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This study investigated the frequency specificity of the auditory brainstem (ABR) and middle latency (MLR) responses to 500- and 2000-Hz brief tones using narrow-band derived response analyses of the responses recorded in high-pass masking noise [Oates and Stapells, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 3597-3608 (1997)]. Stimuli were linear- and exact-Blackman-gated tones presented at 80 dB ppe SPI. Cochlear contributions to ABR wave V-V' and MLR wave Na-Pa were assessed by response amplitude profiles as a function of derived band center frequency. The largest amplitudes of waves V and Na-Pa occurred in the 500- and 707-Hz derived bands in response to the exact-Blackman- and linear-gated 500-Hz tones. The peak in the response amplitude profiles for wave V to both 2000-Hz stimuli was seen in the 2000-Hz derived band. For wave Na-Pa, the maxima in the amplitude profiles occurred in the 2000- and 1410-Hz derived bands for the exact-Blackman- and linear-gated tones. Smaller cochlear contributions to the ABR/MLR were also present at 0.5-1 octave above and below the nominal stimulus frequencies. The ABR/MLR to 500- and 2000-Hz 80 dB ppe SPL tones thus shows good frequency specificity, with no significant differences in the frequency specificity of: (1) ABR versus MLR; (2) these evoked potentials to 500-versus 2000-Hz tones; and (3) responses to exact-Blackman- versus linear-gated tones.  相似文献   

It is known that hand tapping during electroencephalography (EEG) recording evokes centrotemporal spikes in some 4- to 12-year-old children. This phenomenon occurs in both healthy and epileptic children. The same children were reported to show giant middle-long latency evoked potentials (MLSEPs). To study the relationship between tactile evoked spikes (TES) and MLSEPs, we performed a neurophysiologic investigation in 25 children with TES and in 25 children without any EEG abnormality. Such an investigation included a MLSEP study after both electrical and tactile stimulation with simultaneous recording of digital EEG. MLSEPs consistently showed three negative (NI, NII, NIII) and two positive (PI, PII) peaks. Children with TES had MLSEPs of enlarged amplitude. The analysis of MLSEPs and TES characteristics led us to the conclusion that they are the same neurophysiologic event, with NII being the evoked spike and NIII the following slow-wave.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of decreased audibility produced by high-pass noise masking on cortical event-related potentials (ERPs) N1, N2, and P3 to the speech sounds /ba/and/da/presented at 65 and 80 dB SPL. Normal-hearing subjects pressed a button in response to the deviant sound in an oddball paradigm. Broadband masking noise was presented at an intensity sufficient to completely mask the response to the 65-dB SPL speech sounds, and subsequently high-pass filtered at 4000, 2000, 1000, 500, and 250 Hz. With high-pass masking noise, pure-tone behavioral thresholds increased by an average of 38 dB at the high-pass cutoff and by 50 dB one octave above the cutoff frequency. Results show that as the cutoff frequency of the high-pass masker was lowered, ERP latencies to speech sounds increased and amplitudes decreased. The cutoff frequency where these changes first occurred and the rate of the change differed for N1 compared to N2, P3, and the behavioral measures. N1 showed gradual changes as the masker cutoff frequency was lowered. N2, P3, and behavioral measures showed marked changes below a masker cutoff of 2000 Hz. These results indicate that the decreased audibility resulting from the noise masking affects the various ERP components in a differential manner. N1 is related to the presence of audible stimulus energy, being present whether audible stimuli are discriminable or not. In contrast, N2 and P3 were absent when the stimuli were audible but not discriminable (i.e., when the second formant transitions were masked), reflecting stimulus discrimination. These data have implications regarding the effects of decreased audibility on cortical processing of speech sounds and for the study of cortical ERPs in populations with hearing impairment.  相似文献   

