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旋流器内超重力聚结过程的试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过试验,定量地研究了旋流器——一种静态超重力器的入口雷诺数、溢流分率、溢流口直径、尾管长度、分散液滴浓度和粘度对超重力聚结过程的影响。结果显示,在正常的入口直径(本试验条件中为3.5mm和4.8mm)下,入口直径及入口流量对聚结的影响主要可归结为入口雷诺数的影响,且存在最佳入口雷诺数值60000;溢流分率的减小、溢流口的增大、尾管长度的加长都会改善聚结效果;分散液滴浓度对聚结的影响虽不很明显,但分散液滴浓度的增加对聚结也有一定的促进作用;低粘度的分散液滴更易聚结。 相似文献
旋流器内空气柱形成与发展及其对分离的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
空气柱是固一液型旋流器流场中的一种特有现象,它对旋流器的分离性能有重要影响.采用流体体积函数模型模拟了空气柱的形成与发展过程,探讨了空气柱形成和发展的机理,分析了空气柱对旋流器溢流比、流场湍流结构、能耗的影响,并采用随机轨道模型分析了空气柱与分级效率的之间的关系.结果表明,空气柱导致旋流器溢流比、湍流强度及能耗增大,分级效率降低.为了降低能耗、提高分离效率应尽可能减小或消除空气柱. 相似文献
介绍了除砂旋流器的试验流程,对影响除砂旋流器分离效率的几个因素进行了详细的试验研究,分析了入口流量、压力和底流口直径对分离效率的影响。 相似文献
试验研究了不同简体结构的轴流式气液旋流器的分离效率和阻力损失性能,试验研究表明,在流速相对较低时,管锥式旋流器的分离效率要高于管柱式,而在流速较高时,管柱式旋流器的分离效率要高于管锥式。对于一定的处理量(即流速一定),管锥式旋流器的压降损失要低于管柱式。 相似文献
针对水力旋流器分离过程中溢流管内部流体高速旋转造成的大量能量损失,基于压降机理,增加溢流管过流量可降低旋流器内部流体动能损失,将直径为100 mm型号旋流器溢流管设计为:水平开缝、上倾开缝、下倾开缝的渐缩开缝型溢流管。选用多相流VOF模型和雷诺应力模型(RSM)计算不同型号旋流器的分离性能,对旋流器内部速度场、压力场进行了细致分析,并在相同实验条件下对改进前后的水力旋流器进行物料分离实验,研究新型水力旋流器节能效应。结果表明:压降降低主要与轴向速度、切向速度衰减、压强降低梯度有关。入口流量在880~1 000 mL/s范围内,溢流管水平开缝、上倾开缝、下倾开缝的旋流器与常规旋流器分离效率基本趋同,且在入口流量为980 mL/s时分离效率达到最高,此时相较于常规型水力旋流器压降降幅率分别为23.79%、11.65%、26.46%,节能效果显著。 相似文献
阐述了润滑油真空分离与聚结分离脱水的工作原理及试验方法,选取L-TSA46汽轮机油作为试验对象,在相同条件下进行了对比试验,结果表明:当含水量高于约2×10-4采用聚结分离比采用真空分离效率高、能耗低;当含水量低于约2×10-4采用真空分离比采用聚结分离效率高、能耗低;当含水量低于6×10-5则只能采用真空分离。 相似文献
Michael J. Furey Brian Vick Hamid M.R. Ghasemi Jan Helge Bhn 《Tribology International》2007,40(4):595
In a study of the mechanisms by which thin polymeric films can prevent or delay the onset of fretting corrosion, experimental observations were made of the apparent real area of contact and temperatures generated by friction in a dry-sliding system consisting of stationary polymer-coated steel balls loaded against a vibrating sapphire disk. Five different polymers were used in the original study at vibrating frequencies ranging from 100 to 200 Hz and amplitudes from 20 to 100 μm; but this paper focuses on only one of these—polystyrene coated steel balls in contact with sapphire. Surface temperatures generated by friction were measured using an infrared microscope system. A photomacro/video technique was developed to view the fretting contact interface and to measure the size and distribution of the real areas of contact. The experiments revealed several complex patterns and unusual phenomena. In one example of behavior, a number of small contact patches would suddenly coalesce into one larger contact patch and then break up again into a similar collection of separate patches. This coalescence and breakup occurred at a regular frequency which was much lower than the oscillating frequency. In addition, significant surface temperature spikes corresponding to the occurrence of coalesced areas were observed.A general thermal model previously developed was used to theoretically predict the temperatures