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随着新能源发电的快速发展,电网中相应的调峰配套设施明显不足,导致新能源发电送出消纳受阻,容易造成严重的电力浪费。在风电、光电、水电、火电等多类型电源发电特性的基础上,提出了一种基于多类型电源联合发电提升风光电集群高效消纳的优化调度模型,并且对比了不同电源组合对系统优化调度的影响。模型以甘肃地区的多类型电源能源基地作为研究对象,以经济效益最大化为目标,建立了一个混合整数线性化模型并在GAMS中进行求解。仿真结果表明,结合多类型电源联合发电调度能够促进新能源的高效消纳并且提高经济效益。为高比例新能源接入电网多类型电源联合协调优化调度提供了一种解决方案。  相似文献   

以甘肃电网为例,从电源层面不确定性特征凸显、发电基地与负荷中心逆向分布、电源灵活性不足、电力电量不平衡等角度,从电网层面灵活性不足、适应性问题突出等方面,对电力市场与电网水平相互制约、跨区域市场平衡等问题总结面临的挑战。针对上述问题,从新能源机组涉网特性、电源组织方案、传统火电灵活性改造、自备电厂调峰能力挖掘、“双计划”发电模式、储能技术应用的角度在电源层面提出思考,从外送通道建设、网架结构优化、运行能力提升、跨省区合作强化在电网层面提出思考,从建立互补性电力市场、加强交易计划校核、发挥能源结构优势对电力市场交易机制提出思考,旨在为其他具有高比例新能源大外送电网的区域提供借鉴,支撑新能源电网的健康发展。  相似文献   

分布式电源接入电网的电能质量问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简单介绍了新能源分布式发电技术,综述了分布式电源接入电网的电能质量基本情况,并分析了其对电网电能质量的影响及改善措施,为分布式发电并网提供了更好的理论支持。  相似文献   

随着国内外对于环境保护、低碳经济、新能源利用的呼声,风力发电、太阳能发电、生物质能发电等利用清洁能源发电应运而生.介绍了目前崇明电网的结构及负荷特点,通过分析分布式电源的装机容量、并网方式、容量与负荷配比、接入崇明电网后给系统带来的影响,提出了安全接入分布式电源的相关建议和解决方法.  相似文献   

风能、太阳能等新能源发电迅速发展,新能源发电系统联网对于缓解传统电网供电压力,改善能源结构具有重要作用.这些能源表现出波动性和间歇性,给电网运行带来前所未有挑战.通过分析以清洁能源发电为主的分布式电源大量联网的局限性,结合微网技术,提出了在氢氧联合循环发电系统基础上的分布式能源系统,系统采用联合最优功率控制模式,与清洁...  相似文献   

光伏发电、风电等新能源出力的波动性和随机性会造成发电系统输出功率随机波动,加重电网频率的调节负担,同时大规模新能源接入电力系统,会替代部分常规机组,进一步削弱电网的调频能力。首先阐述了大规模新能源并网后对电力系统频率响应的影响及电力系统对调频的需求,然后从光伏发电、风电等新能源,需求侧资源,储能系统等参与调频以提高电网调频能力方面进行了综述分析。结论表明,光伏发电、风电等新能源参与调频,需求侧资源与适当容量储能合理参与调频市场是提高电网调频能力的有效方法,随着调度技术的日益成熟、储能成本的降低,针对电网调频进行研究将具有更高的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

针对可再生能源发电大规模接入后的新能源电力系统在规划建设过程中的经济性分析和评价问题,文章提出了基于新能源电网投资与运行收益间非线性关系模型的投入产出效率评价模型,为新能源电力系统建设和投资规划提供有效准确的经济性指导;研究了新能源电力系统中可再生能源发电输电线路、变配电设备等基础设施投入与运行经济效益之间的非线性关系,建立了基于DEA决策算法的产出效率评价模型;针对可再生能源发电波动、政策变化、全社会用电量、线损率、供电可靠率等不确定性对新能源电力系统建设投资收益的影响,建立了考虑综合不确定性的产出效率鲁棒评价模型。采用我国部分省级电网的新能源电力系统投入产出数据样本,对建立的鲁棒DEA投入产出效率评价模型进行仿真验证,结果表明,文章提出的新能源电网投入产出效率评价模型能够对电网的投入产出情况作出较为有效的评价。  相似文献   

