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Escherichia coli ribonuclease P (RNase P), a ribonucleoprotein complex which primarily functions in tRNA biosynthesis, is composed of a catalytic RNA subunit, M1 RNA, and a protein cofactor, C5 protein. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the single tryptophan residue-containing C5 protein exhibits maxima at 318 nm and 332 nm. Based on a comparison of the emission spectra of wild-type C5 protein and some of its mutant derivatives, we have determined that the 318 nm maximum could be the result of a complex formed in the excited state as a result of hydrophobic interactions between Trp109, Phe18 and Phe73. The analogous tryptophan fluorescence emission spectra of wild-type C5 protein and the barstar mutant W38F/W44F, taken together with the detailed structural information available for barstar, provide a possible explanation for the unusual emission spectrum of C5 protein.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida toxin (PMT) is a potent mitogen that also affects bone resorption. PMT acts intracellularly and is therefore postulated to have several domains involved in different aspects of its function. The toxin contains eight cysteine residues. Mutants with individual substitutions for each of these residues were constructed, and the effects of these on the biological activity of the toxin were determined by cultured-cell assays. Only the most C-terminal of the eight cysteines (C1165) was essential for full activity, although mutation of the cysteine residue at position 1159 caused a slight but reproducible loss of potency. In animal challenge experiments, mutant toxin (C1165S) was not toxic to piglets, even at doses exceeding a lethal dose of active PMT 1, 000-fold. The mutant and wild-type toxins displayed identical purification characteristics, similar susceptibility to proteolytic digestion, and circular dichroism profiles, which indicated that no gross structural changes had taken place. The function of the essential C1165 residue is not yet known, although its most likely role is an enzymatic one at or near the catalytic center of the toxin.  相似文献   

We have investigated the proximity of the N and C termini in protein structures, and developed a model to test the theoretical possibility that proteins fold with their termini closely associated. On average, the distance between the termini is not significantly different from what would be expected based on chance. However, the theoretical model indicated that it is possible to greatly decrease the N-to-C terminal distance by allowing small (approximately six amino acid residues) solvent-accessible terminal fragments to move. Subsequent to this distance minimization method, more than 90% of the proteins studied had smaller-than-expected N-to-C distances, but only minor structural modification.  相似文献   

The increase of the brain levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in hepatic encephalopathy (HE) suggests an increased turnover of serotonin (5-HT). To study the role of tryptophan on the increased brain 5-HT metabolism in HE, we attempted to monitor brain levels of tryptophan in rats with thioacetamide-induced acute liver failure by intravenous infusion of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). The effect of this treatment on 5-HT synthesis and metabolism was investigated in five brain areas. BCAA-infusions (1 and 2 gm/kg/24 h) increased the ratio BCAA/aromatic amino acids in plasma two- and fourfold, respectively, and lowered both plasma and brain levels of tryptophan. At the higher BCAA-dose all parameters suggesting an altered brain 5-HT metabolism (increased brain levels of 5-HT and 5-HIAA, increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio) were almost completely normalized. These results provide further evidence for the role of tryptophan in the elevation of brain 5-HT metabolism and for a potential role of BCAA in the treatment of HE.  相似文献   

The internal amino acid residues of proteins are almost always non-polar since the hydrophobic effect is very important in stabilizing the three-dimensional structure. This fact suggests several new criteria for judging the correctness of structures predicted from sequence data. The dinucleotide binding domain has been used as a test structure for these criteria. The percentage of ionic residues, mutation data, hydrophobicity, dipole moments, and internal preferences of the residues on the interiors of the known dinucleotide binding folds are consistent with expectations. On the other hand, the values of these parameters for predicted domains in glutamate dehydrogenase (Wootton, J.C. (1974) Nature 252, 542--546) and aldolase (Stellwagen, E. (1976) J. Mol. Biol. 106, 903--911) differ significantly from the expected values indicating that these predictions are not entirely correct. The internal residue criteria can then be used to test modifications of the predictions for a better correlation with the internal residue pattern of the domain.  相似文献   

The position of a single N'-formylkynurenine residue in ozone-inactivated hen egg-white lysozyme [EC] was determined by two methods. One involved identification of an amino-terminus of the C-peptide obtained by selective cleavage with hydrazine of the kynurenyl peptide linkage in oxidized lysozyme. The other was to analyze a tryptic peptide containing kynurenine in the modified enzyme. Both methods showed that tryptophan 62 in lysozyme was so sensitive to ozone as to be selectively oxidized to N'-formylkynurenine with concomitant loss of the lytic activity.  相似文献   

