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The effects of bovine somatotrophin (bST) on ovarian follicle development and function and associated gonadotrophin profiles during the first nine weeks post partum were investigated in beef cows. Thirty-two cows (Shorthorn x Galloway) in moderately low body condition (BC) at calving were fed to maintain BC thereafter. At Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 post partum, animals were injected with 320 mg bovine somatotrophin (bST) (T, treated; n = 17) or with the carrier oil only (C, control; n = 15). Ovulation occurred in 4 of 17 T cows and 0 of 15 C cows (P = 0.10) by nine week post partum. Treatment with bST did not affect the numbers of small (3-8 mm in diameter) or large (> 8 mm in diameter) follicles or the granulosa cell populations but enhanced the oestradiol (P < 0.05) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) content (P < 0.01) of large follicles by nine weeks post partum. It did not significantly affect the testosterone concentrations of large follicles. Circulating concentrations of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-I were higher in T cows than in C cows (P < 0.001) but were unrelated to gonadotrophin profiles or gonadotrophin receptor concentrations in the follicles. At Week 8, plasma insulin concentrations were higher in T cows than in C cows both before (P < 0.05) and after (P < 0.05) glucose injection. It is concluded that GH may play an important role in mediating the effects of nutritional state on ovarian function during the post-partum period, possibly through alteration of intrafollicular IGF-I concentrations.  相似文献   

The importance of the human colon in energy salvage has been documented again in a recent clinical study. Patients with short-bowel syndrome can be divided into two groups: those with colon and those without colon in continuity. While a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet appears to be of nutritional benefit to the former group, dietary restrictions and reduction of fat intake are not effective in reducing intestinal energy loss in the latter group.  相似文献   

The immunological characteristics of a recombinant beta-lactoglobulin were studied using monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antiserum and sera from allergic patients. Recombinant beta-lactoglobulin (rBLG) was expressed in Escherichia coli strain DH5alpha and purified as described previously [Cho et al. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 11 102-11 107]. The method has been modified by adding an immunoaffinity purification step. A quantity of 5-10mg of purified rBLG per liter of medium culture can be produced. rBLG shared the same molecular weight as the natural BLG (nBLG) and also possessed at least one intrachain disulfide bridge. In HPLC, rBLG appeared as a single peak, and the purity was estimated to be greater than 95%. All the monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) used in this study recognized different epitopes of the BLG and presented compatible binding. No differences could be detected between rBLG and nBLG when tested in a Western blot with rabbit polyclonal antiserum or with three mAbs that bound preferentially the reduced and S-carboxymethylated form of BLG. In a competitive enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using either a rabbit polyclonal antiserum or four mAbs that recognized conformational epitopes, we could not distinguish between rBLG or nBLG. In direct ELISA using nBLG or rBLG as the immobilized allergen, we measured a similar concentration of specific anti-BLG IgE in five sera from allergic patients. The results of this study indicate that we have obtained a rBLG with biochemical and immunological properties very similar to nBLG.  相似文献   

TY Chen  ST Lee  TN Lui  CW Wong  YS Yeh  WC Tzaan  SY Hung 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,48(5):435-40; discussion 441
BACKGROUND: Controversy surrounds the treatment of traumatic central cord syndrome (TCCS), as there are strong advocates for nonsurgical treatment for most patients. However, conservative treatment has been shown to yield a longer period of discomfort from pain and weakness in certain cases. METHODS: In a retrospective review of 114 patients presenting with acute or chronic TCCS from 1988-94, four different age groups were separately observed under different treatments. Motor and sensory recovery were assessed. RESULTS: Better results were achieved in younger patients, with or without radiographic abnormalities, and in patients with clinically correlated encroaching cord lesions who received early surgical decompression. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical intervention for TCCS must be addressed with careful clinical and radiographic survey. Removal of offending lesions in the subacute period results in significant motor and sensory improvement in short-term and long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent in vitro and in vivo studies hypothesize a synergistic effect of 13-cis-Retinoic Acid (13cRA) and recombinant alpha-IFN 2a (alpha-IFN) in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma (SqCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: 35 patients with SqCC in several sites were treated with 13cRA (0.6-1 mg/kg/day) combined with alpha-IFN (6 x 10(6) I.U./day), continuously for 3 months. RESULTS: We observed an objective response in 41% of cases (13/32 evaluable patients) with 5 complete and 8 partial responses. Toxicity was mild and always rapidly reversible, with no haematological side effects. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary data confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of the combination of 13cRA and alpha-IFN in the therapy of SqCC, also in pre-treated patients, with acceptable toxicity and good compliance.  相似文献   