Acoustically traumatized (primed) or sham primed 110 inbred C57BL/6J mice at 16 days of age. Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were subsequently determined for the inferior colliculus or medial geniculate body. Priming immediately elevated the AEP threshold by 43 db, but this shift declined to a 14-db increase within 2 days. The peak-to-peak AEP amplitude was also reduced but became larger than normal 4 days after priming. Time-dependent changes were observed in the low-intensity and high-intensity curves, and these are discussed in terms of the outer and inner hair cells of the organ of Corti. A close correspondence is noted between behavioral, electrophysiological, and anatomical observations from the primed mouse and the human with hyperrecruitment deafness. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of tobacco cigarette smoking and overnight abstinence on middle latency auditory evoked potentials among smokers and nonsmokers. METHODS: Groups of 9 to 10 adult male and female nonsmokers and smokers participated in the study. Each person volunteered for two laboratory sessions conducted in the early afternoon on 2 separate days. Smokers abstained from tobacco products 6 to 15 hours before the abstinent session and maintained their usual smoking behavior before the smoking session. The nonsmokers had a similar laboratory experience but sham smoked by means of inhaling air. Middle latency auditory evoked potentials were recorded from Cz to both ears as reference. RESULT: The latencies of the Na and Pa potentials during the smoking session were significantly (p < 0.01) shorter than those in abstinent smokers and nonsmokers. After smoking, peak-to-trough amplitudes for the V-Na, Na-Pa, and Pa-Nb potentials were larger than those after abstinence and significantly larger than those among nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS: The shorter latencies of the middle latency brain wave components in the smoking session suggest faster processing of sensory information after cigarette smoking. Larger Pa amplitudes after cigarette smoking suggest a higher arousal level than that among partially abstinent smokers and nonsmokers.  相似文献   

Following monoaural stimulation, long latency auditory evoked potentials (LLAEPs) recorded from contralateral temporal areas have a shorter latency and larger amplitude than those recorded from the ipsilateral temporal areas. This observation agrees with the operational model drawn up in 1967 by Kimura, which assumes that only anatomically prevailing crossed auditory pathways are active during dichotic hearing, while direct pathways are inhibited. The inputs may then be conveyed to the contralateral cortex, from where they finally reach the ipsilateral temporal areas by means of interhemispheric commissures. It is this mechanism which may underline the right ear advantage for verbal stimuli and the left ear advantage for melodies observed when administering dichotic listening tasks. With the aim of verifying this hypothesis, we recorded temporal LLAEPs in a 21 year-old woman suffering from complex partial seizures, whose CT scan and MRI showed corpus callosum agenesia. Our data support the hypothesis that ipsilateral pathways are greatly inhibited by the contralateral pathways, and therefore auditory stimuli can be supposed to reach the contralateral auditory cortex from where they are transferred through the corpus callosum to the ipsilateral auditory cortex.  相似文献   

