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2008年伊始的全球金融危机已经一年有余,全球经济也逐渐走出危机的阴霾,呈现复苏迹象.金融危机出现以来,许多行业都受到不同程度的冲击,其中包括汽车行业和半导体行业.然而,2009年开始,当欧美市场的汽车产业在低谷中徘徊之时,我国的汽车行业却出人意料地逆势上扬,呈现井喷式的增长.  相似文献   

日前,IBM举行了规模盛大又别开生面的“ThinkPad世纪之旅家族产品2000发布会”,会上,IBM宣布将全面调整ThinkPad笔记本电脑产品线,并介绍了2000年全新ThinkPad家族的产品市场定位及发展策略。调整后的IBMThinkPad家族承袭了IBM在笔记本设计方面一贯主张的均衡设计思路,并从实用型便携型两个方面进一步贴近了中国用户的需求,  相似文献   

本刊讯 近日,为了迎合国内汽车市场的高速膨胀以及汽车电子化比例的不断提高,飞思卡尔半导体公司宣布为中国市场带来其最新的汽车电子单片机,模拟器件和传感器等系列产品。  相似文献   

中国政府大力推动的云计算“十二五”规划将涵盖范围较广的云战略,包括发展战略、重点任务、技术路线图和支持系统。有分析认为,在未来三年内,中国云计算市场的规模将达到316亿美元,这一规模将主要得益于来自公共和私人方面的投资。  相似文献   

2009年11月中国汽车影音行业经过08至09-年的洗礼,已经进入了全新的市场格局,营销模式的多元化、网络时代的来临,以及汽车影音产业链整合大幕的开启,新市场格局所引发的巨大激荡和迅速聚焦使得中国汽车影音电子行业正从  相似文献   

随着国家“十二五”规划出台.我国明确了在未来五年大力扶持和发展以物联网为代表的战略型新兴产业的经济发展线路。为了寻求符合我国宙情的物联网发展道路以及未来国际合作模式,国内外物联网专家学者在11月23日-24目聚首“2010全球物联网产业技术发展暨投资峰会”展开深入的交流与探讨。  相似文献   

由国内IT服务领域的领袖企业华胜天成主办的“华胜天成2010中国IT服务峰会”将于2010年12月16日在北京召开,本次峰会的主题为“IT服务与业务发展融合之道”。峰会将从云计算、移动互联网、行业应用等角度展开探讨IT服务如何支撑业务的发展。有消息称,到场的嘉宾将超过800人,这将成为本年度中国规模最大、最有价值的IT服务盛会之一。  相似文献   

2010,市场一片利好,行业各方对2010上半年中国汽车影音市场的市场状况都十分关注。《音响改装技术》杂志社希望能通过对各主流厂家、大型4s集团与优质4s单店、重要渠道代理商以及数千家终端历时半月的问卷调查活动所汇总的各方反应进行细致分析。  相似文献   

2008年10月28日,首届Commtest中国用户峰会(北京站)在汉华国际饭店拉开帷幕,并于相隔一天后在虹桥喜来登大饭店举行峰会上海站。 新西兰驻华大使馆贸易发展局商务参赞Jonathan Watt先生,中国机械工程学会设备管理与维修分会秘书长洪孝安先生莅临峰会现场;  相似文献   

提升中国区地位、投资设厂、加大跨行业合作力度,英特尔不断强化自己对中国市场的控制权,在本土化方面,它俨然走在了跨国公司的前头。  相似文献   

Kraemer  K.L. Dedrick  J. 《Computer》1995,28(8):64-73
The challenges and obstacles faced are many, but through foreign investment, joint ventures and technology transfer, China is slowly achieving hard-won advances in IT development and use. Its IT strategy has shifted from developing indigenous technological capabilities and producing a full range of computers to promoting IT use and producing PCs and components. Tariffs have been lowered to encourage use. Massive investments are planned to expand and upgrade the telecommunications network. To promote production, the government has established software parks, encouraged joint ventures with foreign IT firms, and organized state computer enterprises on a more commercial basis. China's policies have shown signs of success, as computer use and production have grown dramatically in recent years. The key to the success of China's technology policy seems to be rooted in pragmatism. Policy makers appear willing to change and adapt when existing policies are not achieving their goals or when new opportunities appear. This flexibility is critical when responding to the rapid changes in technology and international markets. If the trend toward increased market orientation and pragmatism continues through the transition to the post-Deng Xiaoping era, IT use and production should continue to flourish. An improved information infrastructure and increased IT use can in turn benefit the economy as a whole by improving economic productivity and by making timely market information available to producers and consumers in the huge Chinese economy  相似文献   

<正>2010年12月2日,"瑞萨中国论坛2010"北京站圆满落幕,本次论坛以"芯动·绿动"主题,巡回北京、深圳、上海三个城市,是瑞萨电子合并后第一次,也是规模最大的一次产品及解决方案展示盛会。在活动现场,一个以半导体为核心构建的  相似文献   

