to Built-in Self-Test, by Charles E. Stroud (Springer, 2002, ISBN 1-402-07050-0, 344 pp., $125).  相似文献   


Step Right up     

WWW--an effective way of teaching radiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Internet and especially the World Wide Web (WWW) have given new opportunities and challenges in teaching radiology. In Kuopio University and Kuopio University Hospital, we started to develop a new WWW-based radiology teaching file in 1996. Our file was made as a result of weaknesses in other files and as an answer to our local needs. The file consists of 1245 separate radiographs in 14 different categories. The language is Finnish, because the target use primarily is basic medical education in Finland. A small part has been translated into English. The quality of images was improved using a separate viewer (Osiris, Digital Imaging Unit, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland), which also allowed image manipulation needed with radiological images. We have monitored the utilisation of pages (Analog 1.92 beta-3.0/UNIX) and found the results encouraging. The follow-up time was 814 days (10 February 1997-27 September 1999), the total number of requests was 762797 and that for HTML pages is 288664. Monthly means are 27243 and 10309, respectively. The total number for visited domains is 61. The URL for these pages is http://www.uku.fi/laitokset/klrad/opetuskuvasto/.  相似文献   


A one-way preset Turing machine with base L is a nondeterministic on-line Turing machine with one working tape preset to a member of L. FINITEREVERSAL(L) (FINITEVISIT (L)) is the class of languages accepted by one-way preset Turing machines with bases in L which are limited to a finite number of reversals (visits). For any full semiAFL L, FINITEREVERSAL (L) is the closure of L under homomorphic replication or, equivalently, the closure of L under iteration of controls on linear context-free grammars while FINITEVISIT (L) is the result of applying controls from L to absolutely parallel grammars or, equivalently, the closure of L under deterministic two-way finite state transductions. If L is a full AFL with L ≠ FINITEVISIT(L), then FINITEREVERSAL(L) ≠ FINITEVISIT(L). In particular, for one-way checking automata, k + 1 reversals are more powerful than k reversals, k + 1 visits are more powerful than k visits, k visits and k + 1 reversals are incomparable and there are languages definable within 3 visits but no finite number of reversals. Finite visit one-way checking automaton languages can be accepted by nondeterministic multitape Turing machines in space log2n. Results on finite visit checking automata provide another proof that not all context-free languages can be accepted by one-way nonerasing stack automata.  相似文献   



Using the Pioneer space program as a metaphor for the spirit of adventure, the vision and the innovation embodied by all Computers in Healthcare Pioneers, CIH names four new Pioneers for 1992. These new Pioneers as well as our 13 current Pioneers will be honored at the Seventh Annual Computers in Healthcare Conference and Exposition May 27 and 28 in San Diego.  相似文献   

诉权保护是主体权利的重要内容,对诉权的保护不能是无限的.当权利人在一定期限内不行使诉权的情况下,即丧失要求国家对该权利进行强制保护的权利.依据法律,只有债权请求权才能成为诉讼时效的客体.将物权请求权完全排斥于诉讼时效的客体之外.围绕物权请求权是否应适用诉讼时效制度问题展开探讨.依据诉讼时效的一般原理,大部分物权请求权不应适用诉讼时效制度.但从实现诉讼时效制度社会目的的角度出发,认为物权请求权中的恢复原状请求权和返还原物请求权与债权请求权类似,应该成为诉讼时效的客体,如果将其排斥在外将危及社会稳定.  相似文献   

研究了采用移相器的虚位技术将会产生量化副瓣的问题,进而提出了采取不同子阵划分方式来减弱或消除量化副瓣的方法,通过具体数据分别对距离波束指向方向和法线方向最近位置上出现的量化副瓣进行了分析、讨论,验证了取不同子阵划分方式能够减弱量化副瓣的影响,最后对其结果进行了仿真和分析,验证了此方法的可行性和正确性.  相似文献   

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