大规模风光发电并网是未来电网发展的必然趋势,然而,风光发电功率的强间歇性与随机性势必会对电网的稳定运行和优化控制带来影响。以河南电网冬季大运行方式下的规模风电、光伏电源联合接入电网为研究背景,利用连续潮流法,计算在新能源发电接入系统后的区域电网潮流分布;考虑区域电网未来发展趋势,逐步增加新能源的渗透率,对系统内多类型节点电压越界情况分析,判断区域内电压薄弱节点,并计算系统风电与光伏发电的最大消纳量;应用P-V曲线潮流分析方法测算出电压稳定极限及对应的有功功率,得到不同渗透率下系统所对应的静态电压稳定性;同时结合日负荷曲线,分析在目前状态下及所计算的最大渗透率下,系统任一时刻各中枢点电压水平。结果表明:在目前及新能源最大渗透率下,系统各节点电压值均处于正常范围。  相似文献   

<正>"太阳能热发电是传统火电技术和太阳能热利用技术的结合,利用低成本蓄热技术实现连续、稳定发电,既可作电网基础负荷,又可作为调峰电源,被认为是最有可能代替传统火电的技术。与风能、光伏相比太阳能热发电的碳排放量更低,具有更为优异的环境友好特性。太阳能热发电是电网、环境的共同选择,必将会成为新能源发电的新选择,也必将会成为大型发电集团的共同选择。"国家太阳能光热联盟副理事长、华电新能源技术开发有限公司总经理田立在近期举行的"太阳能热产业及技术发展论坛"上,代表国家太阳能光热联盟致开幕词时作如是表述。  相似文献   

本文分析了新能源汽车充电设施建设滞后严重情况,探讨了制约充电设施发展的主要原因,展望了我国新能源汽车和充电桩设施发展前景,提出了加快新能源汽车充电设施投资建设和改善运营的配套措施建议。本文提出应结合新一轮电力体制改革,鼓励发电企业、新兴售电、配电企业、社会资本和外资企业投资充电设施;重点解决好居住小区物业公司的协调难题;鼓励新兴售电配电企业进入电力交易机构参与售电、购电,探索发电、电网、新兴售电配电企业、物业公司及新能源车所有者发展多种形式的混合所有制;动员商业中心、购物中心、文体中心等配套建设具备公共充电功能的停车场和充电服务设施,避免重复收费,推动充电设施互联互通;加快可操作政策出台效率,简化土地审批程序与审批手续。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of world economy, wind power has been given more and more consideration owing to its energy saving and environmental protection. But due to intermittency and unpredictability nature of wind power generation, many new problems come into being when infusing wind power into power network with conventional generators. Aiming at these difficulties, this paper presents a review on the historical research production of this theme. The models of economic dispatch schedule of wind power considering dissimilar actual condition, different optimized algorithms and risk management in the electric market are discussed and the future trend is prospected in this paper.  相似文献   

世界各国在积极发展可再生能源,而很大部分可再生能源用于发电.因此“能源安全”的范畴与重心将从20世纪的以石油安全为主逐步转向21世纪的以电力安全为主.确保安全、高质量供电,同时维持电力供需平衡是电力系统面临的持续挑战.发展新能源电力为常规电力机组的变负荷能力提出新的挑战:要求电力机组具备更快的变负荷调节能力;电力机组变负荷目标的不确定性增大;电力机组负荷调节范围更大.在电力系统中采用集成储能模块是解决电力系统变负荷和新能源电力接人产生问题的有效措施.储能总的作用是实现新能源电力上网、保持电网高效安全运行和电力供需平衡.储能系统的具体功能有三种:提高电能质量、提供桥接电能、能量管理.电力储能技术有抽水蓄能技术、压缩空气储能技术、超导储能技术、超级电容器储能技术、电化学储能技术、复合储能技术.对我国发展储能产业提出以下建议:从宏观战略层面制定储能发展规划;出台利于储能技术产业化的激励政策与机制;发布储能相关技术标准和管理规范,建立储能装置回收管理机制;加强储能技术研发与示范;建立储能产业链,降低成本;探索优化商业运营模式,加快储能技术的市场化步伐.  相似文献   

西北电力系统如何应对大规模风电开发与利用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
分析了我国风电大规模开发面临的主要问题,并指出要解决风电并网的调峰和电力系统稳定等难题,必须依靠和建设统一坚强智能电网,坚定不移的实施“一特四大”战略,在坚持电网电源统一规划的基础上,实施风电与火电配套建设和打捆外送,实现区域问能源资源优化配置,建立风能全国消纳平台,促进新能源、常规电源与电网科学有序协调发展。  相似文献   

梳理可再生能源发电商、常规能源发电商与售电公司等交易主体之间的电力、绿色证书供需关系,以各发电商的利益最大化为目标,建立考虑绿色证书的能源经济调度模型,求解消纳保障机制下发电商电力调度及证书交易策略;通过算例分析说明了绿色证书机制提高可再生能源发电商收益的有效性,消纳责任权重对于绿证价格变化、市场力抑制等市场良性运营具...  相似文献   