It is thought that only a limited number of residues in the extended binding pocket of coagulation proteases are critical for substrate and inhibitor specificity. A candidate residue from the crystal structures of thrombin and factor Xa (FXa) that may be critical for specificity at the S2 subsite is residue 99. Residue 99 is Tyr in FXa and Thr in activated protein C (APC). To determine the role of residue 99 in S2 specificity, a Gla-domainless mutant of protein C (GDPC) was prepared in which Thr99 was replaced with Tyr of FXa. GDPC T99Y bound Ca2+ and was activated by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex normally. The T99Y mutant, similar to FXa, hydrolyzed the chromogenic substrates with a Gly at the P2 positions. This mutant was also inhibited by antithrombin (AT) (k2 = 4.2 +/- 0.2 x 10(1) M-1 s-1), and heparin accelerated the reaction >350-fold (k2 = 1.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(4) M-1 s-1). The T99Y mutant, however, did not activate prothrombin but inactivated factor Va approximately 2-fold better than wild type. To try to switch the specificity of FXa, both Tyr99 and Gln192 of FXa were replaced with those of APC in the Gla-domainless factor X (GDFX Y99T/Q192E). This mutant was folded correctly as it bound Ca2+ with a similar affinity as GDFX and was also activated by the Russell's viper venom at similar rate, but it cleaved the chromogenic substrates with a Gly at the P2 positions poorly. The mutant, instead, cleaved the APC-specific chromogenic substrates efficiently. The Y99T/Q192E mutant became resistant to inhibition by AT in the absence of heparin but was inhibited by AT almost normally in the presence of heparin (k2 = 3.4 +/- 0.5 x 10(5) M-1 s-1). The Y99T/Q192E mutant did not inactivate factor Va, and prothrombin activation by this mutant was impaired. These results indicate that 1) residue 99 is critical for enzyme specificity at the S2 subsite, 2) a role for heparin in acceleration of FXa inhibition by AT may involve the S2-P2 modulation, and 3) the exchange of residues 99 and 192 in FXa and APC may switch the enzyme specificity with the chromogenic substrates and inhibitors but not with the natural substrates.  相似文献   

The human X-linked recessive disorder of copper metabolism, Menkes disease, is caused by a defect in the MNK ( ATP7A ) gene which encodes a transmembrane copper-transporting P-type ATPase (MNK). MNK is an important component of the mammalian copper transport pathway, and previous studies in cultured cells have localized MNK to the final compartment of the Golgi apparatus, the trans -Golgi network (TGN). At this location, MNK is predicted to supply copper to copper-dependent enzymes as they migrate through the secretory pathway. However, under conditions of elevated extracellular copper, the MNK protein undergoes a rapid relocalization to the plasma membrane where it functions in the efflux of copper from cells. In this study, three di-leucine motifs and a cluster of four acidic amino acids within the C-terminal region of MNK were investigated as candidate signals necessary for steady-state TGN localization. In vitro mutagenesis of the human MNK cDNA and immunofluorescence detection of mutant forms of MNK expressed in cultured cells demonstrated that the di-leucine, L1487L1488, was essential for localization of MNK within the TGN, but not for copper efflux. We suggest that this di-leucine motif is a putative endocytic targeting motif necessary for the retrieval of MNK from the plasma membrane to the TGN. Our data, along with the recent demonstration that the third transmembrane region of MNK functions as a TGN targeting signal, suggests that MNK localization to the TGN may be a two-step process involving TGN retention via the transmembrane region, and recycling to this compartment from the plasma membrane via the L1487L1488 motif.  相似文献   

Annexin VI is a 68-kDa calcium-, phospholipid-, and cytoskeletal-element-binding protein, which has been implicated in various processes, including calcium release and sequestration in calcifying cartilage, in a receptor-mediated endocytosis in human fibroblasts, and in secretion from chromaffin granules. In these processes it was found that, in addition to Ca2+ and annexin, the presence of ATP is also a prerequisite. In the present report we show that annexin VI binds ATP and the binding of nucleotide to protein is accompanied by quenching of an intrinsic fluorescence of annexin VI, which was found to be specific for 2'-(or 3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate, GTP and ATP, and dependent on the annexin conformation. The nucleotide-binding site within an annexin VI molecule is likely to be close to the tryptophan-containing domain of annexin VI. We propose that ATP plays the role of a physiological ligand for annexin VI, and its binding to annexin VI may represent an alternative cellular mechanism for the regulation of annexin-membrane interactions coupled to overall energy transitions in the cell.  相似文献   

