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For the first time fabricated and investigated the photovoltaic characteristics of Au-Zn x Cd1–x S-Mofilm structural injection photo detectors sensitive to narrow the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, based on polycrystalline Zn x Cd1–x S layers. It was found by adjusting the flow of ZnS and CdS coming to the surface Mo substrate can control the shape of the spectral sensitivity of the Au-Zn x Cd1–x S-Mo-film structural injection photo detectors. The results will allow to optimize the structure of photo detectors and solar cells based on polycrystalline thin film solar cells.  相似文献   

A procedure for generating UV photocells in the spectral band Δλ = 350–520 nm with internal amplification is presented. It is revealed that such photocells are characterized by a spectral sensitivity of S λ ≈ 1.3 A/W at a spectral maximum (λmax = 461 nm) and by an integral sensitivity of S int ≈ (25–30) A/lm, which is higher by thousand times than similar parameters of common UV cells. It is shown that photocells based on Zn x Cd1 − x S solid solutions used as a part of a cascade photo converter make it possible to increase significantly the cascade photo converter efficiency with respect to the existing Si and CdTe photocells.  相似文献   

Increase of the photosensitivity of the pSi-n(Si2)1 ? x (ZnSe) x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.01) structure exposed to gamma radiation with photon energy E ph ≥ 2.3 eV has been demonstrated. It is shown that irradiation with dose up to 104 rad raises and radiation with dose up to 105 rad reduces the forward current of the pSi-n(Si2)1 ? x (ZnSe) x structure.  相似文献   

The results of studies of the structural feature and the effect of low-dose gamma irradiation (up to 105 rad) on the photoconductivity relaxation and the spectral photosensitivity of pSi-nSi1 − x Sn x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.04) structures are described. It is shown that exposure to radiation leads to an increase in the relaxation time constant from 55 to 83 μs and an enhancement in the sensitivity of the structures in the short-wavelength emission spectrum, which is attributed to the radiation-stimulated gettering of crystal lattice defects localized in the near-boundaries regions between Si1 −x Sn x subcrystallites and Si1 − x Sn x -Sn and Si1 − x Sn x -SiO2 phases.  相似文献   

1 开发背景 当今社会,我们每天在追求舒适生活的同时,地球上环境的问题日趋严峻,我们不能顾此而失彼,必需把舒适性和环境保护结合起来。  相似文献   

约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒(John Davison Rockefeller,1839年7月8日~1937年5月23日),美国实业家,慈善家。1870年他创立了标准石油,在全盛期他垄断了全美90%的石油市场,成为美国第一位十亿富豪与全球首富。今天他则被公认为人类近代史上首富,身价折合为目前的3000亿美元以上。  相似文献   

威廉·诺克斯·达西(William Knox D’Arcy),1849出生于英格兰牛顿阿伯特(Newton Abbot)的一个律师的家庭。1866年,迭西随家人移民到了澳大利亚昆士兰州的罗克汉普顿(Rockhampton)。1882年,达西与其他合伙人开发摩根山金矿获得了第一桶金。1889年,他举家迁回英国,在伦敦和乡下广泛置业,逐渐和上层建立了接触。出于商人的敏感,  相似文献   

The dependence between the composition of Al x Ga1 − x P heterophotoconverters and the effective thickness of their base layers was established. An empirical formula to estimate the effective thickness of a base layer as a function of the composition of solid-state solution (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) was proposed.  相似文献   

可以与能量(功、热量)单位焦耳(J)并用的电能单位是“瓦(特]注小时”,表示符号为“w·h”(1W·h=3600J)。W是功率单位瓦(特],h是时间单位小时,W·h是功率单位和时间单位组合的电能基本单位。  相似文献   