A clinical entity named "Bovine Paraplegic Syndrome" ("Síndrome Parapléjico de los Bovinos") has spread alarmingly, in the cattle growing areas of the central and eastern plains of Venezuela. Approximately four million cattle are bread in the area were the disease occurs. The mortality index due to the disease ranges 5 to 25% of the animals at risk, mostly cows, pregnant or lactating. The principal characteristic of the bovine paraplegic syndrome is decubitus, ventral or sternal, in animals that make vane efforts to stand when stimulated. The diagnosis is established ruling out, clinically and with laboratory findings, that the animals are suffering known diseases with similar symptoms such as paralytic rabies, botulism and blood parasites such Trypanosoma sp., Babesia sp., and Anaplasma sp.. Death occurs always, usually after few days, and to this date there is no known treatment able to save the sick cows. In this work, we describe results that suggest the presence of a toxin in the cattle suffering and prone to suffer the syndrome; it is a natural toxin produced by ruminal bacteria. In squid giant axons under voltage clamp conditions, this toxin is very specific to block sodium current during nerve electrical activity.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to confirm the findings of Naeye with regard to the pathological retention of the so-called brown fat cells in the periadrenal adipose tissue of infants who die of the sudden infant death syndrome. The percent of multilocular fat cells was determined in histological sections of periadrenal adipose tissue obtained from a series of 289 autopsies. In general, our morphological observations confirm his. However, our results indicate that the percent of periadrenal multilocular cells cannot be used as a diagnostic criterion in any single case. Futhermore, we consider that the mechanism for this delay in transformation remains unclear.  相似文献   

Bronchiolitis is a common respiratory infection affecting young children. Much controversy revolves around the efficacy of bronchodilators in the treatment of bronchiolitis. This study was conducted to address this issue. AIM: To determine the efficacy of bronchodilators in the treatment of bronchiolitis. METHOD: All children less than 2 years old with bronchiolitis were randomly assigned to receive nebulisations of Salbutamol, Ipratropium bromide or normal saline. A fourth group given only humidified oxygen without nebulisation were used as a control. RESULTS: Data were obtained for 120 patients. Fifty-one (42%) had respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) isolated from their nasopharyngeal aspirates. The demographic characteristics of the 4 groups were similar. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of severity score, number of nebulisations required in the nebulised groups and the outcome as measured by the length of hospitalisation. CONCLUSION: The use of bronchodilators did not alter the course of the disease and is therefore not effective in the treatment of bronchiolitis.  相似文献   

Interactions of dietary energy and fat with recombinant bST (sometribove) injections were tested for their effects on ovarian function. Lactating dairy cows were fed one of three diets differing in energy concentration (NEL) and percentage of DM of calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids: diet 1, 1.68 Mcal/kg and 0%; diet 2, 1.68 Mcal/kg and 2.2%; and diet 3, 1.78 Mcal/kg and 2.2%. Cows were injected daily with bST or saline during one of two 19-d interestrous periods (crossover design) in which ovarian follicles were measured by ultrasonography. The bST-treated cows produced more FCM and were in lower energy balance than saline-treated cows. Before d 12 (first follicular wave, estrus = d 0), bST-treated cows had more ovarian follicles in classes 1 (3 to 5 mm; cows on diet 3) or 2 (6 to 9 mm; cows on diets 1 and 2) than saline-treated cows. After d 12 (preovulatory follicular wave), numbers of follicles in different size classes were similar for bST-treated and saline-treated cows, but cows fed diet 2 had larger preovulatory follicles. Lower dietary energy and bST treatment were both associated with larger subordinate follicles. Ovarian follicles less than 10 mm were stimulated by bST, and calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids increased diameters of preovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