Insect iridoviruses (IV) have been found on all continents of the world and in a broad range of insect hosts. The host range for a single strain can cross several insect orders. This along with a paucity of molecular information on all but a few members has led to confusion in the taxonomy and classification of these viruses and in the identification of potentially novel isolates. To address this problem consensus PCR primers were designed to amplify and sequence a 500 bp region of the major capsid protein (MCP) gene. PCR products were amplified from eighteen IVs belonging to the genus Iridovirus. No product was observed for the chloriridovirus IV3. Phylogenetic analysis of the partial MCP gene sequence showed that the iridovirus genus can be divided into three groups. These results support previous studies where a range of molecular techniques were used. Group I contained PjIV and IV31, group II contained IV6 (CIV), IV21, and IV28, and group III contained IV1 (TIV), IV2 (SIV), IV9 (WIV), IV10, IV16, (CzIV), IV18, IV22, IV23 (BbIV), IV24, IV29, IV30, AgIV and an undescribed weevil IV. There was no correlation of relatedness with host of isolation but there was some correlation with geographic region of isolation. Sequence analysis also raised issues concerning the purity of some virus stocks and supported the view that some isolates should be considered as variants of one virus species.  相似文献   

We previously identified a minimal 12-amino-acid domain in the C terminus of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) scaffolding protein which is required for interaction with the HSV-1 major capsid protein. An alpha-helical structure which maximizes the hydropathicity of the minimal domain is required for the interaction. To address whether cytomegalovirus (CMV) utilizes the same strategy for capsid assembly, several glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins to the C terminus of the CMV assembly protein precursor were produced and purified from bacterial cells. The study showed that the glutathione S-transferase fusion containing 16 amino acids near the C-terminal end was sufficient to interact with the major capsid protein. Interestingly, no cross-interaction between HSV-1 and CMV could be detected. Mutation analysis revealed that a three-amino-acid region at the N-terminal side of the central Phe residue of the CMV interaction domain played a role in determining the viral specificity of the interaction. When this region was converted so as to correspond to that of HSV-1, the CMV assembly protein domain lost its ability to interact with the CMV major capsid protein but gained full interaction with the HSV-1 major capsid protein. To address whether the minimal interaction domain of the CMV assembly protein forms an alpha-helical structure similar to that in HSV-1, peptide competition experiments were carried out. The results showed that a cyclic peptide derived from the interaction domain with a constrained (alpha-helical structure competed for interaction with the major capsid protein much more efficiently than the unconstrained linear peptide. In contrast, a cyclic peptide containing an Ala substitution for the critical Phe residue did not compete for the interaction at all. The results of this study suggest that (i) CMV may have developed a strategy similar to that of HSV-1 for capsid assembly; (ii) the minimal interaction motif in the CMV assembly protein requires an alpha-helix for efficient interaction with the major capsid protein; and (iii) the Phe residue in the CMV minimal interaction domain is critical for interaction with the major capsid protein.  相似文献   

Intramolecular interactions between the Src homology domains (SH2 and SH3) and the catalytic domains of Src family kinases result in repression of catalytic activity. The crystal structure of the Src family kinase Hck, with its regulatory domains intact, has been solved. It predicts that a conserved residue, Trp260, at the end of the linker between the SH2 and the catalytic domains plays an important role in regulation by the SH3 and SH2 domains. We have mutated this residue and compared the activities of C-terminally phosphorylated wild type Hck and W260A Hck. The W260A mutant has a higher specific activity than wild type Hck. The W260A mutant requires autophosphorylation at Tyr416 for full activity, but it is not activated by ligand binding to the SH3 or SH2 domains. This mutation also changes the accessibility of the SH2 and SH3 domains to their cognate peptide ligands. Our results indicate that Trp260 plays a critical role in the coupling of the regulatory domains to the catalytic domain, as well as in positioning the ligand binding surfaces.  相似文献   

After budding, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) must 'mature' into an infectious viral particle. Viral maturation requires proteolytic processing of the Gag polyprotein at the matrix-capsid junction, which liberates the capsid (CA) domain to condense from the spherical protein coat of the immature virus into the conical core of the mature virus. We propose that upon proteolysis, the amino-terminal end of the capsid refolds into a beta-hairpin/helix structure that is stabilized by formation of a salt bridge between the processed amino-terminus (Pro1) and a highly conserved aspartate residue (Asp51). The refolded amino-terminus then creates a new CA-CA interface that is essential for assembling the condensed conical core. Consistent with this model, we found that recombinant capsid proteins with as few as four matrix residues fused to their amino-termini formed spheres in vitro, but that removing these residues refolded the capsid amino-terminus and redirected protein assembly from spheres to cylinders. Moreover, point mutations throughout the putative CA-CA interface blocked capsid assembly in vitro, core assembly in vivo and viral infectivity. Disruption of the conserved amino-terminal capsid salt bridge also abolished the infectivity of Moloney murine leukemia viral particles, suggesting that lenti- and oncoviruses mature via analogous pathways.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL35 open reading frame (ORF) encodes a 12-kDa capsid protein designated VP26. VP26 is located on the outer surface of the capsid specifically on the tips of the hexons that constitute the capsid shell. The bioluminescent jellyfish (Aequorea victoria) green fluorescent protein (GFP) was fused in frame with the UL35 ORF to generate a VP26-GFP fusion protein. This fusion protein was fluorescent and localized to distinct regions within the nuclei of transfected cells following infection with wild-type virus. The VP26-GFP marker was introduced into the HSV-1 (KOS) genome resulting in recombinant plaques that were fluorescent. A virus, designated K26GFP, was isolated and purified and was shown to grow as well as the wild-type virus in cell culture. An analysis of the intranuclear capsids formed in K26GFP-infected cells revealed that the fusion protein was incorporated into A, B, and C capsids. Furthermore, the fusion protein incorporated into the virion particle was fluorescent as judged by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis of infected cells in the absence of de novo protein synthesis. Cells infected with K26GFP exhibited a punctate nuclear fluorescence at early times in the replication cycle. At later times during infection a generalized cytoplasmic and nuclear fluorescence, including fluorescence at the cell membranes, was observed, confirming visually that the fusion protein was incorporated into intranuclear capsids and mature virions.  相似文献   

