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Transition edge sensors (TES) are the chosen detector technology for the SAFARI imaging spectrometer on the SPICA telescope. The TES are required to have an NEP of $2\mbox{--}3\times 10^{-19}~\mbox{W/}\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ to take full advantage of the cooled mirror. SRON has developed TiAu TES bolometers for the short wavelength band (30–60?μm). The TES are on SiN membranes, in which long and narrow legs act as thermal links between the TES and the bath. We present a distributed model that accounts for the heat conductance and the heat capacity in the long legs that provides a guideline for designing low noise detectors. We report our latest results that include a measured dark NEP of $4.2\times 10^{-19}~\mbox{W/}\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ and a saturation power of about 10?fW.  相似文献   

Controlling the critical temperature ( \(T_{C}\) ) of Ti/Au bilayers is vital in the development of practical TES detectors. Previously empirical studies have been done on aging effects in Ti/Au and other superconducting bilayers but no link with theory has been made. Here we attempt to explain the change in \(T_{C}\) with a diffusion mechanism. The change in \(T_{C}\) has been measured for a set of Ti/Au bilayer samples that have been given a variety of bake-out treatments, where we found a trend that can be partly explained by an inter-diffusion mechanism. With an empirical model based on diffusion a safe zone can be defined as a region of bake-out treatments, where the \(T_{C}\) is not affected beyond the requirements. This will shine light on the bake-out and the storage condition boundaries of these detectors.  相似文献   

We have measured the optical response of prototype detectors for SAFARI, the far-infrared imaging spectrometer for the SPICA satellite. SAFARI’s three bolometer arrays, coupled with a Fourier transform spectrometer, will provide images of a 2′×2′ field of view with spectral information over the wavelength range 34–210 μm. Each horn-coupled bolometer consists of a transition edge sensor (TES), with a transition temperature close to 100 mK, and a thin-film Ta absorber on a thermally-isolated silicon nitride membrane. SAFARI requires extremely sensitive detectors (NEP~2×10?19 W/ \(\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}\) ), with correspondingly low saturation powers (~5 fW), to take advantage of SPICA’s cooled optics. To meet the challenge of testing such sensitive detectors we have constructed an ultra-low background test facility based on a cryogen-free high-capacity dilution refrigerator, paying careful attention to stray-light exclusion, shielding, and vibration isolation. For optical measurements the system contains internal cold (3–30 K) and hot (~300 K) black-body calibration sources, as well as a light pipe for external illumination. We discuss our measurements of high optical efficiency in prototype SAFARI detectors and describe recent improvements to the test facility that will enable us to test the full SAFARI focal-plane arrays.  相似文献   

We have constructed a test facility for characterizing the focal plane arrays of SAFARI, the far-infrared imaging spectrometer for the SPICA satellite. SAFARI’s three bolometer arrays are populated with extremely sensitive ( $\mathit{NEP}\sim 2\times 10^{-19}~\mathrm{W}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ ) transition edge sensors with a transition temperature close to 100?mK. The extreme sensitivity and low saturation power (~4?fW) of SAFARI’s detectors present challenges to characterizing them. In optimizing the SAFARI Detector System Test Facility we have paid careful attention to stray-light exclusion as well as electrical, magnetic, and mechanical isolation. We present measurements verifying the facility’s performance and analyze them in terms of a two-fluid model of the TES current on the transition to investigate the background power level. We have measured a detector NEP of (5.1±0.4)×10?19?W?Hz?1/2, showing that the facility is ready to test the SAFARI prototype arrays and is approaching the performance needed for testing the flight arrays.  相似文献   

The high-resolution mid-infrared spectrometer (HIRMES) is a high resolving power (R ~?100,000) instrument operating in the 25–122 μm spectral range and will fly on board the Stratospheric Observatory for Far-Infrared Astronomy in 2019. Central to HIRMES are its two transition edge sensor (TES) bolometric cameras, an 8 × 16 detector high-resolution array and a 64 × 16 detector low-resolution array. Both types of detectors consist of Mo/Au TES fabricated on leg-isolated Si membranes. Whereas the high-resolution detectors, with a noise equivalent power (NEP) ~ 1.5 × 10?18 W/rt (Hz), are fabricated on 0.45 μm Si substrates, the low-resolution detectors, with NEP ~ 1.0 × 10?17 W/rt (Hz), are fabricated on 1.40 μm Si. Here, we discuss the similarities and differences in the fabrication methodologies used to realize the two types of detectors.  相似文献   