Hyper-IgM syndrome associating with severe neutropenie presenting in irregularis cycles was diagnosed in a 3-year-old male patient. His elder brother died of sepsis which appeared as a consequence of dysgammaglobulinaemia and neutropenia at the age of 9. We could not achieve a parmanent good result with the monthly immunoglobulin substitution and supportive treatment. The candida infection of the gingiva and of the oral mucous membrane expanded to the esophagus resulting in its complete occlusion and temporarily a gastrostomy was needed to feed him. We started with the recombinant human granulocyta colony stimulating factor (rh-G-CSF) treatment at the age of 6. We tried several ways of applying and finally the 10 micrograms/kg/dose given subcutan, for 5-10 days from the nadir of the neutropenic cycle seemed the most effective. The rh-G-CSF treatment resulted in an increase of ANC and the complete resolution of gingivostomatitis. The incidents of infections, the requirement of antibiotics and the duration of hospitalisation were markedly reduced. The consequent improvement in his physical condition made it possible to finally resolve the esophageal stricture surgically. We have not observed any neutropenic cycle since the end of the 14 month rh-G-CSF treatment. Though the medicine was discontinued there has been no recidiva for more than 22 months.  相似文献   

The reactivity of native bovine conglutinin (Kg) with antibody against recombinant Kg (rKg), with deletion of the N-terminal and collagen-like regions of the native Kg molecule, was studied by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. With anti-recombinant Kg antibody as the coating antibody, rKg reacted with biotinylated homologous anti-rKg and heterologous anti-Kg antibodies as probing antibodies, while native Kg did not. With anti-native Kg antibody as coating antibody, native Kg reacted with biotinylated homologous antibody as probing antibody, while recombinant Kg reacted weakly with both biotinylated homologous and heterologous antibodies. Consequently the N-terminal and collagen-like regions of native Kg molecule are essential to express the complete immunogenicity and/or antigenicity of the native Kg molecule.  相似文献   

Different numerical models have been used to study air flow and dispersion in the surrounding of stables. The results show a strong dependency on the configuration of the direct neighborhood (other buildings, trees) and on the meteorological conditions (windspeed, thermal stratification). The findings demonstrate the inability of simple models like the Gaussian model in complex situations.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing skin disease characterized by various immunologic abnormalities. We have studied the efficacy of recombinant human interferon gamma (rhINF-gamma) administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.05 mg/m2 in ten patients with severe AD. Patients were treated for 4 weeks. They have shown marked clinical improvement starting from the third week of treatment. The efficacy of the drug varied, with erythema, dryness and lichenification being the most responsive symptoms. There was no change in serum immunoglobulin E and IgG4 levels. Whole blood eosinophil count decreased only transiently and was accompanied by a tendency to lower values of serum eosinophil cationic protein. Patient with AD showed an increased expression of a T-cell surface activation marker CD 25 as compared to healthy controls. Moreover, clinical improvement was roughly paralleled by the decrease in this T-cell activation marker. We conclude that rhINF-gamma is a novel efficacious therapeutic approach in severe AD. We suggest that its primary action might be related to the inhibition of T-cell activation.  相似文献   

A benign, transient proliferation of atypical lymphocytes and a monoclonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor beta (TRB) locus was found in a 60-year-old woman who presented with low-grade fever, anorexia and fatigue. A marked and transient atypical lymphocytosis (white blood cell count 90.5 x 10(9)/l) with CD8 surface antigen improved without specific treatment. Although tests for IgM antibodies to hepatitis A, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) were all negative, a monoclonal gene rearrangement of TRB locus was observed in the DNA of the proliferated atypical lymphocytes by Southern blotting. The clonal rearrangement and the atypical lymphocytes disappeared after 14 d, and the patient has remained well for 7 years. These results suggest that monoclonal proliferation of CD8 lymphocytes can occur based on a non-neoplastic aetiology.  相似文献   