A chemimechanical (CM) pretreatment method was devised, wherein wood chips are acid-treated to weaken the physical structure then disc-refined to produce a fibrous substrate. CM pretreatment was directly compared with a common dilute acid (DA) pretreatment method, wherein wood is mechanically downsized to a powder or fiber substrate and then acid-treated. It was hypothesized that the CM pretreatment sequence would reduce the energy required for size reduction and increase enzymatic digestibility of the pretreated substrate. By treating wood chips in a dilute sulfuric acid liquor before the mechanical downsizing step, the net specific energy (NSE) of disc-refining was reduced by up to 95%. At the optimal acid treatment and disc-refining conditions determined within this work, CM pretreatment could produce a highly digestible lignocellulose substrate (95% cellulose conversion) while requiring less than 100 kWh/tonne od NSE for mechanical downsizing. A comparison of CM and DA pretreated hardwood revealed that CM pretreatment produced a significantly more digestible substrate than DA pretreatment. Differences in the digestibility of CM and DA pretreated substrates were attributed to differences in physical structure. CM pretreatment produced a substrate that consisted primarily of single fibers and small fiber bundles, while DA pretreatment produced larger fiber bundles. Furthermore, the CM pretreated substrate had a more accessible pore structure, and an altered distribution of surface lignin.  相似文献   

低碳经济是减缓和适应全球气侯变化,保障国民经济可持续发展的重要途径和理想蓝图。本文基于笔者及所在团队的研究和积累.就低碳经济的理想与期盼、煤为基础的现实与无奈、清洁发展的行动与瓶颈等具有初始决定性、战略影响性的问题进行系统的分析与解读,指出中国煤为基础与世界油气为主的能源结构截然不同、中国经济的高位增长与欧美经济的低速运行截然不同.强调化石能源的传统式低位利用积重难返、危机日重,清洁能源的商业化规模利用尚需时日、任重道远。  相似文献   

2008年12月24日,“节约·环保·文明”科普征文活动召开总结大会。节能与环保杂志获得组委会授予的“组织奖”。  相似文献   

天津甘泉集团公司是国内重要的水工业设备及其控制产品的生产基地和技术中心,是地热利用、给排水工程设计、施工资质承包单位,经销网络遍及全国,产品行销全国。并出口欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区。  相似文献   

天津甘泉集团公司是国内重要的水工业设备及其控制产品的生产基地和技术中心,是地热利用、给排水工程设计、施工资质承包单位,经销网络遍及全国,产品行销全国。并出口欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区。  相似文献   

天津甘泉集团公司是国内重要的水工业设备及其控制产品的生产基地和技术中心,是地热利用、给排水工程设计、施工资质承包单位。经销网络遍及全国,产品行销全国。并出口欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区。  相似文献   

从陕西省电力公司农村电网现状出发,通过对农村"低电压"问题进行深入分析,提出有关解决办法,按照"管理措施与技术措施并重原则",有针对性地采取调整电源点分布、提高主变及配变的调压能力、增加配变布点、进行无功优化和补偿以及加强农村用户需求侧管理、三相负荷不平衡管理和配变分接头调整、精益运行管理等措施进行综合治理,提高农村供...  相似文献   

骑自行车、烧木头、做堆肥,瑞典人的生活看似很复古,但实际上是最低碳、最绿色、最"未来"的。正当世界各国都因油价高涨而恐慌时,因气候变迁而忧心时,瑞典政府发表的《迈向2020的无油国家》宣言引起了全世界的注意。这个"无油"的目标一旦实现,瑞典将是世界上第一个以替代能源为主的"无油经济体"。人们不禁要问,瑞典迈向"无油国家"的底气何在?凭什么能做到"无油"?所有人都对这个北欧国度充满了好奇。  相似文献   

天津甘泉集团公司是国内重要的水工业设备及其控制产品的生产基地和技术中心,是地热利用、给排水工程设计、施工资质承包单位,经销网络遍及全国,产品行销全国。并出口欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区。  相似文献   

天津甘泉集团公司是国内重要的水工业设备及其控制产品的生产基地和技术中心,是地热利用、给排水工程设计、施工资质承包单位,经销网络遍及全国,产品行销全国。并出口欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区。  相似文献   

天津甘泉集团公司是国内重要的水工业设备及其控制产品的生产基地和技术中心,是地热利用、给排水工程设计、施工资质承包单位,经销网络遍及全国,产品行销全国。并出口欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区。  相似文献   

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