Electrical and optical characterization has been performed on several superconducting single photon detectors (SSPDs) consisting of meanders made of ultrathin NbN films. The NbN films, with thickness ranging from 150 nm to 3 nm, were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering on MgO substrates kept at temperature T=400°C. This deposition process carried out at low temperature opens the way of monolithic integration with other photonic devices. The superconducting properties of NbN films and the critical design parameters that affect the quantum efficiency (QE) have been optimized. In particular, by measuring the switching current distribution of each stripe of the meander the process uniformity has been studied. Optical measurements on the fabricated SSPDs showed a QE ≈20% at 4.2 K for photons with a wavelength of 1300 nm.   相似文献   

SRON is developing the Frequency Domain Multiplexing (FDM) read-out and the ultra low NEP TES bolometers array for the infra-red spectrometer SAFARI on board of the Japanese space mission SPICA. The FDM prototype of the instrument requires critical and complex optimizations. For single pixel characterization under AC bias we are developing a simple FDM system working in the frequency range from 1 to 5 MHz, based on the open loop read-out of a linearized two-stage SQUID amplifier and high Q lithographic LC resonators. We describe the details of the experimental set-up required to achieve low power loading (<1?fW) and low noise ( $\mathrm{NEP}\sim 10^{-19}~\mathrm{W}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ ) in the TES bolometers. We conclude the paper by comparing the performance of a $4\times 10^{-19}~\mathrm{W}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ TES bolometer measured under DC and AC bias.  相似文献   

We have measured the ionization performance of a CDMS II detector using CNRS/LPN HEMTs as opposed to Si JFETs in the front end electronics. We find no significant difference in ionization resolution when using HEMTs compared to Si JFETs indicating the CNRS/LPN HEMTs can act as a low power, low noise replacement for Si JFETs in cryogenic applications. We present the HEMT DC/AC properties, measured noise in both low impedance and high impedance closed-loop configurations using CDMS electronics, and performance with a CDMS detector exposed to a \(^{241}\) Am source.  相似文献   

At the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) we are developing Transition Edge Sensors (TES) bolometers for the SAFARI Imaging Spectrometer on the SPICA telescope. With the current design of the SPICA telescope a background magnetic field of about a Gauss with fluctuations of a couple percent is expected. The effect of this external magnetic field on the bolometer needs to be well understood in order to design effective shielding. We present the results of an investigation of magnetic field on the performance of TES bolometers. For this experiment we used a Ti/Au TES bolometer which has a measured NEP of 5.0×10?19 W/Hz1/2. The TES is exposed to a parallel and perpendicular magnetic field of varying strength and the baseline and responsivity are determined. We see that the bolometers are sensitive to the perpendicular field but are relative insensitive to the parallel magnetic field. Fluctuations with a period of 30?mG are present as function of perpendicular magnetic field.  相似文献   

We are developing transition edge sensors (TES) using single layer iridium (Ir) as the detector and deposited tin (Sn) as the absorber. We obtained good Ir devices with reproducible and uniform transition temperature around 120 mK, transition widths of 1–2 mK, residual resistivity ratio (RRR) between 1.8–3 and high sensitivity α. Our Ir films are obtained using radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering and photolithography. In this paper we present a full low temperature characterization of the Ir films.   相似文献   

Recently we have reported on the effects of magnetic field on our low noise (NEP = 4  \(\times 10^{-19}\) W/ \(\surd \) Hz) [1] TiAu TES bolometers that are being developed at SRON for the SAFARI FIR Imaging Spectrometer on SPICA telescope that will be operated in three different wavelength bands: S-band for 30–60 \(\upmu \hbox {m}\) , M-band for 60–110 \(\upmu \hbox {m}\) and L-band for 110–210  \(\upmu \hbox {m}\) . The arrays for the S- and M- band will be based on TiAu TES bolometer arrays, developed by SRON. The L-band array will be based on a MoAu TES bolometer developed by University of Cambridge. We have investigated the effect of the magnetic field on the current, responsivity, speed and critical current for both the TiAu and MoAu TES bolometers in our high accuracy magnetic field set-up. A clear difference in weak link behavior is observed between the two types of TES bolometers in both strength of the effect and period of the oscillations.  相似文献   