The demand for health care and social welfare services for the elderly has increased and in Japan, there is a need in the social system to improve the quality of life, especially for those who are disabled. This article directs attention to bed-ridden elderly persons from the standpoint of social problems attending economic development and population changes based on data from Japan, the United States, Sweden, and OECD countries. Compared to the United States, there are more bed-ridden elderly in Japan, and inadequate public resources for caring. Physicians, nurses, care workers, and rehabilitation specialists such as physiotherapist and occupational therapist per 1000 aged sixty-five or over are 89.5 in Japan while 237.4 in Sweden. Japan has the fewest such health and welfare personnel among developed countries. Even with increases in such personnel through the New Gold Plan, future increase in aged population would off-set the effect and the problem of providing care for the elderly remains.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether young IDDM patients develop central nervous dysfunction and to establish a possible relationship with various disease parameters. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Thirty-two patients, aged 13.5 +/- 2 years, with disease duration of 6 +/- 2.6 years and age of onset of 7.7 +/- 3.2 years (group 1), and 21 patients with short-term disease, age 9.7 +/- 3.5 years, duration of disease < 2 years and age of onset of 9.4 +/- 3.3 years (group 2) were compared with age- and sex-matched control subjects. Exclusion criteria were clinical signs of neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, or hearing impairment. Neurophysiological studies included auditory and visually evoked potentials (EPs). RESULTS: Patients in group 1 revealed increased P100 latencies of visually EPs (103.4 +/- 4.5 vs. 96.8 +/- 3.7 ms) and interpeak latencies I-V of auditory EPs (4.16 +/- 0.10 vs. 3.99 +/- 0.09 ms) and had abnormal latencies (values outside 2.5 SD) in 37%. However, short-term patients (group 2) had results within normal limits compared with control subjects. In group 1, longer disease duration and younger age at onset correlated with an increase of P100 latency (P < 0.001) and IPL I-V (P < 0.001). Patients with a history of severe hypoglycemic episodes had increased latencies compared with patients without hypoglycemia (P < 0.05). Furthermore, metabolic control during the last 2 years was related to P100 latencies (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: EPs noninvasively detect subclinical central nervous system involvement in children and adolescents with IDDM. Most important risk factors are duration of disease and frequency of severe hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Predicted the effects of association upon masking and reading latency from a suggestion that the neural substrates of pairs of associated words contain more common elements than do the substrates of unassociated pairs of words. Stimuli were presented by tachistoscope to 10, 25, 9, and 12 undergraduate Ss, respectively, in 4 experiments. Results are considered from a neuropsychological standpoint: they are consistent with multi-cell theories of neural representation, but they appear not to be consistent with single-cell models. (French summary) (21 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The type of remodeling of the human femoral artery (enlargement or shrinkage) is related to the percentage luminal stenosis. OBJECTIVE: To assess how local changes in vessel size, together with plaque load, determine luminal narrowing in atherosclerotic human coronary arteries. METHODS: We obtained 576 segments of 28 coronary arteries from 10 patients who had died from noncardiac causes. The lumen area and area circumscribed by the internal elastic lamina (IEL) area, a measure of local vessel size in each histologic cross-section were measured, and the mean lumen diameter and mean IEL diameter were calculated. To correct for arterial tapering, expected reference diameter values were calculated at the same location using linear regression of all data points along the artery. The IEL diameter and lumen diameter were expressed as percentages of the calculated IEL diameter and lumen diameter at the same location (percentage lumen diameter stenosis and relative IEL diameter, respectively). RESULTS: We found a negative relation between the relative IEL diameter and the percentage lumen diameter stenosis. On average, a narrower than expected lumen diameter was accompanied by a smaller than expected IEL diameter. A larger than expected lumen diameter was accompanied by a larger than expected IEL diameter. This relation was found for the left anterior descending, circumflex, and right coronary arteries (y = -0.60x + 105.33, r = 0.48; y = -0.45x + 100.69, r = 0.84; and y = -0.39x + 101.84, r = 0.61, respectively, all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Local luminal narrowing was correlated with a decrease in vessel size. Local remodeling of the artery is one of the determinants of luminal narrowing in the atherosclerotic human coronary artery.  相似文献   

Yeast cells defective in the GGS1 (FDP1/BYP1) gene are unable to adapt to fermentative metabolism. When glucose is added to derepressed ggs1 cells, growth is arrested due to an overloading of glycolysis with sugar phosphates which eventually leads to a depletion of phosphate in the cytosol. Ggs1 mutants lack all glucose-induced regulatory effects investigated so far. We reduced hexokinase activity in ggs1 strains by deleting the gene HXK2 encoding hexokinase PII. The double mutant ggs1 delta, hxk2 delta grew on glucose. This is in agreement with the idea that an inability of the ggs1 mutants to regulate the initiation of glycolysis causes the growth deficiency. However, the ggs1 delta, hxk2 delta double mutant still displayed a high level of glucose-6-phosphate as well as the rapid appearance of free intracellular glucose. This is consistent with our previous model suggesting an involvement of GGS1 in transport-associated sugar phosphorylation. Glucose induction of pyruvate decarboxylase, glucose-induced cAMP-signalling, glucose-induced inactivation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, and glucose-induced activation of the potassium transport system, all deficient in ggs1 mutants, were restored by the deletion of HXK2. However, both the ggs1 delta and the ggs1 delta, hk2 delta mutant lack detectable trehalose and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase activity. Trehalose is undetectable even in ggs1 delta strains with strongly reduced activity of protein kinase A which normally causes a very high trehalose content. These data fit with the recent cloning of GGS1 as a subunit of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase/phosphatase complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Site-specific modification of the chromosomal immunoglobulin locus by gene targeting is a powerful tool in studying the molecular requirements for immunoglobulin gene structure and function and in the production of engineered antibodies. Here, we describe a two step- integration then excision-gene targeting procedure for introducing planned genetic alterations into the chromosomal immunoglobulin locus. The efficiency of gene targeting with an enhancer-trap vector in which an enhancerless neo and HSV-tk gene were inserted into the vector backbone was compared to that of the corresponding enhancer-positive vector. Both insertion vectors also contained homology to the chromosomal immunoglobulin target locus along with the desired genetic alteration. The first step involved insertion of the transferred vector into the target locus by homologous recombination. An approximately 15-fold enrichment in the frequency of vector insertion was obtained with the enhancer-trap compared to the enhancer-positive vector. The majority of targeted cells (75%) contained a single copy of the vector integrated into the chromosomal immunoglobulin locus. The second step involved excision of the integrated vector by intrachromosomal homologous recombination between the duplicated region of homology that removed the integrated vector, neo and tk genes along with one copy of homologous DNA. Vector excision was very efficient generating G418S, FIAU(R) secondary recombinants at the high rate of approximately 10(-3)/cell generation. In the secondary recombinants, the overall structure of the chromosomal immunoglobulin locus was restored with the desired genetic alteration being present in an expected proportion of the cells.  相似文献   