corresponding to the experimental conditions [Furey MJ, Vick B, Foo SJ, Weick BL. A theoretical and experimental study of surface temperatures generated during fretting. In: Proceedings of Japan international tribology conference, Nagoya, Japan, 29 October 1990–1 November 1990, vol. II, pp. 809–14; Vick B, Furey MJ. A basic theoretical study of the temperature rise in sliding contact with multiple contacts. Tribology International 2001;34:823–29]. The thermal model consists of a sliding pair of any material combination with three-dimensional and transient conditions. The key feature is the contact area, which is modeled as a collection of rectangular patches in which each patch can have any specified size, shape, position, and time duration. In this way, each contact has a unique start and finish time and the entire collection of contacts can evolve with time in any specified manner. This provides the flexibility to model everything from hard, brittle surfaces such as ceramics to softer, deformable surfaces such as polymers.Using the changes in the apparent real area of contact as observed in the experiments, the theoretical model predicted surface temperatures in close agreement with experimental values. The results of this study show not only that the area of contact is complex and dynamically changing, but that the surface temperatures produced are extremely sensitive to the real area of contact. Although the fundamental mechanisms for the observed phenomena of breakup, coalescence and motion of contact areas are unknown, the study is important since it illustrates the connection between areas of contact and surface temperature—a key unknown which influences physical and chemical behavior in tribological processes. 相似文献
基于目前在线监测技术的发展,针对变压器油气分离现状,为了提高色谱在线监测系统的可靠性,研制出一种油气分离系统.该系统主要包括真空脱气和自动进样系统,涉及到温度控制和电磁阀控制,研究发现:该系统主要通过油缸、气缸,然后借助搅拌电机实现油气分离,在20 min内脱气率已经达到97.3%.试验表明:该系统能够快速实现真空脱气,对色谱在线监测技术具有很好的辅助作用. 相似文献
油水分离旋流器性能评价研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
提出以分离性能和处理单位体积油水混合物能耗衡量旋流器性能的优劣。归纳出5种衡量旋流器分离性能的指标,在分析了影响分离性能的各种因素后认为,分散相粒径是影响分离性能的最重要因素。提出了唯一正确的旋流器评价方法。 相似文献
液气减速顶制动效率的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章对液气减速顶对车辆的制动作用进行了研究。结合仿真结果,提出了制动效率这一概念,用以描述减速顶对车辆的制动综合效果,以期人们从减少回程功的角度得以提高减速顶的制动效率。文中正、反行程仿真计算结果与现场实验十分吻合,说明数学模型是足够精确的。 相似文献
水力旋流器细粒分离效率优化与数值模拟 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
水力旋流器内流体质点的切向速度、径向速度和轴向速度的分布规律及其流体动力学机理对于细粒分级粒径和效率具有决定性作用,并且受旋流器的结构参数、操作参数和物性参数等因素的影响。选用耐磨耐腐蚀的聚氨酯材料制造的不同规格固液分离水力旋流器,综合考虑分割粒径、处理流量、沉砂产率3项分离效率指标,通过多指标正交试验优化得到分离钙土的工作参数如下:旋流器直径50 mm,底流口直径10 mm,溢流口直径8 mm,并且在0.30 MPa给料压力下可达到分割粒径1.78μm,处理流量为2.39 m3/h的分离效率。同时针对优化后的旋流器工作参数,利用适用于旋流器湍流场的雷诺应力模型,运用FLUENT软件计算不同直径颗粒的亲水性固体在水动力中的速度场,得到分离介质的滞留时间为1.8×10 2s,反向轴速度最大可达3.08 m/s,最大切向速度半径为0.046 m,使得分离效率达到78.6%;从压力场的数值模拟结果看出,径向压强梯度从762.5 kPa/m增大到6 822.2 kPa/m,实现分割粒径达到1.78μm的效果。根据旋流器中压力场、速度场分布特征以及分离介质轨迹等数值模拟结果,提出延长分离介质的滞留时间、提高进料压力、降... 相似文献