Periodontitis and atherosclerosis have complex etiologies, genetic and gender predispositions, and potentially share many risk factors-the most significant of which may be smoking status. These diseases also have many pathogenic mechanisms in common. It is becoming increasingly clear that infections and chronic inflammatory conditions such as periodontitis may influence the atherosclerotic process. The severity and chronicity of periodontal disease provides a rich source of subgingival microbial and host response products and effects over a long time period. The objective of this review is to consider the mechanisms whereby diseases such as periodontitis, which is chronic and Inflammatory In nature and initiated by microbial plaque, can predispose to atherosclerosis. In common with periodontal disease. the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is not completely understood and both diseases are currently under Intensive investigation. Two main processes in particular are worthy of consideration and may provide the link between these 2 diseases, namely the lipopolysaccharide-related responses and the hyperresponsive monocyte phenomenon. Insufficient experimental evidence exists, however, to further support these hypotheses at present and clearly more research is needed on both of these processes and the interrelationships between both diseases.  相似文献   

To better understand how an enzyme controls cofactor chemistry, we have changed a tryptophan synthase residue that interacts with the pyridine nitrogen of the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor from a neutral Ser (beta-Ser377) to a negatively charged Asp or Glu. The spectroscopic properties of the mutant enzymes are altered and become similar to those of tryptophanase and aspartate aminotransferase, enzymes in which an Asp residue interacts with the pyridine nitrogen of pyridoxal phosphate. The absorption spectrum of each mutant enzyme undergoes a pH-dependent change (pKa approximately 7.7) from a form with a protonated internal aldimine nitrogen (lambdamax = 416 nm) to a deprotonated form (lambdamax = 336 nm), whereas the absorption spectra of the wild type tryptophan synthase beta2 subunit and alpha2 beta2 complex are pH-independent. The reaction of the S377D alpha2 beta2 complex with L-serine, L-tryptophan, and other substrates results in the accumulation of pronounced absorption bands (lambdamax = 498-510 nm) ascribed to quinonoid intermediates. We propose that the engineered Asp or Glu residue changes the cofactor chemistry by stabilizing the protonated pyridine nitrogen of pyridoxal phosphate, reducing the pKa of the internal aldimine nitrogen and promoting formation of quinonoid intermediates.  相似文献   

The transport properties of the uncoupling protein (UCP) from brown adipose tissue have been studied in mutants where Cys304 has been replaced by either Gly, Ala, Ser, Thr, Ile or Trp. This position is only two residues away from the C-terminus of the protein, a region that faces the cytosolic side of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Mutant proteins have been expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their activity determined in situ by comparing yeast growth rates in the presence and absence of 2-bromopalmitate. Their bioenergetic properties have been studied in isolated mitochondria by determining the effects of fatty acids and nucleotides on the proton permeability and NADH oxidation rate. It is revealed that substitution of Cys304 by non-charged residues alters the response of UCP to fatty acids. The most effective substitution is Cys for Gly since it greatly enhances the sensitivity to palmitate, decreasing threefold the concentration required for half-maximal stimulation of respiration. The opposite extreme is the substitution by Ala which increases twofold the half-maximal concentration. We conclude that the C-terminal region participates in the fatty acid regulation of UCP activity. The observed correlation between yeast growth rates in the presence of bromopalmitate and the calculated activation constants for respiration in isolated mitochondria validates growth analysis as a method to screen the in situ activity of UCP mutants.  相似文献   

The cell-associated beta-D-fructosyltransferase of Streptococcus salivarius, which is devoid of the cell wall anchoring motif, LPXTG, is released on exposure to its substrate, sucrose. Deletions within the C terminus of the enzyme implicated both the hydrophobic and the proline-glycine-serine-threonine-rich wall-associated domain in stabilizing the enzyme on the cell surface.  相似文献   

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