Software industry development is acknowledged as an important engine of economic growth for many developing countries. The role of national policy has been identified as a catalyst to software industry and software exports development. Academic and practitioner frameworks have emerged to guide policymakers to the factors that are critical to success. This article adopts an institutional theory perspective on the strategy-making and implementation process and examines how historically rooted, taken-for-granted assumptions limit the possible courses of action and may also simultaneously open up new opportunities. Certain complexities and contradictions are highlighted through a longitudinal case study of Costa Rica where there is an ongoing strategic planning effort to increase software exports. Key findings from the research are related to improving our understanding of how software exports policy is influenced by local, emergent institutions that have been shaped by particular historical circumstances. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We study a new warranty policy for non-repairable products which is indexed by two correlated random variables, age and usage and covers all failures in (0, t]. Two different warranty costs for the replacement of the failed product are considered, according to its usage being greater or less than a pre-specified level s > 0. A bivariate probability distribution function is applied to incorporate the correlation effect of the two variables. Analytical expressions of the probability density function of the total warranty cost and its expected value, the probability distribution functions of the number of the failed products with usage greater or less than s and their corresponding expected values and costs are derived. Limit results are also obtained. The results obtained are useful measures in establishing the compensation policy and the evaluation of its performance under the proposed warranty. Illustrative numerical examples of the expected cost for Paulson, Pareto and Beta Stacy bivariate distributions are presented and discussed. In particular for Paulson’s bivariate probability distribution, closed form expressions for the expected costs are obtained.  相似文献   

Approximate policy iteration: a survey and some new methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider the classical policy iteration method of dynamic programming(DP),where approximations and simulation are used to deal with the curse of dimensionality.We survey a number of issues:convergence and rate of convergence of approximate policy evaluation methods,singularity and susceptibility to simulation noise of policy evaluation,exploration issues,constrained and enhanced policy iteration,policy oscillation and chattering,and optimistic and distributed policy iteration.Our discussion of policy evaluation is couched in general terms and aims to unify the available methods in the light of recent research developments and to compare the two main policy evaluation approaches:projected equations and temporal differences(TD),and aggregation.In the context of these approaches,we survey two different types of simulation-based algorithms:matrix inversion methods,such as least-squares temporal difference(LSTD),and iterative methods,such as least-squares policy evaluation(LSPE) and TD(λ),and their scaled variants.We discuss a recent method,based on regression and regularization,which recti?es the unreliability of LSTD for nearly singular projected Bellman equations.An iterative version of this method belongs to the LSPE class of methods and provides the connecting link between LSTD and LSPE.Our discussion of policy improvement focuses on the role of policy oscillation and its effect on performance guarantees.We illustrate that policy evaluation when done by the projected equation/TD approach may lead to policy oscillation,but when done by aggregation it does not.This implies better error bounds and more regular performance for aggregation,at the expense of some loss of generality in cost function representation capability.Hard aggregation provides the connecting link between projected equation/TD-based and aggregation-based policy evaluation,and is characterized by favorable error bounds.  相似文献   

In this paper the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Energy policy planning is introduced. The application of the process to energy policy formulation is explained in greater detail. A desired scenario for the United States' energy future is defined, desired strategies for the attainment of the scenario are formulated, constraints binding each strategy is defined, and policies which would resolve these constraints are formulated and assigned priorities.  相似文献   

Several factors have spurred the explosive growth of VoIP phone use in China, including customer incentives such as improved voice quality and lower cost per call, and provider incentives such as higher profits and upgrade paths to next-generation technologies. The voice over Internet protocol, also called IP telephony, offers a new type of service that uses the Internet protocol, intranets, and extranets to deliver voice information. In contrast to traditional telephone services, which operate through a circuit-switched network, VoIP uses a packet-switched network. This distinction results in differences in implementation, quality of service (QoS), and operating costs. Since the service was introduced to the public in China in April 1999, VoIP toll telephone traffic has increased with astonishing speed. By the end of 2002, VoIP toll telephone traffic had surpassed traditional toll telephone traffic in China in both domestic longdistance and international call areas, including phone calls to and from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.  相似文献   

Davis  A.M. 《Software, IEEE》1992,9(5):70-78
The two traditional types of software prototyping methods, throwaway prototyping and evolutionary prototyping, are compared, and prototyping's relation to conventional software development is discussed. Operational prototyping, a method that combines throwaway and evolutionary prototyping techniques by layering a rapid prototype over a solid evolutionary base, is described. Operational prototyping's implications for configuration management, quality assurance, and general project management are reviewed. The application of operational prototyping to a prototype ocean surveillance terminal is presented  相似文献   

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