The middle (10-50 ms) and long (50-600 ms) latency periods of the auditory evoked potential (AEP) were investigated in muscle-paralyzed, artificially respired cats with respect to two issues: (1) the distribution of components across the skull, and (2) the effects of changing stimulus intensity on component latencies and amplitudes. The distributional data were gathered during a behavioral study in which four behavioral tasks related to classical pupillary conditioning were used to vary attentional and arousal processes. The distributions across the skull surface (averaged across tasks) of 12 peaks and troughs (P10, N13, P17, N22, P31, N41, P55, N70, N100, N140, P260 and N520) and seven principal components derived from the set of waveforms collected during this experiment are reported. Both peak amplitudes and principal component scores were distributed differentially across the skull surface. In the second experiment, acoustic stimulus intensity was varied, and AEPs collected from a vertex and temporal electrode site. In general, increasing stimulus intensity had a stronger influence on the earlier portions of the AEP, where increased amplitude and decreased latency was the rule, than on later ones. The relationships between cat and human AEP components were discussed based on both the data presented in this paper and in previous papers.  相似文献   

Time characteristics of brain stem acoustic evoked potentials and acoustic reflex of the intra-aural muscles were measured in workers with occupational hypoacusis having normal and delayed capacity for speech discrimination. The findings provided evidence for inhibition of speech information analysis at the level of the brain stem and dissociation of interaction between the brain stem nuclei.  相似文献   

BAEPs examinations performed in healthy newborns aged up to 14 days of life revealed that in the youngest group (up to 4 days of life) the percentage of the results with delayed peak I latency was relatively high -57.8%. In the further age group (5-7 days of life) the number of the abnormal results decreased considerably down to 14.1%.  相似文献   

Prior work has suggested that open- and closed-class words elicit negative components in the event-related potential (ERP) that differ in timing and scalp distribution. We tested this hypothesis against the possibility that the word-class effects are attributable to quantitative differences in word length and frequency. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 13 scalp sites while participants read normal or scrambled prose. ERPs were averaged as a function of word class (open vs. closed) and grammatical category (articles, nouns, verbs, etc.). Regression analyses indicated that the latency of an early-occurring negative component was highly correlated with the mean length and normative frequency of words in each grammatical category. Stronger correlations were observed in the scrambled prose condition than in the normal prose condition. Differences in the scalp distributions of these negativities were found to be a function of grammatical category rather than word class. These results are taken to be inconsistent with the claim that open- and closed-class words elicit qualitatively distinct negativities.  相似文献   

Pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded in 64 patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy. Before starting medication the patients with partial and primary generalized epilepsy, had prolonged latencies of the VEPs component P100, as compared with controls. VEPs were repeated after 3 months in 43 patients with focal epilepsy, during carbamazepine (22 cases) or phenytoin (21 cases) treatment. The plasma concentration of the drugs were within therapeutic levels. Carbamazepine but not phenytoin, was associated with prolongation of the P100 peak latency and induced increase of its amplitude, as compared with the baseline condition. The VEPs abnormality was most pronounced in patients whose seizures were poorly controlled. We conclude, that administration of carbamazepine or phenytoin, at therapeutic serum level, have minimal effect on the VEPs.  相似文献   

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