Wind energy is a growing renewable energy because of its several advantages; this has changed dramatically with more wind energy penetrating the conventional power network. The influence of wind generators on the power quality is becoming an important issue; non-uniform power production causes variations in system voltage and frequency, therefore, a wind farm requires high reactive power compensation. The advances in high power semiconductor devices have led to the development of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS). This paper presents the impact of wind energy integration on voltage stability and the goal of FACTS devices such as Static Var Compensator (SVC), which is a power electronic switch, to control the reactive power injection according to the thyristor firing angle, introduced as a state variable in power flow and combined with the nodal voltage magnitudes and angles of the power network for iterative solutions, thereby regulating the bus voltages.  相似文献   

提出一个VPP(虚拟发电厂)聚合出力特性的含新能源电网的两阶段经济调度模型。第一阶段基于包含若干风场与火电机组的VPP聚合出力特性决策VPP的总出力;第二阶段将总出力在VPP内部各发电单元之间进行分配。上述两个阶段都采用线性规划方法求解。基于IEEE—6母线电网的数值算例的计算结果表明,与传统经济调度方法相比,本研究提出的模型能降低风电弃风量近50%。  相似文献   

A review of power converter topologies for wind generators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wind energy conversion systems have become a focal point in the research of renewable energy sources. This is in no small part due to the rapid advances in the size of wind generators as well as the development of power electronics and their applicability in wind energy extraction. This paper provides a comprehensive review of past and present converter topologies applicable to permanent magnet generators, induction generators, synchronous generators and doubly fed induction generators. The many different generator–converter combinations are compared on the basis of topology, cost, efficiency, power consumption and control complexity. The features of each generator–converter configuration are considered in the context of wind turbine systems.  相似文献   

In 2021, the world's total installed capacity of generation units based on renewable energy sources (not including hydropower) amounted to about 1674 GW: over 825 GW and 849 GW of wind and solar power plants were installed respectively. The growing of the installed capacity of these distributed generators is a response to the increasing the power consumption, global environmental issues and has also become possible due to the development of technology in field of power semiconductor devices. However, on the way of large-scale implementation of distributed generators based on renewable energy sources, traditional electric power system meets new challenges to ensure the reliability and sustainability of new electric power systems with renewable energy sources. In particular, distributed generators change processes in the electric power system, impact to the parameters and power balance, change the magnitude and direction of power flow and short-circuit current, which determines the need to update the settings of the relay protection and automation systems of traditional electric power system and to coordinate their operation with automatic control systems of installed distributed generators. The above-mentioned tasks form a number of scientific research directions, one of which is a task of determining optimal size and location of distributed generators. The main purpose of this optimization task is to reduce power losses, operating and total electricity cost, improve the voltage profile, etc. In addition, the correct and reasonable placement of distributed generators defines an effective planning of the operating modes of electric power system and power plants (especially based on renewable energy sources, the operating modes of which depend on weather conditions and can be sharply variable).The paper highlighted the impacts of distributed generators on power losses, the voltage level, maintaining the power balance and the possibility of participating in the frequency regulation, and short-circuit current in power system. The optimization criteria, the main limiting conditions, as well as methods for solving this optimization problem are considered. This review will help the System operators and investing companies, especially in Russia, to form the main aim, objective function and constraints that will aid to meet their load demand at minimum cost and to choose from the options available for optimization of location and capacity of distributed generators.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of a hybrid DC/AC integration paradigm to establish microgrids (MGs) by using a conventional three-phase local power delivery system. This approach adds an additional DC power line to the local power distribution system in order to collect energy generated by distributed domestic renewable sources. The local renewable distributed generation (DG) works in conjunction with the conventional grid utility to reduce the power draw from the grid. Researchers designed an energy conversion station to mix energy from the local DGs with energy from the grid utility. This approach, therefore, uses a continuous energy mixing strategy for DC integration of local generation and grid energy to supply energy to MG consumers via the conventional three-phase power distribution system. Thus, local distributed renewable generators do not have to contend with AC integration problems, such as AC stability and line synchronization. This approach can facilitate the transformation of conventional local power distribution systems into reliable MGs in an affordable way for stakeholders and it is a step towards construction of future smart grids.  相似文献   

大规模风电场对电力系统稳定性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风电机组由于其自身特点,风电机组与传统发电机组有不同的稳态和暂态特性,大规模风力发电接入电网后,电网的电压稳定性、暂态稳定性及频率稳定性都会发生变化。主要针对基于普通异步感应电机和基于双馈式感应电机风电机组的风电场对电网稳定性影响进行深入研究,使得对风电场接入电网后,给电网稳定性带来的问题有更全面、更深入的认识,有利于我国风力发电快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

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