SRON is developing an electronic read-out system for an array of transition edge sensors (TES) based on the techniques of frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) and base-band feedback (BBFB). The astronomical applications of our system are the read-out of soft X-ray micro-calorimeters in a potential instrument on the European X-ray mission-under-study Athena and far-IR bolometers for the SAFARI instrument on the Japanese mission SPICA. In this paper we demonstrate the simultaneous locking of up to 51 BBFB loops. While locked, the in-band read-out noise of the loops is shown to reach the $\mbox{10~pA/}\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ level required for these missions.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed many exciting breakthroughs in neutrino physics. The detection of neutrino oscillations has proved that neutrinos are massive particles but the assessment of their absolute mass scale is still an outstanding challenge in today particle physics and cosmology. Due to their abundance as big-bang relics, massive neutrinos strongly affect the large-scale structure and dynamics of the universe. In addition, the knowledge of the scale of neutrino masses, together with their hierarchy pattern, is invaluable to clarify the origin of fermion masses beyond the Higgs mechanism. The mass hierarchy is not the only missing piece in the puzzle. Theories of neutrino mass generation call into play Majorana neutrinos and there are experimental observations pointing to the existence of sterile neutrinos in addition to the three ones weakly interacting. Since low temperature detectors were first proposed for neutrino physics experiments in 1984, there have been impressive technical progresses: today this technique offers the high energy resolution and scalability required for leading edges and competitive experiments addressing the still open questions.  相似文献   

Kinetic inductance detectors are based upon high Q superconducting resonators. We have measured the electrical Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) of 100 nm thick 1/4λ coplanar waveguide Aluminum resonators at 100 mK using phase readout and radius readout. We find that the phase NEP is independent of the Q factor of the resonator, limited by excess noise in the KID and given by NEP at 100 Hz. It increases with roughly f −0.5 at lower frequencies. The amplitude NEP is strongly Q factor dependent, limited by the setup noise, nearly frequency independent and as low as NEP for a high Q resonator (Q=454.000). For lower Q resonators the amplitude NEP increases to values equal to or even larger than the phase readout.   相似文献   

We present measurements of quasiparticle generation-recombination noise in aluminium Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors, the fundamental noise source for these detectors. Both the quasiparticle lifetime and the number of quasiparticles can be determined from the noise spectra. The number of quasiparticles saturates to 10?μm?3 at temperatures below 160?mK, which is shown to limit the quasiparticle lifetime to 4?ms. These numbers lead to a generation-recombination noise limited noise equivalent power (NEP) of 1.5×10?19?W/Hz1/2. Since NEPN qp , lowering the number of remnant quasiparticles will be crucial to improve the sensitivity of these detectors. We show that the readout power now limits the number of quasiparticles and thereby the sensitivity.  相似文献   

采用新型的Sol-gel工艺制备了Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3(BST)超细粉体,将BST粉体进行压制和烧结,获得了晶粒尺寸在1μm以内的BST陶瓷块体.观察了BST陶瓷块体的结晶情况并测定了其电学性能.在Sol-gel工艺中,加入了有机大分子量聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(polyvinyl pyrrolidone,PVP)制备BST前驱体.实验结果表明:PVP的加入可有效增加前驱体的稳定性和分散性,降低BST陶瓷的预烧温度约250℃,并在1200℃获得晶粒细小、致密的BST陶瓷.BST陶瓷,显示弥散相变特征.  相似文献   

采用新型的Sol-gel工艺制备了Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3(BST)超细粉体,将BST粉体进行压制和烧结,获得了晶粒尺寸在1μm以内的BST陶瓷块体.观察了BST陶瓷块体的结晶情况并测定了其电学性能.在Sol-gel工艺中,加入了有机大分子量聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(polyvinyl pyrrolidone,PVP)制备BST前驱体.实验结果表明PVP的加入可有效增加前驱体的稳定性和分散性,降低BST陶瓷的预烧温度约250℃,并在1200℃获得晶粒细小、致密的BST陶瓷.BST陶瓷,显示弥散相变特征.  相似文献   

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