The Copper isolate of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) was used to produce a thymidine kinase-negative (TK-) recombinant by insertion of a beta-galactosidase (bgal) expression cassette into the TK coding region. The recombinant virus (TK- bgal+) was tested for abortifacient activity in cattle by inoculation of 5 pregnant heifers at 25 to 29 weeks gestation. Five additional heifers were inoculated with the Cooper TK-positive (TK+) virus to serve as controls. After inoculation, both groups of heifers developed similar febrile responses and neutralizing antibody titers. Virus was isolated from blood of all heifers during the first postinoculation (PI) week, and isolation frequencies were similar for both groups. In contrast, whereas virus was isolated from many of the nasal and vaginal swab specimens of heifers inoculated with TK+ virus, only rare virus isolations were made from the heifers given TK- bgal+ virus. All heifers inoculated with TK+ virus aborted between PI days 19 and 35. The finding of characteristic microscopic lesions and viral antigen in fetal tissues indicated that the abortions were caused by BHV-1 infection. Virus was isolated from 3 fetuses, and all isolates were TK+ virus. Two heifers inoculated with TK- bgal+ virus aborted at PI days 25 and 39. Fetal tissues had typical BHV-1 microscopic lesions and viral antigen. Virus was isolated from blood of both fetuses, and the isolates were TK- bgal+. Results of this study indicate that inactivation of the TK gene reduces, but does not eliminate, the abortifacient activity of BHV-1.  相似文献   

Two major dimers are generated during the folding/oxidation of inclusion bodies of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST). These dimers represent the major part of the inactive high molecular weight species that are formed in this process. The structures of the two dimers are unambiguously determined by peptide mapping using trypsin, thrombin cleavage, and selective DTT reduction experiments. Results indicate that the formation of both dimers involves the large disulfide loop cysteines. The latter-eluting dimer from RP-HPLC, previously reported as a large loop concatenated dimer, was revised to be an antiparallel disulfide-linked dimer. On the other hand, the first eluting dimer is a concatenane in which two monomers are held together by the interlocking of the two large disulfide loops.  相似文献   

The efficacy and tolerability of aminoglutethimide for the treatment of Cushing's syndrome was assessed in 66 cases three of which are described in the present paper. Aminoglutethimide provided palliation from the signs and symptoms of hypercorticism in 13 of 21 patients with metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma and four of six patients with ectopic ACTH production due to metastatic carcinomas. All six of the patients with adrenal adenomas showed clinical and biochemical improvement, while 14 of the 33 patients with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia of pituitary origin improved. Adverse reactions attributed to aminoglutethimide such as drowsiness, rash, and nausea occurred in 58 per cent of cases. These data suggest that aminoglutethimide has a place in controlling the signs and symptoms of adrenocorticoid excess in patients with Cushing's syndrome due to malignancy and is effective preoperative therapy for patients with adrenal adenomas and bilateral hyperplasia.  相似文献   

The records of 14 cases of bovine hypokalaemia observed between 1983 and 1996 were reviewed. The most common history included a protracted, often infectious, disease. All age groups were represented. Although previously reported as a risk factor, isoflupredone acetate had not been administered to five of the cases. The following clinical signs were recorded in 10 cases: abnormal position of the head and neck, severe weakness, rumen hypomotility or atony, abnormal faeces, anorexia and tachycardia. Cardiac dysrhythmia was observed in six cases. Acid-base imbalance (alkalosis in 10 cases), hyperglycaemia and increased activities of aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase were associated with hypokalaemia ranging from 1.35 to 2.49 mmol/litre. Treatments included symptomatic treatment, supportive care and potassium chloride given intravenously and orally at an average total daily dose of 42 g/100 kg bodyweight (26 g by mouth and 16 g intravenously) for an average of five days. Eleven cases recovered after an average of three days.  相似文献   

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